H for Hartley Chapter 3

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"I can't believe you sit next to him in Science!" Sarah beamed at lunch.

I chuckled, "Sarah, you do realised that you have said that quite a lot today."

"Said what?" she asked as she stuffed a chicken sandwich in her mouth.

"I can't believe it."

"That's because I can't!"

I chucked and ate my roast beef sandwich.

"So what's he like?" she asked suddenly, "Tell me everything."

"Well," I smiled, wondering how to describe his...wonderfulness into a few sentences. "He's nice. He shook my hand, he gave me an answer to a question Mr Howard asked me, he smiled at me every two seconds and..."

I stopped dead when I realised I was blabbering. Sarah raised an eyebrow, "I think someone's got a crush on the new student," she nudged me in the arm.

"I don't," I sighed, thinking what a liar I was.

"Yes you do, you don't have to pretend," Sarah shrugged, "It's nothing to be ashamed about. I have a crush on him, and practically everyone in the year has a crush on him."

I sighed in defeat. "Yeah I suppose you're right. I do have a little tiny crush on him. But he probably likes Rebecca remember?"

"We don't know that for sure," Sarah said determinedly, "All I said was that he was looking at her a lot."

"Which could lead onto a crush," I pointed out. "I don't even know why I'm so worked up about this. It's just a boy..."

"Who is completely different to all previous guys here." Sarah smiled, "It's only natural you feel like this."

I sighed and continued with my sandwich. It doesn't matter if I like him or not, I've got no chance. Sarah said so herself, practically everyone in our year had a crush on him.

Rebecca didn't seem too bothered about all this...maybe she wasn't interested. But how could you NOT be interested in someone like him?

In History at third period James was looking at Rebecca again, and she even stumbled at one point and he helped her pick up her books. He had followed her out of the door and walked with her down the corridor to her next class.

That was probably the most depressing point in the day.

The way they looked at each other...they might as well already be together for all I know.

Everyone was harassing Rebecca with questions about him, but she just ignored all of them. Good for her I thought.

She constantly looked around the lunch hall as if she was looking for someone, and she was probably looking for James.

I sighed depressingly thinking I would never be with James. I wanted to...like every other girl in this year. But maybe it was for the best that I wasn't.

* * *

I went out of the school area for lunch. There was one of many reasons.

One being that I couldn't stand the flock of human girls following me about everywhere, and two that I didn't eat what they eat.

I ate something that they wouldn't even dream of eating.

I walked (or more likely sprinted) to the forrest that was miles away from the school. Miles away from anywhere.

I stopped in the middle of the meadow, staying as still as possible.

H for Hartley [EDITING, not updating until present chapters are re-written]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora