Behind The Scenes

By cahsodre

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Alyssa Hayes and Matthew Crawford are the stars of a Teen Drama phenomenon that changed their lives. Their in... More

Chapter One: Previously on Hidden Springs
Chapter Two: Everyone has a secret locked, but can they keep it?
Chapter 3: The fake scenes and the plastic-made dreams
Chapter 4 (Part One): Are you ready for a brand new life?
Chapter 4 (Part 2): Are you ready for a brand new life?
Chapter 5 (Part One): Young Hearts Go Crazy
Chapter 5 (Part two): Young Hearts Go Crazy
Chapter 6 (Part One): Unexpected Call
Chapter 6 (Parte Two): Unexpected Call
Chapter 7 (Part One): She's like a one way ticket, 'cause you can't come back
Chapter 7 (Part Two): She's like a one way ticket, 'cause you can't come back
Chapter 8 (Part One): Things are sweeter in Tennessee
Chapter 8 (Part Two): Things are sweeter in Tennessee
Chapter 9 (Part One): Locked Out Of Heaven
Chapter 9 (Part Two): Locked Out Of Heaven
Chapter 10 (Part One): Edge of a Thunderstorm
Chapter 10 (Part Two): Edge of a Thunderstorm
Chapter 11 (Part One): New realities
Chapter 11 (Part Two): New Realities
Chapter 12 (Part One): Unpack your heart
Chapter 13 (Part One): I always liked trouble
Chapter 13 (Part Two): I always liked trouble
Chapter 13 (Part Three): I always liked trouble
Chapter 14 (Part One): I really need to know

Chapter 12 (Part Two): Unpack your heart

5.6K 308 78
By cahsodre

"Seriously, stop talking or I'll throw up." Alyssa said with a disgusted face, walking beside Matthew on the street. He laughed loudly.

"Picky. It is part of the traditional English breakfast, how can you refuse the delicious sausage made out of blood?"

"UGH!" She grumbled, making him laugh even more.

"But it is so tasty..."

"Shut up, for the love of God." She laughed.

Alyssa faced the river. It was pretty hot for what she had expected and she even managed to put a dress on. Some people were in boats doing punting, and she smiled from ear to ear.

"Let's do it?" She asked, all excited, and Matthew laughed.

"That's such a touristy thing, Alyssa." He said and she stared at him like he was retarded. Crawford rolled his eyes. "Are you serious?"

"I've always wanted to do this! I think it's awesome, and a friend of mine from Collierville who lived in Cambridge for a semester always talked about it."

"It's a boat. With a guy rowing." He seemed bored.

"I don't give a damn. You owe me at least this, after all the stress you made me go through in this town." She said and Matthew snorted.

"Alright, but only because I'm bored." He said and she did little hops, clapping her hands.

They sat side by side in the little boat while the conductor looked like he was going to have a syncope from how happy he was. He probably never received two Hollywood stars on his boat and Matthew found funny how overjoyed was the boy, who was excitedly pointing out things for Alyssa, as she took pictures like a good and embarrassing tourist.

"Take a picture of me!" She asked, and Matt laughed, taking the picture. "Now come here, let's take a selfie for Instagram. The fans will like it."

"I know this is all an excuse to keep touching my sensual body Hayes, no need to hide it," he said and she laughed.

"Because, really, touching your sensual body is so new to me." She replied, and Matthew widened his eyes, finding it amusing.

She positioned the camera and smiled, but Matthew pulled her face closer and quickly touched her lips with his, making her almost drop her cellphone into the river.

"God help me!" She screamed and he laughed loudly. "I know I'm irresistible Crawford, but please, stop attacking me in public. And this picture must be like the devil's draft."

Matthew took the cellphone before she did.


"Should I put a #nofilter?" He asked, jumping to the front of the boat, and the girl widened her eyes.


He smiled, mischievous.

"Oh...I posted it," he said, laughing at the panic stricken face of the actress, who practically threw herself on top of him, grabbing the device.

"YOU IDIOT! I can't believe you posted this on my Instagram! WITH THAT CAPTION!"

