Art Project [BoyxBoy]

Od FailingAmbition

886K 27.5K 29.6K

Kris Sullivan is openly gay. In a close-minded small town, everything could go wrong, especially when you're... Více

Art Project
School kingdom
Magnetic butterflies
Tyler sucks
Swarm of Guilt
Charity Case
Clash of Thunder
Late Night Swim
Venom Sucking
Over Protective
Pushing Memories
Newspaper Coverings
Burying The Past
Gay Clubbing
In Love
Crowded Room
Moving On
The Date
I Like You
Meet My Boyfriend
Colored Scars
Happy Halloween
The Truth
Held Hostage
Art Project

Sneaking Out

25.1K 810 649
Od FailingAmbition


My eyes flew open as I gasped for air. Panting fo air, I glanced around my bedroom.

What the hell?!

"Morning, sunshine." My step brother glared at me, crossing his arms across his small chest.

That twerp, he held my nose to wake me up. I practically sneered.

His hair was a Carmel brown, swooping across his face in a fringe. His brown eyes always showed unless he was sad or tired (since he would cover his face with his hair). My step brother was also one year younger at age sixteen but still not driving, it freaked him out.

He moved in seven years ago when he was only nine. We haven't gotten along since.

I pulled Damian (my step brother) onto the bed with me snuggling into him, a smirk creeping onto my face. He yelled a protest but I just flipped us onto our sides where his leg wrapped around my hip. I ignore the disgusted feeling I get from even touching this grumpy shrimp— knowing It'll piss him off? Worth it.

"Mm," I hummed and snuggled into his odd warmth.

"Get off me!" He yelled and tried to move. It didn't work out; my muscles against his skin and bone?

Yeah... not happening.

And if you see this as some cute love story or some brotherly teasing love - you are deadly wrong. I'll probably need disinfect spray after this. Not because he's a guy and I'm a guy - I'm not homophobic or anyhting - I just hate him.

I kiss his cheek, mentally cringing, but nuzzle his neck afterwards.

"Poor baby Damian," I tease, saying his name in such passion, trying to make him even more angry with me.

He growled.

Feisty now, are we?

"Boys, breakfast is ready!" I heard mom yell for us.

I sprung upfrom my position causing Damian to fall down awkwardly on the floor as I raced out of my room. I heard him mumble a revenge threat but ignored it, smelling the home made breakfast.

I sat at the table with Mom and Bill and grimace seeing Damon taking the only extra seat; beside me. He scooted as far away as he could which wasn't enough since if one of us scooted two inches, our thighs would touch.

Our parents remained oblivious as usual, chewing into their meals. I sighed, picking up a egg with my fork and shoving it into my mouth. We only have this dinner on Mondays; when my parents don't have to go to work until nine in the morning while right now, it's seven am. I know Mom and Bill want to be there for us but with their work, they work all week. Bill's a state sheriff (who just got promoted) and Mom is a therapist for crazy people - what was that called again? But, anyways, she works all week like Bill and the only day they can eat break fast is on Mondays when they can come in three hours later than they usually would be in for.

Mom smiled at me, then handed me a thin square shape wrapped in Toy Story paper. I raised an eyebrow, this was obviously a CD. Then it hit me, the new Secondhand Serenade album I asked for last week.

I grew pink at the idea of what Damian would say if he saw this. I quickly put the CD on my lap (under the table) and turned my face from Damian so he couldn't see my visible embarrassment.

"Thanks, Mom." I said uneasily, most the time she buys me the stuff I want in for something in return - something I won't like.

Her smile grew. Damian shifted awkwardly in his seat.

Oh great, it has something to do with him.

"What is it?" I sighed, glancing down at my fresh milk.

"Well, I know you and Damian aren't on the same foot— I need to know if you would you give him a ride?" She asked, her blue eyes I had inherited glancing at me in hope.

"Please, son, it would mean the world to us." Bill smiled at me, shoving my shoulder playfully.

I'm not your son.

"Why can't you give him a ride, you both have cars. And what about that small friend of his - Roy? That kid always -"

"He's not a kid, he's older than me by one year actually!" Damian cut me off, blushing, shaking his head at me furiously.

" - Picks him up. What happened to him?" I crossed my arms, now standing up looking at the front door.

Bill gulped down another fried egg before speaking. "He's grounded. So, no friends, cell phone, internet, or shopping."

Shop til ya drop they say.

"I don't kn -"

"Do you want to keep your gift or not?" My mother snapped, sending me a harsh glare.

