Feelings are Over-Rated (Kyle...

By ambrosaurus

3.7K 86 32

Zac is a highschool student who keeps to himself, Kyle just transferred to the high school and has trouble ma... More



163 4 1
By ambrosaurus

As Kyle and I walked down my street, I feel Kyle's arm around my waist. I smile to myself and shiver at his touch. Coming closer to my house, I see my empty driveway. Our always empty driveway. Since no one is home, that means I can do what I want. Sometimes, even when you're a carefree teenager, it gets pretty boring. And let me tell you, I'd have bored myself to death by now if it hadn't been for Kyle. Kyle's been keeping me sane by coming over to my house almost everyday. Thank god for that. As I walk up to the front door, I stop and internally facepalm.

"Shit." I mutter.

"What?" Kyle asks, letting go of my waist.

"This morning, since I was kind of nervous to go to school, I guess I forgot my key."

"Don't you have a spare anywhere?" Kyle asks. "We keep a spare under our mat."

"No, but now that seems like a good idea." I look around the house. The garage door is always locked. "Looks like I'm going to have to go through a window." The only windows we have that I can reach are around in the back of the house.

"Okay, just don't get hurt."

"I'll be fine." I say as I make my way to the fence to our backyard. I've never been good at hoping fences, so as I make my way over, I lose my balance and fall on my face.

"Zac? You okay?" Kyle said, suppressing laughter.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just stay over there."

I walk over to a window that I can reach and slide is open. I go in feet first and land loudly on the floor, losing my balance yet again. I stand up, groaning in pain. I get to the front door and let Kyle in.

"You know, even after falling on the grass, you still look adorable." Kyle smiles at me and all I can do is smile back. I grab his hand and take him up to my room. As he sits on my bed, I look down and notice all the dirt I got on my shirt. I grab a shirt from my closet and pull off the one I'm wearing. "That's attractive." Kyle comments. I laugh and turn to him.

"You know it is!" I joke. I pull on my shirt and lay down on my bed next to him. Kyle and I sit there on our sides, examining each others eyes. He pulls me closer by wrapping an arm around my waist. My heart pounds as our chests press together.

"I can feel your heartbeat." Kyle says, his voice soft. "It's beating fast."

"That always happens when I see you." Kyle blushes at my confession.

"Mine does that too when I see you."

"I can't feel it."

Kyle takes my hand in his and presses it lightly against his chest. My cheeks burn from the slightly intimate contact. Sure enough, his heart is pounding in his chest.

"Feel it now?"

"Yeah. I do."

Kyle cautiously presses his lips to mine, kissing me softly. I kiss back, my mouth moving along with his smoothly. My hand moves from his chest and relocates to his back. He pulls away for a second, only to kiss back with even more force. Suddenly, I feel his tongue enter my mouth. My heart speeds up somehow faster than it was beating before. This was a brand new experience to me. I had never kissed anyone like this before. I like it. As he explores my mouth with his tongue, I notice a warm, fuzzy, tingly feeling inside of me.

This is actually happening. I'm actually kissing a guy that I like. And he actually likes me back. And he's actually my boyfriend.

Gradually, we slow down the kiss from a complete and utter make out session to a sweet and simple kiss. When our lips finally pull apart, I open my eyes. The first thing I see are his electric blue eyes. The electric blue that I could never take my eyes off of. I wrap my arms around Kyle and cuddle him.

"You're so perfect." Kyle remarks. I look down.

"Am not."

"Yes, you are. And I don't want to hear otherwise."

We lie there for a few minutes, just holding on to each other. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. We are soon interrupted by the loud growling of my stomach. I check the time on my phone. 5:48.

"Food?" Kyle asks.

"Yeah I'm starving. Pizza?" I offer. Kyle crinkles his nose.

"We always get pizza. Let's make something."

"I don't know how to cook."

"But I do, remember?" Kyle asks. Now that I think about it, I do remember him offering to teach me how to cook. "I could teach you."

"That sounds like a brilliant idea."

An hour later, we're left with a fairly clean kitchen, which was surprisingly not in flames, and two full stomachs. Kyle tried to teach me how to make stir fry, but it really just ended in him doing all the work and me watching him and distracting him.

Now we're back in my room, selecting a video game to play. It seems that's what we do the most together. Eat and play video games. I like doing such casual things with Kyle. It doesn't make me as nervous as it would if we did more serious romantic things.

I let Kyle pick out a game to play, as I just want to watch for now. He picks Crash Bandicoot and sits on my bed, controller in hand. Kyle plays as we sit in silence for a bit. I take this time to relive through today. How did I manage to get Kyle to be my boyfriend again? Well, whatever I did, I'm glad I did it.

"Have you ever liked a guy before?" Kyle asks randomly.

"I already told you."

"No, you said you've never liked anyone as much as me. I just want to know if you've ever liked a guy at all." Kyle clarifies. I don't know how to answer. Have I? Has he?

"I don't know. I've never really been close enough to someone to like them. Not girls, not guys. Well, except you." I bit my lip and wrap my arm around his waist as he keeps playing the video game. "You're just special." Kyle rested his head on my shoulder and lightly kissed my neck.

"You know, you're pretty special too."

The video game was totally forgotten and Kyle and I sat there with my arm around him, and his head resting on my shoulder. I pulled him in as close as he could get. Kyle's light breath tickled my neck. I laughed and kissed the side of his head that I could reach. Then, sadly interrupting the moment, my door opened. I quickly pulled away from Kyle and he took his head off my shoulder.

"Zac, I'm home." Mum peaks her head in the door. "Oh hello, Kyle."

"Hi." Kyle smiles. God he's cute.

"Zac, I've had a long day, so I'm going up to bed. Try not to be too loud."

"Okay. Night." I say as she closes my door. I cuddle up to Kyle again, missing his closeness.

"Zac, I should probably go soon. It's almost 10." Kyle says, a hint of sadness in his voice.

"No." I groan. "Don't leave me." Kyle laughs in response.

"Zac, I have to. It's a school night. We'll do this again tomorrow."

"Fine." I fake pout. Kyle pecks my lips to cheer me up. It works. "Come on. I'll drive you."

When we stand up, Kyle pulls me into a hug. I hug back.

"I can't believe you're mine." Kyle whispers, almost as if he didn't want me to hear.

"Believe it." I whisper back. I give him a swift kiss and grab his hand, leading us downstairs and out to the car.

The whole ride to Kyle's house, I keep one hand on the wheel and one hand in his. His thumb runs gently across the back of my hand the whole way there, telling me he's still paying attention to me, even though I'm not saying or doing anything.

When I pull up to his driveway, I lean in to give him a kiss. Neither of us want to pull away, and it turns into a pretty long kiss. It seems that since we've never kissed anyone before, it's all we want to do and we can't get enough of it. Eventually, we pull away.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Kyle says, grabbing his backpack and opening the door.

"Tomorrow." I repeat.

I kiss him one last time before he exits the car. Once he's in his house, I pull out of the driveway and make my way home, cherishing the smell of Kyle still in the car.

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