Von DreamsofEternity

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Keeping secrets was never easy, keeping secrets which could mean life or death for the entire country is an... Mehr

Chapter 1; Lone Wolf
Chapter 2; Old Friends
Chapter 3; Goodbye for Now
Chapter 4; Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 5; The Wolf's Song
Chapter 6; Be Brave
Chapter 7; Werewolf Politics
Chapter 8; War Stories
Chapter 9; At the end of the Day
Chapter 10; Some wounds don't heal
Chapter 11: What is Mine
Chapter 12; Everything to Lose
Chapter 13; Survival Instinct
Chapter 14; Blood Ties
Chapter 16: Final Farewells
Chapter 17: Waiting for Dawn
Chapter 18; In Love and War
Chapter 19; Scars run Deep
Chapter 20; Verging on Madness

Chapter 15: Daughters and Demons

163 11 2
Von DreamsofEternity

Now we had a vehicle to track, everything was set into motion and we all got to work. Russell opened up a car tracker programme onto the computer, and quickly began typing in the newly found number plate. Until more information was brought up, a clearer image of the same dark red land rover we had seen a moment before on the CCTV camera footage.

Beside the picture, several pieces of information showed up, giving details of the owner, where it had been registered, etc. Expecting to find nothing, probably a made up name in the details. I recoiled at the name that I saw, 'Theo Beckett.' The same man with whom I had laughed and joked around merely a week or so before.

A small amount of bile was now building up at the back of my throat, and I have to grip down on the arm of one of the nearby chairs. It creaked a little beneath my grip, but thankfully it did not snap in two from my mounting anger. The three other people in the room only glanced backwards at me, taking nothing of my actions, too busy concentrating on what was happening on the screens before them.

The sound of keys tapping stopped for a moment, and I look down expectantly at Russell, who is now looking back at me with a slight frown. "We have an address Elliot, of where the car was last seen by CCTV cameras. What do you want to do?" The question resonates in the air for a moment or two after the last word had left his mouth. I remain silent, a thousand thoughts came rushing through my mind, but I am able to form words with a surprising amount of calmness. Without so much as a stutter to my tone.

"What do you think? Come on lets get going. How far away is it?" I ask, narrowing my eyes down at the slightly younger man. He shrinks back slightly behind my glare, at any other time I would have apologised. But right now, my wolf has little mercy in his blood. It wouldn't take much for me to snap right now. My daughters were now within shouting distance of my finding them, and I wouldn't let something as small as feelings get in the way of my finding them.

He nods, remaining in an awkward silence for another minute or two before another screen has loaded up on the computer. This time a little less technical from the other few programmes, but useful all the same. As google maps showed the distance between where we were and where we needed to be.

Looking at the screen physically hurt me, when I saw how close that they supposedly were. I could have thrown a stone, and it would have ended up on the porch of the address. They hadn't even bothered to try and hide them away better, they hadn't thought that they would need to. That would be their biggest mistake.

The estimated time of arrival read as about twelve minutes from here to the address on foot. With Lisa's driving, it wouldn't have taken more then two and a half minutes at tops. The other three exchange a look, and I don't need to give the order. We all stand up almost at the same time, and begin to make our way out and towards the car park. All of us now carried a small hand gun, but I knew that they would probably not come in a great deal of use, if we were about to face what I thought we were about to face.

Bullets alone would not be enough to put a wolf out of action, not a werewolf anyway, unless it was a direct shot to the heart or brain. Something that even the accelerated healing of a wolf couldn't be able to heal in time. The best chance of killing a wolf, was with something made out of pure silver. Get it into the blood stream, or be able to create a bullet of silver, and that would be a sure chance to kill them.

There was only one cure for a silver poisoning in a wolf, and that was wolfs bane. A plant which hadn't been seen in almost seventy five years, there was little chance of a wolf surviving a direct blow from silver.

Unfortunately I did not have any silver bullets or daggers to hand, and therefore I would have to do it the old fashioned way. I would have to convince the other three to stay back, and take shots from somewhere that they wouldn't be able to get in harms way. There was little chance that they would be able to go into a close combat situation with a werewolf, and come out of it alive. Almost none, but I had to give my friends some credit.

