H for Hartley [EDITING, not u...

By RachTheWriter

4.1K 99 60

"I don't have a special type of blood. I don't have an impenetrable mind. I don't have an alluring sent. I do... More

Chapter 1 - The Hand Reading
H for Hartley Chapter 2
H for Hartley Chapter 3
H for Hartley Chapter 4
H for Hartley Chapter 5
H for Hartley Chapter 6
H for Hartley Chapter 8
H for Hartley Chapter 9
H for Hartley Chapter 10
H for Hartley Chapter 11
H for Hartley Chapter 12
H for Hartley Chapter 13
H for Hartley Chapter 14
H for Hartley Chapter 15
H for Hartley Chapter 16
H for Hartley: Chapter 17
H for Hartley Chapter 18
H for Hartley Chapter 19
H for Hartley Chapter 20
H for Hartley Chapter 21

H for Hartley Chapter 7

160 4 0
By RachTheWriter

Quick shoutout to aaryag for commenting and fanning! :)


I returned home with my mind in a daze.

I walked into the kitchen and handed the food over to my aunt without a word, as she looked at me strangely. 

I went back to my room and locked the door. I just had to be alone for a second. 

I was nearly attacked out there! What if that man kidnapped me or something? He said he wasn't going to hurt me, but who said I could trust him? 

Something bad could have happened there. Something very VERY bad. I had read about this kind of thing before, but there is usually a hero to come save the damsel in distress. 

I had no one to save me. 

What if something horrible happened to me? No one would know about me and think I had gone missing, while I was waiting for someone to save me. 

I hadn't realised I had been pacing while juggling these thoughts. I sighed loudly and fell onto my bed flat on my back, still with my coat on. 

"Violet?" I heard my Aunt call, "Are you alright?" 

"Yes!" I replied quickly so she wouldn't find anything suspicious, "I'm just coming!" 

I took a second to breathe silently to myself, and slipped off my jacket before standing up to the door. 

I walked through to the kitchen with the blood pumping in my veins, and feeling myself sweat with anticipation. 

What would I say if Aunt Jenna asked if there was something wrong? How would I act to make sure she thought nothing happened? 

I entered the kitchen to see my aunt pouring some noodles into a pearl white china bowl, and my sweet and sour chicken was already out. 

I sat down at the table after I grabbed my plate and tucked in. Chinese was definitely one of my favourite things to eat. 

I quietly cut my chicken and stuck small pieces into my mouth sheepishly, keeping an eye on my aunt while she prepared her noodles. 

She came and sat down at the table while she used her chopsticks to stir them. "Is yours alright?" she asked me. 

I nodded quickly, and probably a little more desperately for her answer.

"Yeah it's fine. Like always." 

She stopped stirring her noddles and turned her body to face me.

"Are you ok Vi?" 

"Yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be-" I lifted my head to look at her when I caught her staring at me seriously in the eye. 

"Are you sure? Is there something you're not telling me?" 

How had she found out so quickly? I swallowed nervously and put some egg fried rice into my mouth. 


"Ok I'll tell you alright!" I exclaimed, throwing my knife and fork on my plate, "I'm just a little freaked out after the last hand reading you gave me!" 

"Violet you know those aren't really serious-" 

"But this one was! Aunt Jenna!" I said desperately, "And the most scariest part is that you don't even remember telling me!" 

She looked at me full of worry and concern.

"What did I say to you Violet?" 

I blinked and pushed back the tears that were due to spill at any second. "You said...em..." I took a deep breath and swallowed. "You said that...I was going to die." 

I lowered my head, almost frightened to see her reaction, when I heard a sudden outbreak of laughter. 

I snapped my head up and looked at her hurtfully. She thought this funny? That I was going to die? "It's not funny Aunt Jenna." 

She breathed for a few seconds and tried to gain some control before she answered me. "Violet, do you know how many people I have said that to?" 

"Well me, but-" 

"Twenty seven." 

My mouth hung open. "T-Twenty seven?" 

"And they are all alive and healthy," she smiled. 

I slouched back in my seat. I can't believe I overreacted the way I did. "But you said...you told me that I was going to meet a stranger on the first day of school, a-and I did," I stuttered. 

She gave me a look. "Violet. You meet strangers everyday. That means nothing." 

"But then you said..." should I tell her about James? I pondered the idea for a second, before explaining. 

"You said that someone in town had a dark secret. A boy called James Hartley. You said that if anyone found out about it, then it could affect all of us." 

She looked at me with confusion. "Really?" 


"Hmp," she said as she lay back on the back of her seat. "I doubt that any of it is real V. I'm sure there are a lot of people with secrets. Everyone does. Maybe even some 'dark' ones." 

