Childhood Love | Finn Harries...

Por stylesmeup

460K 5.6K 1.5K

"Finn, I-" "Let's make it clear alright Anna? You're just a little sister to me, nothing more nothing less... Más

Childhood Love | Finn Harries Fanfiction
Chapter 2: Childhood love
Chapter 3: Childhood Love
Chapter 4: Childhood Love
Chapter 5: Childhood Love
Chapter 6: Childhood Love
Chapter 7: Childhood Love
Chapter 8: Childhood Love
Chapter 9: Childhood Love
Chapter 10: Childhood Love
Chapter 11: Childhood Love
Chapter 12: Childhood Love
Chapter 14: Childhood Love
Chapter 15: Childhood Love
Chapter 16: Childhood Love
Chapter 17: Childhood Love

Chapter 13: Childhood Love

15.4K 298 77
Por stylesmeup

Back from hiatus mood, do you guys miss me? *smiles widely*  Here's chapter 13, not edited so there might be mistakes here and there.

Enjoy! :)

Chapter 13:

*knock knock*

"God it's so late at night can I help yo- Oh my god what are you doing here?!" 

"Just thought I should pop by, you know.. To see my favourite girl!" 


"Pipe down girlie, I'm here for two reason. Well, a little bit of cash a little bit of bribery poof, here I am." Daryl made himself real comfortable on my bed. No matter how shocked I was, I'm glad his here.. I missed him and the rest too, especially Finn.

"Same ol' Daryl I knew! So what's the two reason eh? It's like less than a week and you can't get me off your mind." I jokingly said. Before he replied, Daryl face was inches away from mine.

Awkward, really really awkward.

"Anna.... yes, yes I couldn't get you out of my mind. I just couldn't let you go.." Even before I could absorb whatever that's happening, Daryl started bursting out in laughter. "GOT YOU!" 

"Oh that's retarded, now for the two reasons?"

"Small little Anna fell into my trick, oh yeahhhhh! First reason, I lost a game between the twins, janice and I so I had to come here. Second reason, is this letter." Daryl handing me a blue envelope with "Anna" written on the front. I straight away knew it was Finn who wrote this letter, how do I know? Well, the blue envelope is or should I say was mine because I used to send letters to my penpal but things changed so I handed all my envelope to Finn. Also his handwriting gave it away!

"By the look of your face, I bet you guessed who it was already eh? While you read your little love letter, let me take a nap here ya. I'm exhausted from the train ride." I just gave a nod and i opened the letter:

Dear Anna,
These guys told me that you went to Leeds. I've been trying to contact you Anna, did you see the calls or the texts I sent you? Anna, I made a huge mistake of rejecting you. I feel the same, I really do.
I would let go of anything, everything to be with you. Anna, even if right now you're gonna tell me that you have given up on me.. I don't believe that till you show it to me. I'll prove it to you that I deserve you, I won't give up trying.

I love you, Anna. Deeply.


I was lost for words, I just stared blankly at the letter. Do I want Finn? Hell yes but April... I didn't want to take away the happiness and the love between them both. I'm so lost, I want Finn to myself that's all I have been wishing for but right now... I don't know.

I love Finn, do I?

I just stare blankly at the letter, my thoughts are all over.

"Daryl!" Shaking Daryl vigorously but he just won't wake up, this damn pig. "DUDE!"

*knock knock*

"Shit shit shit shit. Daryl! Urgh!" I slap Daryl in the head since he wouldn't feel a single thing, I opened the door slightly in case the person behind the door sees Daryl.

"Hey Daniel, what are you doing here?" My palms were sweaty, urgh again why is it so? It wouldn't matter if you have guest right? I mean I'm just afraid he would mistaken that Daryl and I are together...  it's not like I like Daniel or something why am I so afraid he would mistaken me?

"Couldn't sleep, ordered some pizza, and thought I could come and share it with you!" Daniel smiled widely shoving the pizza into my face. Urgh! Before I could adsorb everything, Daniel forced himself in. "Woahhhhh, didn't know you had guest. I guess i'll get going!" 

"Wait!" I can't let Daniel leave! I want the pizza so did I want him to be here... "Just stay, it would be fine. He doesn't mind." I said with a comforting smile.

"Is he your.....?"

"NO! No no no, his my best friend, Daryl, back in London!" I said loudly, oops over-reacting reaction.

"I see, what is he doing here?" Daniel ask questioningly.

"I'm here because her boyfriend told me to pass her a letter." A sudden voice came from behind, aka Daryl being an asshole. "Boy, she's taken."

In that moment, I wanna shove my fist into Daryl's mouth god! "Excuse you, Daryl have a cup of shut the fuck up." I gave Daryl the watch-your-back-look and turn to Daniel, "I've no boyfriend just to clear that up, his just messing with ya." 

"No worries!" Daniel said and just sat down and continue to gobble the pizza, hey! Isn't he suppose to share? I walked towards Daniel and pop myself down beside him and took the pizza ignoring Daryl's grumbling behind.

Finn... How are you doing? I miss you so much...

"Anna, so who's the 'boyfriend' he mentioned?" Daniel whisper.

"I'll tell you when that guy is gone." I whisper back.


"QUIT WITH THE WHISPERING!" Daryl shouted, pfft maybe his period started.

Daniel and I just sat there eating the pizza and watching white chicks. I swear that movie never gets old, slowly I was drifting off to sleep.

"Hey... Anna?"

"Finn?" I gently rub my eyes and look up realising it was Daniel instead, "D-daniel? You're still here?"

"You fell asleep on my shoulder so I didn't want to wake you up you know." He smiled wearily, aw his smile it's almost the same as Finn. He has the same lips as Finn too...

Everything reminds me of Finn, way to go Anna, way to go.

"Where's Daryl?" I feel my cheeks burning, gosh am I blushing?

"He left, i'll head up to my room to wash up first! See ya at the dining area!" I gave a nod and Daniel disappeared from my sight. 

I plop myself onto the bed and picked up the letter Finn wrote me, looking at my name on the envelope. The times we were hanging out together, just he and I. Why can't I forget about him? He has a girlfriend. 

"Sigh..." I let out, I place the letter down wipe away the tears that flow down unnoticed. I went to bathroom, wash up and changed out to a new clothes. 

Sorry babe, needed to rush back for practice. Don't ever forget about Finn, he really loves you. You have my word. Don't replace Finn with the Daniel guy.

I didn't bother to reply... Don't ever forget about Finn? I have to, I don't have a choice. I wore my sneakers and headed to the dining area. 

"Hey Anna!" Josh exclaimed and turned to Daniel, I swear in that moment I was blushing.

"Good morning Anna!" The rest said in union and I turned to Daniel and gave him a quick smile. 

"Morning guys, I'm not that hungry so I'll head to my first class then! See you guys around!" I said and just headed for my history class.

Aimlessly walking to the the building, sigh I regret not bringing my headphones with me. I miss being with the guys back in London... The joy, laughter, everything.

"Wait up!" 

I turn back and it's Daniel, yay company.

"Yeah?" I said facing the breathless Daniel, I didn't notice how strong he is. Dem biceps.

"Are you free this Saturday?" Daniel asked, giving his faint smile and slowly catching his breath.

"Well... Yes, of course! Asking me out on a date? Hahaha!" I said jokingly at the last part, why would someone like him ask me out right?

"You're right. I would like to ask you out for a date, Anna." He said in a slight serious tone, this is joke right....

"I-I... S-sure." I stutter, shit Anna calm your tits, it's just a date, just a date. D A T E

"I'll text you the details, see ya around! Bye!" Daniel walked over to me and plant a kiss on my cheeks. How many times have a blushed already, oh my god. 

"Bye..." I muttered and see him run off into the distance.

I have a date with Daniel.

I have a date.

With Daniel.

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