Alpha Werewolf is My Mate?

By amberismybfflforever

297K 8K 718

My name is Mackenzie Black. Most people call me Mack for short though. I have long straight brown hair and ic... More

Alpha Werewolf is My Mate
Authours note IMPORTANT


3.8K 114 12
By amberismybfflforever

Read the authors note! It's very important towards the story.

It's been a few weeks since I've heard from Missy or Hunter for that matter. Even though I've been able to get into old habits that I had with the pack. I'm so glad that they welcomed me back with open arms, even Eddie.

I plopped down in bed after a long day of explaining to people why their was an absence of their Luna, I never knew that there were that many pack members, until I had to talk to them. Plus I had to go through training with a few guards, since they thought that I 'lost my strength' as if that'll ever happen.

My phone buzzed and I saw that the caller id was Hunter. I quickly answered.


How's my favorite werewolf doing?

I don't know Hunter, you tell me. Have you killed Cole yet?

Sadly I haven't gotten to him, but I managed to kill Garret, Aaron, Ian Cristina, and Scarlet... I'm not gonna lie, it felt good knowing that Liv was still alive I actually liked her, though she must be devastated about Ian. Wait why am I telling you this? Your supposed to be my enemy.

Don't worry I'll go back to hating you as soon as my baby gets put back inside me. Has Missy told you anything?

Actually she has the spell but needs one more ingredient.

Well What is it? I was practically about to squeal with joy.

Just some weird herb, but you'll know when the spell works since you'll have a little person growing inside you.

That's good to hear.

Yeah well now I'm going back to hating you.

With that he hung up the phone.

"Ryder get up here!" I called. Ryder probably had a worse day than me, when he came up his tired eyes made me just want to snuggle up next to him and fall asleep.

"What's up babe."

"Hunter said that he's gotten to Garret, Aaron, Ian, Cristina, and Scarlet." I explained.

"So the most important person to be dead isn't dead yet." I could tell by the way Ryder was speaking that he wasn't happy.

"Yes, but he said that I'll know when the spell for our baby worked because she'll be back inside my stomach." Ryder gave me a huge hug, practically crushing me. "But once we find out that Hunter killed the rest of them, we can't let him kill Kendrick."

"Who's Kendrick?" Ryder asked.

"He's top vampire, probably the most powerful, and from what Hunter said, if he drinks Kendrick's blood, he'll be even more powerful." I explained.

"So we just kill him after he finished killing everyone else." Ryder said. I gulped at the thought of Liv dying, but after what that family had done, the thought drifted away.

"Since Cole is still free he'll probably be looking for you. So I'm putting guards on watch." Ryder exclaimed and I groaned.

"You know I hate that Ryder, they literally wait outside the bathroom for me." I poured, giving him my best puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, can I have one that watches you from afar?" Ryder said trying to compromise.

"Fine," I gave in, "but if I see more than one I'm gonna beat the hell out of you."

"Yes sir!" Ryder joked I giggled and slapped his chest.

"Well back to work." Ryder trailed.

"Noooo. I'm tired baby." I groaned and wrapped my self in the safety of covers.

"Mackenzie.. please." Ryder pleaded.

"No!" I said slightly sounding like a baby.



"Please Mack."

"Fine but come here." I held out my arms as if I wanted a hug but I pulled down on top me in bed. He shifted his weight into his arms making me completely covered by him.

His face was inches away from mine making me bite my lip. He smirked at me. I smiled. He plopped down beside me pulling me close to him wrapping his arms around me. I snuggled closer as if there was more space and laid my head on his shoulder.

Soon enough I was asleep.


I woke up without Ryder being next to me, I just assumed that he had to do something. I looked out the window and saw that probably only a few hours went by. I got out of bed and my muscles were aching. I hate training.

I trudged out of bed and went downstairs and outside to see that the guards who were trading me earlier were still at it. How the hell are they not tired.

"Good your back, some of us thought we'd have to drag you back out kicking and screaming." One guard said, he happened to be that one guy who thinks he's better than everyone else, except he still knows his place in the pack.

"Yeah good luck with that." I turned to the walk off but i got grabbed by the arm and flipped over then slammed into the ground. I groaned and slowly got up. One guard came at me but I grabbed him by the neck then slung myself around him bring him to the floor. Then I got kicked in the back of the leg bring me to one knee. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone going up to kick, I caught his foot and flipped him onto his back. Two more left.

