Leaving In A Fast Lane

By Bi-Rain4life

12K 138 37

One night can change a life forever. Amy Turner leads a normal life in Richmond, Texas with a loving parents... More

Leaving In A Fast Lane
Good Bye Texas, Hello L.A
Hi, my name is Jason
Pastry Puff and Coffee Prince
Richard Tran
Thank you for saving me, my name is Logan
Let the Games begin
Richards's Past
I have had it... I am About To GO Ape Shit!!!!
wait did you just say sorry to me!!!!!!!
Morning show girl!!!!!
You just got Served!!!!!!
Puerto Rico!!!!!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 3!!!!
Puerto Rico part 4!!!!!
Puerto Rico part 5!!!!
Puerto Rico part 6!!!!!!
Heart Break!!!!!
It hurts to much!!!!!!!
I love you!!!!
Mission One!!!!
Arggggggg KImmmy!!!!!!
Let the games begin!!!!!
Mission Two!!!! Halmoni????
Taking a Break!!!!!
I can't do this any more!!!!!
Mystery Boy Part 32
The monster with in Part 33
My name is lee Part 34
Party time or nuhhhh!!! Part 35
Bang Bang Part 36
Find her NOW!!!!Part 37
Death???Part 38 (COMPLETED)

Puerto Rico part 2!!!!

383 4 2
By Bi-Rain4life

Recap: so we have Richard and Amy about to dance

My body started to move automatically by itself, we were both dancing together. It was awkward at first but when the song got into me it came naturally. It was like me and Richard were made to dance together, he pulled me closer and I could feel his abs moving against me. His hands burned my lower back where he was holding me. He held my gaze and so did I, all of a sudden the music grew faint and it felt like only Richard was in the room. All of a sudden we stopped and he moved me even closer, his face got closer to me. He held my chin, I forgot for a minute that we were in front of the whole senior class. We were about to kiss but then people started to clap. Me and Richard broke apart and remembered that it was not only the two of us.

" go Amy and Richard" shouted some kids

We walked back to our seats and sat down, I didn't talk to Richard the whole time we finished eating our dessert. When were done, Miss Shelly told us that we had a midnight curfew.

" so I was thinking we should go to the pool," said Jeff

" I am down," said Logan

" Okay one meet at the pool in a few," said Jason

 I was about to walk to my room but Jason stopped me

" so what was that all about," Jason asked

" I have no idea,"  I said

" you guys look cute together, " said Jason teasing me

" shut up," I said

" I am serious, it was like the cutest couple dance ever, and in the end, you guys almost kissed," said Jason with a smirk

I blushed and shoved him to the side, all of a sudden he moved in closer to me and whispered.

"We have a jealous-looking pissed guy watching us right now...how about we give me a show," said Jason while putting his hand on my waist and moving me closer to him. I decided to go along with it, I knew that the guy watching us was Richard and for some reason, I wanted to get a reaction out of him.

" sure why not" I said while touching his hair

" I wish you could see what I am seeing right now, Richard looks so pissed right now," Jason said

Jason moved in closer like he was about to kiss me but kissed me on my cheek

" good night Angle, now that my job is done," he said and left

I stood there just laughing at myself, I didn't even notice Richard moving closer to me

" Are you and Jason dating now," Richard said looking pissed and lust full

" Why do you ask" I said

" well there is a rumor going on that you guys are dating," Richard said

" does it matter" is aid

" well yes it does cause he is my friend," Richard said

" well that would be none of your business," I said and walked away but he held my hand and pulled me closer to him.

' I am not done talking to you" Richard said

" well I am done," I said trying to get out of his hold

" is that a yes or no," Richard asked looking pissed

" Like I said it is none of your business," I said

" well just to let you know don't come running to me when he breaks your heart," Richard said

" thank you for the warning but whatever is between me and Jason is none of your business," I said

" why him though, I mean he is the biggest player out of all of us, but he's good at keeping it under the DL," Richard said

" that is my concern and not yours...now can you please let me go, I want to go and change," I said

With that, he held my gaze and let me get. I went up to my room and went to change into a white bathing suit and took my towel.

