Chapter 13 - Frida

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Afterwards Frida didn't really know what she had expected because her mind was totally busy with enjoying the touch and wanting more. And concentrating on not leaning forward and finally kissing him.
But she had never even thought about what happened really.

Benny leaned forward, he left his hand which he had still hold and stroked her cheek softly. Surely Frida looked like an idiot as she stared at him and surely she was shaking because of her jelly like knees but if then neither she nor Benny noticed it at all. They were totally in their own world.
"Freckles...", Benny whispered, "Cute..." Frida showed kind of a smile, "I don't like them that much...", she replied, her voice a bit hoarse. Benny shook his head, "No, they are just beautiful!" Frida had to bit her lip to not giggle because of the happiness sparkling in her stomach. Benny said a part of her was beautiful! "Well, if you would see my shoulders and my chest... then... You wouldn't think that... You know... Think so...", Frida stammered and immediately wished she would had never said it, it sounded so stupid. But Benny just gave her a wonderful smile and meant: "Well maybe I'll see them one day..." Then he twinkled at her, stepped away from her and turned around to Agnetha and Björn. Frida stood there and his sentence spun around in her head. Maybe I'll see them one day... See them... The freckles... On her chest! She couldn't help giggling short and crazy. Then she looked for the others too.
Agnetha and Björn were kissing and Frida couldn't deny her wish that Benny would kiss her in the same way. But when they noticed the looks of Benny and Frida they stopped. Björn whispered something in Agnetha's ear, she giggled and freed from Björn to show Frida a big thumbs-ups. Frida gave her a big smile, she felt like she could jump around with happiness the whole day. But she controlled herself and waited, hopefully without staggering, for Agnetha to link arms with her. "So let's go", Agnetha shouted and made a crazy little cheer. Frida laughed and repeated it but her cheer became much longer and even crazier.

"Oh, look there!", Frida shouted, pointing at some eagles that sat in a cage, "I love eagles! But these seem really unhappy... Poor eagles, they belong up in the sky, don't you think so?" Agnetha beside her just nodded, she was quiet impressed by the big birds. Frida blew on her hands they were very cold because of the cool air in April. Then she went one more step towards them, but Agnetha stayed, "No, I can't go closer..." Björn came from behind, "Don't worry honey, I'm here for you..." And soon they were caught in kisses again. Frida didn't notice, her attention was taken by the eagles. Until Benny appeared by her side. From one second to another she got sidetracked by his smell. Without noticing she continued blowing on her hands and tried to concentrate on the birds. But of course that didn't work really well, she couldn't do anything against her head turning to Benny and her lips forming to a smile. What are you doing to me, Benny Andersson, she thought while forcing her hands to move down, surely this blowing looked completely silly. Benny smiled and said with his warm voice: "Cold?" Frida nodded then she shook her head, "Uhm..." Why couldn't she say one normal sentence? Benny didn't answer but instead, Frida was close to fainting again, he reached for her hand. "Maybe I can warm you up a little", he said and suddenly he looked so nervous, it was just cute. And way sexy...
His warm fingers closed around her cold and it was like in all kitschfilms, her hand fitted perfectly in his.
Frida felt the blush appearing on her face and the big smile, his hand burned against hers, she could feel his fast heartbeat but maybe it was just her own. Maybe I can warm you up a little... Yeah maybe, take care that it don't become too hot... Frida couldn't help all this thoughts tumbling around in her hand. And the butterflies in her stomach nearly made her fly too.

Now the day became even better, Frida enjoyed the walk hand in hand, nearly smiling the whole time. Agnetha and Björn walked together too and whenever Frida jumped over to interesting animals, they kissed for a while, it was so cute to see them being that deep in love. Somehow inside of Frida the hope grew that she and Benny would look that happy one day too. Well, maybe they did, the happiness of Frida already existed, there were only some kisses missing...