"#MyBoyfriendIsMoreGoodLookingThanMe #NoFilter #CelebrityWithoutMakeup," he repeated, having a fit, and Alyssa stared at him, almost laughing, but with an avenging expression.

"I'm getting you back for this! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She screamed and even the guy from the boat was laughing.

Matthew didn't realize when the girl jumped in his direction, making the boat shake, and held her arms, laughing like crazy. She also started to laugh, pushing him from one side to another, and when he tried to jump back to escape her, she pushed him for good.

She only heard the sound of his body going straight through the water and placed her hand on her mouth, before she had an endless fit of laughter as she saw him emerge and face her with a shocked expression.

"Just wait for it," he said, with a devilish voice, and the girl stopped laughing, in panic.

"No, no, I'm pregnant, don't forget it." She said, with an uncertain voice, while the conductor complained about the disorder and tried to pull Matthew up.

It didn't take long for him to lose his balance and fall into the water too, furious.

Alyssa was almost crying from laughing so much when the two managed to pull themselves up. The guy swore so much she was sure to pay him a monstrous tip.

Matthew sat in front of her, eyebrow raised, and she got her phone, snapping a picture.

"Time to post another selfie, boyfriend." She smiled, victorious, and he laughed.

"Go ahead, my fans will love a picture of me with a white t-shirt glued to my body." He provoked.

"It would be more convincing if you weren't shivering." She laughed and then saw he was coming in her direction. "No!"

She shrieked when Matthew hugged her, soaking her completely and twisting his shirt dry on top of her.

The two of them couldn't stop laughing and the people on the other boats wouldn't stop taking pictures, but they didn't even pay attention.

They got kicked out on the next dock, but the trip had been worth it.


They were having fish and chips soaking under the sun at the local park, laying on the grass, when Matthew's phone rang. He was having so much fun he didn't even looked to the screen to see who was calling, and heard his mother's voice in the other end of the line.

"Oh, hello, mom." He said and Alyssa watched while he was listening to something the mother was telling him. He made a confuse expression before replying.

"Okay..." He faced Alyssa, and handed her the device. "She wants to talk to you." He shrugged and Alyssa looked clueless as well.

"Hi, Valerie." She said, looking to Matt. "I'm okay, how about you?"

Matthew seemed a little anxious, while Alyssa only agreed with whatever Valerie was saying. A minute later, she placed her hand over the cellphone and whispered.

"Your mother wants me to go with her to your cousin's wedding dress fitting," she whispered, and Matthew sat down.

"What?" He asked and Alyssa frowned, returning to the phone call.

"Of course I'll go, Val." She answered, and Crawford stared at her, panicking. "Okay, I'll wait for you there, then. Bye, bye".

"YOU SAID YES?" He yelled, scaring a couple of lids passing by.

"Of course I said yes, what was I supposed to do?"

"Say no, maybe?" She laughed at his expression.

"Relax, it's not like I was dying to meet the bride or something. If want, I'll call there later tell your mother I got sick from your weird food. She doesn't need to know I'm loving this," she suggested, dipping a chip at the sauce, and Matthew seemed to consider it for a few seconds.

"It's okay." He agreed, a little bit uncertain, and Alyssa smiled kind of proud. Was she finally making some progress in this whole Crawford family story, after all?

He proceeded.

"I think I'll take the opportunity to visit my grandfather." Alyssa nodded in agreement.

"So let's finish up this lunch 'cause I have to take a shower, your mom said she'll pick me up at the hotel."


Matthew heard his grandfather's doorbell and ran towards it. Alyssa was out with his mother for over four hours and he regretted agreeing with this in the moment his mother stepped in the hotel's lobby, full of smiles, and dragged Aly away. He threw all of his suspicions about this sudden friendship in a locked box in his mind and went over to his grandfather's.

He was startled when he stumbled with Alyssa herself and his mother on the other side of the door.

"What are you two doing here?" He asked immediately and Aly laughed.

"Hi to you too, babe," she replied, still laughing, and gave him a quick kiss.

