Feelings are Over-Rated (Kyle...

By ambrosaurus

3.8K 86 32

Zac is a highschool student who keeps to himself, Kyle just transferred to the high school and has trouble ma... More



145 7 4
By ambrosaurus

Zacs POV
Normal. That's what I was now, right? I guess I always was normal in a sense. Normal is just that. It's normal. It's everything you find to be usual and typical. Normality used to be seeing Mikell at school, getting the crap beat out of me, and pretending it was okay. I used to hate everything normal.

But now, my life is different. It's normal, but different. A better normal. I love the normality of my life now.

Everyday, Kyle and I walk or drive to school together and have a peaceful day without conflict. Ever since Mikell left last year, we haven't gotten beat up. We haven't even gotten a rude glance our way. This was all I could have ever hoped for.

Speaking of all I could ever hope for, Kyle was doing perfectly fine. He was happy now. Happier than he was when I met him. There was nothing I loved more than to see that smile on his face. That genuine, bright, beautiful smile.

"Zac, do you think we can survive as a long distance couple for four years?" he asked me a few days before we left for Uni.

That's right. We somehow got through our shitty high school experience and graduated, you know, like normal people do, and got accepted into University, also like normal people do. We were going to two different schools, but we were so proud of each other. Kyle was going to Sydney to study Psychology and Film. I was going to Brisbane to study English and Drama. We'll be ten hours apart and only get to see each other on holidays. It'll be hard, but I know we can handle it.

"Of course," I answer back, honestly. I wrap an arm around him as we sit on the floor in front of my bed. "I think with all we've been through, it'll take a lot more than three hours distance to tear us apart."

Kyle smiled and told me he loved me.

I love you are magical words when they come from Kyles mouth. They were the last words he said to me before we left for Uni.

We kept in contact all the time. We texted during classes, after classes, whenever we could. If we had free time long enough, we would skype. It was almost like we were with each other in the same room sometimes. Then I would look up and see my prison-cell-like dorm room. Whenever I realized Kyle wasn't there, it always got a little bit colder.

I promised Kyle that it would all be okay. Just like that promise I made to him all those years ago when Mikell ruled our lives. I promised that we would survive Uni without being near each other and only seeing each other four or five times a year. I promised him that we would make it.

And we did. After we graduated from Uni, we got jobs, worked our asses off for money, and got a flat together. It was all I could ever want. Kyle and I both had great jobs, we had a beautiful flat, we got to see each other everyday, we slept in the same bed every night, and we had an all around perfect life in my eyes. High school was long forgotten. There was nothing more I could ask for. Kyle didn't seem to think so though. There was one more thing he had to ask for.

After living together for a year and a half, he presented me with a ring and asked me for my hand in marriage. With tears in my eyes, I said yes.

We had the best time organizing a wedding. Picking the date, finding a place to get married, and even making up the guest list was half the fun of getting married. That's how we saw it. It was as if it was a reward for going through all that shit as teenagers.

A year after Kyle proposed to me, we were happily married. We got married on a beautiful spring day. All of our family members were ecstatic. It goes without saying, but so were we.

We had our honeymoon in Paris. Cliche, I know, I know. But it was really romantic and I had never felt a stronger love or appreciation for anymore more than I did for Kyle on our honeymoon. We spent two weeks sightseeing, going on fancy dates, and doing *ahem* other things, if you get what I mean.

Things were going well for a while. Kyle and I still had really good jobs and we even moved into a bigger, nicer flat. After talking about it for a few months, Kyle and I decided that we had enough money to support a family. We filled out adoption papers at a few different agencies. It took a year, but we were finally able to adopt a girl. She was five months old when she became part of our family. We named her Haley and she was perfect in every way. I loved her with all my heart and so did Kyle. The night she came into our family, we cried in bed for hours, hardly believing the perfect family we had.

After everything we went through in high school, we never would have imagined the life we had in our future. I'm so happy that neither of us decided to give up and let those stupid assholes get the better of us. Who knows what would have happened if Kyle had actually ended his life when he had the chance? I don't think I would have been able to find someone else. I don't think I would have wanted to.

My life wouldn't be as amazing as it is if I didn't have Kyle. I make sure I tell him that everyday. I tell him how perfect he is to me and how much I love him. He thinks it's silly, but he knows I mean it. When he says it back, I know that he means it, too.

Looking back on it, I'd go through everything again to end up with the life I have now. It was all worth it. Every second of torment and sorrow just resulted in us getting stronger and stronger. No, life isn't exactly easy now. I never thought it would be. But Kyle and I know how to handle it. I can handle anything with Kyle by my side. Luckily, he'll always be there for me and I'll always be there for him.

A/N WHAAAAT ONLY 23 CHAPTERS WHAT SORT OF SATANIST ARE YOU. (A good one that's what) nah but you should try being the ones into my other story which finished at 3 chapters. Anyways I'm sure not many people even liked this is I don't think. 23 chapters isn't TOO bad. But sadly this is the end. Anyways stay tuned for my next story (whatever that's gonna be one lol) and until then my friends.

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