Spying is my life... But now...

By KenZ_Dizzy95

345K 11.4K 1.4K

Sadie and Sam are back from Christmas break and already starting another mission, they have to go back underc... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Authors note.
Book 4 sneak peak!!!

Chapter 17.

9.9K 440 52
By KenZ_Dizzy95

Jace's POV

as I'm looking through the snipers scope, i can see lips moving but i cant hear anything. so suddenly i see everyone jerk their head the the door and i quickly scan to the door, i see those two guys that were out here earlier, laughing and talking. running in panting and shouting franticaly about something.

whatever they say leads everyone into pannic, except Kat, who is just standing there motionless and with a ghostly white face.

my heart rate spikes for a second, nothing ever scares Kate that bad. i start to wonder what it is when Kyle starts trying to move her and get her to leave, then suddenly some words pass through her lips that i cant make out. Kyle try's tugging on her harder but then suddenly she shouts something and i could almost make it out. the next thing i knew, Kyle picked her up and was trying to haul her out with everyone else who was franticllay trying to get out.

but then i hear it.  

"Jace!!!" she screams.

my eyes widen and i jerk back, whatever it is, she needs me down there. not up here for a Sniper. i quickly push back and then notice my surroundings, i feel something hot and look acorss the way. the walls of the building have fire all over them, even where i came up is blocked by fire seeping out the top of the roof.

now i know what she was shouting about, Fire. and it's everywhere.

I quickly get to my feet and am about to move to try and find a way down, when suddenly. the building creak and groans really loudly and i feel a rumble under my feet. this cannot be good at all.

I slowly and carely try to make my way to the edge of the building so i dont make anything shift, but then it doesnt matter. becasue suddenly.. the roof caves beneath my feet. 

the ground litterally falls from underneath me and my arms start flailing. but it stops all too soon, i land on the piece of roof with my ankle at a weird angle, and i hear a snap. but before a scream could even make it's way out of my mouth, my knee hits the ground and it breaks as well. becasue of the pain i couldnt even stand on my knee's and colasps to the ground.

but hefore my amrs could catch me in that split second it had taken me to fall, i hit my head and everything goes black. 



Kat's POV

I watch in horror as the building creaks louder and louder, even Kyle stopped in place as the noise got more audible. Then to make it even worse, the roof suddenly gives in, right where Jace was.

No is. because I see his falling figure as the roof collapsed on itself.

"No!!! Jace!!" I scream, Kyle see's it too and let go of me.

I watch as the part of the roof where he was on, lands on the metal grate of a second floor. I quickly run to get to the stairs, stepping over all the debre in the way. My heart raced faster with every step I went up, I just replaying what happened, the image of Jace falling was horrifying and it kept replaying over and over. I was about halfway up the stairs when suddenly I got pulled out of my thoughts by creaking and groaning.

"Kat!! Look out!" I heard Kyle shout, just then I look up and see another piece of roof falling.

My eyes widened and I quickly jump forwards about 5 steps and cover my head with my arms, to try and protect me from any falling debris. I heard a loud crash and I got jolted forwards, and felt the grate beneath me as it starts to rumble and bend underneath my feet. suddenly im grabbing at the stair case as the stairs snap and tear away to keep myself from falling. as it quits rumbeling, i look back to see that more roof had fallen and had almost crushed me.

And now I have to find another way down.

i shook my head and re-focused, getting my mind off of the mess now behind me and focussing on trying to get to Jace. i pushed myself to my feet and as fast as i could, made my way the rest of the way up the shaky and rattling stairs. i was almost to the top when all of a sudden more roof fell in front of me. i squatted down really fast and covered my head to keep the smaller debris from hitting me.

I stood mack up once the dusty roof pieces were cleared from my vision and I was able to see what was in front of me. I started running across the catwalk as fast as I could, still calling out jace's name to see if I could get a response.

but that didn't happen, and right when i was 10 feet away from him, i caught myself and stopped dead in my tracks. where that last piece of roof had fallen, had taken out the part of the catwalk i needed to get to jace, and had left a 10 foot gap in between. and fire was catching on all the crates from the roofing that just fell, and hat wasn't good at all, they have guns- amo- and even some TNT in there.

I stopped and examined the gap, then looked back to jace, he looked dead. He wasn't moving. 

"Jace!" I screamed out again, as I watched for a reaction. A smile lit my face as I finally saw him twitch and heard a faint sound of a cough. But other than that, he wasn't moving, and I had to help him.

