You Are My Heartbreaker

By nelenawritesxoxo

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How does it feel to fall in love again? To fall in love with your ex? Your first love? The person that shatte... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 36

527 23 5
By nelenawritesxoxo

Nick went out to finish his call since he thought it would be awkward for the both of us while he spoke to his real girlfriend on the other line. When he came back in I was bent crouched down putting the DVD back into it's case.

I got up to put the DVD back into the drawer.

"Hey..." he shuffled over, hugging me from behind.

"Hey," I said without turning to face him. I know I'm being stupid and had no rights to be jealous--and I don't even think it's jealous, it's rather so like a punch of guilt.

I continued to organize some CDs back onto my CD rack as he continued to speak.

"Look... I got to head back," he rests his chin on my shoulder blade, making it difficult for me to reach with my arm.

"Okay," I simply said continuing to put away more of the CDs that were scrambled in a random order on my table.

"Hey... don't be mad," he says.

"I'm not mad I--"

"Don't me bad at me.... don't be mad," he whines in a child-like voice and starts nibbling kisses down my ear. His hot breath was ticklish against my skin that I could unbearably hold it in and just laughed.

I turned around so it would stop the tickles, "Just go sucker."

"Only if you guarantee you won't be mad," he gave a patronizing smile at ease before kissing all over my face again saying, "Don't be mad... don't be mad..."

My face was literally swamped by his saliva from the kisses. I giggled and pressed him in for a kiss before pushing him off, "Agh just go before I trap you in here."

"I'd like that actually," he chuckles leaning in to kiss me, until we heard my mother come into the house. Given that she announced she was home of course.

"Shit!" I cursed, pushing Nick off and sneaking over to the window, "You're going to have to climb!"

"What?" Nick whispered loudly, "I'm afraid of heights."

I shot a cold glare at him, "Didn't seem like it when you used to sneak into my room before."

We've agreed that I distract my mom in her office while he sneaks out the front door. The least we need is for our neighbours to see him sneak out the back door from my house. Although I doubt they could, our house is like completely blocked off from them by half a kilometer, plus we have the huge ass peach trees dangling between their house and ours.

I swear we will cut that tree down once we stop getting peaches.

When he finally got out safe I got him to text me. But I assumed he was preoccupied by trying to act normal that he couldn't even text something as simple as a thumbs up emoji. Whatever, I was secluded into a conversation with my mother already.

"So you ready to head back to Boston in a few weeks?" my mother's voice was stern as usual while she unpacked her binders of cases on her desk.

"What?" I asked, when the hell did I ever say I was going back already? No body was back at campus, not even the dean per se! ... Well maybe. I guess they have to for sakes of summer school students.

"Aren't you planning to go back soon?" she put her bag down and took a seat, finally meeting me at eye level. "I mean, summer is almost over."

"I just came back," I said, I was infuriated. She made me feel like I was some sort of unwanted bratty 13 year old.

"Alright, but unless you start reading the cases on this shelf, you are heading back to Boston as soon as we roll into mid-August," her eyes darted back at her binder as she started flipping through pages.

Looking uninterested in me--at the topic. It was easy for my parents to shut us out when it came to work, we would be having fun chatting and what not, then one moment, like the literal next second they are 101% focused into their work. Workaholic parents are the least I ask for in life.

After our unclaimed finished conversation. I went upstairs to prepare for the gala tomorrow. Wonderful. Another ball the fills a room up with people that just wants to flaunt about the new stock they bought or in general, the wealth.

Ninety percent of the people in the room are egocentrics. People like my parents however are able to manage with these stuck up people. Mostly are clients that's why. Or they are friends of the clients that will give them business.

When has this world become so bitter; where friends do not exist. Where we are just connected, and interact with no emotions.

If Demi and I become like them one day, like... I'm out.

Like I said, people here are presented to flaunt. No existence in this room is here for the charity because they sympathize the poor. If they even understand the true meaning of sympathize. I'd be proud if they even knew how to love.

My parents and I were there earlier than most. The gala has barely begun, but I knew why we were there. My mother's friendship with Demi's is both authentic and for business purposes. It is one of the only friends I approve of, besides my bias of being Demi's best friend.

Everything was extravagant like expected. Things were on the peaks of sophistication meter. No body needed a freaking ice sculpture of Mister and Mrs. Durham's faces planted on it. No body asked for a chocolate fountain that needed to be bragged about to friends. And definitely it was not a requirement for all these wealthy unappreciative egocentrics to RVSP to the event.

But I suppose their only good deed was their donation.

My parents dragged me around the floor, busting from one family to the next just to introduce me to their kids and for them to brag about one another and compliment each other on things that my parents wouldn't give two shits about.

Like it was irrelevant, yet my mother complimented on Mrs. Bussier's collectible Jean Paul clutch when she had no major interest in fashion. It was only a chance for Mrs. Bussier to brag about my mother's good taste and so she can snatch a contact--A.K.A. a client out of Mrs. Bussier.

People were just beginning to enter in their few hundred worth ball gowns when I was ready to leave. Before the gala even began, before the MC spoke on the mic.

My eyes were only in search for Nick. Would he be wearing a suit with a bow tie or something more casual--not casual, that term was forbidden in this type of an occasion--I meant like just a simple tie. Would he be in leather shoes or suede?

The answers to my questions has just arrived when I first saw Joe enter with Demi linked by his arm, then follows the rest of the Jonas's. Denise in her typical forest green off shoulder ball gown, it made her look like a woman that spends her money lavishly, and no jokes it's true, especially with the presumptuous glares she makes.

I watched as the Jonas's came in pairs, all linked with one another. Then my answer came, he was wearing a black suit, white button down and ivory white bow tie along with a beautiful Miss Universe linked to his arm.

She was expensive. A dress that may cost $1000 and more, something you'd see from Alexander Wang's front window display. She wore it high and mighty, not arrogant but it's elegant and classy. She was a person that all girls wanted to be.

She was a fit in the sabrina style dress, the light ivory beading by the collar was gorgeous. Everything below shaped her body in the perfect way as her hair hung loosely with her curls on the side.

And like the first time I saw them together, Nick and Olivia were whispering into one another's ears and the other would chuckle or omit a gentle smile.

I stopped staring their way when my parents dragged me over to meet another group of people with a fair share in the stock market. The entire night I watched as Denise proudly went around introducing Olivia as her soon to be daughter in law. In the middle of this social event, I finally met eye to eye with Nick, it was a quick glimpse because I would turn grave watching him hold, kiss, and whisper in her ear the same way he did to me less than 24 hours ago.

The event officially began as the MC got to the mic and addressed for everyone to get to their seems promptly, before the event was able to take its place.

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