Secrets Of Ying Yang Mansion

By OfficalLunaEclipse

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Luna and Leona Dark have found themselves tangled in a hidden world filled with supernatural beings. This wor... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Thank You

Chapter Nine

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By OfficalLunaEclipse

 The next day, after everyone got out of school, Leona, Luna, Kanya, Kaera, Brittany, Mandy, Robin, and Stephani all piled into a van that Devon had driven to school that morning so the girls could go shopping for a dress for the dance that was steadily approaching. Devon had agreed to drive the girls to the mall, explaining that he wanted to go find a suit to wear to the dance. Devon sat in the driver seat, eyes clearly focused on the road in front of them. Luna sat in the passenger seat after beating her sister to the car door and yelling shotgun. Leona and the other girls were sitting in the other seats in the back and Mandy sat down on the floor to stretch out her extremely long legs, being almost six feet tall and she was tired from gymnastics training. Luna and Leona had yet to meet Mandy and Stephanie, only hearing about them from the other girls and guys they usually hung out with.

Needless to say Luna and Leona were shocked to learn that Mandy was six feet tall and in human years she was only fourteen however in reality she was a hundred years old. Mandy was a natural werewolf, natural meaning that she was born a werewolf and was able to transform into a wolf or human by will instead of being limited to being a wolf during the nights of a full moon. Also unlike unnatural werewolves she was able to control herself in her wolf form and didn't go into a rampage like unnaturals were known to do. Mandy had long blonde hair that reached her behind and beautiful brown eyes. Her fangs were slightly sharpened, not enough to cut through anything either in human form or wolf form but they were sharp enough to look unnatural to humans. She is very timid in nature and yet she was also shy, not liking to talk unless she had to.

Stephani was completely the opposite. Stephani was a mermaid and extremely pretty because of it. However, mermaids were not what Luna and Leona thought they were. They did not have fin tails and gills in order to breathe or even rubber padding in order to skim through the water like ducks do. They have actual legs and the only thing that made them "water people" was that they could breathe in water like they were supposed to, but when they breathed water in through their nose their bodies were able to process the water and extract the oxygen particles from it and use it to survive. They could live both in water and land as well but Stephani preferred to be in the water so she would stay in her own private pool in the mansion which also doubled as her room. Stephani had pale flawless skin and wore the skimpiest of clothes. She was not one of the creatures that Luna or Leona would probably hang out with in the future. The definition 'dumb blonde' fit her to the T except that she had died her hair blue to match the true color of the ocean as seen from above and if she didn't get something her way she would throw a fit and whine until she got it.

It didn't take that long to get to the mall and when they got there they all piled out of the van once it was parked and headed into the mall. They walked to the food court and stopped in front of a large coin toss fountain.

"So, should we meet up here after we're done shopping?" Devon asked.

"Sounds good." Leona agreed. "Do you want to set a time limit?"

"Yeah, I have some things I need to do back at the mansion tonight. Can you girls find something in about three hours or so?"

"No problem." Robin replied happily.

"I figured you would've gotten your dress yesterday while shopping with Leona."

"No, yesterday was just about Leona. Today is when I shop for my dress."

"Alright then." Devon said pulling Luna in a hug and kissed her forehead. "Don't get anything too sexy. Please tell me you'll have a limit."

"I won't wear it if it's slutty and if I tried Leona would kill me. Even if she picked it out." Luna said.

"Damn straight! I can't have my sister be a tramp working on the street corner!" Leona replied and Luna laughed. "Not without being paid anyways."

"Oh screw you." Luna said and this time Devon chuckled as he squeezed Luna a bit and then let go so she could follow her sister.

"Alright so who's going with whom? Devon's obviously going get his suit himself. Leona said.

"I'm not hanging around with you losers, I just wanted a ride. Later." Stephani said leaving and when she walked she swayed her hips as if she was trying to attract horny boys in order to get laid.

"Can mermaids have children?" Luna asked.

