Feelings are Over-Rated (Kyle...

By ambrosaurus

3.8K 86 32

Zac is a highschool student who keeps to himself, Kyle just transferred to the high school and has trouble ma... More



128 3 1
By ambrosaurus

Zacs POV

I'm sitting in a completely black room, unaware of why I'm here or what this place is. I get up off the hard ground and try to find a way out, but find nothing. I'm trapped. I pound on the walls, trying to get someone to hear me. No one comes to the rescue. Suddenly, everything around me starts shaking. I fall to the floor, which has turned oddly soft. I squeeze my eyes shut as things shake harder. When I open my eyes, I'm in a dark room, but it's a different one. I recognize this room. It's Kyle's. I still feel the shaking. Once again, it's kyles. I look around and assume it's really early morning, considering it's still dark outside. I turn back to Kyle and I take my arms away from him and try to shake him awake.

"Kyle? Kyle, wake up!" I whisper. He's still sleeping, but looks like he's in pain. "Kyle!" I try again, louder. His eyes shoot open and he bolts upright. I take a second and put a hand on his shoulder. He jumps when he feels my hand, but relaxes when he looks at me. He tackles me in a bone crushing hug that I gladly return. "Kyle? What's wrong?"

"I uh... This is kind of silly, but I had a nightmare."

"It's not silly. I still get nightmares sometimes. Do you want to talk about it?" He shakes his head slightly, but then changes it to a nod. I put one comforting arm around him and wait for him to begin.

"I was back at my old school and I was walking down the hall. At the end of the hallway, I saw Mikell, so I turned around and ran. Then I saw the guy from my old school that I told you about. The one that pushed me down the stairs and broke my arm. I started to back away from him and then Mikell came from behind me and pushed me to the ground. They both started to hurt me and yell at me. Then you showed up and pulled them off of me. You and I ran outside and ran away from the school. Before we knew it, there was a giant crowd chasing us. They cornered us at the edge of a cliff and-" Kyle stopped, obviously not wanting to go on. He did anyway. "And then I couldn't find you. I looked around, but you were nowhere. They all started coming closer to me and I backed away until I fell off the cliff. As I fell, I saw you again at the top of the cliff. They were hurting you." Kyle ended in a whisper. I took Kyle in my arms and hugged him as tight as I could.

"It was only a dream. I'm right here, there's nothing to worry about." I say into his hair and kiss his dark locks lightly.

"It just felt so real and I got so scared." He clings to my body. "I didn't want to lose you." I rub his back and kiss him again.

"You won't lose me, Kyle. I'm right here and I always will be."

I looked at his face that was gently lit by the by the moon. His mouth curved slightly into a frown, but his eyes showed something else. Something I couldn't quite put my finger on. Was it adoration? In this light, his eyes looked especially blue.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I ask. This gets him to finally show me a smile. He rests his head on my shoulder and plants a small kiss there. He seemed so flustered. And it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. "It's so cute when you get all flustered at my little comments." I feel him blush against my bare skin.

"Zac, stop it." Kyle giggled, not really wanting me to stop.

"Why? I want you to know just how perfect you are."

"Not nearly as perfect as you." I blush and bury my face in his hair, once again giving him plenty of little kisses.

Kyle lifts his head up and returns the favor by placing his lips on mine. I kiss him back while I hug him by the waist.

"Hey, Zac?"


"This is kind of a dumb question, okay?"

"What is it?"

"I was just wondering... Why did you talk to me on my first day? I mean, you obviously didn't have to, and you don't seem like you're someone who would just be friends with the new guy. So, why?"

"I don't know." I answer. "I was just kind of oddly attracted to you. Like something about you made me want to know you more. You just caught my attention. No one else has ever done that before."

"Well, I'm glad you talked to me. I actually really wanted you to." Kyle admits.


"Yeah. Don't think I didn't notice you checking me out when I was at the front of the classroom. And then you looked me in the eyes, blushed, and looked away. How could I not want to talk to you?"

"I have a question for you."

"Go ahead."

"Why did you seem so confident and flirty on your first day? You're so shy now."

"I just didn't want to be the new, shy, quiet kid. I wanted to make some sort of impression on you."

"Well, you certainly did. I like it when you're all flirty with me. But there's something about shy, flustered, quiet Kyle that is just completely irresistible to me." I kiss him quickly before he lets out a big yawn. "Wanna go back to sleep?" Kyles eyes flutter and he nods. I kiss him one last time before we lay back down.

I lay on my back and Kyle cuddles in next to me. His head rests on my bare chest, just as it did before. Our arms go around each other, giving the other a sense of comfort. Letting each other know that the the other person is still there, and vice versa.

And for now, in that moment, life is wonderful.

A/N. Short chapter I'm sorry, anyways I came to the conclusion at the moment there is a lot of stuff going on to do with being beaten up so a warning, next chapter there will be some but also it will stop for awhile too and I'm gonna be adding smut into one of the upcoming chapters (dunno which one yet) so.. Yeah.. Thanks guys

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