De DreamsofEternity

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Keeping secrets was never easy, keeping secrets which could mean life or death for the entire country is an... Mai multe

Chapter 1; Lone Wolf
Chapter 2; Old Friends
Chapter 3; Goodbye for Now
Chapter 4; Of Monsters and Men
Chapter 5; The Wolf's Song
Chapter 6; Be Brave
Chapter 7; Werewolf Politics
Chapter 8; War Stories
Chapter 9; At the end of the Day
Chapter 10; Some wounds don't heal
Chapter 11: What is Mine
Chapter 12; Everything to Lose
Chapter 14; Blood Ties
Chapter 15: Daughters and Demons
Chapter 16: Final Farewells
Chapter 17: Waiting for Dawn
Chapter 18; In Love and War
Chapter 19; Scars run Deep
Chapter 20; Verging on Madness

Chapter 13; Survival Instinct

155 13 2
De DreamsofEternity

Author's Note:

Just in case anyone didn't know, I've been away in France for the past week, and that's why there hasn't been any updates. I will be updating a lot more regularly from now on. Sorry if I caused anyone any confusion.


His tone is calm and cool. He doesn't know. Is the first thought that runs through my mind, as I clench my fists at either side and try to keep my calmness. Pain sparks in my mind, as I realise that I have driven my teeth into my bottom lip enough to draw blood, just to stop myself from losing what little control I have left at this point.

"Kai." In contrast, my own tone is like ice. The coldness of it, makes a shiver run down my spine but I shake my head. Trying to rid the murderous thoughts that are running through my head, I had to keep calm. For the sake of everything that I cared about, I had to remain calm.

The moment of hesitation that passes nought but silence between the two phone lines. I wait, wondering what he might be thinking upon hearing my voice. Would he be scared, happy, nervous, I didn't know. But from the feeling of the wolf at the very surface of my skin, is proof enough for me what my own emotions are. They are running rampant, and it is my wolf's every wish and wim to find this man and tear out his jugular.

When he speaks once again, his tone is very different but at the same time unreadable. An emotion that I cant quite pick up on. Whatever the meaning behind it might be, it infuriates me and sends my blood boiling. "Hello Elliot, how can I help you on this fine day?"

It takes everything for me to restrain the growl which is making its way up from my voice box. The noise which results sounds like a pained cry which hurts even to produce. It is fitting however for the circumstances. "Don't play toy with me, you know why I am calling you." I reply as steadily as I can, all the same my voice shakes just a little.

Alpha Kai on the other end of the phone lets out a low and soft chuckle, "So you finally found it out then did you?" He asks, casually as one might have asked what the weather was going to be like that morning.

Growling lowly, I am sure that the phone is about to break in my hand as I clench onto it. As not to turn around and punch something, whether it be a wall, a pillow or a person who may be unfortunate enough to get in my way at this point in time. "Why the hell have you done this? What did I ever do to you, which made you want to ruin my entire life?" I snarl, the emotion clear in my tone as I struggle to keep a control of my slowly withering patience.

He chuckles contentedly, the sound was deep and without a second's worth of hesitation. The original fear has gone from his tone, and now he is steady once again as though nothing had happened. "You are so foolish, your youth is showing more and more with every second that passes. It is not you, Elliot. See the bigger picture. You are simply a pawn in the game of life, you just so happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. It is nothing personal." He tells me calmly, I can almost picture the grin on his face.

You have made it damned personal. I think to myself, but I do not word my thoughts aloud, for fear what I might have caused in result. "What do you mean?" I whisper. But neither fear or loss of control causes the quietness of my tone. Only because of the fact that every other ounce of energy I own is being put towards every effort in order not to set off running, not for a hunt or even a leisurely run. To kill.

Again the sound of his laugh is the only thing that goes down the line for a heart beat or two, and I wait as patiently as I can. When at last he speaks, all of the goose bumps across my arms are standing on their ends. I could have conducted electricity by the time that the sound of his voice begins once again.

"Every other supernatural race have been pushing on the boundaries of our territories for years. Even you Elliot, as a lone wolf, must know about what has been happening. Border skirmishes and even the friendliest of battles have been becoming more and more dangerous. Our neutral friend Oliver, had a plan to get rid of them." His tone is so very logical, it almost hurts me to realise that I understand what he means. "Our race is the only one that is garnished by the rules of a human society, and that puts us at a disadvantage. But, if we simply began going against our laws. The other alpha's may take heed, and decide that my territory is theirs for the taking. That and everyone in the local areas, so I needed an easier way to get what I wanted. Then I came across the working of Oliver Harlow."

