H for Hartley Chapter 2

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As I arrived at school I couldn't stop thinking about my death appointment.

I had got incredibly paranoid. How was I going to die? Who was going to kill me? Was I going to be murdered? Was I...

I mentally slapped myself.

Breath Violet, all you need to do is breathe.

Remember, Aunt Jenna's visions are usually wrong, do you not remember last time? With the toilet plunger...?

I chuckled slightly in spite of myself, remembering the last time Aunt Jenna read my hands. She said that a cat was going to come crawling out the toilet, so she grabbed a plunger and started looking for a cat.

Crazy I thought.

It then dawned on me.

The whole death vision might not be true. I have to admit, most of her visions haven't been exactly accurate...

And death is such a common thing...maybe it was just a stupid little thing to worry about after all? Just because I had a bad feeling something was going to happen today, didn't mean-

"Violet!" A voice called.

I snapped out of my thoughts and saw a blonde haired girl running over in my direction.

I smiled when I realised it was my friend, Sarah Harris. She wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug, and pulled back after a second.

Her face was beaming as usual. "Hey Violet!" she chirped, "How was your summer?"

"Fine," I shrugged, "I went camping with my Aunt Jenna...and that was pretty much it."

"Sounds fun," she chuckled, "I went to Florida."

"I know Miss show-off," I smiled punching her lightly in the arm.

"I would have taken you..." she said innocently, "But you know, I don't think you would have fitted in the suitcase and well...it would have looked suspicious."

I chuckled and she smiled as well, as I imagined her trying to shove me into a suitcase three times smaller than myself.

Sarah is my best friend, if that didn't seem pretty obvious. I've known her since the first day of school, and I guess we just kinda...stuck together. But we're happy like that.

We discussed our new timetables, to discover we had every class together. At least I wouldn't be alone and by myself I thought.

Sarah then suddenly out of the blue, got incredibly excited.

"What's wrong?" I asked chuckling.

"I have some gossip," she grinned, "Do you want to hear?"

"Do I have a choice?"


"Then go ahead."

She chuckled and started flapping her hands while speaking.

"Well, I arrived here this morning with everyone chatting and I was like guys what's the hold up? And then I noticed Mark who was looking incredibly gorgeous as always, and then I saw Emily's shoes which are to DIE for and-"

"Is there a point to this story?" I interrupted her.

She rolled her eyes, "I was only kidding about all that." she smiled and gave me a knowing look. "Anyway, this is what really happened."

"While we're young," I smiled.

"There's a new student starting today," she nodded, "A transfer student from America. Can you believe that? The U S of A." she saluted me.

H for Hartley [EDITING, not updating until present chapters are re-written]Where stories live. Discover now