Chapter 25 - Benny

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The door opened and Frida came out of the bathroom. Benny smiled and then his eyes were stuck on her long white nightgown which was loose but nevertheless it emphasized Frida's body and he couldn't take his eyes off her waist, her breasts and her naked feet sticking out. Benny never really thought about feet but now when he saw Frida's he realised that she really had beautiful feet, her toes were well-formed and the nails were lacquered red. Frida stepped forward and quickly Benny looked up just to see the glimmer of a blush colouring her cheeks.
"Thank you", he heard himself say, "I won't be long". He entered the bathroom not without stroking her face shortly.

As he left the bathroom Frida was waiting for him at the door of the living room. She looked up straight into his eyes but didn't say a word.
Benny got a little bit insecure when he realised that she didn't speak to him much at all this evening, she has been quiet, quiet and quiet again. Immediately the doubts popped up in Benny's head, what if she didn't want to kiss him, what if she was just too shy or polite to say it? He didn't want to believe it, he tried to replace this thoughts but of course he didn't succeed and so he just entered the living room trying not to touch Frida which was actually a hard exercise. "So, good night then...", he didn't dare to say something else.
Frida nodded and turned around, "Good night", she whispered while watching Benny and then she went away into her own room.
Benny stood there following her with his eyes until she couldn't be seen anymore, then he sighed, turned around and went over to his bed, the soft sofa on which Frida was kissing him just a time before.

Benny laid there and tried not to feel lonely. In fact it didn't work, he just missed Frida's warmth and especially her lips. It was strange because until today he has never touched them but nevertheless it has felt so naturally that he was immediately addicted to them. He missed Frida's eyes glittering green and yellow and brown and blue, her cheeks colouring red and her chocolate brown hair. Benny sighed and closed his eyes. He could see Frida so clearly, her lips formed to a smile. But the feeling of warmness, the happiness she rayed and the smell of peaches were missing. So Benny opened his eyes again and stared into the darkness.

Suddenly there was an abradant sound, the door handle creaked quiet when the door was opened and then a silhouette appeared. Benny held his breath, he could feel Frida's look and he imagined that he could even smell her sweet flavour. But then Frida turned around and it seemed like she wanted to leave but before she could move Benny already whispered: "There's some space beside me waiting for you to fill it..." He didn't really think about it before, his heart has just decided without asking his mind.

Benny lifted the blankets to let Frida slip under them. Her body was cooler than his but she smelt as she smelt always as she laid down next to him. The small sofa didn't let them much space and so their bodies were pressed against each other and Benny would lie if he said he wouldn't enjoy it.
"I waited for you to come...", he whispered and smiled, he could feel Frida's heartbeat through their thin clothes. "I... I felt lonely and then... I thought I just...", Frida began quiet and Benny felt the warmness flooding his body with this sentences. Frida has felt the same way he did, it suggested the thought that she maybe still enjoyed the kisses.
Benny nodded, "I know", he just said, because he couldn't wait any longer for kissing her.

Benny let his hands slowly wander over Frida's face, her high cheekbones, her forehead, her chin. Then they went on to her neck, her collarbones and... He didn't dare to go further.
Instead his lips began to move, he kissed her nose and imagined the freckles on it, then he wandered up to her forehead enjoying her soft warm skin. Frida sighed and cuddled closer to him, her legs touched his and a shiver ran through Benny.
Suddenly Frida's cheeks became warmer, she was glowing and Benny knew that there was this blush on her face right now. He laughed and told Frida that he wished it was brighter. Her cheeks glew even more and then Benny felt her fingers running through his hair. He smiled and enjoyed her touches until she murmured a quiet "Good night", kissed him shortly but sweet and took her hands back under the blanket. "Good night", Benny answered and then he couldn't hold back his hands. They wandered down to Frida's hips before he could stop them and pulled her even closer. But Frida didn't seem to have a problem with it so Benny just smiled and painted small circles on her back until he fell asleep.

When Benny slowly opened his eyes again Frida's head laid on his chest and she was breathing deeply and constantly. Benny didn't move, he just watched her, she looked so peaceful with her long hair forming a gloriole and her dark cilia painting shadows on her cheeks. In fact Benny could spend ages admiring her sleeping but he had an idea and wanted to surprise her when she woke up. So he carefully moved her head until it laid on a dark red pillow and stood up quiet climbing over her. Frida moved a bit murmuring something but she stayed asleep.

Quickly Benny found the ingredients he needed. He mixed them and searched for a pan. There it was and here, the oil.
Some time later the first pancake frizzled on the cooker. Benny smiled, he was in his element, he was the cooking master, he was...

The door was opened and Benny could hear the undoubted sound of Frida's slippers. He didn't turn around as he needed to turn the pancake but he felt her eyes burning on his back.
When he finally turned around Frida looked up caught and Benny had to smile wondering what she was looking at.
Frida answered his smile and kept watching him while he finished the pancakes, her look made Benny nervous but happy.

"Is it okay that I used your cooker and the ingredients?", Benny asked, he hasn't even thought about this but now with Frida's look on him he suddenly became insecure. Frida just said: "Perfect" and this single word was so beautiful formed by her red lips, they moved slowly and then they closed again and...Benny forced himself not to stare at Frida's lips anymore and smiled instead: "Okay, thank you. Then: Smaklig Måltid!"

Frida ate a lot, she took one pancake after another, filled them with blueberry jam just like Agnetha and Benny thought of how Agnetha has kissed Björn to catch his blue. He had to laugh and Frida joined him, her mouth let out the wonderful laughter and her tongue was coloured blue.

After they finished eating, Frida ate quite a lot, they tidied up the kitchen together. Benny washed the dishes and Frida put away the ingredients and the blueberry jam. As she opened the fridge Benny couldn't resist to take a look at her perfect bottom. He remembered how he had the chance to touch it yesterday and he remembered the cute little moan Frida made. Talk about Frida, she turned around and quickly Benny looked up straight into her green eyes.
She became red which caused Benny to smile, "You are so beautiful...", he whispered and meant it with every bit of his heart. A strange expression appeared in the green, it was a mix of feelings he couldn't understand really.
But the attraction Frida had to him grew with this look and Benny couldn't help his way, he just needed to touch her.

His fingers laid on her hips slowly moving down, soon he needed to step closer, his fingers reached her leg, close below her bottom. Frida still watched him but now she was moving too, her hands touched his chest softly and wandered over his collarbones and shoulders around his neck. Benny carefully gripped her leg stronger pulling her closer to him. Frida's lips formed into a smile as he began slowly to roll up her nightgown. Benny answered her smile, now the cloth only covered her thigh, there her knees appeared, now it was just like a short skirt...
Frida pulled him down and their lips met in a passionate kiss.

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