My Family is Crazy

By AnimeLover4ever357

757 54 0

Hi! My name is Kumiko Yamamura! My family is very well known! My brother, Ryouji Fujiwara, is crazy strong wi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chaper 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 14

10 1 0
By AnimeLover4ever357

We do not own Naruto. Only the ones we created.

Kumiko's POV

After all the fights, it was night and Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and I were walking over to the BBQ place that we went to when I was in Konoha. Once we entered, I excused myself and went over to the bathroom. When I was done, I went back to where Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke were. I looked around and I couldn't find them. I ended up hearing Naruto's loud voice near some of the other genin and I sighed.

I got a table all to myself and I just got water. I was about to leave when a certain someone sat themselves down at my table. I looked at him and smiled at his goofy grin. He smiled back at me before he chuckled.

"There's that beautiful smile I would like to see." He said looking at my mask. I felt myself blush and I debated either or not I should take the mask off.  I shrugged my shoulders and reached for my mask. I was about to take it off when Kankuro stopped me. I looked at him confused as I saw a light blush appear on his face.

"Let me take it off." He said. I nodded my head and Kankuro slowly took my mask off. I felt his slightly warm fingers against my skin, the way it felt was lovely. Once he took my mask off, I felt him look at my scar. I moved my head so he wouldn't be able to stare at it anymore, but he moved my head so I was staring at him. I felt him run his finger down my scar and I found myself looking into Kankuro's eyes as his finger lifted my chin up.

"Why do you wear that mask all the time?" He asked me, removing his finger from my chin. "It hides your beautiful face."

"I wear my mask so people won't stare at my scar. They probably think that I'm dangerous somehow." I said, looking at my water as if it was something new. "And besides, my face isn't beautiful. It's hideous because of my scar."

"You shouldn't say something like that about yourself." Kankuro said. I looked at him in disbelief. "It's true. You're too beautiful for a mask. You should let everyone see your scar. It's what makes you you. If you try to hide something like that from everyone, then everyone would get curious about what you are hiding."

I let Kankuro's words sink into my head. Is this his way of telling me I'm pretty? I felt my heart pound against my chest. In my head I kept thinking dokidoki. I smiled at Kankuro and he smiled back at me. We ended up talking and having dinner together. It was really fun. I even told him that I used to be part of the Akatsuki. I thought he would have hated me for that, but all Kankuro did was smile at me. We were about to leave the BBQ place when I offered to pay, but Kankuro said he would do it. I thanked him as we were leaving the BBQ place.

"No problem." He said. "Let me walk you back to your place. At least that way, I know you got home safe."

"You don't have to do that. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself Kankuro." I said, putting my mask back on so my face wouldn't be cold.

"I know. But what if someone tries to harm you? I know you use to be part of the Akatsuki, but still. I just want to make sure you are safe."

"Fine." I said. "But won't Temari and Gaara be anger with you if you got back to them late?" I asked him.

"Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be alright."

"Okay then."

We walked back to my apartment and we stood outside my front door. I opened the door and looked back at Kankuro. I smiled at him and he smiled back. He pulled me into a tight hug. It was such a perfect moment. I didn't want it to end. But unfortunately, he let go of me. We both had light blushes on our faces, but it was a pretty good night for us.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow?" He asked me.


"Okay. Until tomorrow."

"Until tomorrow." I entered my apartment and went straight for the bathroom. I went to the drawer where I put the locket Itachi gave to me. I brought it to the kitchen and threw the locket away. I sighed, letting a lot of guilt wash away from me. There was nothing else holding me back. Nothing that was going to hurt me in anyway. I'm letting Itachi go and I'm going to live a new life with new friends, maybe a new person who will love me for me, even if my past is a horrible one, and a fresh new start. No more killing for me and no more mass murders. I'm going to live a nice new healthy life.

Itachi's POV

I was with Ryouji and Mari as we were looking at Kumiko. She had just thrown away the locket I gave to her. It hurt me to see that something I gave her that was so precious to be thrown away like it was garbage. Ryouji put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't look at him. I just kept staring at my girlfriend. We noticed that Kumiko moved and she was heading over to her front door. She opened it and a boy appeared at the door. He looked a little bit older than Kumiko and he was wearing make-up? Kumiko's body language told us that she was surprised to see him, but she let him in to her apartment.

I looked at Ryouji and Mari. They looked like they want to kill this man. Did they know him from somewhere? Is he dangerous towards my Kumiko? All these questions and I didn't even asked them what was wrong. I looked back at Kumiko to see her pulling down her mask. I was shocked needless to say. She never let anyone see her without her mask off unless it was me. What was going on? I saw the boy smile and he pulled her into a hug. I felt a pang of jealousy overcome me. What right did he have to hug my Kumiko? I was about to go and punch this kid when Ryouji and Mari took me away. They brought me to an unknown area and I looked at them angrily.

"What was that all about? Why was Kumiko hugging another guy that isn't me? What's going on here?" I asked them. They looked at each other before they looked back at me.

"Ita-chan, there isn't anyway to tell you this, but."

"What Ryouji? What is it?"

"Kumiko is no longer apart of the Akatsuki." Mari said. I looked at her in disbelief. "Remember when you woke up to see me entering the room and it was just the three of us?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"I woke up to the sound of people entering our room. Kumiko had surrendered herself up and I found it weird. I looked at myself and saw that I was invisible to anyone. I followed Kumiko and the people who took her to the Hokage's office. Once she was there, they retrieved another shinobi and once he was there, she told them everything. She even said that she didn't want to murder and she only did it to stay with Ryouji. Later, they let her stay and she was with her 'team' again. She even told your brother that." She stropped talking and I looked at her confused. She took a deep breath before she continued. "She told your brother that she was no longer seeing you or dating you."

Once Mari had said that, my world crumpled. The love of my life, gone and doesn't want to see me. I didn't want to believe what they were saying to me, but I guess it's true. I mean, I saw with my own two eyes that she had pulled her mask down and she accept that hug from that boy. I guess that there is no longer any hope for me in my life to be with Kumiko's. Unless I did something that changes her life forever. Just as I thought of that idea, Mari said something that made me mad.

"Also that boy that Kumiko was hugging, I heard around the Konoha genin that she is seeing him and was going to go on a date with him. From our info, that is the Kazekage's second child and his oldest son. It seems like Kumiko has been hanging out with him. That's something we can use against her one day. Maybe sooner than we thought." Mari said. I nodded my head in agreement. Whatever we can get to use on Kumiko the better we can kill her. We have a rogue Akatsuki member on our hands. There is no telling what could happen.

Jeff: Congrats on a good chapter Monica!
Monica: Really?
Jeff: No!
Monica: Tu est stupide mon ami.
Both: Ja Ni!

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