I stepped back a good 15 feet, then took a breath, then with all my might-i ran and leaped as far as i could over the gap. as i was mid air, i knew, i felt, that I wasn't going to make it. and my eye's had caught the gaze of Jace as he lifted his head, they widened in shock and my heart jumped in my chest at the thought of him being okay. but then i realized thatI was still mid-air.

everything went back to normal pace as I quickly descended, my feet hit first and landed on the very edge of the catwalk. But then the catwalk bent from the already bent joints underneath and the heat in the room, plus the force of me landing.

I let out a yelp and tried to catch my balance as the catwalk bent more and more,I caught my fingers in between the metal on the walk to hold myself to the grate. The grate was swinging back and forth as I gripped onto it, I used as much strength as I could muster up and lifted one hand higher and gripped on to the grate again.

seeing as that worked, even though it took allot of energy out of me, i worked up as much energy as I could then forced my other hand up even higher then my other. I let out a cry as I did it another time, but then let out a startled cry as the grate started to rumble and shift and groan, letting me know that this piece I was hanging on, is about to fall. 

I let out another cry to give me more streangth as the thing rumbled more and grew louder, then threw my hand up as high as I could. But what surprised me was, I didn't make contact with the grate, instead it was with warm flesh.

Startled I looked up with wide eye's and see Jace leaning over the edge slightly, just enough to grab me, and he has a tight grip on my hand.

"Jace! you're okay!" i cried out in happiness.

He didn't say anything back, and seeing the strain on his face, you could tell this was hurting him. I gave some strength and tried to pull myself up some more, with his help this time. And I was almost there. My body was halfway over the bend of where the grate was falling.

Then suddenly the grate broke off, leaving me dangling. I let out a yelp and tried to push myself up, but I didn't have much strength left. But then I felt hands grab me by my waist and hoist me over the edge.

I let out of breath as I laid on top of the safe part of the catwalk, then lifted my head up to see jace panting and laying down as well. But not just that, he had a huge gash on his head that was bleeding. I scrambled to my knee's as I saw he had his eye's closed again, but was still breathing. 

"Jace" I said as I reached my hand over and brushed his hair out of his eye's. "jace, come on" I whispered, my voice breaking a little. "I gotta get you out of here" I told him, even though I knew he wouldn't respond. "come on jace, I need you. I need you to help me. I cant get us both out of here like this, I need you. Come on" I told him, holding his face in my hands, my voice strong yet weak. "Sam" I croaked out. I saw his eye's flutter a little and I let out a sigh of relief with a smile on my face. 

"just grab onto me, and i will get us out of here" i saw him blink at me, taking that as an okay, i got to my knee's and lifted him from under his arms. when we got to our feet, I felt him wrap an arm around around my shoulders with a tight grip, his legs giving out as much strength as he could as i helped him stay on his feet.

The warehouse rumbled loudly and more of the roof collapsed, landing right on the shelves with all the explosives and amo. my heart rate sped up more, if possible, and I forced myself to start walking. Jace stumbling along with me with as much strength as he had, and we made our way all the way down to the other side of the catwalk.

The whole warehouse was on fire now, and so was the inside. Debris had fallen and had blocked the door that I thought should be there. I set Jace to lean up against the railing and he slid down, not being able to hold himself up. I turned and looked down to see a worried Kyle still in the building.

"Kyle! Get out of here!" I yelled to him.

"What about you?!? I cant just leave you in here!" he yelled back frantically.

"I can make it out," I hope "but you need to leave right now!" I ordered him.

"I don't want to leave you in here-" I cut him off.

"Leave! I got this! Just get out of here!" I yelled to him. He looked hesitant but then finally turned and ran out the door.

I sighed and turned back to my blocked pathway, quickly looking around for something to dislodge the debris blocking my way. I saw a piece of metal that was holding up in the roof and grabbed it out of the pile. It was strong and I think would do the trick.

I shoved it under the first piece that was blocking my way, then pushed down on the end I was holding, knocking it out of my way and off the catwalk.

I smiled slightly as my idea worked and then quickly stated working on the next piece.

After I got most of the pieces off, I was just struggling with the last bit that was the biggest and heaviest of them all, when  the room started to rumble again, but this time from right above me. I looked up and I knew that the roof was about to fall.

I quickly put as much force as I could into the metal and slowly but surely made the debris start moving out of the way.

I finally rolled off and threw the metal piece away as the big pice slammed into the ground. I tried the door handle but it hasn't budging. My heart rate picked up once more as I tried it again. But nothing.

i took a deep breath in and tried to calm myself, but then the room raddled again, and that set me more on edge. looking back at the door and then down to Jace, then back at the door, i took one step back and the with as much force as i could. kicked the door with all my might. the door finally banged open and i sighed in relief and then bent down and picked Jace up from under his arms and put one of his over my shoulder.