"We were coming back to the hotel and Alyssa told me you were here, so I decided to stop by." Valerie said, letting herself in.

"And how was it?" Matthew asked.

"Very pleasant. I loved Zoey, she's such a sweetheart. She's so nervous because of the wedding, it's adorable."

Matthew couldn't tell if she was acting in front of Valerie or telling the truth, but didn't really had enough time to wonder because his grandfather entered the room.

He stared at Alyssa over the top of his glasses.

"Who are you?" The old man asked.

Aly approached to shake his hand, with a smile.

"I'm Alyssa, Matthew's girlfriend." She introduced herself. The men looked at Matthew and then to the girl, smiling widely.

"Is this true, young man? But she's way too pretty for you!" He joked.

"No way, grandpa, I'm the sexiest man alive," Matt replied, making the other men laugh.

"Not here at my house, you aren't." The old Crawford said, in a funny way, and Alyssa laughed once again.

"I really like you, sir." She playfully added, looking specifically to Matthew, who chuckled.

The old man looked at her baby bump and smiled, blinking a few times, and then he got back to look her in the eyes.

"Well, who is this sweet pregnant girl in my house?" He asked and Alyssa stared at him, suddenly confused.

She turned her gaze to Matthew, who now looked hurt.

"This is Alyssa, grandpa," he said, forcing a smile, and the men smirked again.

"Have we been introduced?"


Alyssa was sitting on the living room's floor, drinking tea and hearing the nurse that took care of Crawford's grandpa, that she later found out to be called Timothy; speaking to Valerie about the old man's health.

Matthew and Timothy were playing button soccer, but Timothy easily forgot what he was doing the whole time, which created a hilarious debate about who was winning the game. Matt did not seemed to find it amusing, though. As she could comprehend, the grandpa's Alzheimer was advancing day by day.

Matthew was collecting the game's pieces when Timothy returned to the room, holding a cup of tea. He sat on his favorite chair and looked deep into Matthew's blue eyes, that were identical of his own, and seemed very confused.

"I'll put that upstairs, grandpa." Matthew said, but Timothy made him stop.

"Grandpa? I'm not your grandpa." He said, a tense hand holding the arm of the chair, and the mention of that phrase made Matthew stop walking.

"Of course you are, grandpa," he tried to smile, but Timothy was irreducible.

"And you think I would not remember having a grandson? That's an absurd! You kids nowadays think that just because I'm old, I'm stupid." He said, furious.

"That's not what I meant, grandpa, I just-"

"I'm not your grandpa." He replied, surly, and left to the kitchen.

Matthew stood there, without moving a muscle, and Alyssa felt her eyes burning just to look at him. That situation really seemed to affect him badly. When he realized she was looking, he let out a brief and sad smile and left to the second floor, with the game in hands.

Later on, when Matthew returned, Timothy remembered him - although he seemed to think that his grandson was fifteen. When he finally calmed down, watching TV, and took a nap, Valerie stood up.

"I'm going home. You guys need a ride?" She offered and Aly considered.

"I think that's a good idea, I don't even know where we are right now," she said and Val laughed. Matthew stood up and Aly approached him. "I think you should stay."

She said, and Matt stared at her, confused.

"Stay. Make company to your grandpa." She smiled, briefly touching his arm, and Matthew quickly smiled. "I'm heading to the hotel, I'll eat something and tuck in, I'm exhausted. You should stay a while."

"I think I'll stay a bit, then. Call me if you need me, OK?" He said, and then he held her nape, kissing her forehead.

Alyssa asked herself if Matthew knew how much a kiss on the forehead could mean, when she felt her heart skipping a beat. She smiled when she thought that he probably knew and was feeling thankful for what she has done for him. They were even, at least.

Both of them shared a smile, like they were sharing a secret, but nobody said a word.