"Yeah of course they can why?" Robin asked.

"Maybe I should invest in a gun while I'm here or an electric eel so I can kill that bitch off. She would probably kill any children she has so she's not tied down."

"She is a mom. Dracula raises her children. Harui, Jin, and Lyon are hers."

"Please tell me Dracula's raising them right."

"Yes, he is I assure you. They don't even know that Stephani is their mother."

"Good." Luna said. "Well, about Dracula raising them right anyways. Not about them not knowing who their mother is. Do they know their fathers?"

"No one does not even her. I wouldn't be surprised that someone does her here somewhere."

"Oh good god, I'm out of here." Devon replied and he quickly left.

"Are we all hanging out together to get our dresses?" Luna asked.

"Actually, I already know where my dress I want is so I'm going to go get it and get a few other things so I'll meet you back here." Kenya replied. "You two have to get sexy dresses, despite what Devon said."

"Remember I don't have a death wish. I'll be alright without Leona killing me thanks."

"Alright then, have fun." Kenya replied leaving and Mandy left soon after.

"I guess we're down to five." Robin said. "Do you two have any idea what kind of dress or what color dress you two want?"

"Uh, I think I want to wear a crimson, navy blue, baby blue, or black dress." Luna said.

"I'll know it when I see it." Leona said. "I kinda want to find a dress that will double as a prom dress though too."

"Prom isn't for two more years. We have no idea what kind of prom it's going to be either to know to search for it. We have to follow a color code don't we?"

"True, but I can always break that code. You know I don't care what others think of me." Leona said and Luna shrugged before they headed out to the fancier stores.

Kaera led the girls to this fancy Japanese looking store and she had gone inside. Luna wore a questionable look on her face as she walked inside which Britani noticed.

"What's up? You got a question?"

"Why are we coming here to look for something to wear to the dance?"

"You didn't notice? Kaera is of Japanese descent. She was one of the survivors of Fat Man."

"Wait a minute, you mean the bomb that hit Nagasaki? How's that possible wouldn't that wipe even her out?" Leona whispered.

"She is part of Supernatural High and Ying-Yang mansion for a reason you know."

"So she was a supernatural before the bomb?"

"Yes, a zombie."

"Zombie? Now that I don't believe."

"You don't believe she's a zombie or you don't believe in them."

"I don't believe she is one. I know that zombies exist because Ventus is a zombie, but he actually looks like he belongs in that role. After all, he loses his limbs and skin all the time but she doesn't."

"She only lived because she was a zombie. Can you figure it out from there?"

"No, I'm lost."

"The bomb wiped out all of her original flesh but that was all it took. She was able to live because flesh still grew but instead of growing mutated flesh it just kept falling off until her body expelled all the radiation. Now she looks as she does. Eventually she will look like Ventus as she grows older but for now she's enjoying herself. She always wears Japanese clothing to formal events to honor her true family and country."

"I see." Luna said.

"You like Japan, maybe you'll want to wear a kimono or something to the dance." Brittani said with a smirk on her face.

"Please stop reading my mind, it's awkward for me. But I'd like a kimono, not for the dance, but I'll wear one to school sometimes." Luna replied and she walked into the store with Brittani.

Luna ended up buying a bright blue yukata that had her name on the back in Japanese katakana on the back. Kaera had also shown Luna where to get the sandals that would go with the yukata so she had bought a pair of those too with the promise of Kaera showing her how to walk in them later that night or the next day.

After Luna picked out her yukata and Kaera had found her kimono for the dance, which she was keeping a secret until the night of, the girls had left the Japanese outlet store and started going to other stores.

After shopping in three more stores, which turned up nothing, the girls went into another store. This store specialized in prom dresses but they also had less fancy dresses and suits so the girls decided to try it out.

The dresses were all spectacular in the store so the girls thought that they would be able to get something there and hopes were high for all. Robin, Leona, and Brittani walked off in one direction while Luna headed off in another and started to search for her own dress while Kaera had gone to the restroom.

