Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and...

Galing kay fairytailfanfreak

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So from the title this is a Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover Just to inform yu guys this story is not... Higit pa

Greatest Fear
The Night Class
Interview with a Mage
Vampire's Lair
Trust Lost
Talking it Out
Worth a thousand words
Taking Shots
In Action
Going Home
Chocolates anyone?

Back Home

2.8K 90 6
Galing kay fairytailfanfreak

A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from fanfiction.net the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

Fairy Tail Guild

General POV

Natsu was doing all he could to keep Igneel and Fury out of striking distance of each other as the three of them made their way to the guild. The twins were having another one of their fights and it was his job to keep them from taking things too far. Last time he had accidently let that happen, they had destroyed half of the guild and he and Lisanna had gotten stuck paying for the repairs. If it were up to him, he would just let them fight, but Lis insisted on some semblance of control in their family.

When they finally got to the guild, he was surprised to see everyone hustling around. It confused him at first until Lis jumped out of the crowd and wrapped him and the boys in a bone crushing hug.

"She wrote back! Lucy wrote back to us!" She cheered before giving him a kiss.

His eyes went wide as he sought out Yukino and Rouge to confirm what Lis had said. The white haired celestial mage were sitting at the bar and eating something while the shadow dragon slayer kept everyone a safe distance from his pregnant mate. He didn't dare approach them, knowing full-well how Rouge would react to another dragon slayer coming close to his mate. So instead, he started scanning the room for the letter.

Erza was in possession of a large envelope and was keeping it out of everyone's reach. "We shall wait until everyone is here before opening Lucy's letter," she announced in a stern voice. Then she looked up and saw Natsu, and a excited smile stretched across her face. "Alright, everyone is now here so I will read the letter!"

A cheer went up as the scarlet haired woman walked up to the second floor and opened the envelop. She pulled out multiple photos and started passing them around as she started reading the letter.

Dear Fairy Tail,

I could not believe the news when Loke told me that fourteen years had passed there while it has only been two weeks here. I'm sorry for missing so many important events back home: birthdays, weddings, baby showers, and Laxus becoming the new Master of Fairy Tail. It hurt to know that I wasn't there. When I found out that Gray and Master Makarov had passed away since I've been gone, it broke my heart, especially Gray.

I may not have loved Gray the way that Juvia always said I did, but he was my teammate, one of my best friends, and like my big brother. To me, it was only a few weeks ago that I saw him fighting with Natsu, and Juvia was following him around every turn. I can't imagine the guild without them. Since it might be a while before I get back, if at all, please put some flowers on his grave for me.

Laxus, please know that your grandfather was the fatherly figure in my life that I have always wanted and I will always be indebted to him for giving me a home. I also know that you hate being compared to your grandfather, but I will say this: I know that the two of you share the same big heart and that is what you truly need to be the best master of the most powerful guild in all of Fiore. Master Makarov left some big shoes to fill, but I think that you will have no problem filling them, you might even have to stretch them a bit to make them fit. Don't ever doubt that you are Master of Fairy Tail because of who you are instead of who you are related to; but if you do, look to Mira and she'll knock some sense into you.

Erza paused her reading to look over at where Laxus and Mira were sitting together. The take-over mage was already crying, but it was Laxus who was holding onto her for support. It was always a rare sight to see the lightning dragon slayer show vulnerability, but this was one of those occasions where he didn't bother to wear a mask. And it was all because of Lucy.

Wendy, stop blaming yourself for what happened. It was not your fault and I don't want you to blame yourself for it any more. I was protecting my little sister and if I was given the option to do it all again, I wouldn't change a thing because it means that you, Natsu, Happy and Carla are all safe. I'm alive, I'm healthy, and I've made new friends here in this world. So you have nothing to worry about on my end either. So please promise me that you will be happy. If or when I come back, I want to see you smiling and living your life.

There was a choked sob that interrupted her and Erza didn't need to look up to know who it was. Wendy was attempting to cover her mouth with both hands to stifle her sobs. Romeo wrapped his arms around his long-time girlfriend and was relieved that she did not push him away. The young dragon slayer had changed a lot after that day, loosing her sweeter nature and becoming coarse and almost destructive when it came to facing an enemy. It wasn't until Yukino had brought word that Lucy was alive that anyone started to see that glimmer of her old self. Now, with Lucy's words ringing through the air, they were all hoping that they would finally get their sky dragon slayer back.