"But you said something would happen to all of us..." 

"I was probably overreacting. You know how spiritual people always make things bigger than they really are. You of all people should know that Vi." 

I looked at her, almost not believing everything I was hearing. Maybe meeting James was nothing after all. Maybe that man at the car park was just unlucky. 

I can't believe how much I over thought this whole situation. "You honestly think it's nothing?" 

"I'm sorry Violet," she apologised, "I didn't think you'd get so worked up over something like that. And no, I don't think any of it is true." 

I sighed and my aunt smiled warmly at me. She pulled me into a tight hug and said over my shoulder, "You have nothing to worry about Vi. It will all be fine. You don't need to think about it a second more." 

I squeezed her tightly as I felt a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders. 

I'm glad I decided to tell her everything, because in fact, everything was false. None of it was real. I wasn't going to die, and I met James by accident. He was not a problem after all. 

I pulled back from my aunt's hug and smiled brightly at her. Everything was going to be ok after all. She stroked my hair and we continued eating our Chinese food. 

One day at a time.

                                                                                             * * *

I wondered if Rebecca was like me. 

Was she what I thought she was? Was she...immortal? 

She couldn't possibly be...she seemed TOO human. She had flesh and warmth and blood... 

Everything I DIDN'T. 

I slammed my fist angrily onto my wooden desk and created a dent in the woodwork. 

I probably shouldn't have done that. 

I heard a quick movement of wind outside my window and that quickly alerted my senses. 

I closed my eyes and concentrated. The object was still here...it was outside the house...it's now in the hallway... 

"It's now in the bedroom." A new voice finished for me. 

I snapped my eyes open to my door to see a familiar face. 


"Hello brother," he smiled at me. Not in a smirking way, more like a gentle "Welcome home" way. 

"What are you doing here?" I asked. 

"I came to see where you had ran off to," he walked into the room, "which of course, was here." 

"But why?" 

"Did you honestly think you could find a home James?" he asked, "We...as in vampires...can't. I've told you before." he said comfortingly. "Believe me, I want one too, hopefully with the only one that's left in my family. But we can't James, we just can't." 

I sighed and looked at the floor. I don't know how many times I've had this talk... 

I know I can't find a home. I'm a vampire. I'm a predator. Everything else is prey. I'm not safe to anyone and everyone would never except me. I've just always hoped... 

"I know Phillip," I sighed, "I've known every other time you've told me as well. But this place...it was calling at me. Like a force." 

"A force?" he asked as he sat on the edge of my bed. I turned round to look at him and nodded. 

"Then how..." he shook his head and stared at me straight in the eyes. "Why are you thinking about humans so much?" 


"The two human girls," he said stupidly, "Don't tell me you're-" 

"No I'm not." I cut him off abruptly. "I'm not in L.O.V.E with them. I never will be either." 

"Is that why you came here? Because of them?" 

"I've only met them at the human high school Phillip. I've never seen them in my life." 

"You don't need to know what fate looks like." 

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "I'm just trying to figure one of them out. She seems human...but she feels like...one of us. Is that even possible?" 

He shrugged, "You never know. I've heard that some vampires have gotten smarter...and they can disguise themselves more like humans." 

"What? That's not possible." 

"Apparently it is." 

I sighed and stood up from the chair I was sitting on. "Have you been drinking?" 

"Yes," he raised an eyebrow, "Have you- oh no James." he sighed, "Tell me you haven't." 

"Haven't what?" 

"Been drinking animal blood because you don't want to hurt the humans." 

I sighed and he smiled slightly, "Oh James. Some things never change." 

"Your point is? It's my decision wither I drink human blood or not." 

"But you're so weak," he said worriedly, "I just don't want you to be unhealthy James. You are my brother and I do care about you." 

I sighed, "You're not my Mother." 

He chuckled but I continued. "It's the same thing every time with you. It's always 'why did you run away' or 'why are you not drinking human blood' or 'we can never find a home'. I get it. And I don't like being reminded every two seconds." 

He sighed, "I know. But you keep doing it...so I feel I need to repeat myself..." 

"Well I get it. So please stop nagging me." 

He smiled. Now THAT was a smirk. 

"So...you said you had human girls on you're mind..." 

"Please don't." I said annoyed, "I'm not in the mood Phillip." 

"No I'm not meaning it that way!" He rolled his eyes, "I'm talking about GIRLS. Emphasis on the S." 

I raised an eyebrow. "And...?" 

"I met one of them." 

I pressed him against the nearest wall and held him with his neck. "What did you say to her?" 

"Nothing!" he gasped and squirmed under my grip, "Let go and I'll explain!" 

I looked at him with a glare and let go of him. He panted and bent over to his knees. "Some welcome!" 

