You Are My Heartbreaker

By nelenawritesxoxo

34.3K 1.3K 200

How does it feel to fall in love again? To fall in love with your ex? Your first love? The person that shatte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 39

509 21 7
By nelenawritesxoxo

Everything was still and black. Memories were solid at the back of my brain but pain was also somewhere throbbing at the back. I heard a lot of voices speak, sounds like a hospital. I could hear the computer monitors beeping, nurses and doctors running in the halls.

Besides my head, I felt a throbbing pain on my right leg. A stiff plaster grew on it as I tried to rotate my foot. My face was also restricted from movements.

"I don't know when she'll wake up," I heard a woman sob, I bet it was my mom.

"Doctors say she should be awake in a couple of hours or next morning," a man said, I recognized it to be my father's voice.

"Go home and have some rest, Demi said she'll be here," I believe that was my sister. Soon the room turned dim and no voices were heard.

As I recall, I heard them say I should wake up in a couple of hours or next morning. I am awake, but suddenly when I try opening my eyelids, I felt it like bags of rice, so heavy to lift. Hence, trying to move my hand was a difficulty.

Shit. Was I in a coma of some sort?

Only thing I could do was listen. I'm confused, what the hell is going on. Aren't people in comas like... unconscious?

Last thing I remember was that Demi, Joe and I were outside talking. Nick suddenly came into the picture asking to drive Joe home, then... He was fighting on the ground with some hunk--Anson, that prick, they were fighting, Joe and I were trying to hold them off. And then everything went black...

What happened to Nick? What happened to that douche? Did somebody call the cops? Surely somebody had called the ambulance assuming I was here.

When I tried to open my eyes, I had a small glimpse of where I was. I had a feeling I was in the hospital. Surprisingly in a private room, the door was right in front of me and there was a small window to the hospital hallways.

"She's waking up! She's waking up--J-Joe! Call the nurses," it's impossible for somebody to not recognize Demi's voice. Her high pitch voice when she's excited is definitely a remark.

My energy suddenly peaked, my muscles were finally moving and I was able to open my eyes. A small glimpse turned into a landscape as I saw a herd of nurses rush in--okay that was exaggerated, maybe 2 or 3 max. followed by a doctor.

Assuming, my doctor, lifted my lids to check dilation with her flashlight. Now that, that light could probably wake up the dead, the brightness of that light... my Jesus.

She turned to Demi and Joe, "She is definitely awake up, I'll just run a quick check up with her. I'll check her vital signs and heart beat." She closed the curtain on Demi and Joe so I would get my privacy.

"How are you feeling Selena?" She asked as the nurses helped me up for her to check my heart beat and yadiya.

"Dizzy, tired? Pain," I said.

She smiles, "That is normal, minor discomfort should come from your head and right foot."

"What happened?" I asked as I saw a cast around my right foot.

"You rolled down a flight of stairs and bumped you head, your face is a bit scratched. It might be itchy from the ointment but if you scratch it you may scar it, so I'm cautioning you now to try your best and just apply some ice or pat on it gently." She then looks at my cast and back at me, "Just a sprain, nothing big. Nurses will change it on your next follow up."

She then opened the curtains to Demi and Joe who practically jumped. The doctors chuckles at their panicked faces.

"Your friend is fine, she can be discharged in two days in the afternoon after the nurses change up some bandages on her face," the doctor smiles.

"Thanks doc," Joe smiles, they waved to her as she left with the nurses. Meanwhile Demi ran forward to me, and hugged my weak little body.

"You scared the crap out of Sel!" Demi exclaimed.

"I could see that," I grimaced, "What happened with Nick and that prick?"

"That prick, is in some deep shit in the sheriff's office explaining why he was carrying 400 grams of marijuana with him," Joe grins, I then noticed his bandaged wrist.

"Sorry about the wrist Joe," I apologized.

He gestures to his wrist, "Not your fault, Nick is definitely gonna pay up for this."

"My poor baby," Demi pouts kissing on Joe's wrist, then turns back to me, "Are you hungry do you want us to bring you some food?"

"What time is it? Maybe a chocolate chip cookie?" I guiltily asked.

"It's 3:20AM, but a midnight snack won't hurt," Demi giggles, she gets up to go get her wallet. "Joe watch her while I get her a snack?"

"You stay, I'll go," Joe stands up to go but Demi stops him.