Matthew arrived at the hotel the next morning. He said he would be back the night before, but he ended up staying with his grandpa for longer that he predicted. He called to give Aly some explanation about it - and it ended up being so automatic that he didn't even noticed what he was doing. She did not answered the phone, and he assumed that she was sleeping. He opened the door of their hotel suite, that was in absolute silence, and after walking every room, he realized he was all by himself. Finding it weird, he held his phone, but before calling Aly again, he saw a note over his pillow.

Matthew, I went to the salon to get ready to the wedding. I think I'll be back ready, so get ready too! Xx Aly.

Amused by the fact she left a hand note, he smiled, thinking that her phone probably died or something, so he shrugged and did exactly what the note said: started getting ready, because the wedding was in a few hours and that was why they travelled there, in the first place.

He was watching TV on the bed when, forty minutes later, Alyssa appeared.

She was wearing a short and lacy green dress, that had sleeves until her elbows and opened softly under her waistline, that only showed her baby bump if you looked her from the side. Noticing that he was checking on her, Alyssa turned around, showing a deep cleavage on the back of the dress.

"Wow." He said, enchanted, and Alyssa smirked.

"Oh, please, you've seen me with better dresses." She replied, her cheeks getting pink, and Matthew chuckled.

"I've seen you which much less clothes on too." He provoked, and the girl stuck out her tongue. "You look beautiful." Matt sincerely added, and Aly smiled.

"You look kind of cute too." She played and he made a face, before offering her his arm.

"Shall we go humiliate my beloved sister in law with our outrageous beauty and charisma?" Matt asked, and the actress laughed aloud.

"It'll be a pleasure."


Zoey and her new husband, Vincent, have shared their love vowels - through which Alyssa shamelessly cried, while Matthew laughed at her face - in a small and lovely glass chapel. The party was outside, in a huge garden, and had the triple amount of people. Alyssa Hayes loved weddings and that one was definitely cute, which made her heart warm in her chest.

Lizzie came closer to the table where Alyssa and Matthew were seated, curiously wearing pink, which only increased that Canterbury's Barbie vibe of hers. The actress laughed softly.

"You look beautiful, Elizabeth." She said and the other one smiled largely, all full of herself.

"I drew it myself and asked for a family friend to sew it for me. I think I have talent, right?" Lizzie said, turning around without anyone actually asking for it.

"Probably, but I shall warn you that this creation of yours is extremely similar to an Elie Saab dress that I received at home last summer. So I think it would be nice to be a little more careful with your creations," she said and the other one widened her eyes, as red as a pepper.

Matthew laughed loudly and made a point of not disguise one bit, and Lizzie forced herself into following him.

"It seems like the Hollywood actress knows all the fashion designers and their creations by heart," she said in the obvious way, then smiled. "Who are you wearing today?"

Aly shrugged.

"It's a new designer that my fashion stylist introduced me to, I think he won Project Runway or something."

"Oh. I love Project Runway."

"Me too." Alyssa smiled largely when Lizzie found a way to sneak out, a minute later.

"You are Elizabeth's living nightmare." Matthew was still laughing while drinking a sip of his beverage.

"Someone has to put that Canterbury's Barbie on her place."

"Oh, my wedding's celebrities." Zoey arrived all happy, interrupting their conversation. "Matthew, I love this girl. Please, stop being a jerk and come visit us more often, but WITH HER."

Matthew chuckled.

"I'm seeing that Alyssa is making more fans around here than I ever could." He joked, looking specifically to Hayes, who was smiling.

"She is adorable, when I come to LA I must be taken out to dinner or something." She said and Aly smiled.

"It'll be my pleasure, but make sure you go."

A photographer came near them and they all got up, smiling, to take a picture.

"Tony, now please, take a picture only of them." Zoey suggested, standing right next to the photographer.

They were still looking at each other, trying to figure out what to do for the picture, when the photographer clicked. Zoey gave a lively little jump.

"The camera loves you two, my God! You don't even need to strike a pose, you're too beautiful." She said and Matthew smiled.

"That' because I'm in the photo."

"Oh darling, you're nothing without me, don't delude yourself."