By now, I could guess what the rest of the story was going to be, it did not take a genius to guess what he was going to say. All the same my mouth seems to have become sewn shut, and I am unable to speak.

"His plan, to exterminate the supernatural races, though admittedly a little ambitious, gave me a stepping stone from which to begin my plans. He would destroy what he could, with me giving him what aid; human-wise of course, that I could manage, and then whenever he got himself killed. Or was unable to carry on, I would finish off the dirty work. Including him, but he never seemed to care about that minor detail."

The breath catches in my throat, he is a genuine and complete mad scientist, something that he could picture in a child's comic book. His laugh is bordering on hysterical, and it makes me grimace. "You are insane, Kai. You want to wipe out an entire race, for the sake of a little bit of territory? You would have killed thousands." I growl, pulling the telephone wire in my fingers and straightening out its coils to avoid putting my fist through the glass walls of the telephone box.

Once more, he lets out the sane maniacal laugh. That is when I realise something, in a slight state of horror. He had lost control of his wolf. The way he was acting, it was not human. Some how, his wolf had gained control over the human, and now he was running a riot. It was unlikely that Kai even knew what was going on. But that was not a reason to let him go so easily, he had my daughters and had attempted to take my wife. I had no mercy for the pitiful creature who stood on the other side of the phone line.

"I still will, Elliot. There is very little that you can do to stop me right now, my plan is too far into action then you would ever know. Taking Oliver did very little to deter our plans, if anything it only further helped them. You can do nothing to stop what is going to happen, Elliot. Say goodbye to the ones you love, because there is no ending for this to end other then in the death of those I hate. It is inevitable that some humans will get in my way. Tell your friends over at MI6, that if they try to get in my way. I will not hesitate to kill them."

Something sparks alight in my brain when he says this, he knows the entire truth of who I am. Who had he told? Who would he tell? Is anyone safe? The thoughts raced through my mind. "Why my daughters?" My brain doesn't seem to tell my lips to move and make noise, but all the same my voice surprised me.

"You were useful, circumstantial yes. But I found that your daughters may have held some use to me, it would distract you. You have four hours to find them, otherwise I have operatives who will take them away, and make sure that you will never be able to find them again. I promise you this. I am not so foul that I would kill babies, particularly females, in cold blood. But with my every power, you will be unable to find them. In three hours, the fight of your life will begin, as will the lives of every supernatural on the planet. If I die or not, I will be able to get what I wanted."

The sound of snapping cuts off whatever the man might have carried on to say, as I look down and realise that the phone cord had snapped under the weight of my fingers. Dropping the phone to the stone floor of the box, I turn and run from the confined space. My head so full of thoughts, I swear it would explode any minute.

A destination in mind, I begin racing as quickly as my feet will take me back in the direction of the MI6 headquarters. Distance is nothing, my wolf has taken control of my every thought and I barely notice the strain on my muscles as I run. Everything but the thought of my six week old daughters in my mind, I had to find them. No matter what it took. I could worry about the rest of the information I had been told later.

I don't bother trying to get through the door in the usual style, I simply through myself as hard as I possibly can against it, until from my weight against the groaning hinges brings someones attention to my plight of getting inside. The familiar face of Lorraine at the door frowns as she looks up at me, "What the hell is wrong with you Elliot? Have you forgotten your password or something?"

With no time to speak, I just shake my head down at her and shoulder past, running in the direction of where I had last seen my group of friends. By now, some form of logic returns to my brain, and I recognise the burning sensation in my legs from the long distance of running. I ignore it as best as I can, despite the strong need to collapse with a lack of elegance into the nearest chair that I could find.

Rowan sits nearest the door, and has to half leap out of the way in order to not get hit by the door is I shove it open, ignoring the banging sound as it smacks against the wall to the left hand side of him. "Jesus, oh Elliot. Did you find her, is everything ok?" He asks, noticing how drained that I probably look and he drags a chair from the nearest desk and offers it to me. I take it without so much as thinking twice about it.

