Justin Bieber interracial pre...

By dmclovejb

5.1K 48 14

A collection of my own Justin Bieber interracial preferences. I do take requests, and I update as much as I c... More

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Mad- Neyo

206 3 0
By dmclovejb

Neyo- Mad. Preference

Different scenarios I changed it from 4 people to 1

She's starin at me I'm sittin here wondering what she's thinkin

1 Justin Pov
After the fight we sat across the table from each other which was odd. It was different from our other fights, even when they were bad we would still sit next to each other so the distance was foreign to us. I looked up from my plate to see (y/n) staring at me tears still making their way down her face. I wonder what she's thinkin about. Instead of letting her mind over run with thoughts I got up her eyes following me as I approached her. I picked her up out of her chair and sat us on the couch as I held her soothing her because I knew the fight was my fault.

Nobody's talkin cause talking turns in to screaming

"You always do this Justin! I make dinner you eat out. I make plans weeks ahead and you go out with the guys. Does our relationship even matter to you?" You ask him hopeful he'll see you're at your end.

"You're always so damn dramatic! I have to be around the guys, they're my friends! If I'm around you all the time I'll go insane." He mumbled his reply not even really paying attention to you shuffling through his papers.
"You'll go insane?! You gotta be fucking kidding me," You breathed in disbelief getting louder with each word. "You leave me here over 13 hours a day for 6 days a week and the one day you have off you leave with the boys you just saw yesterday and the day before and before that and guess what the day before that as well! I want one day with you that's all I'm fuckin asking! Can you spare one day of your precious fucking time for me babe?" You sneered the last word walking toward the door slamming it on your way out.

And what's even worse is we don't even remember why we're fighting

After hours of yelling back and forth finally there was silence. It wasn't a good one but it beats the yelling. You and Justin sat in separate rooms of the apartment trying to figure out what started the fight. Was it his picture of his ex? No. It was that odd text.. Or was it something petty like the dishes. Could this be the end of us?

But baby can we make up now cause I can't sleep through the pain

You stood in the hall gathering the courage to enter the bedroom you shared with Justin. It felt funny being the first to stop the silent feud, and to use his full given birth name. You could sleep knowing you two weren't on good terms. It wasn't like him to just give up in an argument, he always had to have the last word, wether he was making his point valid or reassuring you he didn't mean what he said. This time he just walked away retreating to the bedroom with out a word letting you have it for the last time. That of course scared you, you thought that was his way of silently ending it between you two. You sighed realising the longer you let the anger and hostility between you two linger the worse it would be and the harder it would be to fix. You lightly tapped on the door afraid he went to sleep with ease- as selfish as it may seem you wanted him to toss and turn too.

"Justin, please don't be angry with me. I can't go to sleep knowing you're upset with me. We made an agreement when I moved in remember? No matter how bad we fuck up we won't go to bed mad at each other. Please I need you holding me in order to go to sleep." He must've heard you through his sleep and opened the door because it was now open. You crawled in to his side and thanked him for letting you in although he never said anything back you knew you would talk it out when you woke up.

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