War of 3015 (Completed)

By xXRoseLightningxX

991 103 3

In the year of 3015, after all technology has been burnt to ashes, humanity has started over, going through m... More

War of 3015: Chapter One
War of 3015: Chapter Two
War of 3015: Chapter Three
War of 3015: Chapter Four
War of 3015: Chapter Five
War of 3015: Chapter Six
War of 3015: Chapter Seven
War of 3015: Chapter Eight
War of 3015: Chapter Nine
War of 3015: Chapter Ten
War of 3015: Chapter Eleven
War of 3015: Chapter Thirteen
War of 3015: Chapter Fourteen
War of 3015: Chapter Fifteen
War of 3015: Chapter Sixteen
War Of 3015: Chapter Seventeen
War of 3015 : Chapter Eighteen
Author's note

War of 3015: Chapter Twelve

38 6 0
By xXRoseLightningxX

The next morning, the citizens of Danisha and Carlistan have all heard the news of what happened last night. It was everywhere in the newspapers. Many different tales of what happened. But all had one true point in every article.

King Dameo fled like a coward and let everyone he brought with him to be slaughtered like animals by Everlyn.

Carlistan was now even more rebellious then they had been, the castle being under attack by several rebellion groups trying to tear it down upon hearing this news.

The where-abouts of King Dameo were unknown.

According to Sarah this morning, there are a lot more people wanting change of King then just in Carlistan. Her country wasn't the only one. She wouldn't reveal to me which one, but she says that they might just end up siding with us if they needed any support, when I take over as Queen and Eithan as King of Carlistan.

Leo seemed like his usual self all morning during breakfast together.

The more and more I watched him the more I felt at ease. My suspicions of him being a double agent was probably foolish and it was based after an event that threw me off completely. When mad, decisions aren't done clearly.

Mind mind wonders off as I sit alone at the table in my room.

Wouldn't it be sad if I did all this for nothing? If someone else killed him before I did? Surely, it would result the same, but I really liked the idea of ending a sick twisted sex crazed idiot's life.

But in a way I am also against it.

I wasn't much a believer in the religious ways, much to everyones opposite opinions about it when it came to me, since I always showed up on Sundays and knew everything about it.

The words Eithan spoke to me last night came back into my mind. I wonder if he really meant what he said about him not wanting me to taint my hands, as I would, if I killed his father.

He fell for me knowing my goal was to kill his father. So why would he have a problem with this now?

Something wasn't right.

He changed. But why? He hates him as much, if not more, then me, encouraged and helped me move forward and now he wants me to stop?

I will not stop. I will complete my goal. Even if he hates me for it and I lose the future life I can get, weather I want it or not.

But now his whereabouts are uncertain. My rebellion aren't waiting for only my orders now.

Things are progressing. There might not be much longer to wait and plan. This idea of Sarah's has to stop, and maybe postponed if I have to compromise. Whatever her reward, if I should be deemed worthy in her eyes, cannot help me for my current goal.


Packing a few things like food and a set of clothing into a basket, I jump at the sight of Sarah at the door.

She looks at my basket and then slowly moves her gaze towards my eyes.

Looking like a rat being caught in a human household, she smiles and laughs, shakes her head and walks in, forcing me to let go of the basket with her gentle hand.

"You still have all the time you need. Relax, my reward will simplify everything, I promise."


His hand resting on my waist, as our bodies are very close to one another, I'm just captivated by his beautiful blue eyes staring into mine, as we dance like how Sarah instructed us to do.

This was much less awkward then it was last time. He was dancing better, and he even seemed a bit more interested then before.


I walk towards the bedroom, Eithan just a few steps behind, in hopes of getting to the shower first this time around.

I get in and grab my stuff off the table and head towards the shower, only to be stopped half way by Eithan's strong hold on my wrist.

His eyes travel from my eyes to my lips, then back up to my eyes before resting on my lips once more.

It was obvious what he wanted. And I couldn't say I didn't want it either.

He leans in slowly, giving me the chance to pull away, but I don't. My body stays still, allowing his lips to touch mine once more.

