AMNESIA->>Exo Sehun

By jadaautumn

66.1K 2.7K 338

"II-I didn't mean for this to happen" "We were so happy together......" "We had everything we ever wanted" "B... More

Who's Sehun?
Sorry I Don't Remember
Remind Me
Im Leaving
New Interest
Blonde Hair
Release Day
Acting Normal
Sehun's House
Make Me Remember
Macho Man
Work Trip
Lunch With Luhan
The Wrong Idea
Made Up
This Is Not An Update
I Remembered?
Sensative Soohyeon
It's Time
The Party
Yixing's Plan
How Could You?
She's Here
I Forgive You
Back To Normal
Departure Party

Sehun's Mistake

2.1K 91 51
By jadaautumn

Sehun's POV

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling. Last night was one of the roughest nights of my life. But the day I found out that Suzy didn't remember me. Was the worst one by far.

I sat up and put my face in hands as I sighed heavily.

I'm going to visit Suzy today. But it's bothering me that all she wants is a friendship. We've dated for a year and 7 months. And now that's all being thrown down the drain. Because I'm the only one who remembers it.

I felt my eyes sting. But I held back the tears. Because I was tired of thinking about it.

So I get up and walk into my bathroom. And look at my reflection. My eyes were swollen,but the cuts on my face had healed up successfully.

"Make her remember" I mumbled while I looked at myself.

That may be the only way that I can save the relationship. I guess I'll just make her fall for me all over again. And maybe then,her memories will come back.

I nodded briefly before turning on the shower and getting clean. After that I dressed in a jean shirt. And black ripped jeans. I didn't want to make it look like I tried to hard to impress. When in reality, I was trying my best.

I then combed my bed hair. Before I became satisfied with my appearance.

"You can do this Sehun" I said motivating myself. Before leaving the room. I was about to walk downstairs when I heard moving and rattling coming from my kitchen.

I frowned before growing alarmed. It could be an intruder in my house.

So I began to take my footsteps quietly. With my hands up for self defense.

I reached the bottom of the steps and when I looked to my left. I saw who the intruders were. Or should I say uninvited guests.

"There goes the maknae!" Baekhyun yelled from the couch in the living room.

"How did you guys get in here?" I asked before everyone pointed to Kai. I then remembered that I gave him an extra key. Since he's my best friend.

I sent a glare his way and he just shrugged his shoulders innocently.

I then smelled food and walked to peak in the kitchen. Only to see Kyungsoo and Chen cooking. While Chanyeol tried his best to help.

"What is all this?" I asked anyone in kitchen who would answer me. And Kyungsoo looked up.

"We thought that it would be best to visit you. Since Kai told us about you and Suzy" Kyungsoo said and I made a mental note.

:Never Tell Kai Anything Confidential

The food was about done. And everyone started to eat and stand around in the kitchen.

I looked up from my food to see everyone staring at me. So I dropped my spoon and sighed.

"Ask away" I stated before I heard all types of questions thrown my way.

"Are you okay?" Suho asked.

"When did you get in a car crash?" Tao asked.

"How is Suzy doing?" Xiumin asked.

"Why can't she remember you?" Chanyeol asked.

In the midst of the question asking. I looked at Kai. And he was eating his food mischievously before smiling at me.

So I put my hands up to stop the questions. And everyone stopped talking.

"I'll explain."

"I didn't exactly make the smartest decision. And in the end, Suzy was upset with me and tried to leave my house. So I walked after her and got in the car with her to try to calm her down. But she didn't listen and was driving fast." I started explaining before I felt myself sweat. Talking about the accident gave me anxiety.

"So I told her slow down. And by the time she did. We avoided crashing into a car that was going across the street. But somehow. Someone ran into us and that's how we got into an accident. I suffered minor injuries while Suzy was in critical condition. But now she's okay. And she remembers everyone except for me" I said finishing the explanation.

"How is that?" Lay asked.

"The doctor said she has retrograde amnesia. And since I was the last thing she thought about before the crash. She lost all memory of me" I said briefly. And everyone was quiet. I guess not really knowing what to say.

"Sorry Sehun. We're here for you" Suho said speaking up. And everyone hummed in agreement.

"Thanks guys" I said.

"Well what did you do that made Suzy so upset?" Kai asked and I froze. As more people started consigning.

"Yeah what did you do?" Baekhyun asked.

"I uh.......she caught me-" I started to say.

"Don't tell me it has something to do with Eunji" Chen interrupted. And I sighed giving it away.

"Ne, I messed up" I said putting my head in my hands.

"You slept with her?" Lay asked and I slowly nodded my head.

"Yah, you should be ashamed" Suho said bashing me.

"I am. No need to make me feel worse when I'm already at my lowest" I said.

"Why did you do it?" Kai asked.

And now that I look back on it. I knew that Eunji set me up.

Eunji and I were childhood friends and highschool lovers. But she cheated on me and that's when I ended things with her.

I still loved her and was having a tuff time getting over her. Until I met Suzy. She took my mind off of the pain and made things better. But when Eunji popped back up in my life. The feelings came back to. And I made a mistake in a moment of weakness.

"I don't know. When Eunji came back,so did my feelings for her" I said and Kai shook his head.

"Do you still want her?" Chen asked.

"Ani ani, after I cheated. Thats when I realized who I really wanted. But by that time,it was already too late" I said thinking about it.

Ugkh! I'm such a pabo! Suzy didnt deserve that. I feel horrible.


Kai's POV

Hearing what Sehun did to Suzy. Made me infuriated. How could Sehun do that to someone like Suzy.

She's this loyal and beautiful girl who stuck by him. There's not a lot of woman out there like her. And she gets treated like this.

If I was Sehun,I would love her and cherish her for all she's worth. I don't understand Sehun. But-

..........Maybe the crash and amnesia is a good thing.

Suzy doesn't need to remember what he did to her. And just move one to a guy who could treat her better than Sehun could....

Maybe that guy is me.

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