Frida was interrupted in her thoughts by a big sign showing the way to... "Omg", Frida squealed and squeezed Benny's hand, "Let's go this way, moose, I LOVE moose!" She pulled Benny along, but then she stopped and released his hand. "Oh, sorry...", she whispered getting red, "I'm... Well... I just love moose..." Frida looked on her feet, she felt really embarrassed. And unfortunately she has losed his hand. But Benny just smiled, "Well, I like moose too. Come, I want to see them." His angeleyes gave her one more glance making Frida smiling and turned around. Jumping Frida followed him excited.
"Guys, do you want to know my very own special adventure with a moose? Ready or not I'm telling you! It was years ago when I was young, maybe 12, my grandma and I already lived in Eskilstuna so it can't be that long ago, well however, we wanted to make some blueberry pancakes because it was Sunday and there were pancakes sometimes on Sunday. And so we walked around the forest, following the path with the best blueberries. And suddenly grandma turned around and mouthed me to be quiet. I didn't understand but then she pointed forward and there, I really can't believe it but it was true, there stood a moose, a real moose, a male one with big antlers and it stared at us and we stared at it. I was a little afraid because it was that huge and it looked way dangerous but it was very friendly, well when moose can be friendly but it just twinkled sometimes and then turned around to walk away very slowly. I had to have eyes big as UFOs and my grandma was impressed too. And then we continued looking for blueberries but the moose walked on the path before us for a long time. I named it Kalle because he looked like a Kalle...", Frida blabbed and laughed, "I was way childish then..." "Well, now you are not?", Agnetha said with a teasing smile. Frida tried to make a serious face and replied with a baby voice: "No, now I'm grown up!" All of them started to laugh and Frida thought again how beautiful Benny's laughter sounded, it came straight from his heart. He turned around to ask: "What's about your parents, Frida?" Frida bit her lip, this question she was used to be asked. "They were dead already then...", she answered. "Oh, I'm sorry then!", Benny said and he seemed to be really upset about it. Agnetha and Björn looked sad too, they now stood by the moose enclosure and stopped. "Uhm... Could I ask what happened to them?", Benny asked quiet. "Yeah, of course, my dad has been a German soldier, his ship sank at the end of Second World War and my mother died because of a kidney failure when I was two. I didn't know my dad and in fact I didn't know mom too, so... I grew up at my grandma's", Frida showed a smile, "Don't look so shocked, things like this happen."
"But you don't deserve a destiny like that", Benny said and Agnetha just gave her a hug. And these two things were the best reactions to help Frida keep the sadness away, she always dreamed of a mother caring for her, giving her love. But friends doing this were at least same as good. Somehow she got tears in her eyes and her friends noticed it immediately. "Don't be sad, we're here for you!", Agnetha said stroking her cheek. "Well that's the thing...", Frida whispered and smiled. "Thank you!", and she meant it from the bottom of her heart. "Awww... Hug again!", Agnetha shouted and hugged Frida so tight that she nearly fainted of lack of air.
"No sadness anymore please", Frida laughed when she freed from Agnetha, "Hopefully the moose didn't leave because of you screaming Agnetha!" "Well, that's me, you know", Agnetha replied and smiled, "But the moose liked it, look!" Frida turned around quickly and right on the other side of the bars there stood a moose watching them interested. "Oooh, crazy little things again! How entertaining!", Benny said with a deeper voice and all of then had to laugh again. The moose stepped forward again, now its nose touched the metal. "Oh...", Frida breathed and slowly she moved her arm and reached for the yap. The moose didn't avoid the touch and then Frida's fingers stroke the soft fur. Oh, how she loved moose!

It seemed like an eternity until the moose left. Frida turned around, she felt like waking up from a dream. She smiled big and gave her friends a happy look. Well, at least Benny, Agnetha and Björn were busy with themselves again. But Benny answered with a smile and nodded toward the path back. Frida followed him leaving the others alone.
Benny walked slower to let Frida catch up. Now she went right beside him. Benny gave her a wonderful smile again and Frida smiling too looked down and saw his hand close to hers. Without thinking much about it and with a heart jumping around like a young unicorn she slowly pushed her hand in his. Blushing she looked up and hoped that he wouldn't take his hand away. But Benny's angeleyes sparkled in the sunlight as he nodded and smiled. Heavens above, how Frida loved this smile.

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