He lets go right after, not saying a word, as I leave to get into the shower.

Once inside, I close the door and lean against it, wondering why he just suddenly kissed me.

I mean, I know why people do it. I know what he said but why at that time?

Maybe he was losing his sense of reason? Was he unable to control his wants?

It just seemed very sudden.

I put the set of clothing to wear after on the rack, along with the towel before getting in.

The water falling on me felt nice. Like everyone else, the shower helps me think and make me calm.

After a few minutes, I don't know why but I feel like I'm being watched.

Unsure weather or not I locked the door, my heartbeat suddenly picks up as a series of thoughts flood my mind, making me unable to move.

Surely he would never invade a girl's privacy...

After shacking off those thoughts, I gather the strength to move my head outside the shower curtains, just to make sure my reasoning was right.

And to my horror and excitement at the same time, my reasoning was, very, very wrong.

I jump back and close shut the curtains which I'm pretty sure is a bit see through, but I was definitely sure that he would see less like this.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shout through the water's noise.

I hear him walking closer to me, and before I could yell at him to stop, he opens the curtains completely letting the water splash outside, but most of all, exposing every inch of my body.

Embarrassed, shocked, frightened, curious and angry, I can't do anything more then to turn around to face the wall.

"You're so damn beautiful, Roselyn." He says, as I feel his hand start from the back of my shoulders, and making it slowly down my back.

"Please turn around." He asks, his voice consuming me.

Even though a part of me said no, I did as he asked.

His gaze travels through every part, and then stays on my eyes.

He was a man, just like his father. I should have known he'd do crazy things just like him too.

He grabs hold of my arm, pulling my naked body towards his fully clothed one.

He releases a light groan, as I make his clothes wet, as he then starts to play with my damp hair in his hand.

"Roselyn, do you return my feelings?" He asks.

I thought he already knew that I did but understood why I didn't want it to be this way before I kill his father.

I nod, unable to voice them out loud. As if, if I spoke them, it would mean game over for me. That I will be unable to finish my goal.

My conscious tells me to shut up. That I can deal with both.

This made me smile against his warmth of his chest, hidden from his view.

He kisses my head. "Say it."

I pull away from him, a bit on edge. This situation was crazy. I have never experienced such a situation before, making me feel a bit uneasy.

Looking into his eyes, I could still see the Eithan I knew as a friend, and even a bit as a lover, in the shadows.

If this situation happened with his father he would have completely just have taken her without a warning or even words being exchanged. His eyes would hold nothing but darkness and lust. Not hope and love like his son before me showed through his eyes.

I still don't quite understand how I fell for the devil's son, in such little time, but I did. His kindness towards me never faltered, his smile and laugh made me happy, his approval and acceptance of me, even knowing what I was here for, was truly unbelievable, considering that this man only has the devil left as family. He was strong, caring and even bold at times. Everything I admired in a guy, he possessed.

"I love you, Eithan."

He pulls me into a hug, kissing my neck twice, quickly and happily as he pulls away shortly after, and lock lips with mine.

He pushes me against the wall, as he walked into the shower, his clothes becoming more wet, while keeping the kiss.

I run my hand through his wet hair, while allowing the other to feel up his nicely built chest.

Moaning, he breaks the kiss and swears loudly, his hand letting go of my hair and moving down I the side, to my waist, carefully avoiding the one place I knew he was dying to touch.

Something his father would never do.

He meant well, but that wasn't what I wanted, and I was going to get that through to him.

I made up my mind. I was going to love him and keep him near all the while completing my goal. That's just how it's going to be and I will figure it all out as we go.

Moving his hand on one of them, he stares into my eyes, shockingly but I could tell this thrilled him.

He kisses me hard, making it hard for me to breathe.

The sensations he gave me were just wild.

He kisses me over and over, for a very, very long time.

Not that I was complaining, but I was starting to wonder why he wasn't moving forward with the natural course of things, in a situation like this.

He breaks the kisses and groans an animalistic type of groan, which just makes me want him more. And now.

He swears. "I can't. Even if you wanted to, even though I want to." He says, very low, but I hear every word.