We all scramble into the car, a little cramped considering the only one that any of us had brought was a relatively small vehicle, but it would make do. None of us complaining as we cramped ourselves into the tiny space for four rather large men and women.

Grabbing onto the wheel, but before she started the engine, Lisa looked back at me with a slight frown. "Are you ready for what we might find Elliot?" She asked, not shielding her tone from the concern which burdened it.

All I could do was nod, I could only pray that nothing bad would come out of the next four hours. Yes the alpha had promised that nothing foul would come upon my children, but he was elsewhere. Under threat, who knew what might have happened. But again, I could not allow myself to think like that. My wolf and I were nervous and angry enough, without needing to add more fuel to the burning fire of anger.

It may have only been a short journey, but never before had time seemed to pass more slowly. Silence was all that filled my ears, I would have killed for even the shortest of conversations. Even if I hadn't been involved in it, just something to concentrate on other then my own thoughts. It took a lot to try and ignore the terrifying thoughts which were running through my head, by the time I realise that the two passengers in the car are staring at me. I realise that the palms of my hands are now bleeding a little, from where I had been self consciously digging my finger nails into the under side of each of my hands. I ignore it.

Lisa brushed her hand across my knee, a slightly uncomfortable gesture for her considering how little space there was between us all. "We'll find them Elliot, no matter what happens, we'll find them." The positive optimism to her tone was surprising for Lisa. But the glow in her eyes showed that she believed it, and I wished that I could share how strong she felt that she would find them. It was hard for me to think of anything but the worst scenario at this point in time. I was thankful that at least someone else could.

The smile I try to force onto my face, comes across as a strange mix between an animalistic snarl and a grimace. But its the best I can do, and I ignore the wince that comes from Lisa.

Even after fourteen years, I know that I still sometimes scare them. I had been honest from pretty much the start, with the men and women I worked with, about what I was. Not wanting them to have to find out the hard way at some time later. I had wanted to be the one who told them, though Jack knew from the start of the strange relationship that we held.

Despite this time, I knew that I was a stranger to them in certain ways. They knew an awful lot about me, and I knew a lot about them, but there was one side of me that they could never truly be able to understand. My wild side so to speak, and I didn't mean the side that teenagers showed when they'd had a touch too much to drink, or when a person, usually kind and calm, was pushed a little too far and snapped. My truly wild side, the part that would have terrified any sane person.

I wish greatly that I could tell them that I would never hurt them, but I knew that I would be lying if I did. I could hurt them at any time, whether it was my intention to do so or not. So far, I had never so much as truly snapped at one of them. Few had even seen me in my wolf form, but it didn't take a genius to tell that at times they were on edge, waiting for something to make me turn. I hoped that they would never have to see me like that, that I would never give them a reason to be truly terrified of me.

Shaking my head, I brushed the tip of my index finger across her knuckle thankfully, she was one of my closest friends. Though in some way, I was close to all of them, but in a different way. But emotionally, I was closest to Lisa, for we had gone through a similarly traumatic childhood. Her parents had been murdered when she was sixteen years old. Killed as hostages in a bank robbery. Ever since, I knew that Lisa had become a member of MI6 to protect people who couldn't protect themselves.

Like she wished she could have done for her own parents. She was probably one of the bravest people I had ever known. "I'll be fine once I have my daughters safely in my arms, that's all I care about right now. I'll worry about everything else later." I tell her with as calm of a smile as I can muster.

When the car suddenly comes to a rather harsh stop, the wheels squeaking a little at the sudden appliance of the breaks with little warning. We are all thrown against our seat belts, and a groan of pain comes from my throat as we straighten up and I look around. To our left is a small two storey building, its windows boarded up, and a large plank of wood across the door frame. Every attempt had been made to make it look as though it had been abandoned long ago. But my nose wasn't as easily fooled.

Half ripping the door of its hinges as I throw myself from the car with a momentum which surprised even me. I hadn't realised how eager I had become to get out of the car, and it wasn't because of the claustrophobic conditions.