"Have some rest, you're a patient too," she kisses his cheek before leaving the room. Joe sat down on the seat Demi was sitting on.

"Nick just got a few scratches on his face, and probably a few bruises," Joe started.

"Oh, I hope he feels better," I try to sound casual about it but I'm such a terrible liar.

"Demi told me everything," his face was guilty as he confessed the truth, "Don't be mad at her. I guessed it. It's definitely going to make the headlines."

My eyes widened, this is a nightmare if it makes the headlines. "W-What?"

"The fight, we had the ambulance and cops come. Of course people would notice, but for a town like ours. It's definitely making it the headlines," Joe confess, "I just hope they will go no further into details."

"It's a small town," I mocked him, "They never let things go so easily, somebody would beg for details and you mother will be the first in line to know."

"You know what will happen if the town finds out about you and Nick right?" he ask, everybody knows the result if our relationship gets publicized, I wanted to say.

I silently nodded, "It's our responsibility to fix it, I know."

"Hey, I'm on your side," Joe comforts putting his hand above mine, "Just wanting you know what you need to prepare for."

"I know," I nodded, "Thanks."

"Giving love a second chance?" Joe snickers sitting back with his hands behind his head

I laugh, "Not too sure... but hey, if you wanna be a bear, be a grizzly. Life is all about taking chances."

"Definitely a wonderland," he eases. Our conversation quickly changed topics when Demi entered. Not like there were any secrets, but our topic about my relationship was beginning to get bland.

Joe was always like an older brother to Demi and me since high school, but for Demi their love turned out to be lovers rather than a brother. He was always so protective on us since we were in the same group, but also the only girls. I never saw it more than a brother but clearly, Demi saw his protectiveness as more than a brotherly love.

It's funny how things turned out. They broke up because of a small argument that evolved into their potent egos preventing them to apologize to one another. And can you believe it, 3 years after, they are back together. They just jumped back in and are perhaps twice as in love as they were before.

Meanwhile Nick and I were practically continuing are chapter with secrets and a romance that is hidden from public. This time there was a reason to hide it. But it wasn't the type of romance I was looking forward to when I was coming back.

A month ago when Demi and I first arrived, we practically vowed to never rekindle our romance with the Jonas boys. Then here we are entangled in a relationship with them. I think I'm the only one regretting it.

It's crazy how things can change so quickly. Never in a hundred years would I ever imagine Nick Jonas leaving his girlfriend for me. I mean, he is the type of guy that is so damn perfect. He is a determined person that always has things figured out, he always has a plan. And this is like the perfect mistake to ruin everything.

Olivia is the perfect girl in his life. She impresses his family and makes him happy. Plus, she has everything needed for adulthood--at least she's a mature woman that has everything figured out in life. Unlike me, a law student with the potential to success in the area but is completely uninterested in the career yet is still taking it because of her parents.

Speaking of which. Joe and Demi left when I fell asleep after an hour. I have been sleeping until noon when the nurses woke me up to change my bandages. After I heard the sound of visitors enter my room as the nurses headed out with their medical cart.

I turned to the attention of Olivia and Nick who were entering the room with a bouquet of white stephanotis and yarrow flowers. They walked in hand-in-hand arguing who found the room.

"Selena," she stumbles over letting go of Nick's hand as she came to my bedside, "Are you feeling better?"

I nodded sitting up to readjust myself, "Never better."

"I'm sorry Nick got you into this mess," did I hear her right? She then continues, "We got you some flowers, it's suppose to mean good luck and good health. We hope you heal faster."

I giggle, receiving the flowers from her as Nick passed it over. He stood behind her as if afraid to come forward, "Thank you, you guys beat my parents to it."

"They say flowers are suppose to liven up the room," Olivia smiles, she helped me settle the flowers on the nightstand. "When will you be discharged?"

"Should be tomorrow," I answer her, "I don't know, my face is all scratched up, I rather stay here for another week to heal."

"Sweetie, it won't scar. At least no stitches right?" she giggles.

"Yea," I forced a smile. It was excruciating talking to Olivia, especially with Nick here. It sucks to be the last person to know a secret, I know that by hand.

"I saw somebody propose to you last night, I recognized him from the pool party last time," she gushes.

"Babe, what are you talking about?" Nick finally spoke. Laugh my ass off, but he actually looked worried. ''Don't joke."

"I swear I saw him kneel last night," Olivia turns to Nick to answer then back to me, "Was he proposing?"

"Actually he--" before I got to finish explain, it was like on cue, Conner stepped inside the room. Fantastic. He also had a bouquet of red tulips in his arms.

"Am I interrupting?" Conner asks, watching to the frozen aroma.

"N-No," I glanced at him and at Nick, who was watching Conner's every move. But I focused back on Conner who came over to give me a hug.

"These are for you, my mother got this from our garden. I told her you like lilacs but she insisted on tulips," Conner passes the flowers to me.

I laugh receiving it, "Tell your mom I say thanks, but research the meaning of the flowers next time." I settle the flowers over to the night stand next to Olivia's.

Conner then meets eye to eye with Nick and Olivia, "You took quite the hit last night."

"The dude was just causing a scene, and disrespecting a friend," Nick said, looking directly at Conner.

"And then got his friend and himself injured," Olivia adds in, "I'm sorry Selena."

"Don't worry, not complaining about street compliments," I giggle meeting with Nick's glare that shut me up. "I guess Nick was just overprotective, geez how do you go out with him?"

Olivia laughs, "We try to keep a low profile as much as possible."

Conner picks up the lime green sharpie from the night stand and walks over to my cast, "Oh cast graffiti is my thing."

"Con, what are you going to write?" I groaned.

"Just a message," he wearily smiles as he signs on the sole part of the cast.

"How will I read that?" I complained.

"You guys are so cute," Olivia gushes and picks up a blue sharpie.

"We're just friends," I quickly answered this time.

"Oh we're more than just friends," Conner gave a cunning wink, making me glare at him. He turns to Nick who stood stiff with his arms crossed, "Kidding, she's a best friend since kindergarten."

"Woah, that's impressive," Olivia looks up after signing, "I mean, that's like a lifelong friendship."

"You could say that," Conner blushes lightly, "Anyways, I just dropped by to know you're alive. I need to go run some errands for my mom."

"Already?" I pouted.

"You need some rest patient Selena," he pokes me with a grin, "I'll visit when you're home. Rachel told me you'll be discharged tomorrow."

"Fine," I hugged him before he stepped out.

Once Conner left, Olivia turns to me with a mischievous smile, "Not a boyfriend eh?"

"He has a girlfriend," I said bluntly.

"Right," she jokes, "Well we better let you rest up too." She stands up, getting ready to depart.

"Feel better Sel," Nick said, ducking forward to give me a hug. I embraced his aroma quickly before he has to let go. Olivia moved forward after to give me a hug.

"Feel better soon," she lets go at the same time as me.

"Thanks for visiting," I smiled, and waved them off as they left.

I think that was the most difficult 20 minutes of my life. Having to be in the same room with Olivia and Nick. Jesus and that moment with Nick practically burning holes through Conner with his stares, was some intense fucked up shit goin' on.

I have to guiltily admit I enjoyed seeing him jealous. But at the same time, I didn't want to drama that attached with it.

My phone beeped, I didn't even know I had it with me. I thought the hospital forbids cell phone uses to prevent radiation circulating around the building. I swiped it open to read the messages sent. I read the most recent one at the top. I recognized the number right off the bat.

I'm sorry for putting you through all this pain. I can't say how difficult it's been for you, I don't know how to apologize for putting you into the hospital and having you go through that with Olivia. I know it was difficult. Look to the bottom of the bouquet, this isn't a contract that you have to sign, but if you wear it, it'll mean eternity for us. This is a vow to you. I promise this will be over soon, we will officially have our beginning. Love always.

I deleted the message to cut any traces and searched the through his bouquet. I opened the brown sleeve that held it and the entangled flower stems unraveled with a small pink envelope. I opened it and a silver ring rolled out with a note.

This stone is called the Kunzite. It is said to help heal broken hearts, relieve stress and bring love and peace. I hope this is true. Yours truly.

I closed the note back into the envelope and stared at the kunzite silver ring. Each gem was smashed into small stones and made its round around the ring.

This was a promise ring, something I never believed.

I looked inside the ring with the engraving that read, With you forever and always 09.22.08.


Hope you guys liked this chapter. Poor Selly, I hope she'd get out of this crazy love circle soon too!

Thanks for the comments guys!

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