Coughing a little, I wait until I have caught my breath a little better then look to my friend with a groan. The emotion running through my brain, all my veins are filled with boiling blood as the anger of realisation sets in a little more. "Get the others, I need help, and I need it now." I growl simply, grabbing onto the arm of the chair in a steely grip. Right now, I am not emotionally strong enough to be able to tell the story of what I have just heard more then once.

Nodding without needing to be asked twice, the youngest member of the team of twelve runs off without looking back. A few moments pass before Paula, William, Russell and Megan come running in once again. It takes five more minutes before the other eight come into the room and scatter themselves across chairs, desks and counters. Finding anywhere to be able to sit, and looks at me expectantly.

Taking a minute, before I begin to speak. I run everything through my head once again, then I slowly speak with a wince. Beginning with explaining about who Kai was, what he was planning on doing, and the fact that he had taken my daughters. That we had four hours to both save the supernatural and human world, and find my stolen children.

By the time I had finished, eighty percent of the room's jaws were hanging open in disbelief to what they had been told, and I don't blame them for how surprised they are now acting. Waiting for one of them to say something, I sit back on my chair and look at them with a frown. It takes everything to not burst into tears, and to stop doing so, anger is racing through my mind. So much so that I am almost shaking from the effort.

The room stays silent for a moment, but as I would have guessed sits up a little and looks at me with a frown. "Holy Shit Elliot, you haven't half let a bomb off have you?" He says in a low tone. Not knowing what else he could have said.

After the leader of our little group had spoken up, the rest of the room broke into conversations amongst themselves. This is MI6, I know its not gossip about the latest office romances or local rumours. Already I can tell that they are trying to make a plan, but it is easier said then done with what little facts that we had.

"I'm pretty sure that's the understatement of the century, Jack." Grumbled James, who is seated to the left of me. Crossing his arms in front of him, his words resonate across the room. It is a lot to take in, and even I didn't have a clue as to what we were going to do.

Nodding in agreement, he knows that his friends words are the truth. What in hell were they going to do. All of this was a hell of a lot bigger then anything we had done before. Until now, the biggest thing we had dealt with, had maybe been nation wide, if not one or two more then this. But this was something massive, it could meant the death of a hell of a lot of people. And not just those who considered themselves to be supernatural. Kai had made it a hundred percent sure, he would not hesitate to kill anyone who got in his way. And my team were not the only humans in England who knew about the existence of those beyond the human race.

Fae, Vampires, Wolves, Trolls, the like, would all be in massive trouble at this rate. From the way that Oliver acted, he did not only have a handful of men on his side. Otherwise he would not have been as ballsy as he was being. He had an army, at least. And from what I had seen the other day looking at the so called 'training' regime when I had first come across the strange vampire, they were serious fighters. We had our claws, our fangs, our strength, but they wouldn't be an easy enemy to beat. I could tell this much.

Cracking his knuckles, Jack let out a low rumbling sigh and stands up. All of the men and women present turn to look at their leader with a frown. "That only leaves one question then, Elliot. You're the one with the most knowledge, on these... Creatures, what measures should we take to kick their arses in?" He asks. Making no attempt whatsoever to hide the bluntness from his tone, had he been a wolf, he would have been snarling.

A little taken aback, kind and patient as our leader might have been, at times he could be a little bit of a control freak. And even under the circumstances, I would never have guessed that he would have asked me for advice on this matter. I am thankful that he did, don't get me wrong. But it was the last thing I would have expected.

Before I have the time to reply, Paula speaks up beside me in an angered tone. Her hot temper showing through further and further, the coldness behind her voice goes so far to even scare me just a little bit. "We're going to do whatever the hell we can to save as many of these innocent people as we possibly can, at the least. What else are you expecting us to to do exactly?" She replies, her patience growing thinner and thinner. Her patience was always pretty thin to begin with, so that was saying a great deal.

Turning on her, the anger bubbling at the very edge of his skin Jack yells at her all of a sudden. I can imagine that there are a thousand thoughts running through his head, it does not cause me any surprise whatsoever that he lets his anger go so freely with such a sudden burst of energy. "Oh yeah, well how exactly are you planning on trying to do that?"

Paula, no all of us are taken aback. Staring at our leader, who upon realising his out burst only grumbles an apology.

