Feelings are Over-Rated (Kyle...

By ambrosaurus

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Zac is a highschool student who keeps to himself, Kyle just transferred to the high school and has trouble ma... More



116 2 0
By ambrosaurus

Zacs POV

On Sunday afternoon, Kyle and I were laying in his bed, talking about everything and nothing. Kyles soft voice was flowing through my mind as his warm hand gently stroked my stomach. I closed my eyes and nuzzled my head into his neck, turning on my side. His hand migrated from my stomach to my hip, still moving in rhythmic strokes. I opened my eyes to see his cerulean eyes examining mine. Once we made eye contact, Kyle stopped mid sentence and blushed.

"What?" I asked, chuckling.

"I just remembered that I have the most beautiful boyfriend on the planet." Kyle tells me, his voice low. I roll over so I'm laying on top of him and our chests are touching.

"Well, I have the sweetest boyfriend on the planet." I kiss Kyle on the lips. "But also the cheesiest."

Kyle and I settle into cuddling in a sweet silence. His fingers dance up and down my spine, soothing me and putting me at ease. I close my eyes again and listen to Kyles steady heartbeat. It's enough to lull me into a peaceful sleep.

I wake up to the sweet sound of Kyles giggle. I blink a few times and look up at him, as I'm still laying on top of him.

"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you, love." Only when his hand stopped moving up and down did I even realize it was even on me in the first place.

"It's okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you." I put my head down on his chest. "What are you laughing at?" I asked. He gestured to his phone, which he has set down.

"Tumblr." He answered.

My eyes wandered around his blue room and settled on the window. It was dark outside. Fuck.

"Kyle, what time is it?" I ask, worried.

"8:23." I quickly push off of his lap, muttering a "shit" and started throwing my things into my bag. "What's the matter?"

"I was supposed to be home at seven." I say, hurriedly looking around the room for a shirt that I know I brought over.

"Hey, calm down." Kyle says, his voice low. He places a hand on my arm. "You're already late. What's another fifteen minutes?"

I slowed down and let him help me pack, which took us about five minutes. Kyle looked around his room and handed me the hoodie he let me borrow the other day.

"This is yours." I say, trying to hand it back to him. He wouldn't take it.

"But you looked so cute wearing it! You can have it. It's cold outside anyways."

"Thanks, love."

I smiled and kissed him, then slid the hoodie over my head. It smelled just like Kyle and was as warm as his arms.

When all of my things were together, Kyle knocked on his mum's office door and told her we were leaving. Unexpectedly, she came out of her office and hugged me.

"You can stay over whenever you'd like. Thank you for making my Kyle happy."

It was so sweet of her that I didn't even know what to say. I politely smiled and nodded before she turned back into her office and closed the door.

"I'm sorry, my mum likes to make things awkward." Kyle apologized. I shook my head.

"It wasn't awkward. It was sweet."

Kyle and I went down the stairs and pulled on our shoes. He grabbed the car keys and we out the door.

I was pretty cold, even with Kyles hoodie on. When we got in the car, Kyle started it and put the heat and radio on. We were then on the road, going to my house.

"Tomorrow my mum is letting me take her car to school, so I was wondering if you wanted me to pick you up in the morning." Kyle suggested. I liked walking to school. Being alone on a little walk was very calming and nice, but driving with Kyle sounded so much better. Plus, I wanted to make sure he was okay and not panicking about school tomorrow. We had to be careful of that now, because along with depression, he was diagnosed with anxiety and panic disorder.

"Yeah, alright. Thanks."

We rode the rest of the way in almost silence, Fall Out Boy playing in the background. When we pulled into my driveway, Kyle turned the radio down.

"Thanks for driving me home." I said. "And thanks for letting me stay the weekend."

"Yeah, I had fun. I was dying to see you for a month." Kyle admitted.

"I was, too. But we won't have to wait that long again." Kyle nodded and leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met and shivers went down my spine. I pulled back and placed a peck on his lips just because I could.

