Chapter 2 - Benny

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Benny sat at the piano and played a little funny melody when the doorbell rang. He looked up, it was 7 o'clock. That meant he was too late. Much too late.

He stood up to open the door. "Hej and sorry, I'm late, I... played the piano and so I forgot the time...", he told Agnetha and Björn. Agnetha rolled her eyes, "Typical you", she laughed. Björn rose one eyebrow and checked his clock demonstrative. "It's time to leave and you haven't even chose your clothes! You can't go in your pyjamas remember." Now Benny rolled his eyes. "Okay Daddy!" Agnetha giggled. Björn gave her an angry look. "Now you're against me too! You two are always against me, that's not fair!" All of them bursted into laugh.
"Awww", Agnetha smiled, "poor Björn." She gave him a short kiss. Björn made a dog face, so Agnetha kissed him again longer. The kiss became wilder, "Hej Hej", Benny waved, "You aren't alone remember!"
Agnetha sighed, Björn too: "Oh, Benny don't interrupt, put on some real clothes!" "Pyjamas are real clothes I think...", Benny wondered. "C'mon you know what I mean", Björn said angry but then he had to laugh because Agnetha was giggling again.
So Benny went back inside and changed his clothes. He took on a simple blue shirt and black trousers. He played the song on the piano again because he thought, Agnetha and Björn were busy...

When he left the house and closes the door he saw that he was right. With a sigh Björn and Agnetha ended kissing. But they changed a look which said everything.
Benny sighed too. Of course he was happy that his best friend finally found a girl and he was happy about their love but sometimes it was a little bit annoying that Björn hadn't that much time anymore. Especially in the evenings he stayed home with Agnetha and Benny had to drink a beer on his own. Okay, today all three of them went out together but usually Benny had to come out alone.
"Huhu", Agnetha waved in front of his eyes, "is there somebody home?" Benny twinkled some times. "Okay, let's go", he said finally and entered Björn's car. He didn't saw the meanfull look, Agnetha and Björn changed.

When they entered the pub they looked around. It was unusually quiet. Then Benny understood, there wasn't any music, no band played on the small stage in the corner.
"Guys? There isn't any music, strange, isn't it?", he said turning around. "Kind of scary", Agnetha whispered but then she laughed. "No but serious, it's way boring I think..." "Yeah, you're right", Björn said, hugging her from the back. Benny tried not to roll his eyes. "Well, what are we doing now?" But none answered, they were kissing again. "Oh, please! You have the whole night for kissing and more!", he said a little angry.
Agnetha blushed a bit. Björn laughed and Agnetha blushed more. Benny grinned, "Ha, got you!" "So what are we doing now", Björn asked, changing the topic. "That's exactly what I asked two minutes ago", Benny laughed, "I don't want to stay here, it's too quiet." "Right", Björn agreed, "what's about another pub?" "There's this dance bar some corners away", Agnetha wondered, "I think, Anni-Frid Lyngstad's performing there today, you know, the girl who won Flugan..." "Sounds great", Björn twinkled at Agnetha. "What's going on there...?", Benny asked, he knew his friends and they had a plan but which?
"Uhhm, nothing", Agnetha said and grinned like an idiot. A pretty idiot. "We're just in love", Björn twinkled again, "it's, uuhhm, something like a flirt...?" Benny wasn't persuaded, they had a secret...
"Well, however", Björn said quickly and changed the topic again, "let's go. Leave this mystical bar without music and go to this other one. I'm thirsty!" Agnetha and Benny agreed and so they went back.

When they entered the other bar, all of them sighed happy. There was the missed music! And what great music! Benny knew the song, it was a famous hit by Elvis Presley.
They took of their jackets and sat down at a table near the window. "Cosy corner here", Agnetha said and leaned herself to Björn. "Very cosy, especially when its raining like now", Björn agreed. Benny looked outside on the street and Björn was right, it rained like hell!
"Well, what do you want to drink?", Björn asked. "I think I take a beer only", Agnetha answered. "Me too", Benny said and stood up. "Okay, then I take...", Björn's finger tipped a quick rhythm on the table, "also a beer!" He laughed. Agnetha giggled and gave him a fast kiss. "Okay", Benny smiled, "I'll take it." He walked to the bar and ordered the three beers. The barkeeper was busy with other drinks so it took a while. Benny waited at the bar because he wanted to give Björn and Agnetha some time "alone".