"I want to make you mine, but forever. And to have you forever I need to keep you as Queen."

Realization hits me, right before he finishes his point.

"You have to be a virgin when I marry you. It's just how it works."

He kisses me very hard, very wanting of more, and pulls away quickly.

"I could check myself, but I know you can just tell me. Are you a virgin?" He asks.

Through all my years on this earth, as a rebellion leader and a bit of a seamstress I have never had much time to get involved with guys.

It wasn't because I wasn't asked, or that I was unable to grab hold of a guys attention, but it just simply was that 1. I was dense and 2. I was completely occupied by other things that to consider that would be not the best choice, and I always choose the best choice to complete my goal.

This was the first time I choose differently.

Many asked me to become their girlfriends in Everlyn, but I told them all no. It would be unwise, I told them, because if we were to end badly, the rebellion group would be at risk and it would be an awkward situation if he stayed.

After becoming Dameo's maid, I was afraid of him taking that away from me at first, but then I realized how it was of no importance for the greater good of many and that, in all reality, is just something that humans have made very important. It has no real value.

With that being said, I still didn't want him taking it away.

The deal he offered, that he would accept my marriage with him if I took care of his needs, was just hilarious. He has no power over us. He can't expect that if he can break the rules that we cannot.

What did I do with the deal?

I rejected it of course.

I don't bow down to just anyone. In fact, I rarely do, no matter what. Even if it means that the consequences would be worse.

Remembering what he told me right after did frightened me. But after having run outside of the room and into the hallway, I quickly realized that he hasn't the slightest clue.

He doesn't know where my older sister lives. He cannot harm her or her family.

"Well?" Eithan asks, as he cups my cheek.

"I am."

He half smiles. It was forced, but still, his control he has over his body, well most of the time, is much stronger then most.

He walks away, taking off his shirt as he reaches the door as I watch from the shower, staring at his beautiful back.


Diner today, according to Leo was going to be pork and potatoes.

Like yesterday, he was the first one to sit, forgetting again. As I remind him once more he gets up quickly.

Eithan walks in next, making me feel nervous.

Sarah and Alistair will surely notice the difference. Even Leo.

He smiles and keeps his eyes on me as he greets the both of us.

He looked sinfully good in that suit of his.

He walks behind me, only to whisper in my ear, "You look beautiful, that dress suits you."

I blush, against my will. I was losing it. After all these years of masking my emotions, I never met anyone so capable of making me fail.

Leo watches carefully, before looking at Sarah and Alistair walking in. That's all it took for Leo to notice the change. Sarah will no doubt find out.

It's not that I wanted to keep this a secret, it's just because of the situation. We are here because Sarah has a few goals to accomplish with us. One was to make us fall in love, which has now been achieved.

She smiles. "Hope we haven't kept you waiting too long."

After we all sit down and the food is served, Leo starts telling me about his day at the Dalisha's stables.

"The stable is huge! They have about 30 horses!" He exclaimed.

Like me he was a huge fan of horses.

I wonder how my Annabelle was doing, back in Everlyn's headquarters.

Sarah and Alistair laugh.

Eventually, after Leo's grand rant of how awesome his day was at the stables, Sarah updated me on Dameo's status. He was back at home, in his castle, his army beating every rebellion group like dogs. He is getting help by Sanphas. The king of Salin.

This news wasn't surprising. Sanphas never seemed to truly believe in the rules every kingdom followed, no matter their chosen main religion.

This made me worry. Dameo was just recently down in numbers, in defence, and now he's as untouchable then ever.

I hope this means I haven't missed my chance.

Sarah, as though reading my thoughts tells me to relax. "There is still a way. Do not worry."

But even if her words I couldn't help but worry. Have I missed my chance? Have I really run out of time to defeat him without any bloodshed other then his?

I am aware that losing men is normal in order to achieve this goal, but I was expecting to have a few days of being able to think of a plan before he's back to being well protected.

Eithan's hand finds mine underneath the table, out of Sarah's view.

He tightens his hand on mine momentarily, then loosens it, but kept his hand on mine.

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