The Assistant || Chris Brown

By k_zeresh

929K 42.8K 23.4K


Authors Note
New Flame
New Flame Part Two
Don't Judge Me
Don't Judge Me Part Two
Meal Tickets
No Air
Famous Girl
Post To Be
Should've Kissed You
Body On Me
Play No Games
I Wanna Be
Oh My Love
Number One
Number One Part Two
Up To You
Ms. Breezy
All Eyes On You
Next To You
Do Better
Heart Ain't A Brain
Autumn Leaves
I Love You
Like A Virgin Again
Hey Yall!!!
No Filter
Make Love
Don't Think They Know
Liquor Part Two
Not The One... (Rant)
War For You
War For You Part Two
Authors Note/Sequel

Regular Girl

25K 1K 321
By k_zeresh

"The fame don't mean nothing, neither does the money. I just want my friend right here with me."- Chris Brown

Kyrie: "Mike this picture is dope! You got mad skills. Chris is gonna love this!" I squealed in excitement, as my eyes roamed the portrait over. It was just the way I pictured it, and so much more.

"Thanks. It was fun, drawing this. I'm a fan of Chris, so I enjoyed doing this portrait." Mike said, with a shrug.

"Thank you so much. I'm definitely going to be coming to you again." I replied giving him a hug.

I turned around to leave, only to be stopped by Mike grabbing my hand. I looked at him funny, turning around.

He let my arm go. "I'm sorry. I usually don't do this, but I wanted to know if you'd be down to go out sometime. Dinner, movie, theme park, concert, whatever."

I looked down at my red Converse before staring back at him. "I'm flattered Mike. I really am, but I'm gonna have to say no because I just went through a bad breakup and..." My voice trailed off thinking about Chris. It still felt surreal that he had feelings for me. This man could have any woman he wanted, and he wanted me. I still couldn't believe it. His words from last week still echoed through my mind:

"That's all I needed to know. I don't blame you for being scared. I know I have a bad history with women, but trust and believe I'm learning from my mistakes everyday and your experience with your ex taught me a lot about the shit I did. I don't want to hurt you. I won't pressure you to do anything you don't want to do, but give me a chance to prove myself to you."

Even though I had my doubts about taking it to that level with Chris, I still wanted to give it a try. I knew his words were genuine and I was just going to have to trust my heart on this one.

"I understand Kyrie. I just got out of a relationship too. It wouldn't be a date. Just two young adults hanging out." Mike said. He really was pushing it. Why me though?

I nodded. "Sure. I don't see anything wrong with that." I replied, reluctantly giving in.

"Ok. Cool, I'll text you later to set a date then." Mike said, grinning like the cat from Alice In Wonderland. I had given him my number last week to keep me up to date on the portrait.

After picking up the portrait from the art studio, I decided to make a quick run to Starbucks. I was like a white girl when it came to Starbucks. After getting my freshly made strawberry banana smoothie and blueberry muffin, I got conformable in a cushioned seat. I pulled out my laptop, searching the latest Chris Brown news. Besides stuff on Royalty, Nia, and the BTS concert, I was on the top for discussion. Everybody was calling me Chris's Current Fling. I still wasn't used to seeing myself all over the blogs, and celeb gossip sites. I scrolled down one article, looking at the comments.

"Who is this new bitch Kyrie? She irrelevant."
"Probably some groupie Chris took under his wing."
"Are they really dating? Chris need to chill."
"These hoes ain't loyal."
"She probably gonna be the next baby mama."
"So she's his new P.A? I bet she sucked dick to get that job. Smh."
"He downgraded from Rih when he went to Kae, now he downgrading even more, going to a bitch don't nobody even know."
"He gon put her on, just like he did Kae."

My eyes stung with tears reading the comments. I still will never understand how people can be so mean and hateful towards someone they don't even know. I couldn't believe they was calling me a bitch and hoe. And claiming I sucked dick to get the job? I was truly at a lost for words.

"Kyrie... Is that you?"

I looked up to see Trey. He was smiling and holding a frappé.

I quickly closed my laptop, blinking back my tears. "Hey Trey. I would call you Tremaine, but Trey is easier with only one syllable."

He shrugged. "It's cool. What you doing here?" he asked, sitting in the seat across from me.

"Just killing time, before I run some errands for Chris and meet him at his rehearsal." I sighed.

Trey frowned. "You good? You sound down."

I rolled my eyes, staring out the window. "It's just that I really hate people. People are so mean and rude and ignorant." I pouted, folding my arms. Reading those comments on that blog had really fucked up my mood.

"Something happen to make you feel that way?"

"It's nothing. What are you doing in Starbucks anyways?" I asked, changing the subject.

"I don't look like the Starbucks type?" he chuckled sipping his frappé.

I shook my head. "No. Most of the people that come here are young women, or teen girls. Either in high school or college, or recent grads. Your not either." I laughed.

Trey poked his lips out at me. "Whatever you say, but you never gave me an answer about hanging out."

I knew he was gonna bring that up.

"I'm gonna have to say no. I'm a really busy person, and I just don't have the time." I responded.

Trey nodded. "Ok. Well I'm planning a pool party at my place at the end of the month, a couple of days after the BET Awards. I already told Chris about it. He's down to go. You should come too." he suggested.

I silently debated, starring at my french manicure. Well if Chris is going, I don't see why not. "I haven't been to a pool party in awhile, so I'll be there." I said.

"OMG that's Trey Songz!!" two over-caffeinated teenage girls squealed, running to our table.

I fished my shades out of my Chanel bag quickly putting them on, before anyone could say, "OMG that's Chris Brown's personal assistant!"

"Hey ladies. How yall doing?" Trey said cooly, smiling.