" you know Richard likes you a lot right," Katy said

" why are you talking to me," I said

" Omg! Amy you are so stubborn, just go out with him already, I mean it is pretty obvious that he likes you because I have never seen him look at a girl like that and get that jealous over any little things," Katy said

"And I care because," I said but truly I was kinder happy to hear that he never looked at any girl as he does to me.

" you should, because flirting with Jason to make him jealous is not doing any of you guys justice, You just hurting him, and besides you already got him wrapped around your finger," Katy said

" What makes you think I have him wrapped around my finger," I said

" Seriously you should see the way he looks at you, if you don't believe me let's prove it tonight....just flirt around with Jason," Katy said

"Sounds like a plan to me....so what are you going to do with Logan" I said with a smirk

" I don't know, I will just try and give him hints," Katy said

I guess she and Katy are friends now, I can't believe that she likes Logan. I went to my closet and put on my white bathing suit, that made my boobs look even bigger. I went over to my room and Katy was just finishing getting dressed.

" Omg! Amy.......Richards is going to go crazy over that bathing suit" Katy said

" lol this is just an experiment, remember" I said

" yeah whatever," Katy said

We walked over to the elevator and made our way to the pool. It was not that packed, which was a good thing. I could see the boys and at the pool bar flirting with some girls. For some reason, the guys are always chick magnets everywhere they go. I could see guys give me lustful looks as I passed by them and made my way to the boys. I saw Logan first look at me, he had a smirk on his face. The other guys stopped talking and Jeff spit out his drink. Richard had a confused face so he turned around dropped his drink and started to choke. Kevin was patting both Jeff and Richard on the back. I kept a straight face but had a huge grin on my face. Katy leaned in closer to me and whispered.

" see I told you" Katy

"Haha, let the games begin," I said and walked over to the guys.

" hey guys," I said

" seriously Amy you look so f*cking sexy right now," said Jeff

" aw thanks," I said

I felt arms wrapped around me and I looked over to see Jason.

" don't you look sexy," said Jason

" Thanks," I said while looking over at Richard, he looked so pissed, it was so cute

" I know what you're doing, and let me tell you it is working," Jason said

" I don't know what you're talking about," I said

"seriously Amy, you come in looking so sexy, your boobs can hardly hold themselves," Jason said

" okay you got me, so Katy suggested that I make Richard jealous to see if he likes me, and from the looks of your arms wrapped around me and you whispering to me.....looks like it is working," I said

" well then I am glad to be of use to you, so how about we give Lover Boy a show" Jason said while turning me around and lifting me.

"Jason what are you doing," I said

"We are going to the pool," Jason said

" Omg! Jason, " I said in a cute flirty tone

Jason just smiled and walked me over to the pool, we got inside and he let go of me. We were swimming around and splashing water around. The guys joined us shortly and we started messing around and having fun. After a while coach came and told us it was past midnight and it was time to go. We got out and started to walk back to our rooms.

Richard Pov:

I was just chilling at the bar with the guys minding my own business, and then all of a sudden, Jeff started to choke on his drink.

" dude are you okay" I said

He just shook his head and pointed at the entrance, I turned around just in time to see Katy and Amy walking in. I choked on my drink and Kevin started to pat on my back. Amy wore a white bathing suit, she looked like a freaking GODDESS with her long legs and curvy figure. Her bathing suit stopped clinging to her and made her boobs look even bigger. I felt myself getting turned on, and I already started having dirty thoughts about walking over to her, grabbing her throwing her on the bar, and taking her down. She smiled at us and walked over to us.  She was talking with the guys and ignoring me. Then all of a sudden Jason came from behind her and wrapped his arms around her. That stupid piss of shit, I muttered under my breath.  I could see all the other guys throwing jealous looks at Jason and lusting over Amy. I looked over them and gave them a threatening look. All of a sudden Jason picked Amy up and they walked over to the pool. Seriously I have never been jealous in my entire life, I wanted to rip Jason's throat out and feed it to my dogs.

