Inside Out

By kiajusticeee

180K 8.9K 6K

In High school being inside the Inner Circle, was a dream for some people. To be with the hottest girl or to... More

Inside Out || Chris Brown ❀
1. First Day Blues
2. Crushing
3. Awkward Conversations
4. Girl Next Door
5. Courtyard Drama
6. Down For It
7. Second Thoughts
8. Bet That
9. Pretty
10. Friends? (Short)
11. Parkers Problem/Treys Confession
Just Bored.
12. Confident
13. Memories Back When ...
14. WTH?
15. Insecurities, Flaws.
16. Social Life
17. Forbidden Dreams
18. To Party or Not To Party
19. Parked Car Conversations
20. Odd Attractions
21. School Days
22. Pushing Limits
23. Confusion
24. This Feeling
25. Crossing The Line
26. Game On
Which One?
Grinds My Gears
27. All Falls Down
28. Fight For Your Respect
29. Childs Play Pt. 1
30. Childs Play Pt. 2
31. Pressure
32. Distance
34. Homecoming Part 2
35. Guilt and Suspicions
36. What The Heart Wants
Change Over Time


10.4K 351 222
By kiajusticeee

"Alright, I believe that's it's daddy."

"You sure? because we can-"

I put my hand on his shoulder giving him a look. He laughed. " Its alright, I believe I have enough clothes to last me until I turn 25." I motioned towards the bags of different things that he had paid for throughout the day. "And plus I'm hungry and my legs feel like noodles. I'm going to sit in the food court and wait for you. "

"Alright, just let me pay for these shirts then we can go." He walked off towards the register as I turned and walked towards the entrance o the store.

We had been here for at least 5 hours doing constant school shopping. I had to have at least 20 bags of different things, not including the ones my dad had in his hands. I already had a bunch of clothes that I didn't even get to wear last year, but my father insist on spoiling me since I am his only daughter. He actually does this a lot but I don't take advantage of it like most girls would. He says I deserve it for being a great daughter and having a great school last year but we all know it's because he feels like he doesn't pay me enough attention nor spends time with me. So shopping is his way of making it up even when I tell it's alright.

"Finally" I mumbled to myself once I sat down at a vacant table away from everybody else. This was my favorite part of the food court due to it being secluded with a reasonable noise level.

I pulled out my phone seeing nobody texting me, which was nothing new. I don't talk to anybody, I don't like anybody, nobody likes me. I checked my instagram seeing nothing but a few new followers pop up, then I checked my twitter seeing nothing but my bestfriend mentioning in some Vine of two little girls who acted as if they hadn't seen each in years, yelling "beeeeestfriend" .

I laughed at it before replying "this is totally us tomorrow" with the heart emoji. I went to my news feed and saw nothing unusual just the regulars going on about there senior year is going to be the shit or whatever.

I looked around hearing a laughter and talking, I see people from my school sitting around a big group of people just chilling and talking.  I squint recognizing them as the star basketball players of our school. I looked at one of the boys realizing he dyed his hair blonde and he has some new tattoos, he looked good. I guess he felt me staring because he looked up from his phone and over at me with a raised eyebrow. He nudged his friend, and looked over at me. I turned away before I could see them say anything.

I sighed, feeling there eyes on me. I began to distract myself by going through all the bags of clothes that I didn't need but was thankful for.

School starts tomorrow. So does my senior year, my last year in high school. A year I've been waiting on since my first year.

The day I graduate, will be the day I finally can say I made it. I made it through the worst four years of my life, the worst days of my life. High school was not what I expected it to be. My first day of my first year wasn't at all how I expected it to be. I grew up thinking high school would be like how it was on Disney channel, the different groups or "crews" in the school would have it out in the beginning but in the end everybody would come together and be friends.

But, I was sadly mistaken. For most you had to have something High School was the worst experience for me, apparently being smart and keeping your grades up wasn't enough for most. under your belt to fit in or more of you had to be and act a certain way.

For girls you had to be a cheerleader, have money, on the team of some overexaggerated sport  or you either had to be one those girls known for certain things that got attention from the opposite sex.

For boys, it was of you had to have money from your parents, nice car, the prettiest girl on your arm or be that guy that had to have every girl up under you every second of the day, have their attention, or just played them.

