A Non-Hijabi's Perspective

By betterleftunsaid_x

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"Did I get little Nafasa scared?" He teased, smirking at me. Did he just call me Nafasa? "It's Nafisa," I cor... More

Chapter One: Those are Desi Moms For You
Chapter Two: Like You Pray 5 Times a Day
Chapter Three: He's Just An Ignorant White Boy
Chapter Four: Lower Your Gaze!
Chapter Five: "You're Izlaam?"
Chapter Six: That's How Love Starts
Chapter Seven: "Anytime, Soon to be Hitler!"
Chapter Eight: This Was Now War
Chapter Nine: Tough Luck!
Chapter Ten: Precious as Treasure
Chapter Eleven: Perewinkle
Chapter Twelve: He's a Non-Muslim, and I'm a Muslim.
Chapter Thirteen: Girlfriend
Chapter Fourteen: It's Normal for a Teenage Girl to Like a Boy.
Chapter Fifteen: The "Tutoring" Session.
Chapter Sixteen: Distractions
Chapter Seventeen: Tutoring for Real
Chapter Eighteen: You Say It like It's a Bad Thing
Chapter Twenty: It's Not Like We're Dating
Chapter Twenty One: George Boy
Chapter Twenty Two: Sneaking Out
Chapter Twenty Three: Baby Doll
Chapter Twenty Four: Confessions
Chapter Twenty Five: Salwar Capris
Chapter Twenty Six: Pugly
Chapter Twenty Seven: I Like You Too
Chapter Twenty Eight: Rot in a Hole
Chapter Twenty Nine: Forgiveness
Chapter Thirty: Good Guys

Chapter Nineteen: Don't Worry, I Like It

2.2K 167 99
By betterleftunsaid_x

I watched the dull grey clouds over me, and I frowned. It's going to rain when I have to walk back home, I already know it. I have the worst luck.

I sighed heavily, accepting my fate, walking to the entrance of the school.

As I was walking to my first class, from the corner of my eye, I saw Sana walking to her class. I immediately walked up to her and tapped her shoulder.

"Hey, listen-"

She whipped her head towards my direction, and glared at me. She glared at me.

I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion, and she just turned around to walk away from me.

I grabbed her arm, pulling her back to me. "Hey, Sana, what's wrong?" I asked, sounding concerned.

She looked at me in disbelief. "You're asking me what's wrong?"

I nodded my head slowly, confused. Then it hit me. Saturday. She was mad about how I blew her off.

"I'm sorry, I didn't come, I was-"

"You were what, huh?" She demanded. "What were you doing on Saturday?"

I bit my lip and looked down. "Something came up," I whispered quietly.

"Garrett came up, right?" She said, and then shook her head in pure disappointment. "I never thought you would choose Garrett over me, your best friend."

I widened my eyes. How did she know?

She crossed her arms over her chest, reading my thoughts. "You thought I would never find out. I have my sources, Nafisa."

My heart raced fast. "I'm sorry!" I cried. "I didn't know-"

"You didn't know?" She said, raising her eyebrows. "You didn't know how much I needed you to come?"

I looked to the ground, not saying anything. I was too guilty for words.

"I can't believe you didn't tell me you were tutoring Garrett. Were you even planning to?"

I nodded my head wildly. "I swear, I was!" I protested.

She just scoffed angrily. "You were too busy going on a date with a white boy," she muttered under her breath, looking away from me.

"It was not a date!" I argued. "He just invited me to go to Wonderland with him, and I accepted."

She rolled her eyes, and then sighed heavily. "I never thought you would be the one to do this, Nafisa. I thought you were better than that." I could feel her staring at me, but I refused to look up. "I'm telling you, Garrett isn't a person you should be hanging out with."

I took a deep breath. "I'm just helping him out with school work."

"Right," she mumbled, rolling her eyes again. "You went to Wonderland to measure the slopes of the roller coasters."

"Sana!" I exclaimed.

"Listen," she said, looking everywhere but at my face. "I'm done with talking to you as of right now." With that, she adjusted her backpack, and strolled awa.

My heart fell, as I watched her walk away. What have I done? I thought, stuffing my face in my hands.


I heard the school bell ring, signaling that it was lunch. Everyone in my English class got up from their seats.

"The essay is due at the end of the week!" The teacher attempted to yell over the chattering of the students, but they all just left the classroom.

She sighed, letting her glasses slide to her nose, as she fell onto her chair.


As I slowly walked over to the cafeteria, I realized that I had no one to sit with, since Sana was mad at me. I sighed, proceeding to turn the other way, however I bumped into a hard body.

I looked up to see Amir. "Where you going?" He asked, confused.

"Not the lunch room," I mumbled under my breath.

"Are you in a fight with Sana?" He questioned. He knew me too well.

I nodded my head, looking down at my black Keds.

"You want to sit with me and my friends?" He suggested, raising his eyebrows.

I widened my eyes. "Your friends scare me," I said, shaking my head.

He chuckled. "No, they're not scary. They'll accept you, trust me."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

I held the strands of my backpack, and rocked back and forth. "Alright, fine."

He grinned, walking into the cafeteria while I followed his footsteps.

As I scanned the environment around me, I saw Sana, sitting with Amanda, the girl who she worked with in the debate team, and a couple of other people. She was laughing at something Amanda had said. I instantly began to feel jealous.

Look away, Nafisa, look away.

Soon, Amir stopped and stood in front of a table filled with big scary looking jock boys. They all stared at me, as I l stared back at them, in fear.

"Guys, this is my friend, Nafisa," he introduced me, and they all nodded.