Zoey walked away and Matthew gave his hand out to Aly, pointing the dancefloor. The band was playing some cheesy song from the '80s, but they didn't care. All they wanted was to gossip about other people, and they were laughing so loud they looked drunk. Crawford made Aly spin around and brought their bodies together next, smiling.

"I have to confess." He whispered, looking her in the eyes. "I thought that bringing you here would be a fucking mistake, but now I think you saved the trip."

"I told you I was your best option, always." She winked and Crawford chuckled.

Matthew touched his nose on hers, listening that they were playing You're Still The One somewhere, but he wasn't really paying attention. He pulled her bottom lip with his teeth, and smiled after.

"Is there someone watching us?" She asked, looking into his eyes, and he smiled, malicious.

"I have no idea." He answered and Alyssa smirked, with her heart beating on her ears.

"I'll throw the bouquet!" Zoey shouted right next to them and Alyssa took more than a minute to realize she was talking to her.


When he saw the girl being pulled away, Matthew laughed remembering Owen in Collierville. Apparently, they couldn't be left alone dancing to a slow song that things happened. He loosed his tie a little and looked at her.

"Hey, Aly!"

She turned back.

"Try not to mess up." He said and she laughed out loud.

Some part of Matthew knew that would happen.

Actually, all of him knew that. He did not knew if Zoey made it on purpose or not, but the bouquet swirled on the air and fell straight on Aly's hand, who did not had to make any effort to pick it up. Zoey was hysterical and Aly could do nothing but smile.

Some relatives started joking about it and, slapping Matt's back and telling him they were next. When Alyssa was finally finished taking pictures with Zoey and the Bouquet, it was already dark, and she walked his way.

"Yeah, boyfriend..." She said, laughing.

"I'm screwed right?" Is it now that I tell you I'm running away to Alaska when I'm actually going to Cuba?"

Alyssa laughed and hit him with the bouquet.

"My dad will love to her that you ran away. He'll run after you with a shotgun all the way to hell." She teased and he smiled.

"My God, who told me to get the Dixie's daughter pregnant, now deal with it." He said dramatically and they both laughed.

"Do you know where there's more beverages?" She asked. "I can only see them serving Champagne and I'm starting to take it personal."

"What do you want?"

"A Coke or something"

"I'll look in the kitchen, wait here."


Alyssa was sitting with her back to the table, enchanted by the flower girls running around and playing, when she heard the noise of a silver tray hitting the ground. Frightened like half the party that was sitting far away from the band, she turned around and saw Matthew screaming something to his stepfather. The groom himself was between them, trying to calm them down. When she realized, she was up at her feet and running towards them, without actually remembering standing up.

"YOU ARE A SPOILED KID AND YOU ALWAYS WERE! YOU ALWAYS MADE EVERYBODY'S LIFE A FREAKING HELL!" Gary shouted, and it was getting much harder for one of the best men to hold Matthew.


"Matthew!" Alyssa shouted.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" Crawford demanded, looking at the best man, when Gary was still yelling. "GET OFF ME!"

When the best man gave up, Matthew threw the Coca Cola can he was holding to the floor and left almost running through the property. Aly took off her heels and ran after him, without understanding a thing.

"Matthew!" She screamed, for the tenth time, but he was pretending not to hear her. "Do you want to stop?"

No, he did not wanted, because he kept walking away in the middle of the green field, moving away from the party.

"Just because your father left it doesn't give you the right to act like this." Aly yelled, way louder than expected, and finally Matt stood still.

He turned around and almost ran back the space between them.

"What did you say?" He asked, unsettled, and something in his expression made Aly shut up instantly. "Who said that to you? Who?"

"Your mother." She replied, with a shaken voice, suddenly regretting what she just said.

Matthew laughed in a totally ironic way.

"My mother said that to you?" He shouted, still laughing. "Of course you'd meddle into my fucking life, wouldn't you? Fuck, you went straight to my mother to freaking gossip!"

Aly never saw Matt so out of control, but that accusation could not be further from the truth.

She was the one getting mad.

Not Matthew Crawford or anybody could speak to her in that tone.

