H for Hartley Chapter 12

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Ok, because this story reached over 500 reads (:D!) Here is an update!

But I need to talk to you guys about something...*cough*

I think you guys have stopped commenting and things, and leaving certain people (*cough* KellaVance *cough*) to give feedback!

She makes my day with her comments, and she votes all the chapters, so where are the rest of y'all? The story is getting more than 1 read...so there must be more of you guys (Unless KellaVance keeps reading it over and over ;) you go girl! lol) And I LOVE hearing your thoughts. Don't be afraid to leave a comment, I won't shout at you if you think it's rubbish lol, but I like to hear what you think of it...?

Ok enough ranting haha! here are the shoutouts for the recent fans:



Thank you guys!



Next day at school...wow...

You won't believe what I saw.

James and Rebecca...holding hands.

They were...together.

I guess Sarah was right after all.

I remembered this morning when they walked in through the front door...and how I felt my heart breaking...

I thought...just maybe...he liked me a little bit. He stared at me for ages in Science, he showed me round his house!

Maybe I never had a chance in the first place.

I've never seen Rebecca so happy. I am glad for her, it's just...it had to be JAMES? The only boy I've ever liked or wanted to be with in my whole time at school?

Yes you hear right...I haven't had a boyfriend. And I'm graduating in two years, yet I have no one to share it with.

I sighed as I shut my locker door and draped by bag over my shoulder.

This could possibly be the worst day of my life.

I know how that must sound like I'm over exaggerating, but it's the truth.

I wanted to be with James so bad. I wanted to be with him in his arms like Rebecca, and share kisses with him like Rebecca.

Jealously is such a horrible thing.

Right now it was break, and the bell had just rang to signal the beginning of third period. I had Maths. Figures.

No pun intended.

James would be sitting beside me and I wouldn't be able to stop thinking about him. I'd be even more upset than what I was now, and believe me, I didn't think it could get any worse.

As I walked along to Mr Fitzer's room, I accidentally bumped into another student, dropping all my stuff on the floor.

"Perfect," I muttered to myself.

The guy I had bumped into picked up his stuff and left me alone. So much for any help.

I sighed and began collecting in my books, feeling pathetic as I sat on the floor, as a new figure appeared above me.


I turned my head up to see a smiling blonde.

I sighed and depressingly said, "Hey Phillip,"

H for Hartley [EDITING, not updating until present chapters are re-written]Where stories live. Discover now