"Ugh, fine, whatever." I rolled my eyes and grabbed Damian's hand, practically killing anything that stopped me from getting into the Camero I had received for my birthday.

I sat inside the car, placing my gift in the glove department as Damian sat beside me. I ignored his awful presence and started the car, heading out of town.

You see, precious Damian over here is too classy to go to a new school - especially one in a small town - so, instead, he goes to a private school out of town. Usually his friend picks him up and drops him off but no, I'm stuck with the brat. What a treat.

Damian stares out the window blankly dressed in his school uniform; black blazer, white dress shirt with another white tee shirt underneath, black khakis, and black dress shoes.


I sigh, pulling into a gas station. Damian looks over like I slapped him, eyes widened.

"What?" I say carelessly, taking the keys out.

"You can't stop the car! I'll be late for class!" He sounds so much like a girl it scares me.

"It's either pull over now or break down later, your choice." I stare into his green eyes waiting for a response.

He sunk back into his seat and I scolded. "Hey, don't whine, I need you to make this five dollar bill in, twenty for gas, okay?"

He was ready to object but I shook a hand at him. "The longer you argue - the longer we're here."

He growled but got out of the car, his short 5'5 leaving my sight. Finally. I rubbed my temples, it seemed like he was the only person who got on my nerves this bad without having to do much.

After the gas was paid and into the tank with him in the car I was about to start it up when Damian blurted out, "What gift did Linda give you?"

Oh, the Secondhand Serenade CD.

It's not like I'd really care if someone knew about it, I'd throw a freaking 'I don't give a shit' party for them, I mean, who cares? It's a CD for Christ's sake. If I like music, I like music. Simple as that. But no, if Damon knew - then, we'd both know something that we actually have in common other than the fact that we hate being near each other.

"None of your business." I rolled my eyes. "But since we're invading privacy boundaries - why are you grounded?"

His cheeks flamed up and I couldn't lie: it interested me.

"It's none of your business either, Skylar." I flinched as he used my name, he hardly ever did that.

"Just keep your nose out then, midget." I started the car and we headed for his school once again.

"You look tired." Tyler poked my cheek and I glared. "Okay, no need to be offensive."

"You seem in a good mood, Kris been talking to you?" I scratched the back of my head as we entered the biology room. I the this class.


"So, he does put you ina good mood?" I smirked.

Tyler glared at me. "I hate when you do that!"

"Do what?" I sat down in the back smiling innocently.

"Trick me into saying things - leading me into your little word traps - it's annoying." He took the seat beside me as the class began to fill.

"What? I can't help it." I shrugged.

He groaned. "How can I get Kris to trust me again?"

"I dunno, be there for him. You sure weren't the day after the alley incident. Tried to score a whore." I so disagreed with that, Tyler left Kris all because they almost kissed. Stupid.

He scrunched up his nose as if the thought were disgusting. "Ugh, I wouldn't forgive me either."

I nodded slowly. "See, you can't be a jerk. He's fragile."

"I know that—"

"Hey boys, um, I was just wondering, do you want to catch a bite tonight?" We looked up at the person who had cut off our conversation to see only The Katy Johnson.


"Sorry, I have pla -"

"Yeah, we'd love to." Tyler smiled at the girl.

What is he thinking, does he ever think? Kris will never trust you, never if you keep doing this. And I do have plans, Kris and I are going to a gay club - I saw it a few times on my way to Damon's school. It's called The Ravenous Steps.

Katy smiled, biting her li while the tow girls behind her giggled. "Meet you here after school?"

Tyler grinned. "Sure."

She walked off and I smacked Tyler on the back if his head. He glared, clutching it. "What was that for?!"

"For saying yes, you idiot! I have plans y'know - and I don't like girls who throw themselves at our feet either -"

He covered my mouth with his hand. "Shhhhh, I'm not really going to. I'm not stupid, Sky. I'm standing her up, she was one of those cheerleaders who made fun of Kris in the parking lot the other day. Word travels and everyone will know I stood her up—even Kris. And what plans?"

I pried his hand away. "Uh, y'know, my parents are making me take my bratty step brother to the midnight show."

He groaned. "That sucks! How do you plan to ditch it?"

"I can't ditch, that kid would have me grounded in a second." I huffed.

The conversation would've continued but the teacher walked in, Mrs. Devin. If you even sneeze in her class room? Detention for a week.

"Kris!" I waved over to him as he fetched a science book out of his locker.

Someone snickered behind me and I barely turned my head to know it was Katy. "You ditched me for that queer, aren't you, I don't know, scared of catching it?"

"Catching what? If I hang out with you I'll probably get an STD by the first minute." I turned my cheek and made my way to Kris.

"Hey, Sky." He grunted picking up a few books that fell from his locker. "I'm just, you know, working out ..."

I rolled my eyes picking up the three books and placing them inside his locker. "Jesus, when was the last time you cleaned this thing?"

The lockers at our school were a gross brown faded color that had began to chip within the years. Kris's was more chipped and colorless, and the inside didn't help either. His books were anywhere he could sit them and a bunch of crumbled up papers along with pencil shavings.

He smiled but his eyes held no happiness as he turned away from me putting his notebook up. "Uh, yeah, the outside is kinda messy. This happens when too many sticky notes are on your locker." He chuckled but there was no brightness of it.

He must be in a sad mood today or he would be jumping rainbows. I hate seeing him like this, I hope I can cheer him up by tonight.

"What kind of sticky notes?" I raised my eyebrow.

He shrugged. "It's not important, I'll see you tonight?"

His half smile was good enough.

"I'll pick you up at nine, okay?" I ruffled his black hair.

He nodded heading for the school exit. "'Kay."

A small green crumbled up paper laid on the floor below his locker. I picked it up, confused.

"Kris, you left -" I stopped when I looked up to find him gone. Great, do I have to give him this? I shook my head, it could be crumbled up because it's garbage. But what if it's important?

I growled, finally deciding to look and see if it was worth while or not. I began to unravel the small green paper that had been crumbled as I finally read the words:

Fag, do us a favor, will ya' and kill yourself. - November 18, 2015

Someone wrote this to today?

It was written in hard messy letters, the wrinkles of the nasty green paper made it seem more sloppy somehow.

As I flipped the note over I noticed the sticky strip at the top; it was a sticky note. I mentally cringed at what he had said earlier.

"Uh, yeah, the outside is kinda messy. This happens when too many sticky notes are on your locker."

So, he gets these a lot? I frowned. Well no wonder he's so sad all the time, sick fuckers keep fucking with him. My blood boiled at the words, I could only imagine how he must've felt.

We will get back at them.

I crumbled up the paper like it should've been the whole time but instead, this time, I threw it in the trash can before I walked out of the school.


The lights were out, my Parents had hired the babysitter again. They usually don't but since the brat got grounded, they did.

The babysitter was Patsy Burton, the beady eyed woman three houses down. Turning thirty-seven this year, you'd think she'd loosen up on the spying and find a lover already but instead she's a cliché cat lady.

Patsy would put us to bed at seven even though we're allowed to stay up past eleven on nights we don't have school the next day. She would stay on the couch watching sappy romance movies til three in the morning.

I pulled a black snug tee shirt on my body along with a pair of grey jeans (a chain hanging loose from it) and a pair of simple black vans. It was hard since I had to change with only my cell phone's light but I managed.

I slipped out of my room quietly, twisting the door knob all the way so it wouldn't jingle. One sound and the nosy witch would have me in a mid second.

I crept down the stairs when I bumped into something. I jump and hold my breath—oh God, did I just run into the devil herself?! Panic washed all through my body as horrible thoughts raced through my head.

I opened my eyes slowly to see Damon doing the same, thank God! I thought I was dead, grounded—that would mean more Patsy. I mentally cringed and let out the breath I had been holding in.

"You twerp, I thought you were the witch herself." I glared at him even though it was hard to make out his face in the darkness.

"Like you can talk!" He hissed rubbing his arms that seemed cozy in his jacket sleeves. "What are you doing anyways?"

I rolled my eyes. "Aren't you grounded? You're not doing anything your not suppose—"

"I'm not sneaking out!" He cut me off, then groaned.

"Hmmm, you always fall for it." I hummed smiling at him in a evil manor. "So, where you going, shorty?"

"Shut up! I'm just...just... using the bathroom! And some people at my school think me being short is cute!"

"Cute? As if, more like, creepy. Plus, there's a bathroom down the hall, you don't have to go downstairs. I know you're lying, you're sneaking out with one of your snot rag friends." I rolled my eyes, he thinks he can lie to me?

"They are not snotty, I'm not creepy, and I—I like the down stairs bathroom!" Damon yelled and we both went silent as Patsy's movie stopped and foot steps were heard.

We both froze, our eyes had gone wide. As the footsteps came near the staircase I grabbed Damon's hand and ran into my room, throwing us into my bed where I put the cover on us.

The door opened roughly, slamming open. The light turned on and I cringed.

