Deception - A family Affair...

By MicheleValle6

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It all began a long time ago when Wilfredo Ortiz helped a young girl named Valencia flee to the US from Mexic... More

Pitch - Part 1
Chapter One - Part 2
Chapter Two - Part 3
Chapter Three - Part 4
Chapter Four Part 5
Chapter Five - Part 6
Chapter Six - Part 7
Chapter Seven - Part 8
Chapter Eight - Part 9
Chapter Nine - Part 10
Chapter Eleven - Part 12
Chapter Twelve - Part 13
Chapter Thirteen - Part 14
Chapter Fourteen - Part 15
Chapter Fifteen -Part 16
Chapter Sixteen - Part 17
Chapter Seventeen - Part 18
Chapter Eighteen - Part 19
Chapter Nineteen - Part 20
Epilogue - Part 21

Chapter Ten - Part 11

74 3 0
By MicheleValle6

Once inside she started to fill the tub with warm water so she can get Mace in the tub to soothe his ache and get all this paint off his fur. The door bell now rang and she grabbed her shot gun she kept by her side since entering the house and closed Mace in the bathroom. Thank God she didn't have her shot gun close to her when the attack occurred who knows what could have happened. She went to the front window her body shaking as she was peeking through the blinds and she saw Marco standing on her porch. She let out a sigh of relief and quickly opened the door. The confused look on his face was priceless when he caught sight of her.

He saw her holding her rifle as it hung from her hand, his heart automatically stopped beating and coldness crept through his body at the disturbing sight before him. She was filled in splatters of red coloring and her face was swollen. "Marisol, what the hell happened?" And she fell right into his arms and began to cry uncontrollably. She couldn't be strong any more she felt fragile and torn. He took the rifle from her and placed it on the sofa as he held her with his one arm trying to calm her as he kicked the front door closed. He sat her down and there was no sight of Mace but the sounds of his growling were near. "Marisol where is Mace?" All he could understand was bathroom and water. "Sit here; let me go to the bathroom and check." Once he was able to get her to sit up on her own he went to the bathroom where he could hear water running. Mace was sitting up with red paint all over as well. He turned off the water and patted Mace to let him know it was okay. He returned to a shaken Marisol and put her on his lap and soothed her as best as he could. He wanted her to feel safe as he held her until she was ready to talk. He was filled with rage and wanted to kill who ever did this to her. She was trying to catch her breathe as she kept gasping for air.

"Sweetheart, just relax I'm here now. Tell me what happened."

"I'm okay now. I'm so sorry I just got overwhelmed." She tried to get up but he held her tighter to stop her from moving.

"Overwhelmed is an understatement seeing that you were used as target practice. What the hell happened? Who did this to you?"

"I was outside killing time because I was asked to take a mandatory vacation which is a whole other story. One moment I'm bagging my dead weeds and Mace started barking and I heard shots and Mace yelped and when I ran towards him I was bombarded with paint ball shots. It continued for a few minutes and I couldn't move they kept aiming for my legs and face so I hovered myself down to the ground and they shot up my back and then Francisco came and scared them away they had a pick up truck waiting for them as a get away so to speak."

"This just happened? Did you see who they were? Did you call the cops?" he asked not hiding his anger at all.

She nodded expressing no. "I just got into the house through the back when you rang the bell. They were kids wearing camouflage clothes and those mask knitted hats used for hunting so no I don't know who they were and please no cops. I can't have my name involved with another issue with school. Please."

"This infuriates me, I was held up with Charley otherwise I would have been here during that time. Marisol, you should really consider calling the cops at least to have it documented incase another incident occurs."

She shot up from his lap. "No, please it's just probably a prank and I can't please."

He saw fear in her eyes which makes no sense but to appease her he'll let her have her way for now. "Okay, but lets get you cleaned up and see what damage is done." She shook her head in agreement and it hurt him to see her looking so fragile he is use to seeing her so strong.

"Let's take care of Mace first. He is limping from the one leg where they shot him multiple times. I couldn't even protect him." Her eyes began to fill again feeling helpless.

Marco was able to get all the paint off Mace's fur but clearly they bruised his leg pretty bad. He had about three large welts on his leg and a few on his body which scared him to think what he was going to find on Marisol's body. Now that he was done with Mace and Marisol seemed more at ease he cleaned up the bath tub and started the shower. She was on the floor petting Mace and whispering her love to him. He offered her his hands and brought her to her feet and led her to the bathroom.