Luna was looking through a group of dresses of darker colors, similar to the shades she was hoping to wear and picking out a couple of dresses here and there to examine closer when she felt someone tap her on her shoulder.

Luna looked over her shoulder to see a shady man staring at her. He was wearing a trench coat and had most of his face hidden by a scarf even though it wasn't cold outside. Luna didn't pay the man any mind as she continued to look through the dresses.

"That blue one there would look so divine on you." The man said.

"There went that idea." Luna thought putting the dress back on the rack, knowing she wouldn't be able to wear it after what the guy had just said to her.

Luna had picked up the dresses that she wanted to look at later and she had moved on to another wrack and the man followed her. Luna sighed before turning around and glared at him.

"Leave me alone." Luna replied.

"I don't want to. You're so cute."

"I have a boyfriend." Luna said. "Sorry Devon, I'm so using you as a scapegoat here." Luna thought.

"Oh, I'm sure he won't mind."

"Don't make me call security or my sister."

"Come on sweet cakes, don't be like that."

"Ew." Luna said. "Leo!" Luna shouted and the guy reached over and grabbed her and covered her face with a cloth, a weird scent invaded Luna's senses, knocking her out cold.

Leona and the others came rushing over once they saw the guy grabbing Luna along with a few of the staff members and Leona wasted no time in kicking the guy from behind in the neck with a roundhouse kick and Kaera, who had just returned from the rest room ran over and sweep kicked the man causing him to fall to the ground. The store staff pulled Luna away from the guy and the girls sat on him until security came over and arrested the man for trying to kidnap Luna.

"Luna, wake up." Leona said tapping her face.

"He used chloroform." Robin whispered in Leona's ear. "She'll be out for a while."

"What should we do?" Kaera asked.

"Let's just call Devon; he can take Luna to the van unless we're done for the day." Brittani suggested.

"No, we can still shop as long as she'll be alright."

"Yeah, she'll be out for the rest of the night probably and feel a little hung over when she wakes up but she'll be alright." Robin said. "She picked some good dresses to look at."

"I'll call Devon." Kaera replied pulling out her cell phone and walked away so she could talk to him. Not even five minutes later Devon was at the store and he rushed over to the girls when he noticed them.

"Is she alright?" He asked, his face full of worry.

"The jerk used chloroform on her but she wasn't physically harmed."

"Thank god. Kaera, you had me scared for a minute." Devon said picking Luna up off the ground and carried her bridal style.

"Sorry, I guess I did forget to mention that she was alright didn't I?"

"You're going to be the death of me one day." Devon sighed to Luna. "Are we heading back?"

"No, we're going to keep shopping. I'll bring Luna back another day so she can pick out her dress." Leona replied.

"I would've thought that you would want to head back Leona."

"No, I know Luna will be alright and you won't let her get hurt. If she was hurt or something worse than yeah of course I'd want to leave ASAP."

"I understand. You guys still need a ride back so I'll take Luna to the van and I'll stay with her until you guys are done and then we'll head back."

"Do you think Pryase or Damian would be willing to give us a ride back?"

"Damian begged Pryase to help him get a suit for the dance so they're not home. They decided to go down to the city."

"Those two are getting along?" Kanya asked shocked.

"Shut up before you jinx it. It's nice not having to break them up for once in my life." Devon chuckled before he shifted Luna in his arms so she'd be more comfortable and then he headed out to the van.

Once Devon got back to the van he set Luna down in the very backseat which was a stretch seat so she could lay down. He took off his coat and draped it over Luna's body like a blanket just as Stephani came back to the van. She had a glare on her face and she didn't even try to fix herself after obviously having sex with someone in the mall. Devon shivered at the thought.

"Why the hell are you back so soon?" Stephani spat in disqust.

"Shh." Devon said pointing to Luna.

"Wow, if she can't handle shopping she'll be a weakling in bed."

"Luna is not a slut like you are and if you must know someone tried to kidnap her and she was drugged with chloroform."