Now that all of that has been said, thank you all so much for sending me all those pictures and letters. When I found out about the time difference, I got so depressed that my friends here ended up having to deal with Demon Lucy. If Loke and Virgo hadn't shown up when they did with all your photos, who knows what they would have dealt with.

Natsu, Erza, Happy and Wendy all shuddered.

Natsu and Lisanna, I am so thrilled that the two of you have gotten together and you have three beautiful children. I was flattered when I read that you still talk about me and that you even named your daughter after me! Lis, if the boys are as much like Natsu as you described in your letter, I almost feel sorry for you. I can just imagine how destructive they can be.

Yukino and Rouge, you two are perfect together and I can't wait to hear about the sweet little children that you are bound to have. Yukino, I hope that they will have your caring and friendly personality. Rouge, I just know that they will have your sharp mind and determination to stand up for what they believe in. Be happy together, you both deserve it!

Erza and Jellal, the two of you have been to hell and back together and apart from each other. After everything you have gone through, I'm relieved to hear that you are finally together and have started a family. Erza, remember that people make mistakes, but they can still surprise you in the best of ways. Jellal, remember that there is no problem that cannot be solved with strawberry cheesecake when it comes to Erza. And if Amelia is anything like her mother, the same goes for her.

Levy, I know that you must have had your head buried in almost every book in Fiore to try and find a way to get me home. Please tell me that doing that didn't distract from Gajeel. He might not show it the way most people do, but he cares for you more than anyone else in the guild.

Levy smiled as she held Gajeel's hand with one hand and their son's hand with the other. Gajeel's other hand was holding their daughter's hand. They were there when Yukino had come to tell them that Lucy was alive, but they hadn't been at the guild two months ago when Yukino had come to tell them about the photos and letters that Lucy needed. If they had been there that day, she would have sent her a letter with pictures of her family. She and Gajeel had been mated for thirteen years now. Their daughter, Grace, was ten years old and their son, Renzo, was eight. This time, she had a letter and photos ready to go.

When Yukino had come and she heard that Lucy was still alive, she had dove head first into her books to try to find a way to get her best friend back to them. Unfortunately, she was having as much luck this time as she'd had last time. Every book plainly stated that the most reliable and practically only way to get Lucy back was for the mage who sent her to the other world to call her back. Only problem with that was that the mage who had sent Lucy away had died over ten years ago.

I want to let all of you know, that I have not given up on coming home to Fairy Tail and seeing all of you again. However, I also realize that coming home might not be possible. If I can't come home, I want to let all of you know that I have found friends that I can trust here. And, believe it or not, a lot of them are vampires!

Yes, that's the world I got tossed into and ended up at the front door of a vampire lair! Though, in actuality, I landed in front of the Moon dorm of Cross Academy, a school that caters to humans and secretly to vampires. Since my arrival, I have become part of the Night Class so I can still use my magic and I am living at the Moon dorm, where the vampires live. Yes, there are dangers in this world, but no more than there are back at Fairy Tail. No, they have not been drinking my blood. Yes, I can still use my magic in this world as easily as I can back home. Yes, there are humans as well as vampires here and I've made friends with a lot of them. In the pictures I've sent, you'll see some of my new best friends.

Takuma is the kind looking blond with green eyes. He's the dorm vice president and the one who came up with the idea for all of you to send me letters and photos to keep me from getting too depressed. He has been the kindest to me, so much so that I sometimes even forget that he's a vampire. I don't know what I would have done without him these past two weeks.

Hikaru is the one with sandy brown hair and blue eyes. He and I didn't get off to the best start, sort of the way Gajeel and I started out but not that bad, but now we get along great! Because dorm president, Kaname Kuran, has sworn to keep me safe, Hikaru volunteered to be my personal body guard. I've proven to them that I'm strong enough to defend myself, but Hikaru still sticks by just in case. He was a great support to me when I had a breakdown. He's not one for showing off his emotions or anything like that, but I've been told that he's opened up a lot more since I arrived.

Aidou is the other blond with blue eyes. He takes a bit of getting used to, but when we started getting to know each other, I noticed how much he reminds me of Natsu. Always laughing and smiling, can eat half his body weight in food at every meal, he even calls me Luce. He and I ended up challenging each other to show the Night Class just how powerful we Fairy Tail mages really are. As it turns out, some vampires have powers much like mages but a bit different. Going up against him was like being in the GMG again, only I won this time!

The girl with brown hair and brown eyes is Yuuki and the guy with silver hair is Zero. Both of them are human and they are two of the three humans that know about me being a mage and the Night Class being vampires. The only other human that knows is the Head Master Cross, who is Yuuki and Zero's adoptive father.

Zero isn't fond of vampires, but he doesn't seem to mind that I'm a mage. He's not much of a talker and shows his emotions even less than Hikaru; but I can tell by his actions that he cares a lot about Yuuki and even seems to kind of like me. You wouldn't believe how much it took to get him to pose in the pictures with Yuuki and me, but he eventually gave in.

Yuuki is the sweetest girl in this world and has become my best girlfriend here. She's always smiling and has this way about her that almost instantly cheers me up. She's also the perfect person to talk to whenever I have doubts about living with vampires. If she were born in Earthland, she would have made the perfect Fairy Tail mage!

I wish that I could introduce all of my new friends to everyone at Fairy Tail, but I know that that is a pipe dream. As it is, you are having a hard enough time trying to bring me home. If you can find a way to bring me home, then lets do it! But if it turns out to not be possible, I'll be okay here. I've started to make a life for myself here, I've even gotten a job modeling with Senri and Rima. They are the girl with orange hair and the guy with maroon hair. Their personalities sort of remind me of Virgo, so we get along pretty well.

But no matter what, try to keep relaying these letters and photos for as long as Yukino is willing to. Even if I can never speak to all of you face-to-face again, I don't want to be cut off from my family. And remember, no matter which world I'm in or how long I've been away, Fairy Tail is and always will be my home. After all, even if you can't see me, even though I have gone far, far away; I know that all of you will always be looking out for me, just like I will always be looking out for you.

All my love, Lucy.

Erza didn't think that there was a dry eye in the house, she could even feel her artificial eye trying to tear up. It was a great relief to know that Lucy was alive and well in the other world. She had one of the photos in her hand, it was of Lucy and three of the boys that she had made friends with: Aidou, Takuma, and Hikaru. It amazed her to see that after close to fifteen years, Lucy hadn't aged a day since she had last seen her friend. They really did look happy in the photo and she could tell by the looks on their faces that those boys definitely cared for her. When she passed that photo on, the next one she received was of Lucy hugging the boy with silver hair, Zero. The teenage boy seemed like he was trying to hide his expression, but was not doing so well. He had a small smile on his face as he stared down at Lucy, the affection clear in his eyes.

When Mira got at least one picture of each of the guys, she rushed over to Cana and placed them in front of the card mage. "Do you remember the day Lucy disappeared, you were reading your cards and three guys showed up?"

Cana thought for a moment before the memory came back to her. She knew what Mira was asking her to do. Pulling out her cards, she gave them a shuffle before she started dealing. Though it had been close to fifteen years since that reading, she recognized the three cards as they came up and placed them on the pictures of the men they represented. The Prince of Wands landed of Aidou, the Knight of Cups landed on Takuma, and the Prince of Cups landed on Zero.

"Those are her three guys," Cana told Mira, confident of the reading.

"Do you know who she's going to end up with?" Mira asked.

"No clue," she shook her head. "All three guys have a strong connection to her and they want to be more than friends, but Lucy hasn't made a decision yet. She's been too focused on coming home to really look at these three as anything more than friends. But it looks like that's changing, she's starting to look and she likes what she sees. I'll keep doing readings, but I don't know if there will be much of a difference for a while because of the time difference."

The rest of the day was a celebration in the true Fairy Tail fashion: lots of drinking, lots of fighting, and lots of destruction. The only things that seemed to escape the chaos completely unharmed were Lucy's letter and photos. Those items changed hands of everyone in the guild at least five times until they were finally posted above the bar. They would make a fresh start on figuring out a way to bring Lucy home the next day. With any luck, she would be back in Fairy Tail within a few weeks.

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