Another guard who was extremely muscular and heavy came at me. He punched at me but i blocked it but it gave him time to send a blow towards my gut. The wind got knocked out of me. I stumbled backward, but regained my stance. He came at me again but I dodged his attacks then kicked him in the side, and pushing him to the ground.

Now it was just me and the guard who loved to annoy me. His name is Logan, he had to be one of our strongest, except he always made fun of me for being short. Since we were such good friends, I let him. He was my first trainer and he worked me hard. The only advantage hat I have is that I know his attacks.

We both went into our stances and began to circle each other.

"Now let's see who'll be kicking and screaming." I growled. He lunged at me but I dodged it kicking up my leg but he caught it right before it hit his head. He pushed it back down making me slide into a split which actually dodged his next attack. I slide my other leg around which knocked Logan off his feet. I got up and pressed my foot against his chest.

"Give up yet Loggii." I gushed using a nickname that he hated.

"You know I hate that nickname...Kenzie." He snickered using the nickname that I hated. Then Logan grabbed my ankle. First he just looked at me, but then he slung me down my face contacting with the grass. I turned over and groaned. I felt my nose and felt blood.

"Ugh, you asshole." I groaned. It really didn't hurt that bad but I wanted him to think that it did.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry Luna." Logan knelt by my side. A smirk formed on my face. I grabbed his leg flipping him over and to the ground, then quickly got on top of him and pinned him down. After ten seconds I got off and helped him up.

"Even if you weren't kicking and screaming, I still won." I stuck my tongue out at him.

"No you have to make me unable to fight." Before he did anything I punched him hard in the face making him fall.

"We done now?" I asked putting a hand on my hip. "Yes," He started, "Good job."

"Why thank you." I did a little curtsy. 

"I'm gonna go get something to drink, you want anything?" I asked as I wiped my face with a towel.

"Yeah get me a water." Logan said. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed two waters then walked back out. I looked at the scene going on outside and wondered what I did to deserve never having a slow point in my life.

It happened to be Cole, Liv, and Stephanie with a few other people I have never seen before, but my guards were growling and ready to fight. I wondered where Ash was but that thought slipped my mind when the first set of guards shifted.

Cole looked at me but I growled.

"Did you kill my brothers!?" Liv screamed, I knew that it had to be hard on her since she lost Ian.

"No! Hunter did!" I yelled.

"He what!?" Cole roared. Wow, Hunter must be good if Cole didn't notice him.

"Yeah, right after he took away the vampire curse." I exclaimed. Cole getting tensed.

"I was beginning to wonder why your standing with these vile creatures." Stephanie scoffed.

"Yet you still are a bitch." I growled.

"Just come back and there won't be anymore bloodshed." Cole ordered.

"I don't follow your orders anymore. And the only bloodshed will be yours." I growled fiercely.

Cole stepped forward so I did as well. We kept walking forward until we were face-to-face. Just as I was about to swing I felt something in the out of my stomach. Then a shot of pain making me fall to one knee. I held my stomach.

"Not now." I groaned. I slowly got up and Cole looked confused. I kicked his knee making him fall before walking back to the safety of my guards. I can't fight if she's back now.

Ryder rushed out of the pack house. Finally. He came up to me. I out my hand on his chest while the other was clutching my stomach.

"You know that I hate guards, but Ryder right now I'm gonna need some. The baby's back, I can feel it. Which means I can't fight. She could die all over again.

"Yeah babe of course." He said kissing the top of my head.

"Get off of my mate!" I heard Cole scream.

"Oh shut up Cole, she doesn't love you anymore." Hunter yelled as I saw him walking between my guards and Cole's.

"For the first time.  I'm actually glad that your here." I told Hunter. He walked up to me and growled at Ryder. Ryder growled back but I gave him a warning look to not start anything. Hunter out a hand to my stomach. I flinched.

"Don't worry. You won't have anything to worry from me. yet." I couldn't think of the "yet" he was talking about, since my crazy ex of a vampire is trying to kill my current mate.

"So you know that the baby is back." I said. "Yes, now just relax while I take care of your vampire problem." I looked over Hunter's shoulder to see that Cole was shaking with rage. If this were a cartoon there'd be smoke coming out of his ears.

I backed up to the back porch with three guards standing watch, but I had a view of what was about to go down.

Hunter had gone up to Cole, they were talking but I couldn't use my super hearing to see what they were saying.