Holding my hands up at either side of my hand in a show of surrender, honesty is the only way that I can think of how to approach this. "Guys, even I don't know. This lunatic has my daughters, and he has the world in his hands, and he could crush them at the drop of the hat right now. But we cant start arguing already. This guy is deadly serious, and he's not going to let anything go easily, I promise you. We need to stay calm, we need to come up with a plan." We need to get my children to safety, my wolf adds silently, but I do not say this aloud.

None of us seem to know what to say now, as the silence fell across the room and we all exchanged glanced at one and other a little nervously. "We know that, Elliot. But its just not going to be that easy. We need a plan. Do you know anything, anything at all, no matter how small it might have been. That could help us, with any of this. Finding your daughters, or wherever this whole thing is going to be taking place."

I shake my head, but the voice of William beside me makes me turn my head to look at him. "No offence, Elliot. But we have more important things to worry about then looking for your daughters, we have four hours to stop the death of an entire race of creatures. That takes priority."

The growl which comes from my throat isn't voluntary, and at his words my hands itch to wrap themselves around his neck. "Say that again, say that to my face." I snarl, standing up and stepping closer to the younger man.

William, usually a more level-headed man, now doesn't back down. Crossing his arms in front of him and glaring up at me, though our heights differ by maybe an inch or so. I suddenly feel as though I am feet above them all. "Your daughters are the least of our priorities right now. It is the lives of a thousand, against the lives of two. Think logically Elliot." He replies smoothly, not blinking as we exchange evils.

"My daughters are my only priority. If I lose them, my life might as well be over. If you want my help in any of this, you are going to have to accept that." Now I am not only looking at the younger man before me, but my gaze dances across the room filled with men and women. Daring any of them to speak out against what I had said. I would not expect them to put their lives on the line for my children, but they would have to understand, that nothing matters to me right now other then what is most important to me. If I don't care about them, I know no one else will be bothered to care about them. Even Evelyn wouldn't be able to get them back, it was all up to me. And I was not about to let them down.

Suddenly their is a body between myself and William, as Jack and James force us apart before I am able to get any closer. Knowing full well, that whilst I have this current temper, I wouldn't hesitate to hit any one of them. "Back off, William. You're taking it too far." James tells him as he shoves him down back into his seat. Before Jack can do the same to me, I voluntarily return to my seat with a thump.

Adrenaline is still running through my veins, but I am managing to calm down just a little bit considering everything. "We understand Elliot, but you will have to understand that we don't all feel that way. Yes your family is important, but right now we have other things on our minds." He explains coolly, and I nod.

I wouldn't have expected anything else of these men. I am the only father amongst these men and women, though James was trying with his wife, and Russell had a 12 year old son from a previous marriage. None of them knew how I would be feeling at this point in time. None of them could understand how vulnerable I was feeling right now, despite how close I am with all of them, this is one border between us that they wouldn't understand for a long time.

"However, that doesn't mean that we cant send help with you. We need you to be frank, you are the closest relation we have with the supernatural world right now. All others are too far away from us right now to be able to get here quickly enough to help us out. We will send you a couple of people to assist you in finding your family, and then you are about to get your arse back here as quickly as you can, we need you Elliot. Don't do anything stupid, but do what you can to get them back. We need your mind on the battle."

That had been far more then I would have expected from my friends, but eleven out of the twelve other people in the room are nodding in agreement. I am thankful, though not surprised that William disagrees. I don't blame him, and I would forgive him for everything once everything was over. If we were still around then to be able to forgive one and other for everything.

"Lisa, Ed and Russell, go with him. Do what you can to help, you are the best when it comes to tracking. Do what you can, but in three and a half hours I expect you to be back here with all the information you are able to bring. Regardless of what happens, do you here me Ed?" He asks, looking down at the man in question with a glare.

If worst came to worst, I probably wouldn't even want to come back here, but it would be there job to bring me back. I understand that they need me, but my brain his holding very little logic in it right now. Other then the logical thought that I needed not to lose all control and shift right here and now, and take off running.

Edward nods, and Lisa and Russell stand up and grab a couple of bags from beneath one of the counters. We always had packs ready in case we needed to get going, basic food, a fully charged iPad and a few other bits and bobs of equipment. They would hopefully come in use.

Then Jack began to speak one last time, standing up we all look to him. "We all have our tasks, come on guys. Lets get going. Lets bring them home."


Again really sorry that this chapter took that long, but I had a load of fun writing it, and hope you guys enjoyed it. Feel free to tell me what you thought.

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