Chapter 26 - Frida

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Frida held her breath as Benny's fingers wandered down to her leg, the touches burned on her skin although her clothes were between his hand and her bottom.
Her fingers became autonomous and made their way over Benny's chest and his collarbones up to his neck.
Benny reacted with a smile before he slowly began to roll up her nightgown. Frida's heart jumped and without leaving his eyes she pulled him closer and placed her lips on his.
Both of them sighed with relief as they finally kissed again and Frida felt the fire inside her spreading out to her whole body.
She couldn't wait any longer so she just stroked Benny's lips with her tongue and immediately he let her in catching her tongue with his.

Soon Frida's nightgown started to move again up and up until her legs were undressed. Frida couldn't think clearly but maybe it was better so she couldn't think about what she was going to do.
Benny's grip got tighter, he grabbed her bottom and lifted her up on the board he was making pancakes on less than an hour before. Frida's heartbeat became even faster when Benny straddled her legs and pressed his body against her's.
Frida's hands wandered down his back until they reached his shorts and then up again under Benny's shirt. His warm skin under her fingertips caused Frida to get goosebumps, her heart has already exploded and her legs embraced his hips autonomously.
Somehow Frida had to think about her panties, which one did she choose? The dark green or the black one?

But her thoughts got interrupted by the sound of her doorbell. Frida quickly decided that she would act like she didn't hear it as Benny began to move his fingers under her nightgown. It seemed like he didn't pay the ring any attention but when it was heard again he stopped and gave Frida an asking look.
Frida thought about it but then she continued kissing him, her fingers stroked over Benny's tummy.
Just as Benny's hand began to move again the doorbell was pressed again and this time the annoying sound didn't stop.
After some seconds disturbed by the terrible bell Frida sighed and stopped. Benny gave her an upset look but stepped away to let her out.
Frida jumped off the board and nearly fell over because of her jelly knees. Benny held her and nodded towards the door although there was such a fire in his eyes Frida nearly forgot about how to walk. The doorbell still rang earsplitting and with a bugged sigh Frida went over to the door. With a "Yes I'm not numb!", she ripped it.

"HEJ!", Inger shouted right into her ear, "HOW WAS THE PARTY AND WHERE DID YOU STAY LAST NIGHT, I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!" Frida just stared at her, right, Inger, she had completely forgotten about her best friend.
And then Benny appeared behind her, "Hej, a friend of Frida I think, I'm Benny." Now Inger stared, from Frida to Benny, from Benny to Frida and back again.
If Inger hadn't disturb something really important and quite great Frida would have laughed out loud, this look was just invaluable!

After seconds of staring Frida cleared her throat: "Benny, that's Inger, my best friend, Inger, that's Benny... Uhm... Well, that's Benny as you heard...", she introduced and became red because she nearly said: "That's Benny, my love"...
Benny laughed and stroke her red cheeks which caused Frida to get even redder.
Inger's look became even more disbelieving and then she bursted out: "FRIDA WHY DIDN'T YOU SAY A WORD, CONGRATS, I'M SO HAPPY, CAN I BE THE BRIDESMAID?" And then she hugged Frida tight and tighter until she was gasping for air. Benny laughed quiet behind her and a warm feeling flooded through her whole body by this wonderful sound.

Some minutes later they sat on the table chatting about god and the world, well in fact Inger riddled them with questions and Benny's hand moved to Frida's leg stroking it softly while Frida tried not to look at the board in the kitchen. It was a weird situation Frida has never thought she would be in it one day.
"So, what's about sex?", Inger asked watching Frida carefully who immediately became red. "Inger...", she whispered and didn't dare looking up to Benny who's fingers still stroked her leg. "So you had...", Inger began but Frida interrupted her: "No!" Benny laughed quiet and his fingers left burning marks.
Frida gasped quiet for air when they suddenly slipped under her nightgown, now Benny touched her bare skin just like before and she bit her lip for holding back a sigh.
Benny's grip got tighter and Frida nearly forgot that they weren't alone.
Inger rose an eyebrow and gave them both an indefinite look. Then she stood up slowly and meant: "Maybe I should go now..." Frida managed to give her a smile and removed Benny's hand to stand up. Inger inspected her nightgown which was a little too ridden up and Frida quickly arranged it right glowing like a traffic light.

Frida opened the door to let Inger out but before her best friend left she hugged Frida tightly and whispered a "Take care" in her ear. "And call me when he's gone", she added, "I want to know each dirty detail!" And with a last smile Inger turned around and left.
Frida quickly closed the door, frosty air came in and she was still barefooted.
Just when her hand left the handle two arms wound around her waist and the deep voice she loved so much whispered in her ear: "What do you want to do now?"
Instantly the heat came and Frida's cold feet were forgotten, Benny's smell fulfilled the air around them and his soft lips at her neck made her dizzy.

They shared some kisses but not more, somehow the moment was gone, Frida was too concious about what she was doing and she couldn't stop her mind from thinking.
So after a while she sighed and freed from Benny. "What do you think about me showing you Eskilstuna? It's small but lovely I promise!" Benny smiled and nodded: "Everything you want, I'm glad as long as we are together", he answered.

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