Once outside, my overactive nose began telling me a hundred and one things at once. As my wolf did its best to try and get some form of answer as to what had happened outside of here. I could smell the thick scent of cigarette smoke, which told me that this was a regular place for local employees to take a smoking break. The thick scent of car fumes which were coming from a nearby busy street, and the soft smell of the local primary school. Smelling overly clean, and the scent of cheap cotton of school uniforms.

However it took me a second or two longer then I would have wanted it to, in order to catch the smell of the ones that I was looking for. When I did however, my head jerked up like a meerkat when hearing the cry of a bird of prey. I hesitated, making sure that I wouldn't be simply taking us on a wild goose chase. Wanting to be a hundred sure that the smell was indeed there, and that my hopeful nose wasn't simply making it up in order for me to find the answer that I was so desperately wanting right now.

When I was sure, my shoulders relaxed just a little bit. It was indeed them, and my heart filled with hope. I tried to stop it, not wanting to get my hopes up too high to only be let down by an agonising amount of disappointment, but it was impossible. My heart leapt into my throat when I caught that familiar smell. Of freshly changed nappies, and the slight smell of roses. I never knew why, but to me they always smelled like a fresh bed of roses. Whether that be a father's fondness, or some other reason, I didn't know. But it was them, and that was all that mattered for the moment.

Russell looked sideways at me, and Edward looked as though he was ready to take off running the moment that I gave him a direction in which to head. Lisa, who was slightly better at reading body language then the other two men nodded with a slight smile. "You've found them?" The question was almost rhetorical, and from her tone I could tell that she pretty much knew the answer. But would allow me to answer it all the same.

Taking one final breath of air deep into my lungs, closing my eyes as I analyse the smell as best as I can when still in my less preferable two legged form. Once I am pretty much a hundred percent certain, I look back of them. I hadn't realised that my legs had already begun to start walking off. "Yes, I think so." I say with a hopeful grin.

Edward, Lisa and Russell are already following me before I had finished that sentence, and I slowly make my way around until we had reached the back of the building. I was beginning to think that I wouldn't find what I was looking for, when I noticed some ill-placed bushes to across the lower part of the building and I paused carefully.

Not needing to be asked, my three friends begin pulling the bushes aside, they quickly managed to rid them from what turned out to be a small entrance, and a few steps to a lower level. The smell is even stronger here, and it takes a great deal of strength to not through myself down these stairs and tear the door open as hard as I possibly could. The element of surprise was amazingly important right now, and I was eager to keep it that way as best as I possibly could have done.

Grabbing a few sets of tools from the trunk of the car, before returning with a determined look to his expression. Edward made his way down the steps with a great deal of caution, as they he expected an explosion to go off with every step that he made. We all watched him nervously, waiting for him to bust the door open.

Five minutes later, the rusty door had swung open with a loud creaking sound which made me wince, praying that it wouldn't have been loud enough to make someone aware of our presence. But as we wait for a moment or two, there is no sign that someone else had heard and come to check out what the sound had been.

The three of my friends are about to make their way through the door, when I step forward quickly and block it with my frame. "I have to say something first." I say calmly, narrowing my eyes and stopping them from trying to get past.

Edward laughs a little, "Elliot. You've already done the sob story, you don't have to lay down your lives for me if you really don't want to, but we are kind of on a time limit right now if it has past your mind." He says, grinning but their is a slight amount of seriousness to the under side of his heavy tone.

I glare at him, and he backs off a little apologetically. He probably didn't understand the importance of what I was about to say, and I don't blame him so to speak. But it was a poor time in which to make a terrible joke such as that one.

"Right now, if you guys never accept my word as an order ever again, I need you to agree to this right now." When they all nod solemnly, I carry on talking with a slight stutter to my tone. But I quickly force it away and keep my voice and face as straight as I can. "Your guns are not going to work against the enemies we are about to face, unless you have an amazing aim or just so happen to be amazingly lucky. Any hit you make other then a bulls eye is not going to work. I need you to let me handle the fighting, and no matter what happens. You guys have to listen to what I tell me."

