Finding Love (Miniminter Fanf...

By TheBaconist

209K 3.8K 1.6K

Two people. Different fears. Different lives. One lived through a life where everything felt like it was cru... More

p r o l o g u e
o n e
t w o
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Alternate Ending!

Chapter 31

2.8K 60 39
By TheBaconist

÷Aye thank you guys for 10k reads :) in celebration I wrote a special super long chapter for you guys to enjoy! And I know I am late on this, but it was a long chapter to write.÷

-Samantha's POV-

Whenever you date a guy, you always keep an eye out for the mom. They were always afraid to losing their little boy, like Dads are with their little girls. I kept a close distance away from her, causing me to seem scared of her slightly.

"So I guess this is the girl that Simon likes. You seem a bit short. What are you? 4'6?"

I nodded in fear. "No, ma'am. 5'7. Just compared to Simon I seem really short."

"So what do you wiegh? You seem like 55 pounds. With the cutting and depression, I can bet that you weight 50-60 pounds."

I frowned. For many girls, being thought of as skinny was a compliment, but to me, it was the trait I hated so much.

"I weigh 110 ma'am. After I met Simon, I haven't cut since. I have found happiness with your amazing son, which caused me to stop and realize how much I wanted to stay with him."

She gave me a pity laugh. "Yeah. I bet. He probably is just giving you sympathy. If you were never cutting, he would probably be with a girl better than you."

I felt my heart begin to drain. My emotions were weak and filled with sorrow.

"Why are you telling me this? I am the first girl that Simon actually wanted in his life, why are you picking on me?" I asked her.

"I am not picking on you. I am just pointing out the things that make you not important, which is basically all of you."

Matthew walked into the room. "Hey mum, do you know where the screwdrivers are?"

I hid my face, letting Matthew believe everything was fine, which he believed.

"They are in the shed in the back sweetheart." She told him.

Matthew left, and Lucy turned back, giving me ugly looks.

"Why didn't you just kill yourself? I mean, I can see why you wanted to die."

I turned away from her, fighting back the tears. "Please stop." I said, whimpering.

I heard her laugh again. "Why would I? All you are is just a useless piece of shit."

Tears began to fall down my cheeks, and I fell down to my knees, as a force slammed into the back of my neck.

I cried out in pain. "What do you want from me?" I screamed back at her.

She looked down at me in pity. "I don't want to take my chances."

I got up and just ran. The door slammed behind me, and I didn't look back.

I grabbed something from Simon's car that I had just in case.

I held onto it with great grip, running out into the unknown.

-Simon's Pov-

I was sitting with my father, fixing the leaky sink when I heard Sam cry out in pain.

I threw the tool I had in my hand down to the ground, and ran to the living room.

"What do you want from me?" I heard her yell from the hallway.

The room went quiet for a second, but I heard my mother in a tone that I have only heard once. "I don't want to take my chances."

I ran into the room, and Samantha was already gone.

I went out to the door, but my mother pulled my arm, causing me to stop.

"What do you want?" I screamed at her.

She gave me a disapproving glare. "I don't like that girl. She isn't the girl that you should be with. Why are you dating this girl anyway?"

This was the second time she hasn't approved of me. First being when I started to do YouTube as a job, but she was never like this.

I ripped my arm from her grasp. "Because I love her. You have dream of this day, why can't you take this more than perfect girl?"

I saw movement at the corner of my eye, behind the closet door.

I pushed my mother out of the way to open it.

The thing behind the door was a sight I hoped wasn't.

It was Lacey Figioli, talking into a walkie talkie.

"God dammit. Lacey, what the fuck are you doing here?"

A smirk grew across her face, staring me up and down.

"I didn't want to take my chances, didn't you hear? I wanted this slut you call a girlfriend away from what was mine. Now, you don't have to worry about her. It is just me and you now, Si." She said to me, wrapping her arms around me seductively.

