Leaving In A Fast Lane

By Bi-Rain4life

12K 138 37

One night can change a life forever. Amy Turner leads a normal life in Richmond, Texas with a loving parents... More

Leaving In A Fast Lane
Good Bye Texas, Hello L.A
Hi, my name is Jason
Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince
Richard Tran
Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan
Let the Games begin
Richards's Past
I have had it... I am About To GO Ape Shit!!!!
wait did you just say sorry to me!!!!!!!
Morning show girl!!!!!
You just got Served!!!!!!
Puerto Rico!!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 2!!!!
Puerto Rico part 3!!!!
Puerto Rico part 5!!!!
Puerto Rico part 6!!!!!!
Heart Break!!!!!
It hurts to much!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!
Mission One!!!!
Arggggggg KImmmy!!!!!!
Let the games begin!!!!!
Mission Two!!!! Halmoni????
Taking a Break!!!!!
I can't do this any more!!!!!
Mystery Boy Part 32
The monster with in Part 33
My name is lee Part 34
Party time or nuhhhh!!! Part 35
Bang Bang Part 36
Find her NOW!!!!Part 37
Death???Part 38 (COMPLETED)

Puerto Rico part 4!!!!!

378 4 2
By Bi-Rain4life

" thank you and I am sorry for acting like a b*tch," I said

" no I am sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you to keep walking," Richard said

We started to walk and Richard all the sudden stopped

" I think I see a banana tree up ahead," Richard said

I got off and sat down

" I will be right back okay if anything happens just yell for me okay," Richard said

"Okay," I said while sitting on a fallen tree, I waited for Richard patiently while scanning around the area so something didn't attack me. A few minutes later Richard came holding a whole branch of bananas.

" guess we got dinner," Richard said

He handed me some bananas, and without even a second thought I pulled off the bananas and started attacking them.

" slow sown Amy we have a whole branch," said Richard

I blushed a little and then started to take it slow. By the time I was done, I had about 10 bananas.

" How is your ankle" Richard asked

" I don't know, let me see if I can walk" I got up and it was feeling much better

" it feels a little better," I said

" Okay, can you walk," Richard asked

" yeah," I said

We started moving again looking for some shelter, we just kept walking, I could see the sun almost disappearing on us. We found a green banana tree, I saw Richard stopping and climbing to cut down the branches, it took me a second to realize what he was doing. When it clicked I started helping him out when we got enough branches, and Richard laid them down.

" We got something to sleep on for tonight, Let us just hope it doesn't rain on us," Richard said

" you know for a spoiled rich kid you sure are smart," I said

"What makes you think I am damn, I have the height GPA in our class, and I am top of my scout boys class," Richard said

"Are you serious, wow! I take back what I said then" I said

"You better," Richard said

After he was done I dropped right on the branches. I saw Richard taking a seat next to me.

" Richard what do you think you're doing," I said

" I am about to sleep what else" Richard said

" no you're not," I said

" Amy either I sleep here or you find somewhere else, cause I am the one that climbed the tree and got the branches," said Richard

"I helped out too," I said

" yeah with three branches, now go to sleep cause we have a long way ahead of us," Richard said

" Whatever, just stay on your side of the branch, and if I see you trying something, I am going to ..." I said

" yeah I know cut off my arms or d*ck," Richard said

With that, I went straight to sleep, but I made sure we had a huge gap between the two of us. While sleeping I felt myself getting cold, so I started to shiver but then I felt something warm wrapped around me. I was too cold, tired, and comfortable to argue with Richard for putting his hands on me.

I woke up the next morning and the sun was shining bright in my eyes and warming up my body. I could feel Richards's breath on my skin and hear his heart bite. It felt right for some reason to be in his arms. I felt safe and stress-free like I didn't care at all. I was stranded on an Island with him and being in his arms made me feel safe. I felt Richard move his hands under my shirt and I stiffened. I didn't know where to wake him up and be embarrassed or just let it slide and enjoy the warm feeling he was giving. His hands started to go up and he reached just below my breast. I felt a blush up my face and my breathing started to increase. At the same time, I felt something poking me in my core. Omg! Richard is turned on, and he is making me turned on. His core kept getting big and moving towards my entrance. I felt a moan threatening to come out, I wondered if I should grind on him. I mean it felt so good, all of a sudden I felt fingers tracing my breast. I held on to my moan. I started to move close to him, but I kept my eyes shut just in case he got up. I was biting on my button lip because I was so close to moaning.

