Chapter 5 - Frida

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It was one day after another. It had 3 days since Inger came and she and Frida found out the name of the guy with the angeleyes and this three days were lifeless again because nobody had an idea how to manage to see Benny again. The only difference to the grey days before was the Hep Stars LP which was played the whole day. It made Frida feel closer to Benny.

Right in this moment Frida lay on the couch reading a book. Well, in fact she just laid and read the same sentence for nearly half an hour. She wasn't a very motivated reader. The book was about a new married couple and so Frida got lost in thoughts of herself in a beautiful white bride dress and Benny presenting the rings to her...

Frida was interrupted by a shy knocking. Surprised she got up and walked to the door. None of her friends used to knock, she had a nice-sounding doorbell.
And when she opened the door it really wasn't a friend of hers standing in the rain in front of the door. Actually it was somebody she never expected to see again.
"Uhm... Come in... Please", Frida said formally. Barbie gave her a short look from her beautiful blue eyes and then she made a step forward so she stood in Frida's flat. Frida closed the door behind her and couldn't stop staring at a very wet Barbie standing there, water dripping from her body. Barbie seemed to hesitate but then she looked up.
"Hej, Anni-Frid. How are you feeling?", she whispered. "Frida", Frida said automatically, "and... Fine, thanks..." A lie. Frida still felt lonely and sad. But Barbie didn't need to know this because she was guilty on Frida's pain in a way too. Suddenly Frida became angry. This girl was Benny's girlfriend, she had everything Frida wanted and now she had the impertinence to visit Frida?! Frida opened her mouth to say her thoughts out loud but then she saw how Barbie shattered teeth. Of course, her clothes were completely wet and it was cold outside. Frida got pity with her and her anger had to wait. "Do you want some warm clothes... And a tea?", she asked shy. Barbie gave her a surprised look, "This would be lovely from you... Frida...", she said without looking in Frida's eyes.

Some minutes later Barbie and Frida, both wearing Frida's clothes, sat on the sofa drinking chai. They didn't talk to each other, both of them were deep in thoughts. Then Barbie cleared her throat and said: "Thank you, Frida, for the clothes and the tea... Maybe you're wondering why I'm here. I'm a stranger." "Well, actually no", Frida answered, "I know you... In a way... You were in the dance bar where I sang two weeks ago. You sat on the table near the window and you came with your boyfriend..." Frida stopped getting red. Surely Barbie now thought that Frida was a stalker. Well, in fact she was but she didn't stalk Barbie but her boyfriend.
But surprisingly Barbie just nodded. "You're right...", she said slowly, "but I wasn't there only with my boyfriend..." "There was another guy too", Frida remembered. "Yeah...", Barbie said and stopped. "So... What?", Frida asked confused. "Uhm... Nothing... Nice neighbourhood you have", Barbie mumbled changing the topic. "Yes...", Frida said slowly. "Oh, I met them because I didn't know your address just the place, do you remember when you were in that TV show? It was after your win in the music competition", Barbie started to blab. "Yeah, I remember", Frida said wondering why Barbie talked about this music competition?! "But I don't know what that has to do with your visit..."
Barbie got a little bit red. "The other guy... From the bar... He... Well, he... Likes you... And he's a good friend of mine... And I thought that you'd like him... Back... Because you watched him... In this special way... And I thought... Maybe I could help the two of you...", now she was shining like a traffic light. Frida needed some seconds 'til she got it. But then she realized that the other guy loved her who loved Barbie's boyfriend who loved Barbie who loved him back of course. What a confusion. What a nightmare!
Probably Barbie saw her scared face, she said quickly: "However, I wanted to invite you to a little party of mine, I've birthday in a week, Benny and Björn will be there too of course, maybe you want to come?" Frida thought about it a while. She was still confused and didn't want to meet Björn, who had hopes in a future with her and she wasn't sure if she could manage seeing Benny and Barbie... "What's your name by the way?", Frida asked, she couldn't call her Barbie all the time. "Oh, yes, it's Agnetha", Barbie, uhm Agnetha said surprised. "Okay, nice to meet you Agnetha", Frida tried to show a smile. She watched Agnetha sitting there on her sofa way unhappy for the first time really. Of course she was pretty but she also seemed a little bit breakable, and suddenly Frida understood how she felt now. Agnetha came with the thought to help her friend and Frida too and now Frida didn't like her friend the way he liked her. It had to be horrible. And she didn't even know that Frida was in love with her own boyfriend.
Somehow wave of pity got Frida and she couldn't stop herself from hugging Agnetha. Her hairs smelled like vanilla and were very soft. Frida felt how Agnetha was surprised but then she hugged Frida back. Frida remembered how she thought of Agnetha the first time she saw her. She hated her because of her relationship with Benny but in the same way she liked her. She thought in another life they could be good friends. Maybe she was wrong. Maybe it didn't have to be another life, maybe this life was the right one.

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