"Gossiping? You are ridiculous!" She yelled. "Your mother told me that because she wanted to, because she was worried about you and because she imagine I could help you. Now, if you think I have even a little interest in scouring into your life out of the blew like that, you don't know me by at all, and I want you to freaking explode!"

Matthew was still laughing. He did not seem to buy anything she said.

"You are unbelievable." He shook his head. "My family is a fucking zone, OK? A FUCKING ZONE. It must be really terrible to you, the heir to the commercial family, to see that and not fucking meddle!" Matt cursed and Aly rolled her eyes, pissed.

"Now I have to feel guilty because I have a decent family?" She laughed aloud. "You really have serious issues, Crawford. You should try medical treatment."

When Alyssa turned her heels to leave, she heard him clapping.

Very slow and sarcastic clapping.

She wanted to murder him.

"Go ahead, run! It isn't that what everybody does around here anyway?" He screamed and Alyssa turned around, just to see him kicking a glass that somebody left in the middle of the field. "You want to know, right, Hayes? That was what you wanted from the minute you stepped your feet in this fucking town."

Matthew's eyes were red, which instantly made Aly want to cry. She couldn't tell if the tears prickling her eyes were because she was mad or because of anything else.

"I was seven. Seven, when, as you already heard from my mother, my father left me." He did air quotes with his hands, revolted. "Now imagine that you are just a little kid, crazy about your father, and in one beautiful day he simply appears and start screaming at your face that neither you, nor your brother or mother matter to him, that you are useless and that he hates everybody and would leave to never come back?"

Matthew stopped to take a deep breath and saw Aly's scared expression, and she was already crying. It was too late, anyway. He opened the gate and could not close it.

"I've waited for him to return, of course I did. I was just a stupid kid, I had no idea I was son of an alcoholic that couldn't give a shit about me. And then my mother decided to put Gary in the fucking picture," he laughed. "Inside our house! Like, less than a year after my dad left. Less than a year! And, just so you can imagine, the guy is another son of a bitch." He laughed, melancholic. "My brother venerated Gary and he does that until today. Of course no one could care less for the other rebel kid, but all right. It's all good."

"Matthew, I..."

"I fought my whole life with Gary," he kept saying, a little lower, ignoring the interruption. "Obviously I had no strength to actually punch the guy, but I can't say the same about him." He shook his head, biting his lip next to suppress a not so humorous smile. "That my mother would never tell you, of course. When I was fifteen, I runaway to my grandpa's house, and I started to live with him. It was the coolest and most awesome three years of my life. My grandpa, that guy you saw yesterday. The only guy that gave a fuck, and now he can't even remember who I am."

He finally let a tear escape, and furiously wiped it, shaking his head from side to side, before get back to yelling.

"There, now you have it! It was that what you wanted? Don't expect me to have sane attitudes over here, Alyssa, because I simply-"

"Matthew!" She interrupted him again, but this time he shut up. "You are ridiculous!" She said, wiping her tears, and Matt stared at her not knowing what she meant. "I don't even know what to say."

Matthew shook his head.

"You don't have to say anything. In fact, you shouldn't even know about that in the first place," he grumbled. "Fuck! Stop looking at me like that!"

"Like what?"

"With that pity face! I hate that face! I don't need help, I never needed, and I don't need you to feel sorry for me." Matt unloaded, suddenly nervous again, and he saw Aly denying with her head.

"I'm not sorry for you."

"You face says exactly the opposite."

"I don't, really," she gave a weak smile. "I think you much stronger than you give yourself credit for." Matt raised his head to look her in the eyes for the first time. Aly took a deep breath. "I would never guessed this if you haven't told me. Or screamed at me." She forced a smile. "You're like the best person in the world or something like that."

This time, Matthew laughed.

"No, I'm not, and I would say you better than anyone knows that." He replied, trying to imply so joke to his tone, but he seemed to be wary. Alyssa smiled.

"You've been through all of this and somehow you managed to become the person with the highest self-esteem of this planet. You had a terrible personal experience with your parents, but you... you suggested being my baby's father."