I smiled and pulled him by the collar of his neck so he was standing. He shoved my hand away and explained. "I was coming back from the forest, as you do," 

I rolled my eyes, "Anyway," 

"Yes anyway," he agreed, "I was walking back from the forest when I came across a car park. It was in the middle of no where, so I wondered why would there be a car park? But I noticed there was a shop, and a car..." 

I listened carefully, trying to make sense of what he was saying. He usually rambles on like this. 

"I kept my distance," he said quickly, "but it was quiet handy how a human was just coming out of the shop, because I needed to feed. So I held the human against the car so it wouldn't escape, but as soon as I got close I realised that she looked familiar...and I realised from an image I'd seen in your mind that it was someone you knew." 

"What did you do to her? Did you take blood from her?" I asked angrily and was about to grab him again when he sprinted to the other side of the room. 

"I didn't do anything," he said calmly and put his hands up defensively, "Let's not jump to conclusions."  

I turned round to look at him, and nodded to let him continue. 

"I actually felt a little sorry for the poor thing...she was really scared. And I didn't mean to scare her, all I was going to do was suck and run type thing. But I felt...sorry for her. And plus I knew you'd beat the crap out of me if I did." 

I chuckled under my breath, thinking he knew me too well. 

"And all she said was 'Excuse me?' and 'Who are you?'. She was quite cute. But I didn't WANT to hurt her. It was really weird." 

"Was this Rebecca? The one who I'm not sure is human?" 

He shook his head, "I don't think so...hold on I'll show you." 

He closed his eyes and passed an imagine onto my mind, showing me the sacred teenager in the empty car park. 

"That's Violet," I nodded and smiled a little. Violet like the flower Violet. 

"Violet? What a unusual name," Phillip shrugged. "But I still don't get why I didn't want to hurt her." 

"She's too innocent that's why," I explained, "I wouldn't want to hurt her either, but I don't hurt any humans so that doesn't really count but..." 

"I get it." Phillip sighed. 

I smiled and continued. "But I still don't understand Rebecca. I feel like another force is dragging me to her." 

"Well don't go to her yet," Phillip said quickly, "We can't risk getting exposed again James. Like last time..." 

"I know I know," I sighed. "But I need to know her." 

Phillip sighed once more and place a hand on my shoulder. "Do what you have to do brother, just don't get caught up in it. If we get exposed we're leaving first thing. Got it?" 

"Always." I sighed. 

"But on the bright side," he smiled, "I did miss you brother." 

I rolled my eyes, "You would." 

"And it's ok, I know you missed me too, but you're just too proud to show it. But thanks anyway." 

I chuckled and grabbed him in a headlock as he struggled. Being the oldest I was always stronger, but lately because of the animal blood I'd been weak. I'd drink a full animal dry and I still wasn't satisfied. 

"Here," My brother said a few minutes later once he escaped me. He handed me a small pouch of red liquid. 


"Take it." he insisted, "Even if you need it, for whatever reason it is, I want you to keep it. If you don't want to hurt humans fair enough...you can always get it from a blood bank." 

"That's not the point," I sighed pushing the blood away from me, "Do you not realise I'm trying to keep away from the monster I am? I don't WANT to be a killer Phillip, I never did." 

"I know." he sighed and scratched his blonde shaggy hair, "But we can't help what we are James. There's no turning back and we can't stop it. There's no other choice." 

He put the packet on the table beside me and walked over to the door before turning back. "It was nice seeing you again James. I'll be around if you need help." 

"Always." I replied. 

He leaned on the door frame and smiled, before leaving the house.

I could smell the blood every single second I was in my room. Every time I moved

If I drank that blood, I would go into a frenzy. I wouldn't be able to control myself. I could kill the whole town. 

I quickly grabbed the blood and sprinted out the window. I reached a lake which was miles away from my house, and threw it in there. 

I watched it sink into the muddy unclean water, and put my head in my hands. 

I wish I never was the monster. 

I wish I never had to fight these cravings 24/7. 

I wish I was normal. 

I wish I was...human. 

...Stupid immortally.


Another update!

So you've met James's brother, Phillip. And HE was the one who was with Violet.


I feel when writing as James I write more, I don't know why, I guess he is just more interesting. So, sorry if the Violet perspectives are a little short, I'll make it up to you with James.

And woo! H for Hartley has over a hundred reads! :D Thanks for reading and hopefully enjoying...?

I got some feedback from some people who seem to like it, so I'm glad :)

Thanks for the votes and comments and reading, I feel pretty awesome. :)

So what do you think of Phillip?

Thanks for reading

-Rachel :)

P.S Any Bieber/Chris Brown fans in the house? If so check out my new short story about the "Next 2 you" music video. :)

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