"I want to take a shower with you so I can get all this shit off of you and check the extent of your bruises. I promise to behave myself I just want to take care of you is that okay?" She nodded and stood there feeling vulnerable as he began to shred her clothing off and when he reached the locket she always wore around her neck she quickly raised her hand to stop him.

"I never take this off." She said a bit harsher than she intended.

"Okay, we can leave it on." Then he started to remove his clothes as she began to shiver. She felt achy all over but seeing him nude caused her inner body to heat up. He washed her body thoroughly and scrubbed all the paint from her skin and hair with such tender care. He started to shake from his anger witnessing her body filled with round welts and bruises. On her back had at least ten markings and a few on her arm and legs as well. They even caught one of her breast and her stomach. It was infuriating and her wearing just a long sleeve tee shirt and yoga pants didn't help protect nor cushion any of the blows that hit her body. Her left cheek had a black and blue and swelled up a little. He was having a hard time containing his emotions. He could have protected her if Charley wasn't having one of her temper tantrums on the phone.

He got out of the shower first so he can dry himself and wrap a towel around his waist before hauling her out so he could dry her softly not wanting to cause any additional pain. He then dressed her with one of her cotton night gowns he found in her dresser draw that reached just above her knee. He set her up on the sofa with a comforter and pillow while he went to slip his jeans on. Checking her cabinets she didn't have any Advil so he called his brother for the list of items he needed and shared with him on what happened since he is going to need someone to lock up the stables for him tonight. There was no way he was leaving her alone.

"Hey, you've been quiet since I put you in the shower, are you okay? Tell me where it hurts?"

She half smiled at him feeling out of it. "I'm okay, just very sore. Once my adrenaline subsided is when I began to feel the pain behind those damn paint balls. I looked in the mirror when you were drying me and I have marks all over." And her eyes filled with tears. Why would they want to hurt her like this, and knowing Alex had his name on a few of these bruises hurt her even more but she couldn't tell Marco. He just got his family back and she can't be in the middle of disturbing that peaceful bliss they all shared.

"Marisol, if you have any inkling who did this will you trust me enough to tell me?"

She didn't want to lie to him but she couldn't be truthful so she merely whispered what she needed to say. "Yes, I would tell you." She wasn't convincing to him at all but again he left it alone for now.

He went outside to check around back and he met the neighbor and asked him questions as well. One thing he knew they were not big kids or adults more like middle school age which pissed him off even more that a bunch of punks could get away with this behavior. By the time he came around front his brother arrived with hot soup, juices, Advil, witch hazel and cotton balls and in addition a knap sack with extra clothing and Marco's laptop. They spoke briefly and Angel agreed to ask around to see if anyone knows or heard anything.

Marco entered the house quietly; Mace was on his pillow bed looking melancholy – poor guy he must have felt helpless out there. Marisol had finally fallen asleep and he decided not to wake her just yet. His heart felt heavy knowing he could of prevented this from happening or at least protect her from getting hurt. He knew he needed to have a heart to heart talk with Charley when she arrives this weekend. She was becoming quite difficult and he was tired of defending how he felt for Marisol. She was innocent in all this mess, he still couldn't figure out why she never married and it seems Nate has been the only person in her life. He wanted to know everything about her. It still killed him inside when he not only had to leave her twelve years ago but he left her alone with her father who was the devil in disguise. As far as he was concern there was nothing good inside him the only worthiness he carried was his part in creating Marisol. She was loving, selfless, good natured and beautiful inside and out.

He kept busy working from his laptop on the love seat across from her until he heard her having another night mare. "Please leave him alone he is all I have. Please not Mace...he loves me." Moving her head side to side; he jumped up from the love seat setting his laptop aside. "Marisol, honey I'm here. You are having a bad dream." She opened up her eyes and met a set turquoise eyes and she felt safe again. Slowly closing her eyes again and then opening them slightly, "I'm so sorry, I started having night mares again it's been so long." The words were out before she realized what she revealed. He was caressing her face and pushing her hair back.

"When did you have nightmares before?"

"It was a life time ago, I rather leave it there back in the past."

"Marisol, talk to me please. I want to know everything about you."