"I'll see you in the morning." Kyle said as I grabbed my bag and opened my door.

"Okay. I love you." I said before getting out. Kyle  smiled.

"I love you, too."

I got out of the car and up to my front door. I opened the door as I heard Kyle drive away. I quietly closed the door and slipped off my shoes. I listened for a second and heard nothing. I padded up the stairs and into my room, starting to unpack my things. Without a knock, my door opened and my mum came into my room. I prepared for yelling. She absolutely detested it when I was late.

"Mum, I'm sorry for being late. Kyle and I lost track of time and-"

"It's alright. How is he?" she asked, calmly. I blinked in confusion. She's not angry?

"Um he's great. He was acting just like he used to before...everything."

"I'm glad he's alright." she smiled and I couldn't help but smile back. "The way that Kyle looks at you..." she smiles and shakes her head. "I could tell it's love from a kilometer away."

"Really?" I ask. I vaguely wonder why she's talking about this, but I pass it off.

"Mhm." She gives me a hug and I hug back.

"Thank you, mum."

"But I haven't done anything."

"Trust me, you have."

The next morning, my alarm wakes me up and I drag myself out of bed and into the shower. I lazily clean myself, wishing to be back in bed. When I'm done, I shut the water off and wrap a towel around my waist. I get dressed and straighten my hair and take my remaining time to eat breakfast. Just as I'm finishing my toast, I get a text from Kyle.

"I can see your house. Muahaha O.o
-Kyle x"

I roll my eyes and stuff the remaining toast into my mouth and grab my backpack. I shut the door and get into the car. Kyle greets me with a kiss and I happily kiss him back.

"Mmm. You taste like jam." he said. I chuckle.

"I'm hoping that's a good thing." I say. Apparently it is a good thing because before I know it, Kyles kissing me again. I feel his tongue graze my upper lip, but instead of opening my mouth like I want to, I pull away. "Kyle, come on, we're going to be late." I giggle and Kyle bites his lip, turning forward, placing his hands on the wheel and his fingers drum against the wheel. "Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay."

"Do you want me to drive?" I offer. He shakes his head and grips the wheel. "What's wrong?"

"I- I'm just nervous. What are people going to say to me? What if the first thing that happens is I get beat up or yelled at or something? Zac, I'm scared." His eyes bore into mine, seeking some sort of comfort. I can tell he's on the verge of a panic attack. But I won't let that happen. I reach over and hold his hand.

"Baby, don't be scared. No one has said anything to me in the past month. I've hardly even seen Mikell. No one is going to say anything to you. And if they do, I'm going to be right there, making sure you're okay and they know to shut the fuck up. We can get through this, Kyle. We're stronger than them. Trust me, okay?"

"Okay." Kyle said and nodded. I kissed him once more, and we were on our way to school.

The whole time, I was holding on to Kyles hand, kissing it every time I saw fit. We pulled into the parking lot and Kyle parked then turned off the car. We sat there in silence for a second.

"Can we just stay in here for a minute? I don't think I'm ready." I looked at my phone and saw we had ten minutes until first period started.


I ran my thumb across the back of his hand. He rested his head on the seat and took a deep breath. I kissed his hand and whispered, "I love you." before pulling away. After another minute or two, Kyle looked at me and squeezed my hand.

"I think I'm ready." he said.

We got out of the car and started walking towards the school, hand in hand. When we got up to the doors, Kyle looked at me. I gave him a slight nod of encouragement and I pushed the door open. We stepped inside and Kyle immediately squeezed my hand. Most of the kids at school hung out in the cafeteria before school, just because it was a big open space. It's usually very loud here before school. But not now. Everyone ceased their talking all at once and locked their eyes on me and Kyle . I could tell Kyle wanted to turn around and run away, but he couldn't.