I gulped, not making eye contact with them. I carefully took a seat beside Amir.

"How do you do, Nafsa?" Asked a boy with brown hair, from the end of the table.

Amir bursted in laughter, as I nudged him angrily.

"What?" The same guy asked, confused, scratching his head.

"It's Nafisa," he repeated, his laughter dying down.

The dude simply nodded his head, and continued to stuff his burger into his mouth.

"Aren't you going to eat?" Asked another boy on the table, from the other end of the table.

I nodded my head slowly, turning around to reach for my bag and take out my lunch which my mom packed for me. Thanks mom.

I opened my lunch box, and my eyes gleamed in excitement. It was biryani! I smiled in delight, stuffing a spoonful of biryani into my mouth.

As I continued to stuff my food in my mouth, I could feel everybody around me staring down at my food.

I looked up and they began to questioned me. "Is that orange rice?"

"It's called biryani," I answered quietly.

"Can I have some?" Asked another boy.

Did this dude just ask me for my biryani?

I looked at me, with an odd look on my face. I turned to face Amir in order to see his reaction, but he was completely oblivious, and he was simply enjoying his own food.

I sighed, pushing my food towards the guy who had just asked.

I watched him as he happily dug his spoon into my precious biryani. He put into his mouth, and everybody waited for his reaction.

A couple of seconds later, his eyes began to water, as he flailed his arms everywhere. I watched him, alarmed.

"Spicy!" He exclaimed, gulping his water quickly.

My biryani wasn't even close to spicy, what was his problem?

Amir turned to glare at me. "Why did you give him your biryani? You know white people can't handle desi food," he whisper yelled at me.

I shrugged helplessly. "He asked for it!"

The dude was still panting and his friends tried to calm him down.

I pulled my biryani closer to myself, protecting it from vicious white people. How can they treat biryani like that?

"Nafisa," the same guy said, wiping his runny nose. "You are a warrior. How do you eat that?" He asked, with a glint of admiration in his eye.

Was this guy for real?

Everybody looked at me, eagerly waiting for my response. I left my mouth open, as I turned to Amir, while he looked at me in amusement.

"Yeah Nafisa, share your tips and trick," Amir joked.

I glared at him, as I hit his knee under the table. "Listen," I said, getting up, and gathering my stuff. "I've got things to do."

"Okay," they guys said in unison.

"Thanks for an experience," the same guy who I fed biryani to said, smiling at me.

I nodded my head and backed away slowly. Then darted out of there as fast as I could, not looking back.


Today was such a sucky day, I thought, as I pulled my bag closer to me. I was walking to the outside of the school, thinking about what had happened to me today.

First I had a fight with my best friend, and then I failed a test I've been studying so hard for. Sundays were great.

I immediately began feeling the rain pour at me violently, and I glowered.

Great, just great. This makes everything much better.

I walked, keeping my head down, as the rain soaked my hair and my clothes. A couple of cars passed by, their tires splashing water onto me.

Gosh dang it.

A couple of minutes of walking home, I hear a car honking at me. I turn to my side slowly, and my shoulders relax as I see Garrett sitting in the front seat.

I watched him signaling me to hop into his car, and that's what I did.I gratefully opened the passenger seat door, and hopped into the car, drenching his seat.

"Thanks," I said, putting on seatbelt.

He just nodded his head. "Why were you walking home in the rain?"

I shrugged. "It's a long story," I reply, looking out the window.

Silence filled the car.

"So, how was your day?" I asked silently, fiddling with my sleeve.

He shrugged as well. "Sucked as usual. You?"

I nodded my head in agreement. "Same."

He raised his eyebrows. "I thought you loved school, since you're like a smarty pants and all."

I hit him on the shoulder.

"Don't disturb the driver!" He teased, and I rolled my eyes.

"I generally just had a bad day. I had a fight with Sana, and failed my history test," I answered, frowning.

"You failed a test?" He asked, shocked.

"Hey! History isn't my best subject," I protested.

"And why'd you have a fight with Sana?"

Because of you.

"Nothing, it's nothing."

He nodded his head, keeping his eyes to the road.

"So, are you going to meet your dad?" I asked, changing the topic.

His lips curved upwards. "Yeah, this weekend. I found his email, so I emailed him. He replied back and gave me his address."

I grinned wildly. "That's great!" I exclaimed.

He nodded his head. "I told him that I'll be bringing a friend."

My heart instantly warmed. Friend. This was the first time he referred to me as his friend.

"That's exciting," I say to him, grinning like a cheshire cat.

"We're going to have dinner at his house, is that alright?"

I bobbed my head up and down eagerly. "That's more than alright!"

He finally turns onto my road, and stops at the front of my average looking house.

"I'll text you the details," he said, as I opened the passenger door seat.

"Okay," I smiled, facing towards him. "Thank you for dropping me off home"

He mumbled something I couldn't hear, so I waved it off. Just as I was about to shut his door, Garrett called my name one last time.


I looked at him, raising my eyebrows. "Yeah?"

"Next time, check the weather before wearing white," he said, smirking.

I scrunched my forehead in confusion, but when I looked down at my shirt, it was see-through. My bright blue bra was visible through my shirt.

"Oh my God!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms over my chest, to cover myself.

"Don't worry, I like it," he said, winking, and I shut the passenger door immediately.

I could feel heat rising to my cheeks, as I made sure he drove out of my street, so I could stuff my face into my hands.

That jerk.


Hello (: I can't believe I had time to complete this chapter. Sorry if there are mistakes and stuff I rushed through it. Hope you all have a lovely day.

Bye lovelies.

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