I saw that Hunter had a wooden steak behind his back, but I don't think that Cole noticed. I saw that Stephanie was circling around them both ready to pounce, while Liv was just standing, she'd be easy to take out. Hunters hand went behind his back and he took out the steak. Without even looking he through it in Stephanie's direction. I gasped at how quickly she went down. Then she burst into flames. Liv collapsed to her knees.

I know I shouldn't have been cheering for her but I really wanted Liv to win. She understood me. But it looked as if she was giving up. Cole was furious. He swiped his hand and just like that, Hunter lost his head. I gasped and got up from my seat. No! His body collapsed. I walked through the guards, they tried to stop me but I growled at them and they backed off. I walked right up to Stephanie's dead body and ripped out the steak. I growled at Cole. I clutched the steak in my hand.

"Mackenzie you don't know what your about to do. You can't kill me." He said shakily, almost like he was afraid.

"Try me." I said and took that moment to plunge the steak into his heart. I backed away as his body burst into flames and he died. It almost felt as if I was at peace.

Liv began crying. I wanted to comfort her but I know that I shouldn't. I did just kill her brother. But soon her crying turned into rage, she looked at me with tear stained eyes, but they had rage and anger in them. She lunged at me, but someone stopped her from attacking. Surprisingly it was Ash.

"We won't be causing you anymore trouble. Just let her cool off Mackenzie. She'll be back to her old self in a few weeks." Ash picked up Liv and then he vanished, with her with him.

I felt a hand slide around my waist and rest on my stomach. I could tell by the scent that it was Ryder.

"She's okay, we're having a baby." I said smiling up at Ryder.

"Did that spell have anything to do with making you have the baby faster." Ryder asked.

"What do you mean." I pondered.

"Look down." I looked down to see that I already had a small baby bump. I was at a loss for words, I looked like I've been pregnant for at least two months.

"I'm gonna call Missy, maybe she'll have some sort of explanation." We walked back towards the house. I grabbed my phone and dialed her number.

What do you want?

Hello to you too.

What is it?

Did the spell you cast to bring back my baby somehow speed up her growing?

Well how big are you right now?

I look about like two or three months.

Then the spell is working, it does speed some things up, that was one of the side effects.

Thank god, I thought something was wrong with me.

Is that all?

Yeah, but just to let you know... Hunter's dead, Cole killed him, but Cole is also dead, since I killed him. Bye!

I quickly hung up before she could answer. I looked at Ryder and he was standing there, probably wondering what the verdict was.

"Well, Missy said that a side effect of the spell was that some things would speed up. Which means it won't take like 9 months as it would for a normal pregnancy. I'm guessing that it'll only take like two or three. Maybe even four." I explained.

"That's good, now I won't have to deal with hormones as long." Ryder joked.

We walked back into the living room, after telling the guards to clean up then rest. Ryder sat down and pulled me into his lap. I giggled slightly, since it tickled.

For a few moment we just stared into each other's eyes. We didn't even need to talk. But our precious moment was interrupted by Riley, Violet and Piper since they practically busted down our front door.

"Why the hell is there three dead bodies being dumped into a fire?!" Piper yelled.

I got off of Ryder, slightly stumbling.

"Well all but two originals have been killed. Stephanie and Cole were killed today. I killed Cole." I explained.

"Then why is there three bodies?" Riley asked. "Well that third body happens to be Hunter's. Cole cut his head off after he killed Stephanie."

"And I'm expecting that the spell worked." Violet said pointing at my stomach.

"Yep. I'm having a girl, but a side effect to the spell is that my pregnancy will be sped up." I exclaimed.

"Wow we missed a lot in just a few hours." Zander said. Luke and Jace both nodded.

"Have you thought of baby names yet?" Riley asked.

"Well actually I have a few, but I can't decide." I explained. I was thinking about Hayley  or maybe Paige, but I didn't want anyone but Ryder to know. And so far I haven't even told him yet.

I took a big breath in and a big breath out.

"What's wrong?" Ryder asked.

"Nothing, it's just that I almost forgot the feeling of being at peace and not having to worry about anything."

Hey y'all! Another chapter up, and guess what... This story got to 10K!! I know that it really isn't that much compared to other stories but I'm happy about it. But I'm sorry to say that I'm going to be ending this book soon.

Don't cry yet! I'm going to be making a sequel!! I have only started the first chapter and have not published anything yet and I won't until the story is over. BUT it will be based off from Mackenzie's daughter. I hope that you liked the chapter and remember to VOTE! It won't hurt you to, plus it would make me happy! :D

-Erin <3

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