Hero's Journey

By SkyAngel_

2.8K 148 1.1K

Kagon of Pik is a hero that goes wherever adventure takes him. All he wants in life is action and a heroic j... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note, Please Read
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Tag ^_^
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Author's Note: Please Read
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Author's Note:
Chapter 49
Author's Note
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
New Book Cover!
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Final Author's Note

Chapter 24

22 1 3
By SkyAngel_

Yay, I finally was able to get a chapter out! I'm so incredibly sorry for the wait, I've had no time to write at all of late. I'm just happy I was able to get this out. I hope you all enjoy!



The next morning Delia and most of their group set off straightaway. Only two men stay at camp to protect their base from any predators or Shadowlanders that happen to stumble upon it.

Delia watches these two men's relieved faces as she and the others depart. Delia can't blame them, her own nerves twist and turn within her. To say she is nervous is an understatement, terrified is a better word. Despite this Delia stands tall with the rest of their procession as the last glimpses of their camp disappear against the foliage.

Delia gulps, fingers pinching at her dirt stained pants. For a moment she can't help but wonder if she looks as raggedy and dirty as she feels. But then again the others aren't any better. Maya and Rissa both sport torn garments and dirt streaked faces, the men in the group have either wild beards or stubble and they too wear torn clothes and dirty faces.

When this is all over with I'm going to take a long bath. Delia smiles at the thought, which helps to uplift her mood. That and a good, hot meal.

Her stomach rumbles, causing her face to redden slightly as she hopes that no one has heard her.  Maya's small smiles says that she has. Delia grins sheepishly at the girl as they walk on.

The writer nearly trips as everyone stops abruptly.  Iglesias and Rissa stand at the head of the group, both looking stern and serious.

"We're getting closer and need to strategize." Rissa says, seeing the group's confused expressions.

"A while from here is the Shadowlander's camp. What we need to do once we get there is split up into groups.  One group will be on the attack while the other group rescues the captives and unlocks the cages. Any objections?" She raises a slender brow.

Delia thinks for a moment before raising her hand, causing Rissa to send her a slightly irritated look. Iglesias, however smiles. "Yes, Delia?"

"It sounds like a good plan." Delia says. "But I think we need to get more specific with it in order to make our success more likely."

"How?" Rissa asks.

"Well, you're the only one besides Maya that has ever been in their camp." Delia bites her lip in thought. "I think you two should both lead these two different groups since none of us has ever been there. It would also be a good idea if we had someone go up ahead and scout out the camp's setup before we go in with swords held high." Delia explains, her clever side showing.

Rissa seems to ponder this before responding. "A good strategy." Rissa admits, almost begrudgingly.

"It's a great plan." Iglesias smiles. "We can work with that."

"Who should be the one to scout ahead?" One of the men ask.

Xelin shrugs. "I'm pretty quick."

"I don't doubt that you're quick. The question is whether or not you will be able to keep your big mouth from running along with you." Rissa smirks, some of the men snigger at this comment. Delia cracks a small smile.

Xelin reddens, but then attempts to act nonchalant by rolling his eyes. It only brings more laughter upon him.

"Anyways." Iglesias says, saving Xelin from his embarrassment while putting the conversation back on track. "We should probably keep going, Xelin you can hurry on ahead of us. We'll meet you at the camp."

"Sounds good to me." Xelin says before taking off into the woods, kicking up rocks behind him.

That leaves Delia and the group as they travel onward, Delia trying not to fall on the rocks as she follows close behind.


Waves lick at the side of Kagon's paddle boat.  Immediately fear clenches at the hero and he feels sick.  He hates the ocean and dislikes traveling on any other body of water, but ever since his trials....even these mild waves strike fear into his heart.
And does he loath it.

Fear is not in his vocabulary, at least in his opinion it shouldn't be.  Before he was mostly able to ignore it, but ever since he had to admit to his fears he couldn't lie to himself about it any longer. Despite it all, Kagon still rows, the hate he feels for his fears forcing him onward.  But the fear of the water isn't his only phobia, being alone is another fear that's on his list.  He hasn't felt loneliness or fear since he was a child...and now these are some of his main emotions.  Once again, he hates it. 

I'm no coward...

The oars make a splashing sound as they hit the water, wetting the hero with its light spray.  For a moment Kagon feels refreshed before he realizes the last time he felt wetness was when he was drowning. 

Kagon takes a deep breath and the fear subsides, he is no coward. Fear he can deal with, he did during the trials and he can now.

I'm stronger because of it. Kagon tells himself, but deep inside he's not entirely sure if that's true.

Kagon forces himself away from his negative thoughts so that he only focuses on the rhythmic motions of his muscular arms pushing the paddles through the water.


Kagon takes another deep breath, relaxing into the rhythm that he has become familiar with.

Ever since he found his way out of Azuel's sword cave and into the world above he's been plagued with thoughts of the trials he had to face and the death of the elf-human Azuel. He didn't know the sword maker long at all and yet his death affected him greatly.  Because Kagon could not save him, just like he couldn't save his family. 

Once he became a hero he never thought he would have to face that again, but he was wrong.  Being wrong is another thing Kagon dislikes, especially when being wrong meant Azuel's death.

Suddenly Kagon is nearly blinded by a bright glint.  He blinks his eyes rapidly and looks away.  When he turns back to see what it was the sun had shifted, allowing him to see what it was. As soon as his eyes catch on to the object his heart sinks.

The golden sword, the one he picked out in Azuel's sword cave, winks up at him as if it knows something he doesn't. Beside Kagon's chosen sword is another, wrapped safely in cloth to keep it safe. Azuel's strange and beautiful masterpiece.  The wooden sword, the best made in all of the lands. The one Kagon is to return to the elves, which is where he is headed to now, to gain his prize and the victory of completing his quest.

But is it truly a victory?

"Yes." Kagon says aloud. "It is. Many a dreadful thing happened under that tree, but it is still a victory.  I have conquered my goal and gained knowledge and strength, even if I don't feel that strength now. Because weakness," Kagon realizes, "is what makes us strong."

The place beneath the tree, the trials, and Azuel's death has changed him.  Kagon can feel this difference deep inside, however the hero is unsure. Unsure what has changed and whether it's for the best or even possibly even for the worst. Either way he will push forward and find another goal, another victory to conquer.  Because despite it all, despite everything he is and always will be Kagon of Pik, hero of all the lands.

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