When it's arranged...

By zoec19

142K 4.9K 155

a normal girl living a normal life soon has a lifechanging experience... her dad is making her marry the man... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 8

5.3K 181 7
By zoec19

Above-The dress that Kate is wearing for the proposal

"Why did you come pick me up Luke, and why did you kiss me?" I asked the second Luke and I got in his car

"I thought I am the love of your life" he said mockingly. I turned to face the window and stared at the road "I was surprised to see Christopher at the restaurant" I just ignored him and continued to stare at the road "and the salmon salad" he started to laugh but I still ignored him "Kate are you awake?"

"Mmhmm" I kept looking out of the window and thinking

"So, has Christopher been there before?" He asked

"Mmhmm" I said as a yes

"He works with me, he's a really good guy" I know he is a good guy but I ignored what Luke said "I have to say thank you for convincing the waitress that I don't shower cause else I would have hit on her and she is married and has 2 children" He was rambling on and didn't even realise that I wasn't answering "are you ready? We're almodt there" I moved my gaze away from the window and looked infront of us, there was a huge fancy restaurant that has top rating by a lot of rich people

"This place really?" I said as I spotted the paparazzi

"Don't you like it?" His voice sounded worried. I didn't answer his question "Kate?"

"No, it's ok" i said quietly
This was actually the very restaurant that I wanted to get engaged at but I was expecting a real engagement not some arranged wedding thing that my parents have been pulling on me. I spotted my dad "that's my dad" I said quietly

"I know, I invited him" he stopped the car and looked at me "just remember to act surprised" and then he got out

Why does everyone feel like they have to remind me what to do, I am not as stupid as they might think. My door swung open and I got up out of the car wrapping my arm around Luke and walking into the restaurant. I looked around and saw Lily and Jake in one corner and my parents talking to Luke's parents before they all stopped and looked at Luke and I.

"Remember-" I interrupted Luke before he could finish

"Yeah, yeah act surprused, act happy, give them what they want. I get it ok?" Hisbface showed that he clearly didn't see that coming.

My dad walked towards us and then I left to join Jake and Lily. My dad looked at me strangely and then walked back to my mom. Some waitress came and took us all to a table, Luke and I sat next to each other at the head of the table, next to me was Luke's dad and mom, next to them was Lily and Jake. Next to Luke was my mom and dad and next to them was 2 of Luke's friends.

We all had something to drink, and something to eat, Luke ordered me a glass of champagne and no one else got anything else to drink.

When the glass of champagne came I saw a ring inside of it. I looked at it and the gave a huge fake smile "Luke?" I said trying to sound really excited.

Luke pulled the ring out with a fork and kneeled next to me, I could feel camera's flashing and everyone's eyes on us.
"Kate" Luke started "I'm going to try and keeo this short because I know you don't like waiting but" he took a deep breath acting nervouse "before I met you I was a wreck, I was nothing but you make me a good person, you help me with my problems and I love that. I know that we haven't been dating for a long time but it feels like I've known you forever and I want to know you forever more" he paused and looked around "so I guess what I'm trying to say is will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?"

I stood there and tried to look surprised, I looked around I stopped at my parents my mom looked impatient and my dad was slightly nodding his head. This location is a perfect location and the way he proposed is also perfect, his speech was obviously from the internet but it sounded like it was from the heart. I knew I had to say yes but it's Luke Adams, do I really have to go through with it? I looked at the door trying to see if I can run away but paparazzi was covering it.

"Kate? What do you say?" Luke asked obviously trying very hard not to sound impatient

"Yes" I squealed trying to sound as happy as ever "yes yes yes forever yes"he stood up slowly and I hugged him tightly. I tried to quickly catch a glance of my parents and they both looked relieved, I looked at Luke's parents and they also looked relieved.

Luke put the ring on my finger and it fit perfectly then he grabbed me into a kiss. It annoys me how he thinks he can just kiss me but it is for the press so I just left it.

"It's perfect"

"I love you Kate" he said making sure the press could hear

I didn't want to say it back but with the glance my mom was giving me I had to "I love you too" I planted a kiss on his cheek and we both sat back down

My mom, his mom and Lily walked over to me and looked at the ring and fake congratulating me and all the men just said well done to Luke

When Luke and I left it was already midnight.

"Luke" I said when we got into the car


"Don't ever kiss me again" he looked at me

"Sorry Kate, it was for the press" he said as he started the engine

"but like at the restaurant" I thought for a while "why did you do that"

"Christopher Black needed to know" I heard him mutter under his breath


"Nothing" he said sounding distracted

"He's just a client and I'm just a waitress Luke!"

"That's what you think"

"What?" I asked again

"Nothing, talking about waitress... I want you to quit"


Hey guys
I'm sorry if you don't like this chapter or if it doesn't make sense but yet again if you have a problem please tell me♡

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