Richard Pov:

I was having a dream about me and Amy getting busy down the beach shore. I started by kissing her on her neck, and then I made my way up to her chine. When I was almost close to her lips I looked at her for a moment and then grabbed for her mouth. She granted me entrance immediately. Her hands grabbed for my hair, and the feeling of her hair made me groan. I grabbed her breasts, they felt so soft and just perfect for my hands. I could feel myself getting turned on, she moved in closer to me. I could hear her trying to bite back her moans, but I wanted to hear her moan my name. So I grabbed her breast and squeezed it even harder.

" Richard" moaned Amy

I opened my eyes to see Amy breathing so hard, her face was flushed and her eyes got bigger. They had lust and a hint of anger in them, Shit! This wasn't a dream. neither of us moved, I was trying to control my breath and so was Amy. After a minute of staring at each other, Amy snapped, pushed me away, and got up.

" you piss of shit, didn't I tell you to keep your hands off me" yelled Amy

" I am sorry, I didn't know what I was doing, honest I was sleeping," I said

" so you telling me that you didn't intend to grab for my breast, " Amy said looking embarrassed.

Awww she looked so cute, and I wasn't processing clearly at the moment, I was still turned on, and looking at her was not helping me at all. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. When I opened them Amy was giving me a 'what the f*ck' look.

" Look Amy I said I was sorry, I was sleeping and aware of what I was doing, and if you felt me touching you why didn't you wake me up," I said while raising my eyebrow at her

" well....i...you......see... the thing" Amy shattered

" I didn't get that, can you repeat it" I said knowing fully that she felt whatever I was doing to her and didn't even bother to complain, she even moaned my name.

" Can we just get going, I need a shower and I am hungry again," Amy said

" eat some bananas," I said

" Exactly where are the bananas" asked Amy

I looked around and couldn't find them, anywhere. Are you f*cking kidding me, some stupid ass animal ate our breakfast.

" I don't know, I think something ate it," I said

" guess we can find some other food while walking," Amy said

" yeah I guess, how is your ankle" I asked

" It's okay," said Amy

We began to walk to find shelter and food, I could smell the rain coming our way.

" Amy we need to hurry up and find shelter, it is going to rain," I said

" Are your freaking serious," Amy said

"deadly," I said

We kept walking for a long time, I didn't get a clear view of the forest, but now that I look at it, the place is so beautiful. It was covered with huge trees. It reminded me of the Amazon jungle. I could hear the birds chirping and see different kinds of lizards, butterflies, and other small animals. But my biggest concern was not the small ones, but the bigger ones that can kill. The thought of some random beast attacking me and Amy scared the shit out of me.

" Richard I think I see a papaya tree up ahead, I am going to take a look," Amy said

" Okay, I will be right behind you okay," I said

Amy started to walk and I followed behind her, I was scanning the area then I spotted some eggs. I went over to the nest and grabbed two eggs, in the process of getting up I heard a twig snap and a growl. I looked up to see a huge bird, no correction two birds staring at me. Shit! I was caught, they started to charge after me, I started to run as fast as I could. I saw Amy waving and smiling while lifting the papayas.

" Amy run, run" I shouted

She looked at me with a confused look, then she saw what was behind me, her eyes got bigger and she started to run. We were running right beside each other, I could hear a waterfall coming from afar.

" Amy I want to jump in account of three okay" I said

" Are you crazy or something, it's a freaking cliff out there, how do we even know what is at the bottom," Amy said

" Trust me okay, it's either that or we get eaten by the angry birds," I said

We kept getting closer to the cliff

" one.....two...three....jump" I said

We both jumped into the cliff. It was a long ass jump but I knew we were going to survive it. Sometimes I thank my mom for forcing me to be a scout boy, or else I wouldn't have known shit to do in this kind of situation. I felt my feet hit the water, I went under and then surfaced up. I looked to my right and saw Amy coming up too.

"seriously Richard your one crazy guy, now mind explain why the hell were you being chased by a mutated bird," Amy said

" See what happened was.....look on the bright side we got breasts fast and you got desert," I said

" it was kinder fun though," Amy said while giggling for a little bit, I looked at her and started to laugh myself.

" wait until we go back and tell everyone that we got chased by a mutated bird," Amy said

" I know the guy would love to see that," I said

 " aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........Richard, something is crawling on me" Amy screamed

" Okay hold still and don't move," I said

" Richard I think it's a snake," Amy said sounding scared

"Sorry, but I am going to need ..... ahem..." I said then just started going under her dress I felt the snake it was right on her back, trapped between the dress and Amy's back. I grabbed a hold of his head so it wouldn't bite Amy.

" Amy I going to need you to take off your dress," I said

" Are you crazy?" Amy said

" Amy this is the only way I can get the snake, cause right now I am holding its head, if you take your dress down, I will be able to still hold on to the snake so it won't bite you," I said

" fine," Amy said

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