"Marco, there is nothing to tell life can suck sometimes and you learn to get over it and move on."

"Do you honestly feel you moved on or do you just shield it and hope it goes away?"

"I'm not sure where you are going with this and I don't want to know. Right now I have a headache and I'm hungry." She took her forearm and placed it over her forehead to wish away everything; she knows he is right but she can only cope by putting up her shields and Nate is her biggest shield yet. She never fully moved on after loosing Marissa and Marco and she felt quite the looser right about now.

"Well I have some soup for you, let me just heat it up and after you eat I would like to rub witch hazel over your bruises to help heal them. I looked it up on the internet and had Angelo pick some up for us."

"Marco, you don't have to do all this I'm grateful but I'm okay now so if you need to leave please feel free to do so. I could take care of myself."

Seeing hurt flash from his eyes he responded with disappointment in his tone. "I'm not going anywhere so weather you can take care of yourself is not the question but the answer is I'm here and I want to take care of you and I want to be here for you. So you can either enjoy my company or you can sulk about me fussing over you but I'm not leaving. The only question you need to answer is do you want orange or apple cranberry juice?"

"I'm sorry, I sound like an ungrateful bitch and that is not me at all. I appreciate everything I'm just not use to this. Besides Nate, I'm pretty much on my own so thank you again. I'll have apple cranberry."

After eating soup and toast she felt so much better and of course the Advil was a great help. While they ate dinner together Marisol shared the details of her humiliating day at school with him. He is definitely a good listener and he didn't judge or criticize her on her actions. He thinks she cares too much but it defines who she is as a person. It made her feel better about herself. He was so gracious; he also took care of Mace and cleaned up the kitchen. Dragging her to bed he brought the bottle of witch hazel and the bag of cotton balls.

"Okay you ready for Dr. Marco?" She began to giggle like a high school virgin. She scolded herself - Please get a grip Marisol. He lifted her pajama top and started with her legs massaging the bruises using the cotton balls as he worked his way up he noticed the pink scare again and applied the cotton ball to there as well. "What happened here?"

When he looked up into her eyes he saw fear again. She has secrets and she doesn't trust him yet causing his heart to feel the rush of disappointment flowing through his blood stream. She shrugged her shoulders trying to find the right words but no spoken words followed. "I guess you don't fully trust me yet to share your past, I hope you will come to trust me one day and when you do I'll be here waiting for you." She casted her eyes away from him to avoid what they may divulge on their own while he continued his mission. He then did her back and she was falling asleep again. He was so consumed with her beauty but he couldn't avoid this feeling of doom in him and his inklings never failed him. There was a part of her that was alive and strong but there was a whole other side that was vulnerable almost fragile and partially broken and he couldn't figure out how to fix it. He was missing so many pieces of her life and it made him more determined. He wasn't giving up he loved her and today made him want to pack her up and take her with him to Texas away from all this pain; away from this house he felt no peacefulness in it. The owner left a trail of evilness he could feel the hatred seeping from the walls; the only tranquil room was Marisol's misty blue room. He wondered why she hasn't made any changes to the house to make it more of her own. He felt sad for her she deserved so much more than this lonely life.

He stripped down to his briefs to lie down next to her and gently adjusted her to his chest where he could hold her in his arms to make her feel safe and loved. Sleep didn't come right away for him he had so many things to think about and by morning he still didn't have the answers he was seeking. She woke up twice in the middle of the night and held him tighter and would fall asleep again. She must have had nightmares again but not to the point of her talking in her sleep. It still upset him listening to her speak during her night mare the other night of him leaving her again. She was worried of him hurting her and it pained him to be the reason behind her distress.

Waking up feeling confused she was alone in her bed and school already started. Then everything came back to her. Ugh she had to face another day but she admitted to herself how she felt so secure in his arms last night. She knows she had a couple of bad dreams of finding Marissa dead in her cradle but she would feel his arms around her and she tightened her hold on him helping the night mare to end. The tightened embrace felt like a blanket of warmth to her soul taking away all the darkness in her dreams. She could easily get use to this. Her phone started to buzz and looking at the display it was Nate.

"Hey Nate" she greeted him as Marco walked in her bedroom wearing only his briefs with two mugs of coffee one in each hand. Oh God how she really could get use to this vision as well. He could do a Starbucks commercial and even women who hate coffee will convert. She smiled at him and he gave her that devilish grin as if he read her thoughts then handing over her mug and walked over to her window.

