The Worst Things In Life Come...

By Jesusismysaviorig

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Chapter 1: ugh, Monday!
Chapter 2: High Heels are What Popular Girls Wear
Chapter 3: My Life is Sprinting Downhill
Chapter 4:The Pressure's on Me.
Chapter 5:They're Turning on Me.
Chapter 6: Thanks, God!
Chapter 7: Ex-Boyfriends and High Heels
Chapter 9: Words can Hurt.
Chapter 10: Change Your Life and Take it On
Chapter 11: No One Said Anything About Church.
Chapter 12: Akwaaaarrrrdddd
Chapter 13: Prom. Oh help me.
Chapter 14: Life has unexpected detours.
Chapter 15: The trip might be off.
Chapter 16: Late Night Escape

Chapter 8: Juliet

288 9 2
By Jesusismysaviorig

Tiffany to help me up. Instead, all her emotions come out at me. "JADE EVERGREEN. YOU ARE RUINING MY LIFE. LIKE WHEN DO YOU KNOW WHEN TO STOP. IM DON'T TRYING TO DEAL WITH YOUR ANNOYINGNESS. HAVE FUN BEING A LOSER. " she stomps away. All the cafe's eyes are on me. Crap. There goes all chances of me ever having a friend again. I stand up, and brush myself off. I pick up my PINK backpack, which got thrown off in the process of being harassed by Cathy's little clique. Oh yeah, Cathy is Cali's real name. But she uses Cali, because I mean, who wants to be called Cathy. It's actually amusing, because now the whole school knows her real name. I guess I might as well sit at the table that started all this drama. I slump down, all alone, and take out my sandwich of veggies and cheese and such. I bite into it, and open my bag of chips. Then the impossible happens. I just picked up a chip, but from behind me, a voice says, "Hey Jade, right? Can I sit here with ya?" I expect to see some loser, but when I turn around, it's a beautiful girl, with dirty-blonde hair. I recognize her from the semi-populars. She's wearing a lacey blue dress, with a floral cardigan, a sparkly bow, and white lace-up heels. Uh-oh. This could be a trick. I smile though, and say, "Sure!" She walks around and sits down on the opposite side of the table. "I'm Juliet," she says, "I just walked in, and all my 'friends' just left.and you're popular too, so yeah." She made quotation marks with her hands when she said friends. Hmm. "Well, I'm not really popular. Why would you risk your cool factor to sit with me?" She looks at me, obviously confused. "How would I loose my cool factor? You're beautiful and people are probably jealous of me, right?" I start to tell her the sad, unfortunate truth, but a voice cuts me off. " Juliet, I don't think you understand," the voice says, " jade right now is the opposite of everything you said. Hurry up and lets get out of here." oh dear god. I turn around, and just my luck, it's Britt. She smirks. Juliet looks at her like she's from the mental hospital. "Britt, I'm fine right here. You're not my only friend!" Britt just looks at her, and walks away, her wedges clicking across the floor. "You might regret that Juliet." I tell her. I then go into detail telling her the whole story. Shock is written all over her face. "Oh my god. I just made the worst move of my life. Oh well. It was worth it." She smiles. "So, want to play 20 questions? To get to know each other?" She asks. Wow. This girl is amazing. "Sure! Hmm, favorite drink from Starbucks? Favorite store? " I ask her. "Probably an iced vanilla latte, low-fat. And, Brandy Melville or Roxy. What about you? And what's your favorite celebrity?" I think for a minute. "Probably a Java Chip Frapp, and I love PINK. And my favorite celebrity is hmm, Emma Stone! And I love Little Mix with all my heart." Her jaw drops. "I love little mix too! I'm a huge mixer! I " "Oh Em Gee!" I scream. We spend the rest of our lunch talking about Little Mix and One Direction.


xo Claire

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