With everyone's eyes following, Kyle and I walked with our heads down,trying so desperately to avoid eye contact, to my locker and then his. I tried to ignore all the whispers I heard in the halls, but I couldn't.

"I thought he killed himself."

"Why would he come back here?"

"Where was he for a whole month?"

I didn't want Kyle to hear what these people were saying, but he probably did. And all I could do was pray that they'd get over it sometime soon.

We had about three minutes until class, so I pulled Kyle into the bathroom quickly and brushed his fringe out of his eyes.

"How are you feeling? Are you doing okay?" I asked him. He nodded.

"I'm okay. I think I can take the whispers in the halls." I kissed him and we exited the bathroom and walked to our class. The classroom was already full of students who, of course, all shut up and stared at us. Kyle and I ignored them and took our seats. The bell rang and class began.

About half way through the lesson, a pink slip was delivered to the class room.

"Zachary and Kyle, please make your way to the Headmaster's office."

And just like that, wouldn't you know it, all eyes were on us again. Kyle and I looked at each other and stood up, taking our backpacks just in case. We exited the room and walked down the hall.

"Why do they want us there?" Kyle asked.

"I don't know." I answered, honestly.

We knocked on the Headmaster's door and heard a quiet and nice "Come in."

Kyle and I sat down in front of Mrs. Cohen's desk and she smiled at us.

"Good morning, boys. Glad to see you back in school, Kyle." He nodded and forced a little smile. "Well, I bet you boys are wondering why I've called you down here."

Kyle and I nodded.

"I would just like to inform you that the two of you should no longer feel threatened at this school. When we heard what happened to you, Kyle, we had to put a stop to it. I want you boys to know that Mikell, Danny, and Jakob have all been expelled from this school."

My mouth drops open and I look over at Kyle, whose mouth is as wide as mine.

"When did- How?" I ask. Mrs. Cohen chuckled. She was too happy for her own good.

"Well, when we realized how serious it was, we decided that we couldn't have any tolerance for bullying. We will no longer accept any of that behavior, or else that person will meet harsh consequences. I can assure you that we are all ashamed at how long it took us to act upon this, but we are very sorry."

"Where are they now?" I couldn't help but feel curious as to where they were sent.

"The three boys are now attending a school for children and teenagers with behavioral issues where they will get their education and do community service. They will be there until they decide to go to university, so you two never have to worry about seeing them again."

Kyle and I lock eyes as smiles grow on our faces.

They're gone. Mikell is gone. Maybe now, Kyle and I can finally get through the rest of school without all the teasing and name calling and the beatings. I've forgotten what that's like.

"Thank you." I say to Mrs. Cohen. "Thank you so much."

"Of course. It's my job to keep you safe." she smiles. Kyle and I smile back. "Now, go on back to class. I'm sure it'll be much better from now on."

Kyle and I leave her office. Right as the door shuts, Kyle and I grab each other in a big hug. His face is buried in my neck and my arms are around his waist. We squeeze each other tightly, ecstatic that they're gone. I plant a kiss on the side of his head and we let go, smiling at each other.

"Come on. Let's go back to class." I whisper, not wanting to disrupt this wonderful silence.

As Kyle and I walk down the hallway, I feel as though a big weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Like I can walk through these halls without being worried anymore. I feel...safe. It's a weird feeling to have in the same building that has brought torture to you for the past 5 months.

The rest of the day goes on just like it did when Kyle first came to this school. I didn't even hear anymore whispers in the hallways. No rude words, no one shoving me against the lockers, no one punching me in the gut.

After school, Kyle and I drive to my house and appreciate the fact that we left school today with no new bruises on our bodies, no new mental scars on our brains, and big smiles on both of our faces.

A/N: do any of you even read these? Idk but hello if you are, um well I'm like another chapter a away from finishing This, just to let you know. I know it's a bit boring and not exciting but on a brighter note I am going to be writing another story soon (dunno what on yet to be honest) (I was thinking some yuri but idk) so yeah that's it for now

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