All of them seemed to have had some sort of clue as to what I was going to say, but at the same time they appear a little surprised about the request I make. However before anyone else is able to say something, Russell steps forward a little. From his expression, I can guess that he understands the importance behind my words, or at least I sincerely hope he does. I don't want any of them dead before the true battle can even begin. "You have our word Elliot, just don't get yourself into any stupid situations. I don't fancy having to face up against a wolf's fangs and claws in order to save your dumb arse."

I allow a small laugh to come from my throat, and I look at him with a grateful grin, then without another word, we have all set off towards the dark room that the door is entrance to. I can smell the fear reeking from each of my friends, but I can only pray that whoever may be lurking in these dark corridors can not.

Before I realised what is happening, my limbs are lengthening in the familiar agony of the shift which is overtaking my form. After a few moments, I am standing in the form of my midnight black wolf once again. After what felt like an eternity of time since the last time I had been able to shift. I long for that time, when life was a great deal happier then what it was right now.

When I hear a gasp behind me, I look back and roll my now dark green eyes with a low sigh. Twitching my tail from side to side with a low chuckle. "I'm not going to tear your throat out unless you really piss me off, don't worry." I say with a laugh, but I note the look of surprise they are giving me, shielding only slightly the look of fear in their gaze. "I'm sorry, I should have warned you. I just didn't expect the sudden shift."

They only nod slightly, Edward almost looks as though he is tempted to touch my back. As though he doesn't believe that what he is seeing is real, and I can hardly blame him. Before they had met me, they didn't even know that people such as me were real. Something that was found in fairy tales and scary movies. He manages to keep his composure, and he doesn't look down at me again.

My claws click across the stone floor of the basement level of this strange building, my tail batting slowly picking up a small amount of dust as it flitted through the air. I looked around slowly, taking a deep breath as I checked the air for any form of enemy which might be lurking around in the shadows of this unfamiliar little room. Then my eyes, which don't see very good in the dark, but thankfully I am concentrating hard enough to spot it. A door.

Before we can make our way towards the door, I twitch my ears forward then look back once again. Using the link I held with my wolf in order to make his lips form words, had it been a wild wolf, or one in control of his human form. We would have been unable to do this, but I am in full control thankfully and therefore we are able to speak. "You guys, stay at the door. If I bark twice, it is safe. If you hear an agonised scream of pain, whether it be my own or somebody else's. Its not safe, and wait for my signal."

Lisa opens her mouth as though about to speak, but I cut her off before she is able to and quickly say. "I'll come back through the door, and tell you its safe. Unless the circumstances are really bad, and I mean the building is on fire or we are about to get bombed. Don't enter that room, I cant deal with keeping my friends safe as well as my daughters and myself."

Then my friends do something that surprises me a little, and in my wolf form it makes me feel a little more uncomfortable then I would have done in my two legged form. They lean down and wrap their arms a little around my neck in a form of good luck. Had I been two legged, they'd have slapped me on the shoulder or just given me a hug. But that was more difficult in this form, therefore they resorted for the more awkward hug but my human mind appreciates the gesture.

Biting down on my lip in order not to let out a low growl rumble from my throat, as a wolf I hated people invading my personal space unless they were pack members. It didn't matter if to my human mind they were technical pack members, that didn't count to my more cautious wolf form. I rolled my eyes slightly and rest my head on Lisa's shoulder a little bit. Her eyes smelt like salt, I could tell she was close to tears.

"I'm going to be fine, Lisa. I promise, its probably going to be some stupid runt who got stuck with baby sitting duty. It wont take long." Hopefully, I added silently.

Slightly embarrassed that my friends had to open the door for me, I press my nose slightly to the entrance then slip through it silently.

Blinded suddenly as someone flicked on a light, a growl tore from my throat at what I saw. It took all of my remaining bravery to not allow my tail to tuck its self back between my legs when I saw the scene before me. Twenty four men, large, muscular and angry looking. Stood at different parts of the massive room, and then two wolves were settled in the centre of it staring at me with a look of hatred.