"What is he doing in your bed, boy?" She glared at us.

"He was scared, he had a nightmare. I couldn't leave him scared and alone— he's my baby brother. Leaving him would be like—uh..." She raised an eyebrow. "Killing a puppy."

She hissed. "Fine, you get off this time. Move and I'll be here in a half a second to check, got that?"

I looked down at Damian, he looked nervous which made me feel better. I raised an eyebrow at his clothing; black long sleeved shirt made from leather, black leather skinny jeans, and black boots.

Despite my curiosity at the moment, I simply nodded. "Got it."

With that, she turned out the light and shut our door tightly.

"Baby brother?!" Damon hissed. "As if you even dare call me something you'd care about."

"But I do care, my whittle baby bwotha," I gave him a nasty kiss on the cheek trying to gross him out which never failed.

His skin was softer than usual and I licked it to disgust him some more when I felt chapped skin.


I moved my hand to where I had laid my lips (and tongue) on to find it to be his mouth.

Oh my god.

"Damian—S-sorry." I looked down, removing my hand  slowly. "I meant to kiss your cheek."

"It's okay." His voice came out uncertain, like he didn't know.

In another situation we'd be arguing, right now it's awkward and we just kissed.

I slowly got up with him as he headed for the door. He turned the knob but then looked at me with a 'dafuq' face. "The door's locked on the outside!"

"What?!" I hissed making my way where he was, by the door. I turned the knob pushing, something had to be blocking us from leaving on the outside. "She must've put a chair against the knob!"

He groaned. "My friends suppose to pick me up."

"Yeah, nice outfit by the way." I said partly being sarcastic. I looked beside my bed and at the window beside my posters. I smiled.

"You're not thinking—"

I cut him off. "It's the only way to get out."

I crept towards the window.


I knocked on the door of Kris's house. Please, still be awake.

Since the scene with Patsy, I was an hour late for picking him up. I hope he doesn't think I stood him up or messed with him.

"Hey, Sky." Kris came out looking nice. He was wearing a nice maroon jacket (don't blame him, it's chilly), tight skinny jeans, black converse, and a coat of black eyeliner. His pale skin made him look even more sweet.

"Sorry, I'm late for a lot of reasons. My parents decided to get a creepy babysitter again." I grumbled.

He hummed, making his eyes cross eyed. "Creepy like this, muahahah."

I rolled my eyes at his child-like attitude and lead him tot he car. "You ready?"

"Is this where I'm suppose to say, 'As I'll ever be' ?" He smiled at me as I started the engine.

The club was crowded, people everywhere. They had dancers I'm cages, colorful lights flashing everywhere, bar stool, dance floor, and the music was on full blast. This must be one of the most popular gay clubs in the state, I thought to myself.

Kris looked scared and interested at the same time, he was gaping. "This is ... amazing, more people ... like me."

I smiled at him, it's not like I want him to actually get committed to someone, maybe just make a gay friend. If he gets a relationship, Tyler will realize his true feelings for Kris, and they'll somehow in the end kiss or something. Oh come on, I've seen it in movies and books all the time. It could work.

I sat at the bar with Kris, buying him a light drink. "Here, just try it, don't let any one but me touch your drink, okay?"

He nodded, drinking it and pulling it back with wide eyes. "Taste good, what is it?"

I chuckled. "A Shirley temple, I wanted to start you off easy since you don't drink."

He smiled. "Thanks -"

"Uh, I just saw you and was wondering if you'd like to dance?" A tall blonde guy stood in front of Kris, holding out a hand. His hair was spiked up, he looked to have a six pack also.

"Go ahead." I said when Kris looked at me for aproval of leaving me alone.

He looked uncertain but smiled at the boy, taking his hand and walking off. I watched him until they began dancing soon. I'll check on him later, I made a mental note of it.

I looked at the cage dancers - what were they called again, bouncers?

I'm not sure.

I made my way over to the cages, to see if people could get in the cage with them. Ooh, they allow you to. I chuckled, not like I'm getting in there though, I'll get on the outside of the cage - maybe that'll freak them out?

I lifted myself, getting on the outside of it. The body was slim and fit to be so small, they had a slight tan on there showing skin which was a lot. They began turning around and I was going to make the silliest face to weird them out when I gasped.

There face paled looking at mine.

"Damian?" I felt myself breathe.


¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü iü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü ¡ü


Ooh, la la. Did you see that coming? Damian was a bouncer... are those what the cage dancer's are called? I'm just winging it here.

More of the gay club in the next chapter!


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