Chapter Thirteen - Part 14

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Sitting in her jeep for a good fifteen minutes with the key in the ignition contemplating if she should attend today's official opening for "Cisco's Ranch of Hope". Marco called her three times already and she hit ignore all three times the coward that she was. She knew she hurt him this morning and she was so scared of losing what they had this week. She also felt like an intruder, his whole family would be there and she knew it would be awkward for her even though Marco promised his family will be welcoming. He probably threatened them like he did her. Hearing her phone buzz again she looked down this time it was a text from him.

Marisol – WHERE ARE YOU? Please don't make me go pick you up which is what I should have done in the first place. You belong here with me – more than anyone else!!!!! I'm waiting. I'm also disappointed that you ignored my calls –

Letting out a big sigh, she responded not wanting to cause any additional tension when she arrives.

Okay! I'm on my way. Even though it's against my will but nonetheless I'm already in my car.

He responded quicker than she was able to get her Jeep started.

I hate that you feel that way after everything we shared. But THANK YOU and I mean that from the bottom of my heart. Please don't text and drive – I want you here in one piece.

She let out a growl and rolled her eyes as she put her Jeep in gear. As soon as she arrived wearing her jeans with her cowboy boots and her short corduroy jacket she started up the path and the magnetic force was so fierce their eyes met immediately when she looked up from the ground. His heart warming smile radiated right to her insides. It was like being in a mudslide as she is grasping not wanting to get buried alive in the pit of his world. She couldn't overcome her panic from this morning. He trotted over to her clearly relieved she showed up, his eyes never losing eye contact with her, he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. "Thank you for coming. It means more to me than you know." He told her while his eyes showed how relieved he was.

"You are welcome even though you kind of bullied me here." She said trying to sound casual and cool but failed.

"Bullied or not you are here and you have made me a very happy man. Now come on and join the festivities. But before we join everyone, I have a present for you." He pulled out a small box from shirt pocket and put it into her hand.

She looked up at him lost for words, she decided to just open the box and inside she found a brand new gold necklace a little thicker than the one she originally had. She knew this gift had more meaning to it and she wanted to bury herself in his arms but couldn't since it wasn't the place nor time. She looked up into his eyes and there it was he was giving her undeserved privacy a sort of peace offering until she was ready to trust him. "Thank you." She said with a cracked voice. He grabbed her hand and pulled her to him so he can kiss the top of her head and after inhaling her scent he then guided her to the crowd of loud happy goers. In spite of her trepidation she began to gain courage through his encouragement. Taking her around he was reacquainting her to his guests since majority of them she already knew from family members to the employees and volunteers that stayed onboard with him. Although they were polite and cordial, it was distressing to see those her mother considered friends who out casted her only daughter as soon as she died. Holding on to his hand she hadn't realized she was squeezing it so tight.

"Don't be nervous otherwise you'll cut the circulation in my hand." He chuckled as he looked at her.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even realize I was squeezing so hard." She tried to pull from his grasp and he only grasped tighter not allowing her to release his hand. "It's been a long time since I seen everyone but I'm okay now." She explained sheepishly.

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