I pushed her off of me, feeling absolute disgust. "Where is Samantha?"

She gave a giggle that you would only hear in horror films. "I don't know, but she is probably gonna go and have the blade do my job for me."

My heart stopped, and my actions were ones I would never regret.

I punched Lacey. No pity punch, a punch that could knock out the Rock.

Lacey fell to the ground, unconscious.

My mom awakened from her spell, finally being aware of everything around her.

"Si, sweetie, when did you get here?" She asked me.

She looked down at the girl at my knees. "That God damn Lacey is back. Please don't tell me your girlfriend is Lacey." My mom asked me.

My mother also was aware of Lacey, her being the target, besides me, so she knew everything that she needed to know.

I shook my head frantically. "No. No. NO." I told her. "But she is back alright. She tried to convince Samantha to commit suicide, and now, I don't know where she is now."

That's when the situation kicked in. I ran out the door and drove to the first place I could think of.

The park.

I practically sped through the entire city to get there.

I arrived and nothing was there, except for the kids and there parents playing on the playground.

Returning back, I had the next biggest idea, the roof.

I sped off once again, searching for the right building, and found it.

I stood under the building, and I felt my face begin to feel wet, as if it was raining, bit with the clearest of skies.

I ran up the complete 32 flights of stairs and went up to the roof, and I saw a broken girl, sitting with her head in her knees, hearing the gentle sobs against the side of the edge.

"Why am I still here? I was just a mistake." I heard her say.

I quietly stepped foward towards her, being as quiet as I could be.

Her head slowly raised, and I saw her face.

Tears ruined her mascara, causing it to run down her face. Her once vibrate icy eyes were now dull, drained with color. Her hair was a disaster from running to get here, but I felt my heart break as I saw the sadness she had.

"Sam." I barely whispered.

Her head went back down, hiding from me.

"Why don't you just leave? You are only dating me for pity anyway."

I could smell vodka coming from her. I looked around, and I saw a half empty bottle sitting next to her. I was empty.

"Sam, I am not dating you for pity. I am dating you because you are you, and I love every little thing about you."

She quickly took a small object from her side, and hid it from me, trying for me not to notice, but I saw clear as day.

A pocketknife. The same one from the night I found her.

I breathed in. "Why do you have the pocketknife?"

I knelled next to her, but she ignored me. "I know the truth. Your horrible mother told me."

I wanted to tell her everything about Lacey, but I didn't want her to freak out, and knowing her anxiety, knowing Lacey wanted her gone for good wouldn't be good.

"But what she said was lies. I do love you. If I found you elsewhere, I would still love you the same. I don't date you for pity, and I don't just date you. I love you because you make my heart skip when I see you, when you laugh, and I love you every second, knowing I am with you." I told her.

She shook her head in disbelief and mumbled words to herself. "Worthless, piece of trash.."

I stopped her. "Samantha I told you about those names. Don't believe them. Don't let them get to you. Because of you listen to those names, I might lose the best thing that had ever happened to me."

She gave me the quiet treatment for the longest time, but with her knees in her face, she soon fell asleep.

I picked up Sam, and carried her back to the car, without her awakening.

The horrendous smell of vodka reeked off of her clothing, causing me to pinch my nose the entire trip back to see the sidemen.

I stopped in front of the house, and I was about to pull her out, when the shining object she had back at the roof fell out of her pocket.

I saw the switchblade, and studied it closely, looking for evidence that it was used very recently.

It seemed clean, so I put it into my pocket, and was going to put it away later.

I picked her back up and carried her into the house. Everyone stared at me and Sam, since we weren't gonna be back until tomorrow.

"Simon, why you back so early?" Vikk asked. "And why do you two smell like vodka?" He said, covering his nose.

Everyone else did the same. "I will explain as soon as I put her down in her room. Just be quiet please."

Everyone kept quiet. I walked up to her room and wrapped her up in her blankets, and kissed her cheek gently before exiting the room.