"Seriously? Who would want to kidnap that ugly ass piece of trash?"

"You shut the fuck up about her or I'll leave your ass here. I'm sure you'll find no problem getting on home. You'll just fuck someone to get a ride."

"Jeez someone's protective. You're not even dating her. If you do start to date her I'll feel sorry for you because you deserve better than her. She doesn't even respond to you hitting on her."

"That's where you're wrong. She just doesn't like to display PDA. At the mansion, it's a different story." Devon said.

"Whatever. Just move her so I can sit down."

"You'll sit in another seat of this van. You're not the queen of England and you sure as hell aren't important to anyone else. You don't even acknowledge your own kids."

"They're just wastes of space. I'm surprised Dracula even took them in instead of letting them die."

"You disgust me." Devon said turning his attention back to Luna.

About two hours later the girls returned from their shopping trips with dresses in long plastic bags in order to protect them. Devon had hung the dresses on a clothesline he made in the very back of the van so the dresses wouldn't get wrinkled on the way back to the mansion.

Once they got to the mansion Devon carried Luna up to her room while the girls went to put away their dresses. After that they all went into the kitchen where Devon started making dinner. Everyone decided to continue on as they did normally inside the mansion since they all knew Luna would be alright in the morning.

The following morning Luna finally woke up and she noticed that she was in her room at the mansion with a pounding headache that made her feel like she had a hangover. When she got irritated enough with the pain in her head she decided to get out of bed. She started to get dizzy and swayed a bit from the dizzy spell but caught herself on the bedside table that had her bedside lamp on it.

"Who the hell spiked dinner?" Luna moaned before she noticed her clock. "Wait a minute, there's no way in bloody hell it's ten o'clock. What the hell is going on here?" She asked herself as she headed out into the main hall, making sure she used the wall as a guide as she headed to the bathroom to get some painkillers from the medicine cabinet.

After she downed the medicine she walked downstairs carefully, using the rail as a guide and she headed into the gym where Robin, Pryase, Damian, and Kenya was practicing martial arts until they heard the door open and then they stopped.

"You're awake!" Robin shouted and she ran over and hugged Luna tightly.

"Ow, quiet please, my head feels like someone let an angry bull or fifty loose in my head. Who the hell spiked my food and why the hell is it daylight when it's ten o'clock at night?"

"You don't remember?" Pryase asked once he pulled Robin off Luna and led her over to the bench in the corner.

"Remember what? And why aren't we in school?"

"Luna, its Saturday."

"Huh? When did this happen?"

"That chloroform must've whipped your memory too."

"Chloroform?" Luna said panicking and then her eyes widened. "Wait, you mean everything wasn't a dream?!"

"You remember something?"

"I dreamed last night that I was in a store shopping with the girls like we were supposed to. Then in one of the stores this guy with a trench coat was trying to seduce me but I turned him down and the next thing I knew something was over my nose and mouth and I was falling asleep."

"Yeah that happened in the prom dress store yesterday. We handled him and he was arrested for attempted kidnapping. We didn't know he was trying to seduce you." Robin said.

"After you passed out Devon took you back to the van. We were going to buy the dresses you picked out there and then let you choose but we decided against it so you could get the perfect dress." Kanya replied.

"I'm sorry I ruined the night." Luna sighed, hanging her head.

"You didn't sweetie, once we knew you were alright we continued to shop while Devon took care of you. We'll go back today and get your dress."

"How about we go tomorrow when this headache finally goes away."

"Alright, do you want something to eat; I can make you something light just in case." Pryase said.

"Sure, I guess." Luna said and Robin helped guide Luna to the kitchen and once she got her in a chair she ran to the fridge to get a glass of ice water out of the automatic dispenser.

"Here drink this, it'll help. It's an old remedy for headaches after you take painkillers."

"Did you take painkillers yet?" Pryase asked.