Alyssa was smiling and crying at the same time, which was nothing new to both of them, but it was different this time. She proceeded.

"I saw the way that you look at your grandpa, Matt. You have a huge heart." She took a step to hold his hand. "You have a world of fans that absolutely adore you. But, more than that... you have your mother, that may not seem to, but really cares about you. You have your grandpa, the rest of your family. Your friends!" She smiled, making a small pause. "You have us."

Matthew looked down to the baby bump and then to Alyssa's eyes. She was still crying, her hazel eyes all red. He picked up the hand she was holding and took to his mouth and kissed it. Then, after a brief look, he hugged her. She was cold, almost shivering, but it was the warmest and most right hug he could ever remember having.

They shared a gaze, too comfortable with the moment, and Matthew widened his eyes, pulling her by the hand to the side of the chapel.

"Shhhh. There's people looking at us." He whispered. "Don't look. Don't look," he said, with both hands on her waist and with his nose almost touching hers.

"Fuck, this guy really wants to stand right here." He said, and Aly giggled, still looking straight to him. Before she could say a word, he proceeded. "Maybe we should give him something to watch, then."

Matthew held her by her neck, burying his free hand in her hair, and Alyssa bit her own lip, making they share a smile. They closed their eyes together, and he planted a few kisses in her cheek and lips before biting her bottom lip. He knew she was smiling, even with his eyes closed, when he finally kissed her. He held her so close they could merge into one, and the kiss started a bit shy, like both of them were waiting for the other to change their minds. Aly's hand was cold against his nape, causing him shivers up and down the spine.

Or at least that was what he thought it was causing him that.

He didn't knew which heart he was hearing, but he hoped, honestly, that it was Aly's, because that was embarrassing. He needed to remember himself that he was not thirteen anymore.

Alyssa thought she was panting, collapsing or something like that, but she didn't want him to stop. Like ever. She refused to let that end, whatever that feel was, so she intensified the kiss, pressing their bodies together, and Crawford's hand went straight to her butt.

They started to laugh in the middle of the kiss, and then gazed at each other. Matt bit his lip.

"So... Did the guy leave?" She asked, her voice ridiculously squeaky, and Matthew grinned.

"Which guy?" He asked.

"The guy that... hey! Did that guy even existed?" Aly asked, and Matthew's famous chuckle was her response. She also giggled, and slapped her arm. "So you really took advantage of me?"

"You will never know, Alyssa Hayes," he teased, playing with a lock of her hair, and she held his chin, pulling him closer and closer, smirking.

"There's a few girls right over there," she whispered, giggling.

"Oh..." Matt grinned. "Are you sure?"

"You will never know, Matthew Crawford." She replied and they laughed together before your lips touched... Once again.

And it wasn't, nor ever was, anybody there.


Hello everyone!

First of all let me say that I'm sorry that I took some time to post this part that can only be described as AODHAOSFNAFNAOFN <3 I mean... Malyssa! (Loved the ship name you guys, I'll be using it).

I seriously ADORE this chapter and I can't wait to read your comments about it. Matthew's past is something that I wanted to share from the start and now they shared their feelings, unpacked their hearts (thanks, Phillip Phillips) and freaking kissed for real and I just can't even (yes, I'm the author but I do freak out hahahaha). I'm sorry if some grammar mistakes happened, I'll be revising it again later.

I have some "bad" news now... me and my group of translators are VERY behind in our schedule due their ENEM (it's similar to american SAT I guess) and I can't actually translate so many pages alone so the next update will probably happen only next month :( But you have this lovely part to read over and over until we are there, right? I promise you won't even feel it. Just blink and it'll be here :D

Dedication of the day goes to ManiChel, thanks for your lovely comments <3

Before I go (typing way too much over here) do you guys like the new cover? It is soooo pretty! Special thanks to soundthealarm for creating it!

And thank you all for the support, comments and votes! We reached over 55k reads and that's beyond amazing to me <3 Thank you, really. I'll be back ASAP. Much love to you all.

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