"I thought you were going to call me last night? Things okay with you?"

"Yes, everything is fine. I fell asleep early, I'm sorry. The stress with work took a lot out of me, but today is a new day so all is good. Are you on your way to the airport?"

"Yeah, Lucas is meeting me there. We agreed to avoid each other until we get inside the plane."

"Oh Nate, that makes me sad. Promise me you will take my advice loving someone is sharing everything. Call me when you arrive so I know you got there okay. A simple text will do. Have fun and relax you need it more than anyone I know."

"Thanks for being a true friend anyone could ever hope to have." He said it with such sadness you can hear the feelings of hopelessness and uncertainty in his voice and it upset her.

"I love you too bud...I'll be thinking about you so make sure you send me updates." Ending the call she looked over at Marco. He was standing by her window drinking his coffee and his face lines hardened. He looked almost angry. Not knowing what to say she dug deep in heart and said what she felt. "Marco, thank you for yesterday and for last night; you really helped me feel better and I was able to sleep." If he only knew how much he did help by chasing her nightmares away.

"It was my pleasure. Why didn't you share your incident with Nate?" He turned his head to look at her wanting to see her eyes as she responded.

She quickly put her head down and stared at her coffee. "He has a lot to deal with right now and he is going on vacation and I want him to enjoy himself and not waste his time worrying about me."

"How come you aren't going with him?" He asked before he could stop himself.

She raised her eyes and stared at him trying to understand why he felt the need to ask. "Well thank God I'm not can you imagine me with a bikini with all these marks on me. What a site that would be."

"You wearing a bikini will be quite a sight with or without those marks. I don't think you realize how beautiful you are." Turning pink she just sipped her coffee knowing he saw every inch of her last night. "Marisol can I ask you a question?"

She looked up from her cup and feeling nervous again she answered him. "Sure."

"Do you trust me?"

"I do even though part of me feels I shouldn't." She wanted to be honest with him.

"That's fair, but I want you to trust me and I hope I can gain that trust. I feel you hold so much of yourself back from me."

"It's just so much has happened to me since you left, some good some not so good and I can't open up those doors without feeling pain."

He nodded his head and didn't want to push too much too fast. "Fair... for now. On another note, what would you like to do today? Your choice my goal today is to make you feel happy and safe so it's all about you today."

She smiled, "Well if you insist to spend the day with me I would love to visit your stables. I had so much fun on my last visit there."

"Okay, but I don't know if I want you to ride and over do it. Your back is pretty bruised up."

"Well I guess you will have to ride me in front of you. There is nothing more refreshing to a person's spirit than to ride a horse and borrow that moment of freedom of pure abandonment."

"Well, I did promise it was your choice. Boy, are you easy to please."

"Yeah I get that a lot from the guys I date." She laughed at herself and at him since he choked on his coffee. He pointed his finger at her with a warning look and she just laughed out loud and set her mug on her night stand. He put his coffee cup down and came over to put a pillow over her head at the same time trying to be gentle. He winded up on top of her with his arms resting on both sides of her head holding himself up and she became serious as she looked into his rare colored eyes as they casted a spell on her.

"I have another request." She whispered.

"And what will that request be Mi Preciosa Joya?"

"To kiss me." She said with pure lust and desire in her eyes. She needed to feel him to be completely one with him. She craved his warmth, his affection and was just plain needy of every inch of him. She was truly drowning and only he could revive her.

"Anything you wish for is my command. Trust me nothing would make me happier" He bent over and kissed her lightly at first then the overwhelming desire created spasms throughout his body. Keeping what little control he had left he kissed her tenderly all over as he worshipped every inch of her. Tasting her was like indulging in forbidden fruit so ripe with sweet juices ready to be devoured. It was a taste that was immediately addicting to his soul. She instantly pleaded for more showing no shame as her body screamed for fulfillment. He took his time before making sweet passionate love to her delicately but with pure compassion. Their bodies became in sync as one until they reach their peak together screaming out each other's name. What a heartwarming moment both bodies entangled as one, each holding on to each other for dear life while lost in their own thoughts.

He has embedded himself into her heart, her mind and her soul. She was spiraling fast and she feared she was going to crash and burn.....then what would be left of her besides scattered ashes lost to the wind...

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