"Yeah, while I was upstairs." Luna said putting her head down on the table. "Can someone kill me so I can get rid of the headache?"

"No Luna." Pryase laughed.

"God damn it, what kind of supernatural friends are you?"

"Ones who want you to live."

"You're no fun." Luna sighed as she sipped on the water once Robin handed it to her.

"We're plenty fun, we just love you." Pryase replied.

"Boo." Luna added and Pryase put a sandwich on the table in front of her.

"I figured something basic would be a good idea. Don't force yourself to finish it got it."

"Okay." Luna said. "Where's Devon? I want to thank him for taking care of me."

"You know what; I haven't seen him since last night."

"I figured he would've heard me being up."

"Same here."

"This might seem like the wrong thing to say but could it have something to do with him not drinking blood? Maybe he went hunting." Luna asked.

"Devon isn't a typical vampire. He won't drink blood from people not in the typical vampire sense. We have a blood bank he'll drink from but he doesn't drink too often."

"He's anorexic?"

"Kind of but he's only anorexic to blood. He will eat human food and when he eats meat he'll eat it raw because it'll have blood in it."

"Hmm, maybe I should go find him." Luna said getting up and she collapsed back into the chair.

"He'll be fine. You on the other hand need rest." Robin said. "We're going to have a lot to do tomorrow now. We got to get your dress, get our nails done, and maybe even our hair."

"Whoa wait, I never signed up for that. I just wanted to pick out a dress." Luna said and then she took a bite out of her sandwich.

"Sure you did, it's in our contract." Robin said bouncing out of the room singing a random song.

"You crazy angel there was no contract!" Luna shouted before she sighed.

"Don't bother trying to get out of it. You won't be able to." Pryase laughed.

"Yeah I know. It doesn't hurt to try."

"Well, not usually I guess. But I'd assume your head didn't appreciate that attempt."

"Good point."

"Don't worry; the headache will go away soon."

"I'm headache prone and when I get them it takes forever to go away so I guess we'll have to see."

"If your still feeling ill tomorrow maybe we can find one online we can get shipped first class. Or Hera can make you a dress if you i find a design you like."


"She used to be a princess of Egypt long ago."

"So what is she now?"

"She's an Elder and a Sphinx. She's one of the wisest people here besides Dracula. But unlike Dracula you can actually meet with Hera.

"I see."

"When you finish eating, why don't I help you get back to bed so you can rest? When I see Devon later I'll tell him to go visit you."


But Devon never came. Apparently Demi saw him leave in the middle of the night the day the girls went shopping. Two days have passed since then and it was now Monday night, the night of the dance and Devon still hasn't shown up. Not even to school.

Luna had a beautiful dress made by Hera and she was staring at the dress that was hanging up on a clip attached to her door. She was deciding if she wanted to go to the dance because she would have no point and she felt awkward going by herself. Leona even decided to go to the dance with Pryase after promising Damian she would go with him to the next dance whether it would be at their school or at Supernatural High.

Luna sighed and lay down on her bed with her new book she took out from the library before heading home that night and started to read it when she heard someone knock on her door.

"Come in." Luna said and Leona popped her head in.

"You're not getting ready yet?"

"You aren't either."

"Alright smart ass. Why aren't you getting ready to go to the dance?"

"The only reason I agreed to go was because of Devon. I don't really know any of the others to go and I'm not a Supernatural being. It doesn't feel right going anymore."

"So does it feel right being here?"

"Yeah, but this is dance is just for the residents here. I'm not a supernatural. I'm just...friends with them."

"Then go as a friend. Damian is going on his own; you can go with him and still have a great time. Besides, I want to see you in that dress and who knows, maybe Devon will show up."

"Even if he does, I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of 'going' with me since he stood me up."

"Oh come on, get your dress on, we didn't go through this torture for nothing." Leona said and she patted Luna on the head, something she hasn't done in years and she left the room but quickly came back. "Oh, and I will be back to make sure you're getting ready."

"Damn it." Luna sighed as she got off her bed, put her book on her bedside table and started to get ready.

