Crave ≫ kianlawley

By jillcrowther

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A girl who grew up thinking life would be adventurous and great, soon figured out that life isn't always what... More

hey:) important message


211 5 0
By jillcrowther

Kian Lawley-

The doctor came in five minutes later, asking for all of us to exit the room. I wanted to protest, but I knew I had to leave.

Brynn literally means everything to me, and she is now unresponsive. I had no idea what to do, even though there is absolutely nothing that I could do.

I don't know how I let this happen. Yeah, it was a freak accident, but I still feel like it was my fault.

I plopped into one of the waiting room seats, and placed my head in my hands. "You alright, man?" Gilinsky came up to me and sat down it the seat besides me.

"I don't even know, Jack." I took a deep breath, "I don't know what I'll do without her."

"Look, I completely understand." I looked up at Gilinsky, and he had tears in his eyes as well.

"Take a walk and go think. I'll call you if she wakes up." Gilinsky suggested, and I decided to take his advice.

I walked out of the hospital quietly and calmly, thinking of everything that has happened in the past six hours. It seemed to all go by so quickly.

I had asked her to be my girlfriend, I had the best day of my life, up until this point of course. Right when the day was coming to an end, something just had to happen to ruin it all.

Why did it have to be her? Why couldn't it of been me?

It all had seemed unreal, and I had reached the exit of the hospital. I started to walk down the sidewalk, when I came into realization that my car was at the wreckage scene.

I sighed loudly, and decided to walk to my destination instead of asking Jack for his Jeep keys.

The walk would be about three or four miles, but it was worth it. I needed time to clear my mind from everything.

I could honestly not process it all, it had only been a matter of ten seconds when the crash occurred. Could I have done something to protect her?

The possibilities of what I could have done are endless, and guilt starts to overcome my mind.

Jack Gilinsky-

The guys and I have been patiently waiting in the waiting room of the hospital, expecting to hear from the doctor.

"Man, I feel bad for Kian." Johnson spoke up, being the first one to speak in over thirty minutes.

"I think we all do. I mean, he has invested his whole life into Brynn since the first day he met her. I honestly think he loves her. He has never treated any girl as well as he does her, she's his princess." Jc spoke, making us all think.

How badly is Kian taking this? We are taking it hard and we aren't even dating the girl. I couldn't imagine how Kian must feel.

"I think I'm going to call him, to make sure he's okay." I reached for my phone in my back pocket, and made my way towards the opposite side of the waiting room.

I dial Kian's number, and it rang three times before he picked up. "Is she awake?"

"No, that's not why I called." I say calmly, "I called to check up on you, and see if you're alright."

"Yes, I'm fine Gilinsky." His voice cracked in the middle of his words, and you could tell he was crying.

"Kian, I know you're not fine."

"God damn Jack! I'm fine!" He yelled through the phone, and I could tell he was getting frustrated with himself as well as me.

I didn't mean to frustrate him, but I knew he had to get the anger out of his system.

"Calm down, it's not good for you to be angry at a time like this."

"Angry at a time like this? Jack, it's my fault she's in there!" He screamed once again, and the line went silent.

I make my way back to the guys, and the conversation had stopped once I got near them.

"So?" Johnson egged on.

"He is blaming himself for what happened to Brynn, and he hung up on me after yelling at me." I sat back down in my original spot.

All of a sudden, Corinne comes running through the elevator doors with tear-stained cheeks. Makeup was also running down her face, and it looked like she had a complete breakdown.

"Where is she?" She came up to me, completely shaking with only her keys in her hand.

"She's in a room, and she's unresponsive." I spoke quietly, trying not to upset her any further.

She just completely collapsed onto the floor, shaking and crying. I got onto my knees and hugged her, trying to give her support and comfort.

"Corinne, it's going to be okay." I started rubbing her back slowly.

"Jack, I don't know how much her body can take. She might not be okay." She completely started sobbing, hugging me in the process.

I grabbed her hands, and pulled her to her feet. I then gave her the biggest bear hug I could do, and rested my chin on the top of her head.

"Can I see her?" She pulled away, her face a bright red. "I don't know, the doctor hasn't came out in forty five minutes, but I can check." She nodded in response. I passed Corinne over to Jc, and made my way to the front desk.

"How may I help you?" The lady behind the desk asked, as she looked away from her computer.

"I need info on Brynn Harris, she was involved in a car accident." I spoke softly, but loud enough for her to hear me correctly.

"Are you related to Ms.Harris?" She started rapidly typing on her computer.

"No, but Brynn doesn't have any sane relatives present." I start rapidly tapping my foot against the tiles of the floor, becoming inpatient.

"Alright, I'll alert a doctor to come talk to you and your crew shortly. Please take a seat and wait for him to come out." She looked up at me, and gave me a sympathetic look. I nodded, and returned to my seat.

"What did she say?" Jc spoke up for Corinne, while she looked up with her eyes bloodshot red.

"She will be sending out Brynn's Doctor in a few moments. Will somebody contact Kian to tell him to come back? He's pissed at me right now."

"I'll do it." Trevor stands up, and takes his phone with him. A few moments later, saying Kian is on his way.

"Alright, guess all we can do now is wait for the doctor to appear." I spoke to the group, while everyone looked down with tears in their eyes.

Fifteen minutes later, a doctor walks into the waiting room. "Friends of Brynn Harris?"

"Over here, sir." I wave him over towards our large group.

"Hi, I'm doctor Edelman. Brynn is currently in a coma, but she is breathing just fine. She'll be okay, but we don't have an estimated time of when she will awake. Her body is severely bruised, and she had a broken leg." He explains as best as he could.

"Are we allowed to visit her?" Corinne asks quickly, still crying.

"You are allowed to visit her, but only for a short while. We have to continue to take tests on her, so you can visit her until 10:30, but only two at a time. Any further questions?"

"No sir, thank you." I dismiss the doctor, and check my watch to see the time. It was currently 7:36, so we had about three hours to visit Brynn.

"Okay, so who is going to visit Brynn first?" Jc asks.

"Can Corinne and I go? At least until Kian arrives?" I ask politely. Everybody nods their heads, and Corinne and I start walking into the hallway where her room was located.

We walk into her room, and her face was completely bruised and cut up. Her lips were no longer soft, but they looked chapped with a cut.

Corinne walked beside her, and grabbed her hand. Tears were streaming down her face, "Brynn, I don't know if you can hear me right now, but please stay strong. I know you've been through so much, but things are starting to get so much better for you. I love you with my heart and soul to death, and I don't think I could live without you. Please, please try to stay strong for me."


Hope you all like the long chapter.

bye beauties💖

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