Purplephone One Shots

By LumaTheCreative

97.3K 3.8K 1.3K

Yeah... so this is all my one-shots for PG x PG. It'll most likely all be AUs provided by my lovely friend Ma... More

"We met at a gay pride parade" AU
"Person B gets gum stuck in their hair Person A gets it out" AU
Awful AU #1
"Person A wears Person B's clothes" AU
"We're playing the two romantic leads in a play" AU
"We're the only two neurodivergent people in this Psychology 101 class" AU
"Our dorm building has a 'no pets' rule hurry hide my cat" AU
"Pocky Challenge" AU
"I'm an assassin hired to kill you but holy crap you're handsome" AU
"Locked in a closet" AU
"Mumble" AU
"Our dates stood us up" AU
"Café" AU #1
"Sick Day" AU
"Demon and angel" AU
"I walked in and you were wearing a red bikini" AU
"Scared of thunderstorms" AU
"??????" AU
"Cab Driver" AU #1?
"Kiss Cam" AU
"Baby It's Cold Outside" AU
"Mixtape" AU #1
"Text" AU #1
"The fire alarm went off at 3 am" AU
"Stuck in traffic" AU #1?
"School" AU #1
"Valentine's Day" AU
"??????????" AU #2
"Ghost" AU #1 (WIP)
"Ghost" AU #1 (Finished)
"??????" AU #3
"Masquerade" AU
"Movie Theater" AU #1
"Wumbo" AU #1
"Christmas" AU #1
"????????" AU #4
"?????????" AU #5
"Soulmate" AU #1
"Paranormal" AU #1
"Delivery Person" AU #1
"Paranormal" AU #2
"Theatre" AU #1
"Flower Shop" AU #1
"Pokemon GO!" AU
"Love Letters" AU #1
"Bubble Bath" AU

"Café" AU #2

1.8K 96 19
By LumaTheCreative

Scott pulled his coat tighter around him and kicked a few inches of snow off the path with his feet. He couldn't believe he'd attempted to brave this winter storm just for a pumpkin spice latte. Stupid Starbucks and its appealing autumn and winter drinks.

All the cars he passed looked at him like he was insane. He could barely see in front of him, and the wind was at his back, so going home was hopeless. He clenched his fingers together tightly, trying to keep them warm, even though they were under his wooliest pair of gloves. He looked up at the faint green glow beneath the snow and swept away some snow that caked a window, glimpsing inside to find there was still light. He forced the door open and came in, shaking off the frost.

"Woah. What's a handsome guy like you doing out on a night like this?"

Scott looked towards the source of the voice and found a man with purple hair and a Starbucks uniform, a name tag pinned to his chest showing that his name was Vincent. "Anything I can get you? It'll be on me."

"Uh... j-just a venti pumpkin spice latte, please." He quickly stripped off his snow-soaked clothing, leaving it in a pile by the door, assuming nobody would really care.

"You got it." He handed over a cup within a few minutes, as well as a few blankets and pillows. "You wanna stay here for tonight? It's only gonna get worse out there."

Scott nodded, shakily taking a sip, not caring about it scalding him. He could barely feel it, the cold still numbed him. He set his drink on a chair low to the ground and laid down in the makeshift bed, and the purple-haired man laid beside him, their bodies almost touching.

"Wanna cuddle~? It'll conserve body heat~"

Scott wrapped his arms slowly around the other, unsure. This guy was handsome, but he didn't really know about him. But maybe fate had brought them together on this chilly night.

The lights in the Starbucks started to dim as Vincent nuzzled into Scott's chest.

"G'night, cutie."

"Back at you."

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