It took Luna a few minutes but she finally got into her prom dress. The dress was, to Luna's dismay strapless however the dress was tight around the bust so she knew that the dress wouldn't fall down. The top part of the dress looked like a corset and was completely black and made out of leather. The bottom half of the dress was a deep crimson felt like fabric and on the back part of the corset there was a pagan pride symbol on the back, a personal touch Luna asked to have added to the dress in order to fit her personality a little bit better.

She put on a pair of heels that Robin had let her borrow that were black as well and had a wide heel instead of narrow heels so she wouldn't fall as she walked, not really knowing how to walk in heels at all. She put on a ruby pendant and silver skull earrings that had amethyst gems in the eye sockets before getting the hair straightener she stole from Leona and crumpled her hair to make it wavy before Leona popped back in.

Leona had on a pure black dress that looked like it was two pieces but it wasn't. The dress had straps that tied up around the neck in order to hold it up and the front black with ruffles down until the stomach where it cut off to show her stomach. The back of the dress started at the stomach area and continued on down. She also wore leather three inch heel boots that came up to her knees and the same pendant Luna wore except hers had diamonds on it instead of rubys. Leona's hair was done in a simple ponytail which was curled up a bit and her now long fake nails were midnight blue with star designs on them. She also left out her usual vampire fangs as well for the occasion.

"Oh my god, Luna you look amazing."

"Yeah I guess so. I still feel uncomfortable about this."

"Oh don't worry about it, you'll be fine." Leona smirked, "Come on let's go."

"Aren't you supposed to wait for Pryase?"

"He already escorted me there. Now I'm going to escort you. We decided we'll share you as our date."

"That's kind of creepy."

"Not if Pryase agreed to it."

"I don't want to be a third wheel."

"But Pryase and I aren't dating so you're not."

"I'm not going to win this battle am I?"

"Not at all. Come on, they're actually playing modern music. Our favorites too."

"Punk and Goth?"

"Ok, our second favorites."

"Oh pop and rock."

"There you go. You can't really dance to punk and Goth."

"Sure you can, it's called a mosh pit." Luna laughed as the two sisters headed down to the basement of the mansion.

The basement of the mansion was where all the important stuff dealing with Supernatural High was held so the sisters didn't go down there often if at all. Leona has been down there a few times but this would be the first time she had gone down there.

Luna was expecting a huge empty and dark room but she was surprised when she saw that the room looked like a club someone would find in New York City or Las Vegas. All kinds of supernatural creatures were in the room. Some were dressed up in old gothic or Victorian type dresses or suits and others were dressed up modernly. A bunch of them were up at the bar getting drinks from the tender since the age limit didn't apply to them. Music blared and lights flashed as everyone danced and when Pryase saw Leona come down the stairs he walked over and met them at the bottom.

"Wow, Luna you look beautiful." Pryase said.

"Thanks." Luna said a blush appearing on her face. "Hera did a great job making the dress didn't she?"

"Yeah she did. Too bad Devon had to be a bastard and disappear. He would've loved seeing you in this dress."

"Well, his loss. I'm probably not going to wear this again anytime soon."

"Remember Nitara wanted us to wear our dresses to school to show her what they looked like?"

"Oh yeah, that's right. Well maybe he'll get the chance since I'm going to wear mine tomorrow to school." Luna said.

"Yet you almost wear it for the dance." Leona sighed.

"That was because I didn't have an intention to come since I didn't have anyone to come with and the only reason I was coming in the first place was because Devon asked me to. I'm not a supernatural being so I felt like I would be imposing."

"You're never imposing. You and Leona are pretty much supernaturals in our eyes. You accept us for who we are no matter what kind of supernatural we are. We don't have to hide anything around you girls. We can be ourselves."

"I guess so."

"So Luna, will you do me the honor of having a dance with me?" Pryase asked.


"Go on, have fun." Leona smirked and she pushed Luna who almost stumbled because she wasn't used to wearing heels.