I quickly drug us out of the warehouse and onto the fire escape stairs outside, and right as we make it there. The roof fall right where we were, knocking the floor down and the door off it's hinges, I stand there gaping for a second at how fast that happened.

But then more groaning rang through the air and I re-adjusted Jace's arm over my shoulder. And wrapped my other hand around his waist, then carefully, but as fast as I could, made my way down the stairs.

 But then my dilemma came and there was that very last part where we were supposed to climb down the ladder. My brain immediately started to try and think of ways I could get jace and me down as fast as possible, when suddenly  heard feet around the corner.

"Kat!" I heard Kyle yell as I saw him running to the fir escape.

"Kyle! I need to get him down, can you carry him? Or catch him?" I asked as he came right underneath the fire escape.

"Yeah! I can climb up and cary him" he said, then hurriedly pulled the ladder down and started climbing up it. "here, give him to me" he said, grabbing jace by his waist and hauling him over his shoulder.

As they climbed down I sighed in relief, then the building started to rumble and creek again which started my heart up again at a really fast rate. I hurriedly turned and grabbed onto the ladder and climbed down, my feet hit the pavement just as I heard a new kind of rumbling.

And I had heard that sound before, there was explosives about to go off.

"Run!" I screamed as I turned around and grabbed for Kyle. He reached for my hand as he started running to, pulling me to catch up.

It was all like slow motion, we were almost to the safe zone, maybe about 70 feet from the building now. Then suddenly, the warehouse explodes. Were forced backwards a little from the explosion and then thrown forwards 40 feet, we hit the grass as we land and roll safely. The heat from the explosion rocking our bodies and making us burn. 

Covering our heads, we lay there for a few minutes, waiting for the effect of the explosion to ware down. After I know it's clear, I lift my head and turn to the right to see Kyle and Jace sprawled out on the grass next to me. I sigh in relief when I see them both breathing and use whatever strength I have felt and crawl over to them.

"Sam, you're going to be okay" I whisper as I touch his face lightly, just quiet enough for Kyle not to hear me.

"Kyle, you okay?" I asked him more loudly.

"Yea, i'm good" he responds, lifting his head up and giving me thumbs up with a reassuring smile.

"Good" I nod, then I reach down and pull out my phone, I hit speed dial number 1 and wait for it to ring, they imeaditly pick up.



Yay!!! Another chapter!! And the book is almost over!! D: nooo!!! lol

Let me know what you think!!

how was this chapter? any thoughts?? :D

75 votes and I will update again!!

40 comments and i will update faster!!:D

Thanks for voting and commenting! Love you all!

Oh! and dont forget to check out my other book im writing!! it's called: Military's Girl.

here is a preview.

I looked around frantically but couldn't see anything because it was too dark, I was scared and hurt and alone. Then suddenly I hear a few twigs snap closer to me, and I started whimpering again in fear. Then a figure comes into view and I push myself into the tree more, their head turns my way and then they quickly run towards me.

I shut my eyes and cowers away, I couldn't see whoever it was. I didn't want to see whoever it was, they would probably hurt me. I he shut my eyes tighter and whimpered as I heard them right soon me now.

"Dakota!" A voice called out happily. I opened my eyes and saw it was Tyler right in front of me.

"Tyler!!" I said in relief and threw my arms around his neck, he hugged me right back.

"You scared me" he mumbled in relief.

"I'm sorry" I cried.

"Don't ever run away from me again" he told me sternly as he pulled away, showing me he was serious by the look on his face.

"Okay" I nodded and wiped my tears.

"Come on, lets get back home" he said standing up, he tried to pull me up but I cried out in pain as I tried to stand on my leg. He hurriedly helped me sit back down, and then looked at me. "What happened, are you okay?" He asked looking at me with worried eyes.

"I think I hurt my knee"I said, crying a little.

He ran his hands through his hair and than looked back to where he came from, then back glanced back at me. He looked worried and thoughtful, and then sighed really loudly getting up. He looked back down at me with sorry eyes.

"I'll be right back, I gotta go get help" he said about to take off, my breathing quickened as I thought about him leaving me here in the woods alone and by myself.

"No! No, don't leave me here Tyler." I sobbed and tried to get up, but a shot of pain went through my knee again and I fell to the ground. He quickly knelt to the ground beside me, looking at me with so much worry.

"Please don't move, I need to go get help" he pleaded with me, tears in his eyes.

"Please don't leave me" I cried, not even bothering to wipe away the tears this time. He sighed but nodded, he sat there on the ground next to me.

"Okay Dakota, don't worry. I won't leave you" he hugged me.

"You promise?" I sniffed.

"I promise. I won't ever leave you, okay? I promise I won't ever leave you" he said, and I believed him and hugged him back.



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