
By 1Abby3

21.7K 758 453

Frida, a young ambitious woman loves performing on stage. One day during a gig, there's that guy with the ang... More

Chapter 1 - Frida
Chapter 2 - Benny
Chapter 3 - Frida
Chapter 4 - Benny
Chapter 5 - Frida
Chapter 6 - Frida
Chapter 7 - Benny
Chapter 8 - Frida
Chapter 9 - Benny
Chapter 10 - Frida
Chapter 11 - Benny
Chapter 12 - Frida
Chapter 13 - Frida
Chapter 14 - Benny
Chapter 15 - Benny
Chapter 16 - Frida
Chapter 17 - Benny
Chapter 18 - Frida
Chapter 19 - Benny
Chapter 20 - Frida
Chapter 21 - Benny
Chapter 22 - Frida
Chapter 23 - Benny
Chapter 24 - Frida
Chapter 25 - Benny
Chapter 26 - Frida
Chapter 27 - Benny
Chapter 28 - Frida
Chapter 30 - Frida
Chapter 31 - Benny
Chapter 32 - Frida
Chapter 33 - Benny
One Man, One Woman

Chapter 29 - Benny

596 20 13
By 1Abby3

"...and then he told me he could teach me how to improve my voice even more and of course I said yes and so I visited him once or twice a week and I became better and when he complimented my advance, wow, I was so proud!", Frida took a breath and Benny used the short break to stroke her cheek. It was colder than usually but soft and reddened. Frida's eyes caught his and her breath speeded up when Benny leaned forward. He couldn't help it, Frida's lips just attracted him like they were the blossom and he was the bee and... Their lips met and the kiss let Benny forget his weird thoughts. An old woman walked past them smiling about the young love beautifying her way to the super market. Benny didn't notice her, he was busy with running his fingers through Frida's soft hair. Frida sighed happy when he pulled her closer, the cloud cover burst and a sunray dunked the two of them in golden light.

Benny felt every form of Frida's lips, every nuance of chocolate attended her tongue as it touched Benny's. He still couldn't think very romantically in fact he couldn't think at all, it was like Frida was able to erase his mind, his sorrows, his doubts, his thoughts. Just a blow of peaches, just a smile of her beautiful lips, just a look of her stunning eyes and he was completely lost.

"There you can see my school, I liked it really, I know, I'm strange but I just wanted to learn and I think the school is the best place to learn so...", Frida talked and talked and Benny absorbed every little information she gave him, every small detail about her life was important, he completely dove in her history, he lived her school time, her youth, her childhood, everything. Every paving stone seemed to tell him stories about Frida, he learned to know her and he learned to love her once again.

The bell of the near church clanged five o'clock as Frida took out the key to open her front door again. Benny smiled and followed her inside: "Before you ask: I love this little town and I enjoyed the trip, I really did and I didn't mind that you were talking most of the time, I was happy about that too", he said. Frida gave him a relieved smile and Benny had to answer it, he has known that she worried about this now. She always worried about him complaining about her plain surround but Benny loved this small but cosy world. "May I help the lady taking off her coat?", he offered and his heart jumped as she gave him her wonderful wrinkled-nose-smile.

"Cold?", Benny asked when he watched Frida looking for some blankets. Frida giggled as she looked up and answered: "Maybe you can warm me up a little...?" Benny laughed quiet, "I hoped you'd answer this!" He took the blankets Frida has found, laid his arm around her wrist and pulled her into the living room. Frida giggled quietly when he placed her on the sofa wrapping the blanket around her. Benny smiled and before he sat down next to her he walked over to her record player. "Music?", he asked, of course Frida nodded and just as he wanted to ask her which music he discovered the small Beatles LP. "Oh, Beatles! Pleeease, can we listen to Beatles, please Frida, please!", he begged and there it was, Frida's catching beautiful laughter filled the room and his heart.

Benny slipped under his blanket and regretted a bit that there were two of them. But just some seconds later Frida moved closer to him and when her smell of peaches reached his nose he just couldn't resist lifting her up on his lap. And soon there was only one blanket left, it just was more comfortable this way. And Frida wanted him to warm her up, he just obeyed... Okay, and he just needed her close.

They sat there in silence, each in his own thoughts. Benny watched Frida's hair, some strands were darker than the others, like a drop of bitter chocolate among all the lighter brown. And they smelled, like peaches of course but there was something else... Maybe vanilla? Anyway it smelled wonderful.

"What are you thinking about Frida?", Benny asked after some time. It took a while until Frida answered. "Today", she whispered, "It has been great..." Benny smiled, he totally agreed. "Right. Because of you. It has been your life...", he answered dreamy and got lost in the stories Frida told him.
Frida cuddled closer to him and a wave of peaches reached Benny's nose, without noticing he stroked Frida's leg, hidden behind cloth but he could remember it too well when it was naked. Frida looked up, her eyes caught his and Benny again noticed the incredible mix of colours in her eyes. The happy green, the warm gold, the thoughtful blue and the lovely brown, all colours had their own beautiful touch, each showed another side of Frida's character. She smiled and Benny had to answer it, his lips just became autonomous and... They kissed again and it felt like the first time, some excitement, some passion, some hesitation and insecurity and some happiness and relief.
Benny's fingers wandered up Frida's leg and under her blouse, he couldn't do anything against it, his heart has taken the control.
Frida moved, their lips got separated but the passion stayed, Benny's hand enjoyed the soft skin of Frida's back and Frida's hand laid against his chest sending pulses through his whole body. And then they began to wander down to the end of his shirt and rolled it up. Benny had to smile, it seemed like Frida has liked what he did earlier... Suddenly she looked up, smiling too. Benny felt her belt in his fingers, he didn't know when he has touched it but now he opened it slowly watching Frida carefully. And then she bit her lip and as always Benny became crazy and it caused his fingers to pull down Frida's trousers. He had no time to see whether her panties were the same like in the morning because Frida gasped and then their lips met again in passionate kisses. Frida's long fingers made their way under Benny's shirt and soon they took it off. Benny quickly opened the buttons on Frida's blouse, then they both were shirtless and then Frida lost her bra too and Benny's dreams came true.

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