"Hello, Ladies." I let out a low growl stepping forward a little. The men, mere humans trying to put on the façade of being brave, but I could see right through them. They were scared, nearly as much as I was.

One of the wolves, a younger male that I didn't recognise at first glance, though from smell alone I could tell that it was a member of Kai's pack. Stepped forward with a growl, but the older wolf. His superior by the way the dark brown wolf was acting, let out a snarl. Pushing the younger wolf away. At least I was partially correct when I guessed they would send a runt for baby sitting duties. However, from the looks of things. They were well prepared for my arrival.

Making myself look as big as I possibly could, I let out a low growl. Looking from each of the strange men that surrounded the outer edges of the room, "If you worthy your lives, you will leave now. You have taken part in the kidnapping of my daughters, and if after I have spoken, and when this is done. You still remain, then I will have no mercy, and kill you all where you stand." I warn them, the hatred clear in my tone.

Eighty percent of the room looked as though they were more then willing to take off running before I had even begun to speak. It wasn't difficult to tell that these were some of the lesser trained men in the so called 'army' of Oliver and Kai. The alpha must have assumed that the two wolves he'd sent would be more then enough to take me down had I turned up.

The larger of the two wolves, only shrugs his shoulders as though it was nothing to be concerned about that I had just scared the crap out of his men in the matter of seconds. His voice low, hatred filling it, though for whom it was difficult to tell. "If you wish to go, then you may. Return to the others, but if I find that you have not returned by the time I get back, I will personally hunt you all down and tear your jugulars out." The large man growls, and the rest of the men turn and run like children from an angered parent.

Once the majority of the members of the room had left, save for a few stragglers who felt they should at least try to act brave and walk in a more slow and confined action. A single growl from me though had them go off hurrying the moment a showed the tips of my teeth. They were truly pathetic. In other circumstances I would have pitied them.

The smaller wolf, his fur a chocolate brown marked with splashes of pale white, particularly on his paws, as though he had walked through a puddle of milk. Backed off slightly, and the larger male stepped forward with a low growl. Only then did I recognise this man for who he was, Thomas. The youngest of the five alphas I had seen at the meeting, the one I'd made note of because of how nervous he had appeared. I should have guessed that it would have been him, his mind would have been the easiest to manipulate.

Stepping forward until the two of us were barely a meter or two apart from one another, I look the wolf up and down. He is larger and more muscular, as most wolves are in comparison to my smaller size. But it looked as though I would have the advantage of speed and probably experience. Though he was only probably four years my junior from the looks of him I had seen when he had been in his human form.

A low growl came from my throat, the urge to lunge at them was currently amazingly strong, and I was shocked about the self restraint I managed to control in order not to kill this man. "Where are my daughters?" I growled, lashing my long black tail from side to side. Digging my claws into the ground beneath my feet.

The alpha looked down at me with a big grin, "I have been given strong orders, to not let you have them." He said simply, as though that alone answered all questions since question of the meaning of life.

Not only would his size have given him the advantage, but the fact alone that this man was an alpha would give him a greater chance of winning. He had been able to control a pack of wolves for the greater part of the year, he would have a number of wolves at his beck and call. That made him mentally stronger then myself, and I couldn't let it get to me. It was my job to get to him, to burrow myself beneath his skin and get into his head. It didn't appear as though that was going to be an option by the looks of it.

Allowing my head to tilt to the side, in an inquisitive and slightly confused looking gesture, I twitch my ears forward and say. A small smile now on my own face as well. "My apologies, Thomas. I was not aware that you had become an inferior to Alpha Kai. I thought that you were the alpha of a pack?" I ask, narrowing my eyes.

It had worked, I could tell that my words had annoyed him. Catching at his sensitivities, I grinned inwardly.

His growl sent a shiver down my spine, the true anger building up in him. Giving evidence to the power of the alpha inside. It made me smile. Then he lunged for my throat.

Grimacing, as I struggled to catch the cry before it was able to tear its way from my voice box. I skid sideways as the man throws his entire weight onto my unsuspecting body. Staggering as he lands on my back, my knees buckle and I fall downwards. Using the split second before I am flattened beneath his weight however, I am able to lunge backwards and onto my hind legs, in a rear like gesture. Now I throw my own, remarkably smaller weight down onto his back. Biting down onto any bit of fur that I am able to get my teeth onto. Whilst he does the same.

The larger beast manages to grab my left leg between his teeth and he pulls, the tell tale crack evidences the fact that he has probably managed to dislocate it. Tucking it upwards now, trying to protect it from further harm. I limp, now at an even greater disadvantage.

Now it is my turn to be able to land my own vicious blow to the back of his spine, though not close enough to break it. I know it will have probably left more then a nasty sting, and in the moments before he can recover from the nasty blow I am upon him. Sending bite after bite, and clawing at him with my left paw. It is by far the least elegant battle that had probably ever occurred, but it appears to be effective as I hear the whine of agony escape from the alphas throat.

I back off, allowing my kindness to get the better of me, even if it is for little more then a second, and once again he is upon me like a relentless blood hound in chase of a scent. This battle only had one ending as far as I was able to tell. He suddenly tackled me with a speed I hadn't been expecting from a man so large.

Stone scratches against my back, leaving a small amount of blood coming from a fresh but thankfully small wound on my back. Pushing out with my legs as hard as I could, they shake with the effort of holding the larger wolf up. Trying to evade the great fangs which were now snapping with a great velocity towards my now upturned throat. His claws digging into the soft of my underbelly until it is everything I can do to stop myself from screaming out, quite loudly as well. I cant help the whine of fear which escapes me, as I struggle to stop him from turning me into freshly made dog food. No pun intended.

At last however, my legs can not help but buckle. The large wolf would have collapsed on top of me had he not noticed the fact that my legs had given way and now placed his two dark grey legs either side of my shoulders. As I stare up at him with a hateful growl. However the only thing which shows on his expression, is a terrifyingly animalistic grin. "Any last words, you pathetic little runt?"

I find my opportunity, and as hard as I can, I shove out with my hind legs and take him by surprise in a move any more experienced wolf would have been able to see coming from a mile and a half away. He is sent flying, and I tackle him to the ground before he can regain his balance and attack me once again. Now I have him pinned and let out a low growl. The only difference is that there is no suggestion of a smile on my own lips. "No, do you?"

The realisation seems to sink in the younger wolf's head as he glares up at me, that there is no losing this battle. "No." He snarls, baring his fangs but otherwise he is pretty much unable to move from my vice like grip.

My patience is slowly seeping from me, I am half shaking from the anger and it takes everything to stop myself from tumbling down as my knees buckle a little.

Alpha Thomas stares up at me with a look of hatred. "You truly are as weak as you are. You like to pretend to be brave don't you, Elliot? But really, on the inside. You are just as weak as those pathetic little humans you chased away. You may kill me, but you have no chance of being able to beat what we have planned. I promise you this. You are weak, your past has broken you. I may not know what happened to you, when you were young. But I can see it in your eyes, hide it and refuse it as you might. Your demons are always visible, Elliot."

Again my head falls to the left as it tilts slightly, "Are you sure?"

Once again the growl of the younger wolf fills his ears, "Positive."

His grin doesn't once leave his face, and my patience suddenly snaps in half. I tear out his throat with a single and vicous movement.

Leaping from the body, I watch him choke and splutter in his wolf form, his entire form is now convulsing and I watch him for a moment. In a human form there was no way to kill a wolf without silver, but in my wolf form I could kill him like any other creature, with my fangs and my claws. He would be dead within minutes. I wouldn't help him on his way, this was a luxury that he did not deserve.

"Any last words?" I snarl once again.

The young man seems to take a moment to regain his energy, and he turns to glare at me. "No." He repeats once again, then barely a few seconds later, the light slowly begins to fade from his dark blue eyes.

Lashing my long tail from side to side in anger, I kick out at the now still body in anger, let out a snarl of pure hatred. Then the younger wolf, from his size he couldn't have been much older then an adolescent. Crouching down he says in a low tone, "The key is hidden beneath the largest rock at the base of the stairs you walked down. If you carry on around the building, you will find another door. It is hidden so keep your eyes out, your children are towards the back of a room. Behind a door with a code on it, the code is 9713. Type it in, then wait twenty seconds before you try to open the door. Then you will be able to get to your children."