JJ was the first to ask me questions. "How come you aren't saying much?"

"Lacey." I said to them. Most starred at me in confusion, but JJ with pure hatred.

"What the fuck happened Simon, and what damage did she do?" He screamed.

"Who the fuck is Lacey?" Josh asked.

Freya standing behind him, also said something. "What happened? Is that why you two smell of strong vodka?"

They questions poured on with everyone, and I felt as if I was gonna be like Sam and have a panic attack. It was too much for me to handle.

"Shut up!" Tami screamed, as she was fed up with the constant chatter that wouldn't stop. "Let the guy speak!"

I breathed in, feeling some of the nerves to slowly go away. "Alright. To answer your question, Josh, Lacey was a friend back in high school. She was very nice in the beginning, but she started to get a little bit crazy over me. She would break all of my friendships with girls if it meant I was hers. She got into hypnotism and used it on anybody. She used it on the girls, her parents, JJ, and even me. Eventually I became immune to her tricks, and somehow got away from her before graduation. But now she is back with even more fury that I am now dating Samantha, and now has hypnotized Ethan, Harry, and Josh, ran her over, as well as me when we were in Hawaii, and now she has done damage to her mental being. She now hypnotized my mother and made her say things like that she was worthless and a slut, and even said I was dating her for pity, and she believes it. She ran, got drunk, and almost went back to cutting." I ran my fingers through my hair.

Everyone's jaws were dropped. "Why didn't you tell us about Lacey, especially after the accident in Hawaii? I want to keep her safe Simon." Josh yelled at me.

I breathed in once again. "Like that would help her as well. Her anxiety wouldn't agree with such, feeling like anything could happen. I didn't want to take that risk."

Josh walked up close to my face. "So was that risk more worth it than the risk you took where she could have killed herself? For fucks sake Simon, can't you use that brain of yours?"

I felt out of breathe, as he punched me in the stomach, feeling my stupidity come back at me.

I fell to the floor in pain, grasping my stomach. "Josh, I know I screwed up. I never imagined Lacey doing something like that to her. She hit a weakness that Lacey should have never knew about, but she did." I paused, and breathed out. "I made a mistake, and now let me fix it."

Josh ignored me. I felt the entire room turn against me, even JJ.

"Guys. Please. I will make this right." I pleaded for their forgiveness, but I knew that nothing would be right until I fixed what happened.

I ran to Samantha's room, where she was still sleeping. I pulled up her desk chair and held her hand.

I wish I could feel the embrace in her hand she had when she believed me, but now, it lost its touch, and was already away.

I cursed under my breath. "Why was I such an idiot?" I asked myself.

I laid my head onto her bed, and spoke how I feel.

"Samantha Winter Evans. The name is just as beautiful as you. The biggest commitment I have ever made in my life was to stay away from love until I knew. You were the exception. I didn't know who you were, but I took my chances, but I always thought that you would be the one for me, and I still do. Nothing can change that and nobody will make me think otherwise. I made a mistake, but I never saw the damage until it has been done, but I was trying to protect you from this, and I failed. It breaks my heart knowing that this thing that was my fault happened and this hurts more than when that car hit me, and it feels like I will die if I don't get help. I want to make this right. Not for me, but for you."

I saw the beautiful face, and kissed the side, wanting her to feel like she is mine again, but the speech would never be heard by her, and my heart is aching badly for this girl.

I walked out and left to my room and thought. I laid onto my bed and just wondered what I could do to make her happy again, but she needed time to heal.

I let the feeling of regret take over as I fell asleep.

÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷÷So yeah. Thank you guys so much for the 10k reads, and I know this is late but I think it was worth it.

Any thoughts on this chapter? I worked extremely hard on this, and would love to hear from you guys.


But yeah, the total # of words in here is: 2554 words.

Well, if you guys did enjoy, leave me some feedback and see ya!


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