Chapter Seven

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Leo's POV
"GEMINI! How you doing bae?" I push away the girls sitting next to her and they give me disgusted looks. She looks at me like I just stole her thunder.
"What does it look like I've been doing?" she asks sarcastically.
"I don't know. But how are you going seriously?" I ask a little bit annoyed as well by the way she is acting. The plasticifiying symptoms are starting to show! Hurry, de-plasticify before it's too late!
"Umm alright I guess. I am trying to start anew away from my old friends. I don't really need you in my life anymore, I feel like I finally fit in somewhere. So please, join me or get the hell outta my sight!"she says to me sassily. (I just love that word don't you?) I take a step back and just stare at her. I slowly shake my head.
"Gemini Zodyacci (yea chessy I know but all their last names are like Zodiac spelt a different way or form) What the hell is wrong with you? YOU WERE NEVER LIKE THIS! You are changing, and not in a good way! Snap out of it! Or you will lose friends faster than you can say Plastic Girl. Please Gemmy, I don't want you to change. This move is starting to tear all of us apart, thread by thread. Either you escape your daze, or you become a monster. Make your choice before it's too late." I turn around and walk swiftly across the yard.
Gemini's POV
OMG, That was the funniest thing that has ever happened before! That got her fired up nice and feisty. Ok what else can I do now...

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