Slightly grateful, though not by much I look down at the younger man. Then say in a low tone, "You may leave. No one will find you, but if I see you on the battle field later today, then I wont be so kind again. I will kill you without hesitation."

The younger wolf nods quickly, then with a sharp turn, he takes off running into another part of the building. From the way he shook as he ran, I could tell that he wasn't going to simply disobey what I had said to him. He was going to get away from all this, and inwardly I wished him luck on wherever he might have decided to go.

I take a deep breath, allowing it to fill my lungs before I turn towards the door that I had come through. Still limping heavily on my dislocated leg, but I knew that wouldn't be able to heal by its self. I would need someone to put it back into its socket later today before I would be able to heal. Then I brush against the door, making a banging sound so that the people I know are surrounded on the other side know to open it.

When it has opened, Edward looks down at me. I wince at the look he gives me, inwardly realising that I am probably covered from head to tail in blood that would still be falling at a great rate. But sitting down would have to wait, I needed to find them. I couldn't allow myself to wait for a moment longer.

Shifting until I am standing up, I nod an awkward apology as I stand naked before them for the briefest of seconds, in the speed of the shift, my clothes had been torn and ruined. Unusable. I find a cupboard, knowing that these men would have been staying here for a few days and would therefore have probably a few sets of clothing spare. I am thankful I am able to find a pair of trousers and a shirt. They are a little too small, but they will make do for the time being.

"I know where they are, come one."

Not one of us waits for a second longer then they absolutely need to, and we are all outside within a few seconds. I don't care if there is another enemy hiding in the shadows, I wouldn't wait a moment if someone put themselves between me and my daughters. Even if it had been one of my oldest friends. I needed to find them and I needed to find them now, regardless of the pain which was working its way through my veins. Making it harder and harder to stand as time went on.

All the pain I felt was forgotten for the time being, only in the depths of my most unconscious thoughts could I recognise that it was there. I could be concerned about the pain, when I made sure that my family was safe.

With the four of us looking, it doesn't take long to locate the rock that the younger wolf had told me about, and I rip it out of its hiding place without any form of elegance to the gesture whatsoever. But this moment in time wasn't about being refined.

Hesitating as I get to the final door, clenching my fists at either side, I slowly type in the code I had been given and wait. Doing what I could to not just tear the door from its hinges in a moments notice, fearful for what might happen if I tried to do so. The twenty seconds don't seem to pass, as I count silently in my head. Then I drag the door open, thankfully it opens without a second thought. And I throw myself into the room. My heart rises into my mouth when I see, my two daughters sleeping in their cots. As they had done on the first day back, as though nothing had happened then I had last seen them.

Faye wakes up when the door shuts behind me quietly, and I lean down, kissing them both on the forehead. "You two had me so scared." I stammer, my voice close to breaking point. I pick them up, both now safely in my arms. I leave the room. Back into the outside world, holding them as though I didn't plan to ever let go of the two infants.

Lisa, Edward and Russell are waiting for me on the outside. I only give the twins to them, from the agony trying to hold them with a dislocated arm, but I don't take my eyes away from them. They are finally home and safe, they would never be in danger again for the rest of the time that I was here to keep them from danger. Unfortunately, from the looks of things, I wouldn't be alive for a great deal longer.

Author's Note:

Wow, so by my calculations, this book is only about five chapters away from being finished. And I cant believe that it is at eight hundred reads already, so I just wanted to say so much to everyone who has been reading it. It means a great deal to me.

Now, the reason for why I wanted to put an authors note in. I wanted to know some opinions on something.

I have an idea for a prequel to this book. Which details the life of Elliot back when he was a member of a pack, why he left, the years before he joined MI6, and when he met Evelyn etc. I have an idea for a plot, but I wanted to know what you guys thought. Would you want to read something like that? Or just leave this book as it is as a one off?


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