Chapter 16 - Frida

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Benny's skin burned against Frida's and when he squeezed her hand a bit, her stomach made a jump and so did her heart and her mind tumbled around, she couldn't think one thing anymore.
They walked hand-in-hands smiling and smiling and even smiling. The trees beside the path painted shadows on Benny's beautiful face and in the sunlight between his eyes glittered like... a disco ball or something. Frida couldn't get her eyes off him.

They reached the main road, there were no trees and the sun warmed them up, well actually Frida was hot enough. Benny gave her an asking look and she tried to force her mind to think something else but she just admired Benny's body even more. "Let's just wait here", she heard herself say and her lips formed to a smile. "Yes lo...darling", Benny's soft voice made her shiver and... Oh, what was this lo... Did he mean... Her mind was like melting away when Benny reached for her other hand. She tried to breathe normally and concentrating on... His lips were that close and they looked so soft... Stop Frida, think of... He leaned forward, what was he... His eyes were watching hers... And his lips... Just another centimeter... What was this strange thing in her stomach... Who cares about this, Benny... Shouldn't she close her eyes? But... Breathe Frida... Her lips opened a bit...

Benny stopped. He... Why did he stop? He frowned, gave Frida a disappointed look and turned around slowly. Frida bit her lip and tried to swallow the tears. She nearly was kissed by Benny, Benny, her dream, her hero, her love...
She let his one hand go and went next to him to look what stopped him.
Björn and Agnetha. Of course, somehow they had the talent to appear always when it became romantic between her and Benny.
Agnetha giggled a bit when she saw them. Frida gave Benny an embarrassed look and noticed that he blushed a bit. She squeezed his hand but she could feel the perfidious red on her cheeks too.
Björn laughed, "Do we disturb...?" Frida looked on her feet, her face glowing. This time Benny stroke her hand softly with his thumb. She smiled and looked up, Agnetha gave her big grin and whispered "Love is in the air" in Björn's ear so loud that Frida could understand it very well too. Björn nodded and said: "Maybe we should leave them alone" and he made kiss noises. Frida rolled her eyes but nevertheless she felt how her heart beat faster when she thought about kissing.

But of course Agnetha and Björn didn't left and the moment was flown away anyway. But at least Frida could enjoy Benny's fingers around her's.

Some time later, they just left Skansen, Agnetha proposed to eat something. Then Frida noticed her hunger and nodded fast causing all of them to laugh. It was so easy to laugh with this three people who became her best friends in a few hours, Frida thought when they decided to go to Benny's flat to eat there. She smiled and squeezed Benny's hand with excitement. He smiled back looking down and Frida was caught again by his angeleyes, she could feel the happiness sparkling inside her, how lucky she was, walking holding hands with the most beautiful and kind boy on earth.

They arrived at a nice yellow house with balconies and a small garden. Benny left Frida's hand to unlock the dark blue door and made a ridiculous gesture: "Welcome to my plain home!" But he just watched Frida and she felt how she blushed. They entered the corridor, it was a bright room with a large window on the left side. Frida watched around carefully, there were some pictures on a dresser showing two men and a boy playing the accordion.
"My grandfather, my dad and me", the soft voice of Benny explained, "We were a local group playing on birthday parties and such." Frida smiled and watched the boy more carefully. Little Benny wore a white shirt and his smile was nearly as beautiful as today. She turned around, Benny was watching her. She gave him a smile, "You were quite cute..." Benny twinkled, "Yeah, I am..." She laughed a bit but she stopped when Benny steppes towards her. "Could I help the lady to take her clothes off?", he said bowing.
Frida nodded, "Yes please, thank you", but she couldn't help giggling, the sentence was more than ambiguous.
When Benny took off her coat Frida could hear Agnetha whispering again and she shot an angry look to her causing Agnetha only to giggle way more.

Some minutes later the four of them stood in the big kitchen. Frida marveled about the tidy cooking place and the many cooking books on the shelf. Björn noticed her look, "Benny's a very good cooker", he said twinkling at her. Frida smiled and turned around to Benny. He got a bit red, "Well..." Agnetha jumped up and down, "Oh please, Benny, can you make this delicious Chili con carne for us?", she asked and gave Benny a puppy look. Benny smiled, "Well, I could... Frida?"
Frida looked up, her heart jumping, her name sounded so beautiful spoken by Benny, "Yes...?", she bit back a "Darling". "Oh, I'd love to try your Chili...", she answered with a smile.
"Oh, great!", Agnetha shouted, "Then I can show Frida your flat while you cook... Björn, you help him, somebody needs to cut the vegetables!" Björn opened his mouth to protest but Agnetha interrupted him with a kiss. "Thanks love!" Frida laughed and Benny joined her laughter.

"This is the living room!", Agnetha presented a large room with a comfortable-looking black sofa and a big stereo. Interested Frida walked over to Benny's LP collection. She saw many Beatles LPs, some Elvis, some Beach Boys, Jimi Hendrix, Crosby, Stills and Nash and... Frida gasped, there was En Ledig Dag, her single. She could see her own face smiling on the cover.
"Benny's new favourite singer...", Agnetha said teasingly. Frida smiled, her heartbeat speeded up.
"You have charmed him...", Agnetha whispered, "Your voice at first, than your beauty and in the end, the most important, your being with all your qualities..."

AngeleyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora