Zodiacs High

By ScorpioMelon

18.5K 965 386

A zodiac book More

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Something other than this book
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Two

1.2K 62 2
By ScorpioMelon

Aries POV
"I swear I know that kid Scorpio!" I say to Sagittarius.
"How?" He asks.
"I think he was a friend at my old school, not sure though." I say, my brain about to explode from such a strain on my memory capacity.This was a tough one to think about. Oh well, I guess I'll just find out as time goes on. Sagittarius and I head towards our room and take a seat down the back of the classroom. Almost all of the rest of the class is here. Dang it, I wasn't here first!I think to myself. It's all Sagittarius' fault! Pieces and Scorpio walk in a few seconds just before the the final bell rings and I snort at how late they are. Then the teacher starts ranting on about stuff I don't even care about.
"Wait. What is this class again?" I ask Sagittarius. He looks at me blankly and points to the board at the front of the room.
"English... With...Misses...Motrane!"I read slowly.
"Took you long enough!" Sagittarius scolds.
"Shut up" I mumble as I punch his arm playfully. As Miss. Motrane keeps on rambling on I sulk, thinking about how long it would take for the bell to ring that signalled recess. Then a few minutes later it rings, and I sprint for the door. Pushing away any idiots standing in front of it in the process.

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