For the few like me, I was more of the don't be seen, don't be heard type. But I wasn't always like that, before I had all the friends in 8th grade simply because we all were stuck together. I used to be so out going, spoke to any and everybody, got good grades and was always nice. But, once those first couple months went by of freshman year everybody split up. Everybody began to look down on each other for things they did and didn't have, best friends turned to worst enemies, nice people turned to bullies, different clicks were formed and if you weren't in any of them you we just an out cast.

You were me.

High School has been the worst experience for me, apparently being smart and keeping your grades up wasn't enough for most. Only thing that mattered was if your looks were decent or if your bank account was popping. At my school, you had to have money to attend so for me, money wasn't a problem. The problem was that I didn't look a certain way, act a certain way nor participate in activities that didn't spark my interest.

There is nothing wrong with stepping out of you comfort zone for 1 or 2 things but for the rest it wasn't enough. I'd get teased for things I couldn't even help, like how my hair was curly and short, how I dressed, the way I'd rather be at home in the bed than out at a party or just simply because I was just not good enough for some. I've gotten used to the teasing and constant picking so basically I'd just not pay it any attention.

"Okay, what do you want to eat?" I looked over from the window seeing him sit to see my dad sitting the bags down. He sat looked me over before frowning. "You okay?"

"Yeah,  just thinking about schools tomorrow. I just want it to go by smooth."

"Babygirl, you have nothing to worry about. Do what you've been doing and you'll be fine. It's worked before right?"

I nodded. If only he knew.

"Alright what do you want to eat?" He questioned pulling out his wallet but I held up my hand.

"I still have my own money daddy, just let me pay for this one thing today. Please?" I laughed as he grinned.

"Okay, I'll wait right here with the bags." He shrugged sitting down, I stood. Pulling down my shorts that had risen up on me.

"You don't want anything?" I rose an eyebrow. He shook his head no and picked up a bag from the McDonald's inside the food court. I rolled my eyes playfully and turned towards the food court.

I looked up seeing I was about to pass the table full of teens that I knew all to well, just not as friends. I only knew them as those people who play sports and think they're better than everybody.

I felt my phone vibrating in my back pocket but as I reached for it. I hit something hard and fell back onto the ground.

"Aye, watch whea ya going'!" Somebody mumbled. A couple laughs came from people.

I cursed to myself once the pain in my back subsided. I was about to get up and curse them out but a tattooed hand reached out and grabbed mine pulling me up. I looked down at my phone seeing that it had survived the fall and it did. I sighed in relief.

"You okay?" A deep voice questioned as I was dusting off my legs and whoever hand was dusting off my back.

"Yeah, I just-" I turned to look and the words stuck in my throat. I cleared my throat. "Y-yeah, I'm fine. Thank you." I stuttered.

"Damn, Breezy ya got bitches stuttering and shit." Some guy chuckled. I shook my head and went to walk around him. But he stepped in front of me, I rose an eyebrow before trying go around the other side.


"Do I know you from somewhere?" He questioned looking me over. I shrugged.

Duh, dumb ass. We've been going to school together for 7 years! 

"Not that I know of." I shrugged and went to walk around him but failed once he grabbed my hand.

"You look familiar." He mumbled, once again looking me up and down.  Mainly my legs, I pulled my hand away and shook my head.

"Oh well uhm. Sorry, I don't recognize you. Bye." I waved him off and turned to walk away.

"My names Chris" he pulled me back. I sighed and turned to him once again, he had a goofy smile which made me roll my eyes playfully.

"Okaaaaay?" I knew he was, it's just what does he want?

"What's yours beautiful?" He smirked. I blushed and looked down.

"Uhm, It's Pa-" I started But somebody bumped my shoulder in the process. I sighed and looked to see some cheerleaders mugging me and a main one, Karrueche kissing on him.

"Why you still here? Bye!" The one named Christina knocked me out of my trance. She mugged me before I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever" I flipped her off and continued my journey to the Chinese restaurant. I ordered my Orange Chicken and A pineapple sunkist. I stepped to the side and looked at my phone seeing I had a text from Parker, my bestfriend.

ThickieP: Wyd slim jim ?

Me: Nothing. At the mall with daddy. Wyd Thickness ?

I stared at the screen seeing her dots come up but then I felt someone staring at me. I shrugged as the message came up and I laughed.