" aren't they like the cutest couple ever" said Katy

" yes very lovely," I said trying to control my anger

" you're not jealous are you" said Katy

" why would I be" I said

" because it is written all over your face, you practically murdering Jason with our eyes," Katy said

" seriously Katy don't you have anything better to do," I said

"Not really, it's fun for once to see you loser at your own game....so tell me how does it feel not to have the one thing you want" Katy said

" Katy you have about 3 seconds to get the f*ck out of my face," I said

"Whatever," Katy said and walked away

For once Katy was right, I was so jealous of Jason, because I wanted Amy. I never wanted someone so bad in my life and couldn't have. I wanted Amy in my arms and not my best friend's. I didn't even feel like seeing them together it drove me insane. I just got up and went to my room, I had girls looking at me and giving me lustful looks, but for some reason, I didn't care about any of them. Shit, I lost my mojo, usually when girls check me out, which is like every second, I pick from the group and took them to my room. I got to my room took a shower and put on ESPN. About an hour later, Jason came into the room.

" dude you missed out," Jason said

" didn't feel like swimming anymore," I said

"I and Amy won the volleyball game, and Jeff got slapped by this girl cause he accidentally grabbed her boobs" laughed Jason

" cool," I said

" what's your problem, " said Jason

" nothing...anyways are you and Amy dating now," I said

" Depends," Jason said

" why can't the two of your guys just answer me straight forward" I said

" Because Richard it is none of your business," Jason said

" so I take it  that all two are dating then," I said

" yes we are," Jason said

" she is a nice girl, Jason, don't hurt her," I said

" don't worry I won't, I just can't wait for me and her to take our relationship to the next level on Friday," Jason said

 " Are you freaking serious" I shouted and left the room

Piss of shit, I can't believe he plans on sleeping with her. Right after he gets what he wants he is going to leave her. Not saying that I have never done that, but usually I do that to the sluts. But Amy is a different story, she is so sweet, cute, and funny. FML I am so whipped over this girl, and it is driving me insane. I walked over to the outside and found Logan sitting by the pool.

" what's up Logan," I said

" yo!" Logan said

" you enjoying yourself so far," I said

" yup, but I get this feeling that Katy likes me or she wants to embarrass me again," Logan said

" what do you mean," I said

" well she keeps smiling at me, and staring at me, when I look at her, she blushes and looks down," Logan said

" Katy blushed," I said

" yeah, she did, I know I was surprised myself when I saw it," Logan said

" I think she likes you, cause Katy is never shy with a guy unless she likes them," I said

" I mean she is cute and all, but she made my life a living hell," Logan said

" give her a chance, she is not that bad," I said

" yeah I guess, I am going to try and ask her out, I mean I have always had a crush on her since freshman year, but I knew she would never go out with a person like me," Logan said

" guess people change sometimes," I said

" yeah I know, you changed a lot since Amy came to school, you're nice nowadays," Logan said

" yeah, she changed all of us," I said remembering what Jason was saying about Friday.

" so you going to ask her to prom," Logan said

" ask who," I said

" Amy you damn ass, it's clear to everyone that you like her," Logan said

" Why does everyone keep assuming that," I said

" maybe cause it is true," Logan said

" she is dating Jason remember," I said

" well it doesn't look like that to me, I mean I know Amy and Jason; they act just like that all the time," Logan said

"you don't say," I said with a smirk

" yeah, they are like best friends, I don't think Amy will ever like Jason like that," Logan said

" well Logan just to let you know, you have made my day, and good luck with Katy.....by the way she likes flowers," I said and walked off. Now that I think about it, Jason and Amy always act like that, and  I haven't seen them kiss yet. I should just make them kiss and find out for sure that they are not dating. I walked back to my room and went straight to bed. The next morning Jason woke me and we got dressed and went downstairs. I had on white khaki shorts with a light green Lacoste shirt and my Louis Vuitton-looking Sperry. We got downstairs and everyone was ready. I looked around and spotted Amy talking with Katy. She was wearing a peach dress with some of her rainbow flip-flops. She looked so f*cking sexy in everything she wore.

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