Unforeseen Love [BoyxBoy]

By selenoxphile

371K 6K 714

Zack never expected his life to get even more complicated than it already was, but he was wrong. He has a sur... More

*1*Unforeseen Love
*2*Unforeseen Love
*3*Unforeseen Love
*4*Unforeseen Love
*5*Unforeseen Love
*6*Unforeseen Love
*8*Unforeseen Love
*9*Unforeseen Love
*10*Unforeseen Love
*11*Unforeseen Love
*12*Unforeseen Love
*13*Unforeseen Love
*14*Unforeseen Love
*15*Unforeseen Love
*16*Unforeseen Love
*17*Unforeseen Love
*18*Unforeseen Love
*19*Unforeseen Love♥
*20*Unforeseen Love
*21*Unforeseen Love
*22*Unforeseen love
*23*Unforeseen Love
*24*Unforeseen Love
*25*Unforeseen Love
*26*Unforeseen Love

*7*Unforeseen Love

20.5K 365 31
By selenoxphile

**First edit: 02/20/16**

**Second edit: 10/09/17**

Unforeseen Love

"Come on already. You're acting like a six year old Zack." I cross my arms over my chest, refusing to get out of the car.

"No. I'm not going to cause drama. I'll get out when you leave."

"I'm not going anywhere. Now either you get out and walk with me or I can be a dick to you again."

"You wouldn't dare." He shrugs. 

"You're right, I wouldn't. Now get out of the car already please."  I sigh and nod. 

"Fine." I grab my bag off of the floor and hook on one shoulder. When I go to stand up and get out, he stops me. I stare at him weirdly and he just says,

"Hold on. Kiss me first." I hesitantly nod an pull his mouth down to mine. Our lips touch and it's as if I my whole body almost goes haywire. His lips taste like candy, forbidden candy.

"There. Now you can go." He moves his hands off of the ledge on the door and let's me get out.  I push the door closed behind me and begin the walk towards the building with him hot on my trail. All I can smell until we get up to the doors is the scent of his oh so sexy cologne.

"I'll see you later." I hear him mumble before he dashes off in the direction of where his friends are standing. I drag my feet all the way to my locker and slam it open. As I throw my books in I feel myself almost start to panic. What if he doesn't keep his word? 

"Dang, what's with the look crabby pants?" I hear from beside me and I look to see my one and only friend Alice. She leans against the locker next to mine with her books held to her chest. 

"Nothing." I mutter and close up my locker after grabbing what I need. I lean back against it, banging my head on it backwards in the process.

"Yeah. That's really nothing." She says sarcastically. "Anyway, I come to ask if you did Jefferson's homework?" I roll my eyes and lean down to the ground, grabbing my bag. That's Alice for you. She never remembers to do her homework. 

"Here." I hand the paper to her and she kisses my cheek before rushing off to her class. I might as well head to mine too.

As I swing my bag over my shoulder and start walking, I can see Eric standing a few feet ahead of me standing there laughing and smiling with his friends. I smile when I pass him and he shoots me a wink. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his friends give him a weird look  and he just shrugs his shoulders. The smile on my face is most definitely huge now.

Once I'm in the classroom I make sure to head straight to the back of the room, like I always do. Mrs. Jess can barely see anything unless it's right in front of her face so it's best to stay away from the front of the room.

I hear loud laughter and giggling come from the grit of the room and I look to see Eric and some if his bro's and hoe's walk in. The girls sit down and I can see their skirts ride up more than necessary. I look to see all of the guys stare intently and then there is Eric who just sits there and does nothing. That's right, don't pay attention to the hoe. 


"Hon, cheer up." I hear Alice say beside me as I sit at the lunch table in silence. I didn't even touch my lunch. My eyes stay glued on Eric the whole time and it's as if I don't even exist. The only time he has even acknowledged me was in the parking lot and in the hall once. I guess it's a little better than getting banged into the lockers some more.

"I'm fine." I say to Alice and take a bite out of my apple just to prove it to her. She just nods humbly and goes back to eating.

The end of the day comes quickly and before I know it it's gym time. Oh joy. 

"Okay class. It's drills time." Groans erupt throughout the room and the teacher just laughs it off. Drills is when we have to go around and do stations with like jump rope, pull ups, push ups, sit ups, etc., and we have to do ten of each and then move on to the next one. It's pure torture to the body. Well for me at least. I swear, he loves annoying us.  

"Get going you complainers. I want 10 of you to come pick a number out of the bag and the other ten grab another one. Whoever has matching numbers will be paired." I groan and make my way over to the two lines that are split into ten's. I get into one of them and wait. 

By the time everyone picks, I am nervous. I don't get along with anyone in this class, except Eric of course.

"Okay. When I call your number come up and meet your partner." he starts calling of the numbers and before I know it it's my turn.

"9!" He calls out and I trudge up toward the from of the room. I hear gasps around me and I look to are who I'm partnered with. Eric stands in front of me with a sly grin on his face and I stand emotionless.