ThickieP : tell sexy I said heeeeey and nothing, watching these bad ass kids. You ready for tomorrow?

Me: Girl NO ! leave my daddy alone you creep and no, but I just wanna get it over with and graduate already.

She instantly responded.

ThickieP : girrrrrrrrrrrl who tf you telling? Senior year is going to be the bomb! 

I was about to reply ' for who? ' but I decided against it and just sent the crying laughing emoji.

"Order Number 317 !" I raised my hand and walked over. 

"Thank you." I smiled and walked towards my dad. I silently groaned walking by the group of people again. I kept my head down just so I wouldn't be noticed but I felt somebody tug on my arm.

I sighed and turned to see Chris standing there looking funny. I looked to his side seeing myself getting eyeballed by Karrueche and her band of hoes. I rolled my eyes and looked to him.

"Aye, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for my friends." He confessed. I nodded and turned to walk away but his deep voice stopped me. "I never got your name baby girl."

I looked over my shoulder seeing him biting his lip nervously. I honestly didn't want him to know me so I just shrugged and smirked.

"I know." I said and continued towards my dad who was looking in his phone.

"What took you so long?" He mumbled, I laughed.

"Can we go? I'm tired and I just want to get in my bed." I yawned. I really was tired and the sun was going down, this would usually be the,time I'd be reading a book or doing my hygiene for bed.

"Yeah. Me too. But your mom said w have to be back because we're going to the neighbors house for dinner." He grumbled. I knew he was tired so I understood his pain.

We gathered up our bags and headed towards the closet exit. I couldn't help but look over my shoulder at the table filled with people but I quickly looked away seeing that they were already staring at me.

Mainly, CHRIS. For what? I don't know why but I hope not for what I think. He has a reputation for playing girls just because they adored him. Unlike me, I couldn't stand him. He could fine all he wants but the shit he does is a major turn off. One of the reasons I didn't tell him my name is because out of all the days we've seem each other he picks the day I decide to wear shorts and a mid drift shirt to the mall because it was hot outside.

He was giving me a look that was really not good to me, but to other girls? They'd let him take them to the mall bathrooms to do any an everything. But through it all he has a so called girlfriend, Karrueche.

I know her all to well because she used to hang with me and Parker but that all changed once she made the cheerleading team, she was the only freshman on the team. We were so close until one day she snapped on Parker and I, she downed talked u because we weren't classified as " cool " to her. From that day on she hung with her friends and I hung with Parker.

Her and Parker don't have a problem anymore neither do I but Parker and Christina? Somewhat have the biggest beef in the history of our school, when I say they non-stop go at it, they really can't stop unless they stop themselves. They had beef over one if the guys that was also a star basketball player on the team. Trey. Parker was into him, Trey was into Christina, Christina was into Quincy who wasn't into anbody. Quincy is on the team as well, only difference was I'm actually friends with him and so was Parker. Which is why they have problems mainly.

Christina is convinced that he's into one of us, but little did she know. Quincy is my cousin and also my God brother, him and Parker on the other hand? They low key flirt from time to time but it was nothing serious.

Christina just has issues.

We pulled into the driveway and he cut the engine. We both got out and began grabbing all the bags from the car and headed into the house, I walked straight towards my room and dripped my bags on the floor and laid on my bed.

"Oh bed, you missed me? I miss you too" I mumbled into the pillows. I felt my body relaxing and soon I felt sleepy but that was soon interrupted by my mother coming in with her heels clicking across the hardwood floor of the hall.

"Paige!" She yelled. I didn't bother to move, I figured if she seen me laying in bed she'd realize how tired I was and let me stay home.

"Get yo behind up girl, I know you ain't sleep." She semi-yelled. I sighed.

"Mama? Do we really have to go? I mean what new neighbors wants to be bothered after they just moved in?"

Sh eyed me for a second. "You know?" She looked me up and down. "I was about to fuss but you have a point and since you have school tomorrow, I guess we can wait until you get home."

I inwardly screamed but my face reamined blank and I nodded. She eyed me again and walked out of my room at slow pace.

I threw my leg over the bed and stood to stretch.

You'd think I'd be excited since it was my last "first" day of high school but I wasn't. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of it being my senior year, I just hated that I had to go. Like why can't I just work from home?

I just hope that this year, It'll be different than the rest. Somethings got to give, something got to change.


- Aakia

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