Minecraft: The New World

By Officially_Dead

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Steve is happy until a greifer killed his best friend ( or a person who doesn't care about steve, but steve s... More

The adventure begins
Now the adventure really begins and I mean it
Now the Adventure really begins and I mean it ( part 2 )
Just skip this
#selfie #this is boring #Now this is getting ridiculous
When did girls be so sassy like?!!??!
Skip this aswell
The Ultimate car chase
I think i might die
Who are you?
Where have you been
The house
Mass Murdering
Hester's Hags and Potions Shop
omg skip this
Departing (short chapter)
Too Close For Comfort (Preview)
Too Close For Comfort

Special Recipe

49 4 1
By Officially_Dead

We were sitting at the table, I was still wondering is she was telling the truth. She was a witch after all. "How about telling yourself, so that I can actually believe you!" I insisted. "Yeah" charles agreed.

"I am sorry, plz forgive me, I will tell a little story" said Hester

"Who is it about" charles replied


"Oh, now I feel dumb" says charles. I rolled my eyes. BLING!!!!! There was a clock ringing in the background. "Sorry that was me" she looks at her watch and then immediately remembers. "I need to get the recipe." She stormed out the door leaving us in complete dust. We were thinking if we should follow her (which was my idea). "We should just stay here" said Charles. "No, I am following her, you stay here." I replied. "Fine" says Charles. I closed the door leaving Charles at the house. I could still see her running into this HUGE city. I started running after her. Then I stopped. I could see the sky was turning dark, the blue sky was turning into a blazing red sunset. I thought to my self if I should go back, but I wanted to see if Hester was hiding something. So i started running towards Hester, she soon ran as well. I had to run faster If I could see what she was hiding. I ran until I ran out of breath. I sat down on the pavement, trying to catch my breath. Hester kept on running until the dark fog made her invisible to the eye. I got up and started running again. The long 10 minutes trying to find her, it was useless. "There he is" I heard a tiny whisper. "Steve, get out of there!" yelled Hester as I see her running towards me.

"What is it" I asked. "Above you!" she yelled. I looked above me seeing an airship. It was dropping something, It was dropping bombs. It had to be the terrorists. The explosives that were dropping exploded on impact, Hester ran towards me and made a force field out of her energy. I could see that she wasn't dealt with any of this trouble in years, until she saved us. All I heard were screams from strangers walking through the city. "What is happening" I questioned. "You need to stay put next time okay!" Yelled Hester. She than grabbed a potion of invisibility, holding the force field with one hand. "Drink it!" She said. I nodded.
"I drank the full potion" I said. "Good now get out of here, they can't see you so RUN" yelled Hester. I did what I was told. I ran as fast as I can back to the potion shop outside of town which was like 3 miles away. Once I was inside, I closed the door behind me. Charles was still watching television. "Charles!" I said gasping for air. He turned around and said "what?"
"We need to get out of here" I said. "NOW." He nodded his head. We were getting our things packed, trying to leave this hell hole. I sat down trying to process everything

"Hey don't be all doom and gloom, we are going to leave" Just when I felt alright, suddenly a door knob twist. Then the door opened revealing Hester severely injured and beside her was a skeleton mob and a mysterious person. The skeleton closed the door shut and put her on the couch near the TV. I was very confused. "Who are you guys?" I asked. They didn't listen. The human figure grabbed a healing spray antibiotic from the cabinet on top of the counter. He just stood in downright confusion, yet it was shocking to see Hester nearly half dead and half alive. "Okay, first of all who are you" asked Charles. "we are the freedom fighters" said the skeleton. "Now that's a cheesy name" i said. "Be quite, you two" said the human. "Hey you, wearing the blue shirt, get another one of those potions but this time make a splash potion, and instant healing." "kk" I replied. I looked through all the cabinets but couldn't find any splash potions. "We are all out on splash potions" I told. "REALLY, FUCK" said the skeleton

"Wait, she was getting recipe's for something we just don't know what." says Charles. The other human guy started looking through Hester's pockets and found a note. "Alright, the note says that you need three water bottle's, Nether warts, gold nuggets, melons, and glowstone dust, with my own special recipe, add spiders eye with a mundane potion and add mint leaves as well, and last but not least, blaze powder?" "That's not how to make a instant health splash potion" says Charles. "No, she makes her own special recipes, now go GET IT" yelled the skeleton. "Okay' said both of us. We walked out of the door seeing the dark sky once more, the terrorists were gone so we were able to walk across the city without any worries.

"So where can we get this stuff?" says Charles

"IDK, maybe that store that says BREWING STORE GOODS!!!" I shouted

"oh, sorry" replied Charles. We walked over to the store which was very small, yet it connected to a store Upstairs. We walked to the counter which was the best place to start, we asked the Goth girl in the counter, (Which looked like she was into hard rock) she responded with such attitude. "UHHHHHHHHH, welcome to the brewing fuck store what do you want." she said with no expression. "Uh can you tell us where the.... *looks at notes* water bottle's are and .... *looks at notes again* nether warts?" She gave me the 'you are freaking annoying right now face' and then she responded with "its in aisle 3." We started walking to aisle 3 which was near the back exit. The shelf's were filled with tons of brewing ingredients. "Look there is the mint leaves (which was in a jar)." I pointed out. We got everything from that aisle except the mundane potions and melons. We walked over to the counter once more. "HEY, WHERE ARE THE MELONS" we yelled.

"OMG THEY ARE IN THE FUCKING FOOD MARKET" she yelled with much attitude.

Our eyes were devastated on how much she used swear words. "Oh ok?!" we said. We walked out of the brewing shop which had very low customer service. "Soooooooooooooo, where is the food market" says Charles. "Well I guess its in the mall, lets go check there , QUICK" we started running towards the mall. Surprisingly there were a decent amount of people in the mall when its dark out. Since the mall was so big, at the entrance there were two security guards that gave you a map. We gladly took the map and started looking everywhere on the piece of paper for the food market. "AHHHH, where is it!!!" yelled Charles. then I did a face palm and showed him the store on the LEFT side of the mall had the food market. "Well lead the way oh smart one" says Charles. "Oh shut up ass hole" I replied. "Oh I guess you don't want to save Hester, who saved YOUR LIFE" yells Charles. "sorry" I whimpered. We still walked over to the east exit of the mall, which was where the food market was. This is so boring. "This is so boring" says Charles. It felt like he read my mind. We were still walking over to the food market, when we saw, guess............. another food market. We went to that one instead, when we walked into the door we were greeted with a marvelous market. They was yogurt and fruits and deserts and MELONS (in aisle 5). Then the microphone came up and said "clean up on aisle 3!" I just had to say that we can heal Hester in now time. I sprinted across the market for melons and picked them up and Charles carried them. I was on the look out for the mundane potion which was in its own little aisle, the potions aisle, I walked over there to grab the mundane potion and ran back to the cash register. While we were waiting in the line to buy our stuff, Charles figured out that he only had 3 gold ingots left to pay the cashier. (gold nuggets= 5 cents coal=$1 gold=$5 iron=$15 diamond=$30 emeralds=$50 rubies=$100 Bloodgem=$150)

The line was boring as poop, we had to wait for 15 minutes for us to pay our stuff. "Alright, your total cost is $17.50" said the cashier. We both gave each other an expression. "We don't have enough money...." we whispered.

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