When it's arranged...

By zoec19

142K 4.9K 155

a normal girl living a normal life soon has a lifechanging experience... her dad is making her marry the man... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29

Chapter 2

8.8K 257 10
By zoec19

Annasophia Robb as Lily

"I can not believe that you dragged me to this place, can't we just go to a normal bar?" I looked infront of me and saw a huge building with big block letters that say 'A er ca's m st f ous' it is actually supposed to say 'America's most famous' but the letters have fallen off through the years. This is a pub for all the gay americans who visit London and want a place to hang out.

"No! We can not go to a boring place" Jake said grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the pub

"Sorry to hurt your feelings or whatever but I'm leaving" i said yanking my arm back to release his grip on my wrist

"No No No pleeeeeeease" he nagged

"You know, I would actually not complain if some of the people may want to date me and not be" I indicated at the bar with my hand "you know" he raised his eyebrows at me an waited for my last word "gay" I barely whispered but he could hear me clearly and he started to laugh at me. Don't get me wrong, I'm not homophobic after all my best friend is gay, I am just not up to being a wingman in a bar full of guys who won't even think about buying me a drink.

"Come on Katie you can't be serious right now" he couldn't stop laughing "do you rather want to go bowling or something?"

"Actually that would be amazing" I said grabbing his wrist and pulling him to the car

"Katie please!?" He said pouting

"Fine! But this is the last time- like ever!! Am I clear?" He grabbed my wrist again and started pulling me to the pub "Jake, am i clear?"

"Yeah yeah come on!" We walked into the pub and all the eyes were on us. I looked around and there was only one woman, the barista.

For about two hours I sat there talking to random guys about how amazing my friend Jake is and that if they don't go for him they are really missing out. When i finally got to talk to the barista she was a he in a dress.


When I got home I immediately got into bed and before I knew it I had fallen asleep.

"WAKE UP KATE!!! WAKE UP!!" I felt a pillow repeatedly getting hit against my head

"Whaaat Liiilyyy??" I said half asleep. I twisted around so that i could sleep more

"Oh no you don't!!" Lily grabbed me and made me sit upright "you need coffee for this"

"I need coffee for what?" She shyly looked away "Lily what is going on?"

"Come! We're getting you some coffee" I slowly stood up and followed Lily to the kitchen, when we got to the kitchen i saw that the coffee was already made and placed neatly on the coffee table. Both Lily and I drank our coffee in silence, Lily kept glancing at me as if I was going to cry. I put down my coffee cup after i finished drinking and Lily grabbed it before i could say anything.

"Lily, what is going on?" I followed her to the kitchen sink and she turned around nervously

"Well, I dont want to alarm you but your mom called me this morning and well... she and your dad have a...uhm...well they have a... let's call it 'a surprise' for you"

"Well that's good isn't it?" The expression on her face said otherwise

"Technically a surprise is supposed to be good but, Kate you and i both know what your parents mean by surprise and they are coming back from your house in paris to tell you this so, do you really think that the surprise is going to be a good one?"

"Lily, when are they coming back?" I assumed Lily would know since they called to tell her instead of me

"They are already here, they got a driver and he is-" Lily was interrupted by the doorbell "as i was saying, that is them!"

"Shit Lily, I am still in my pajamas!!" My parents are very fancy, well-dressed, well-behaved upper class people

"They won't mind" Lily said as she got up to answer the door. When Lily reached the door i sprinted to my room to get changed

"Oh Lily dear! We have truly missed you! Now, where is Kate?" I heard my mom's posh voice echo through my apartment


A/N hi guys, i hope this chapter isn't too long and once again, if there are any suggestions on the story please let me know, that would be great♡


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