His eyes wandered around the pub and, of course, to the stage. The music was still very good and Benny was a friend of good music.
He watched the pianist, but he looked a little bit like a marionette, he didn't play that well. Then his look went to the singer, what was her name again, Anni-Frid?
She looked up at the same time Benny watched her and their eyes met. Benny became warmer when he saw this beautiful green eyes, sprinkled with happiness. They weren't just green, there were brown and yellow and a little bit blue in them. The most beautiful eyes Benny've ever seen. It was like mother nature had painted her eyes green and dropped some sprinkles of other colours in them by accident.
Benny felt a warm feeling floating his whole body. His eyes finally left hers but only to wander over her hair which had the colour of warm dark chocolate. Benny imagined how soft it would be, when he'd stroke it. Her face was just cute, her nose, the cutest nose in the whole world, Benny was sure. Her skin looked warm and soft and so did her lips. Her mouth was opened a bit and Benny saw some white teeth... And her body! The dark dress showed her well proportioned body perfect, her taille not too slim and not too thick. Just perfect.
Finally Benny got his eyes off her body but he couldn't take her eyes away of this beautiful eyes. Benny realized that she was watching him too, her eyes felt like fire on his skin. But then she looked up into his eyes and hers got a touch of worries in the sprinkles. Benny quickly looked another way, surely she was afraid of his eyes watching her.

"Hej you, the beers are ready", the barkeeper shouted and waved in front of his eyes. "Hmmm?", Benny asked confused, his thoughts were around Anni-Frid. Even her name was beautiful, it was like honey on a warm spring day...
"Huhuuu", the barkeeper laughed. "Oh, yes, our... beers...", Benny remembered. The barkeeper twinkled, "She's a cutie, isn't she?"
Benny stared at him, shocked. Take your dirty looks away from her!, his mind shouted. But he didn't say anything, turned around and walked back to the table.

Surprisingly Agnetha and Björn weren't kissing, they both watched him carefully and way interested. But Benny didn't notice it because he still admired Frida in his thoughts.
"Thanks", Björn said after a while, taking his beer. Benny looked up and realized that he still stood next to the table and held the beers. Agnetha laughed, "You can sit down, please!"
Benny mumbled something and took place. Agnetha and Björn changed an amused look.
Agnetha touched his arm softly. "Benny? What do you think of the music?" Björn's cough was a laughter in disguise.
"It's great of course", Benny said careful.
"Agree", Agnetha smiled evil, "and what's about the singer?"
Björn butsted into laugh. Benny became a little red, "She has a fantastic voice, she gets the tunes..." "And she looks very good", Agnetha continued. "Uhhmmm... Yeah, maybe you're right...?" Benny blushed more. Björn boxed him on the arm, "She's sexy!" Benny stared at him, wasn't he with Agnetha? "Just saying what you think", Björn laughed. "Oh", Benny said, red like a tomato, "Yes, she is." "And I heard she would be very kind." "And cute!"
"I know", Benny interrupted, "she's just perfect."
"Talk to her!", Björn proposed. "She's singing...", Benny answered. "But afterwards", Agnetha wondered, "she'll maybe stay for a while." "No, I don't want to annoy her." Agnetha sighed. "You didn't see the look she gave you. You two stared at each other like there was nobody else around." Björn nodded, "Yeah, she looked like: Benny, I want you." "She did not!" "Oh yes, she did!" "She did NOT, she couldn't think like this, her thoughts are cute and innocent and..." "Got you!", Agnetha and Björn shouted triumphally.

They drank their beer and listened to the music. Benny didn't turn around but he enjoyed the warm-like-the-first-sunshine-in-summer voice. After they finished, Björn and Agnetha asked him again if he wouldn't talk to Frida but somehow his whole self-confidence flew away when he just remembered her eyes. Finally they left the bar.

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