"Alright, I get it." Luna said and she went over to dance with Pryase on the dance floor and Leona smirked as she watched her sister and one of her best friends at the mansion have fun.

The dance continued for a long time everyone was having fun and some were even drunk off their asses and doing things that they normally wouldn't do. Including Damian, who started dancing on a nearby pole pretending it was a strip pole and just for good measure some of the creatures were throwing money and lose change at him as he continued to dance. The DJ even played along and played club mixes that would probably be played at a club to coax him on. Some were even taping the event on cameras or phones.

However the music stopped suddenly and everyone got on the ground in a bow but Luna and Leona had no idea what was happening.

"Get down you two." Pryase replied and the two knelt.

"What's going on?" Leona asked.

"Dracula is coming down. He rarely makes an appearance and when he does we show him respect because he's given us the chance to live, and not hunted." Pryase said.

"Oh." Luna and Leona replied as Dracula came down the steps.

He looked like an elderly man instead of being a younger man, maybe about forty or pushing fifty in human years but instead he was around four hundred years old. His hair was graying from a black color and he had a few wrinkles on his forehead. He wore a typical black suit with a crimson cape and he also had a couple gold necklaces. His eyes were sharp and ruby colored as he looked over the crowd.

"Where are those humans I heard about?" Dracula asked and Luna and Leona stood up and curtsied.

"We're them." Leona said. "I'm Leona and this is my sister Luna."

"It's my pleasure to meet the two of you." Dracula said. "You two look beautiful in those dresses. Where did you get them?"

"I got mine from the mall." Leona said.

"Hera made mine for me." Luna replied.

"I see. She never fails to make perfect dresses does she? So tell me everyone, what have I missed?"

"Just Damian making an idiot of himself that's all." Someone in the back of the room said.

"I see." Dracula said, seeming upset. "Please tell me someone, recorded it or took pictures." He added.

"Please tell me he's kidding." Luna whispered to Pryase.

"Dracula loves having a good time. He acts like a giant child but he is a wise man." Pryase said.

"Okay then." Luna said as everyone stood up and continued what they were doing before Dracula made an entrance.

The dance lasted for a long time, and was extremely fun. By the time three o'clock rolled by the girls didn't realize how late it really was.

"Luna, we should go up to bed, we got to get up for school."

"Holy crap, it's that late already? Yeah we'd better." Luna said once she caught a glimpse at the digital clock which its bright red numbers confirmed Leona's statement."

"Shall I escort you?" Pryase asked. "After all, what kind of date would I be if I didn't?"

"We'll be fine Pryase." Leona said. "Thanks for the good time."

"Yeah, thanks." Luna replied quickly hugging him. "You've made me feel better tonight. Thanks for offering to be both of our dates tonight. I've had a lot of fun." Luna replied heading upstairs before Leona.

"Like she said, I really appreciate it Pryase. I owe you."

"You don't owe me a thing. Luna is like a sister to me, I wouldn't want her up there sulking when I know she could've had a great time. It's no problem at all, trust me."

"Alright then, but still I appreciate it."

"No problem, now get up to bed before I'm blamed for you falling asleep in class." Pryase said.

"I do that anyway." Leona chuckled before she headed upstairs.

Before she headed to her room she went to check on Luna who was already changed into her pajamas and asleep on top of her bed, not even bothering with the covers. Then Leona headed into her room and put on the pajamas second pair of pajamas that Robin had bought her the other day to replace the lingerie styled ones she had bought the one night and soon fell fast asleep.

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Not much excitement happened in Freya Bowen's life, that is until she discovers she has a long lost cousin from the UK. Her excitement to finally mee...
10 1 7
In a world of darkness and bloodlust, Felicity dares to be different. Determined to break free from the confines of her vampire clan, she forms an un...
1M 25.9K 36
[EDITING] ----------------------------- Nicole Summers thought she was living the ordinary high school life. In her senior year, she...