The girls looked like they was about to cry.

"I'm such a huge fan. I have all your albums, know all your songs, I've watched all your videos. I just love you so much." the heavyset girl screeched.

"We're gonna get married one day Trey. You just don't know it yet." added the short petite girl.

Good lord.

"I love all my fans. Yall the reason I do what I do." Trey said, never breaking eye contact with the two girls.

"Can we get a picture?" they both asked at the same time.

After taking a million selfies, and hugging the life out of Trey, the two girls left Starbucks as if new life had been bestowed upon them.

I shook my head laughing.

"What's so funny?" Trey asked.

I shrugged. "I don't see how yall do it. Being famous is very demanding. I couldn't deal."

"True, it is, but this is my dream. I'm living it everyday. It comes at a price, but at the end of the day, it's worth it."

"I guess."


Chris: "Nia, what the fuck are you talking about? My house is completely safe, I'm more than capable of keeping Royalty safe in my house. Stop reading the blogs. It's a bunch of bullshit!" I yelled through gritted teeth. Once again, Nia was on my ass, trying to make it seem like I was an irresponsible parent. She stayed reading the messy gossip blogs filled with rumors.

"No, your bullshit Chris! I'm thinking about the safety of our daughter, and you don't care?" She retorted.

"You know what, I'm done arguing with you. You not about to stress me out." I hung up the phone, tossing it on my bed.

"I can't deal with this BS right now." I sighed, rubbing my temples. Nia was causing me unnecessary stress. Something I didn't need.

There was a small knock at the door, causing me to look up.

"Come in." I yelled, sitting on the edge of my bed.

In walked Kyrie holding an art portfolio, immediately causing me to smile. Her presence always put a smile on my face.

"What's that?" I asked, pointing to the portfolio.

"A gift... For you." Kyrie grinned, handing it to me.

"You got me a gift?" I questioned, raising a brow at her.

"Dude, just open it."

I smirked, before pulling the frame out the portfolio, revealing a portrait of me surrounded by some of my favorite anime characters.

"Damn Kyrie, this is amazing! I love it. This is dope!" I exclaimed in excitement, looking the portrait over.

"I knew you would love it."

"Thank you so much. This just made my day." I stood up, pulling her body closer to mines in a hug. She smelt so good. I loved the way her body sunk into mines.

Kyrie pulled away from me smiling. "I'm glad you like it. By the way Diddy's manager called. They want you to dance during their performance of Finna Get Loose at the BET Awards."

I nodded. "Tell them I'd be honored too. And when your done with that, we're gonna stop and get some hiking gear."


"I'm taking you to Runyon Cannon."


"This view is amazing." Kyrie gasped, as we sat down on the blanket I laid out.

"Yeah it is."

"There's so many million dollar mansions. It's like it's own world out here. The world of the rich and famous." Kyrie said, laying back on the blanket.

"That's cause it is. Hollywood is very small. So many people are trying to get in." I replied.

"I don't see why though. Being famous doesn't mean everybody loves you. More then anything, it opens up opportunity for people to judge you when they don't even know you." She spat bitterly.

I frowned. "You okay?"

Kyrie shook her head, staring at the night sky. "No, I'm not."

"What's wrong?" I asked, laying next to her.

She let out a deep breathe, allowing her tears to fall freely.

"Ky, just talk to me. You know you can tell me anything." I said, pulling her head to my chest. I wrapped my arms around her, stroking her hair.

She cried softly in my chest, soaking my Black Pyramid tee with her tears.

"I read one of the blogs about me and you today this morning. It was out of curiosity. I read the comments too." Kyrie said, her voice shaking.

"What the people in the comments say?"

"They was calling me a bitch and hoe. One person said I sucked dick to get the job." her voice cracked.

I rubbed her back. "Kyrie, please stop crying. You really don't need to be reading those blogs. It's filled with nothing but a bunch of BS. You know exactly what you are. A strong, smart, independent woman with ambitions and dreams. Don't let the comments of unhappy people get to you." I said softly wiping her tears.

"How do you deal with it?" She sniffed.

"I sorta became numb, without feeling. After the whole Rihanna thing, I was under the microscope of the media. I even stopped doing interviews for awhile. But I always keep a smile on my face. No matter what I'm going through, I always smile. Some days what the media says does get to me, but then I remember who I am. God didn't give me this talent for no reason. It's way bigger than me." I said, squeezing her shoulder.

"It's your blessing and curse." Kyrie stated, placing her hand on my chest.

I nodded. "Yeah it is. But I gotta embrace it. That's the only way I can deal with it."

"Do you ever get tired of the lifestyle?"

"What you mean?"

"The lifestyle that's glorified in music. Different women every night, turning up, partying, drinking. Yall try to make it seem like that superficial materialistic lifestyle is key to happiness, when in reality, it's empty and vague."

I let out a long sigh. "It is. It's very lonely to be honest. Your surrounded by a lot of fake people who are only there for the good times. But as soon as shit turns sour, they turn they back on you like they never knew you. You really can't trust anybody. I've done a lot of stupid shit, trying to fill that emptiness, and I've hurt so many along the way. But only God truly knows my heart."

Kyrie kissed my cheek. "Don't beat yourself up over your mistakes Chris. You can't let guilt eat you up."

I smiled down at her. "Your a breathe of fresh air, you know that?" Kyrie never failed to intrigue me.

"I'm only speaking from the heart Chris, and I think I should start acting from the heart too." She said softly, climbing on top of me.

Before I could speak, I felt Kyrie's lips on mines. I could taste her strawberry lipgloss, as our kiss deepened with passion. I couldn't believe how fast I was falling for this girl. For the first time in a long time, I had fallen for a regular girl.



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