"Okay. Get to work people!" The teacher blows his whistle and send us all off. As we begin to walk over toward the sit ups station a few of Eric's friend pass us and just pat him on the back as if they feel sorry for him. Stupid idiots!

"Did you set this up or something?" I ask Eric as he gets down on the ground on his back and I hold his feet. He shakes his head and says,

"Nope, but I'm glad I got you as a partner. They are all driving me nuts." He rolls his eyes and smiles at me. 


"All I've heard about today is who's sleeping with who and what the girls are wearing to the dance this year. I have never noticed how annoying they were until today."

"I wish I knew what to say, but I don't because I'm not like you so I don't have to deal with all of that."

He nods and says, "The only thing that has kept me sane today is the thought of you."

I feel a red blush hit my cheeks and I look down at the floor as he begins his sit ups. I can see his happy trail every time he leans backwards and I can't help, but picture him naked. Now that is a sight to see. 

"Okay, switch." He suddenly says and pulls me out of my fantasies. I nod and lay down on my back as he now holds my feet still.

"Do we have to head to your house right after school or no?" I ask him as I start my first sit up and touch my knees.

"I think so. Our parents should be almost done packing up the rest of the stuff when we get there and then we can finish up on my stuff in my room." I nod and he let's out a breath of air as I finish and we head over to the pull up bar on the wall.

"I still can't get over the fact that I'm moving in with you guys. Unlimited sex now." He says with a laugh and a wink. My eyes widen and he just smirks.

"You're hilarious."I say as he  jumps up and grabs the bar easily and starts. I watch his shirt rise up and down and I almost feel like saying that my body is all his. 

"Alright, your turn." I stare at him like he is crazy and he just asks 'what?'.

"Do you really think I can pull my body over that freaking thing?"

"If you try you can. Now get over here." He waves me over to him and I bite my lip nervously. Last time someone helped me get up there I fell and almost broke my arm.

"Be careful." I say and point my finger at him. He just smiles and says, "Don't worry. I got you."

I nod and jump up as he lifts me into the air easily as if I don't weigh a thing.

"Are you okay?" He questions as he slowly lets go of me. I nod and try pulling myself up a bit. I manage to almost get to the bar and then I fall off and almost land on my arm again, but Eric manages to catch me.

"That was close." He breathes out in relief and I let out a nervous breath that I was apparently holding.

"Thanks for the catch. I really didn't need another broken arm."

"I told you I had you." He smiles and ruffles my hair. I look around the gym and for once nobody is looking at me as if I have a disease or something.

"Shower time kids!" The teacher yells suddenly and kids are running for the locker rooms before he even blows his whistle. I would have done the same if it weren't for Eric standing right next to me. I want to get home just as much as the next person.

"Shower time." I hear Eric say and I catch him wink at me as he runs for the door.

"Ah, look, it's a poor little loser." I hear someone say as I walk into the locker room and I look up to see none other than Kyle, one of Eric's minions says as he shoves me into one of the lockers. It's like a few days ago all over again, but it's a different person now.

"Move Kyle." I say as I try to move him out of the way. He stands in front of me with his chest puffed out to make himself look cool, but in reality he just looks like a freak.

"What did you just s-" He is cut off by, to my surprise, Eric.

"Leave him alone Kyle. He did nothing to you." Kyle rolls his eyes and shoves his fist up in the air like he's about to punch me but he backs away and walks toward his locker. I let out a breathe of air and mouth a 'thank you' to Eric. He nods and smiles.

 "What's up Eric? Are you becoming a softy now?" Kyle questions him as he yanks his t-shirt over his head, revealing his non toned chest.

"Maybe, maybe not. Wanna see what it feels like?" Eric questions as he stands up and faces Kyle with their chests almost touching. I can that Eric is pissed and to be honest, I am scared for Kyle, but only for a second. He deserves a butt whooping.

I slowly make my way to my locker on the other side of the locker room and change back into my normal clothes. I gather my gym clothes in my hands and shove them into my backpack before leaning against the back wall and watching the two go at it.

"Bring it Sanders." Kyle says and nudges his head towards Eric in a way saying that he isn't afraid.

"Okay. You asked for it." Before I know what's happening, Eric's fist flies into Kyle's face and he brings his arm back down to his side with a satisfied smile on his face.

"Talk to him again and it will be worse. Do you understand me?" Eric questions him and I see Kyle nod quickly. Ha, he just got his ass handed to him.

Eric puts his arms out to his side and turns around as if asking if anybody else wanted a piece of him. I laugh slightly at the look on his face as they all scurry to their showers. I watch as Eric quickly changes and then motions for me to follow him out of the room.

"Let's get out of here." He says and grabs my hand, dragging me out of the gym and out to his car. I get inside and I can't help but grin like an idiot. He stuck to his word.

"What's with the smile?" Eric questions me and my answer is pulling him towards me and pushing his lips to mine. Maybe being around him will be a good thing.

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