Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and...

By fairytailfanfreak

102K 2.8K 477

So from the title this is a Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover Just to inform yu guys this story is not... More

Greatest Fear
The Night Class
Interview with a Mage
Vampire's Lair
Trust Lost
Talking it Out
Worth a thousand words
Back Home
Taking Shots
In Action
Going Home
Chocolates anyone?


3.9K 88 25
By fairytailfanfreak

A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from fanfiction.net the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

Lucy POV

Dear Mom,

I was hoping that the next time I would write to you I would be back home in Fairy Tail, but after two weeks in this world, I couldn't wait any longer.

It's so different here compared to home, but I guess that I've fallen into a kind of routine. Every night I get up at the same time as the Night Class and walk with them to the academy. You wouldn't believe it, but I've got fan boys from the Day Class who come to see me every night! Some of them have even brought me flowers and chocolates. It's kind of funny what happens when one of the Day Class boys get too close: Hikaru will pull me behind him, Takuma and Aidou join in and surround me, and then Zero will grab the boys and practically toss them back into the crowd. The way everyone protects me makes the Day Class think that I'm some sort of princess or royal from another country, so that's the part I play.

During night classes, I talk to them for about an hour about Fiore, Fairy Tail, and magic. I still haven't run out of things to talk about and I don't think that will happen any time soon. Their favorite lessons so far have been the demonstration that I did with Aidou and the day that I brought in my Sorcerer Weekly magazine. I hadn't planned to ever show the magazine to them, but after Aidou and Takuma found it in my room, there wasn't much point in hiding it anymore. That class had simply been passing the magazine around and all of them asking if I really was in a relationship with Natsu, which I told them over and over again that I'm not.

Oh, but something amazing came from showing off that magazine. It turns out that two members of the Night Class, Senri and Rima, are professional models! They had their manager come to meet me and I was hired right away! My first photo shoot is tomorrow and I can't wait! Senri and Rima are a little distant but in a way that sort of remind me of Virgo, so I get along with them pretty easily. They have commented that since I came around, it's been a lot less boring. That makes me happy.

Anyway, after I'm done with my lesson with the Night Class, I go on patrol with Yuuki and Zero from the Disciplinary Committee. Yuuki has easily become my best friend in this world, she is so sweet and friendly and always has a smile on her face. Zero isn't exactly friendly but I can tell that he cares, he kind of reminds me of how Gajeel acts with Levy or Laxus is with the Thunder God Tribe.

After that, I go back to the Moon dorm and make three lunches to eat with Yuuki and Zero when noon comes around. After lunch, I go to sleep. When evening comes around, the routine starts all over again.

Lord Kaname, he's the vampire with the most power and the one that all the others follow, has taken a lot of interest in my magic and abilities. That interest worries me a little. He's been nothing but kind to me, but at the same time, he has that kind of calculating mind that Father always had. I don't know what he's planning, but I'll stay vigilant.

I hate to say this, but I kind of wish that I'd never had to come up with this routine. I want to go home, but I'm starting to think that isn't possible. Head Master Cross, Takuma and I have been researching every source we can find but we haven't found anything. I thought for a second that maybe Loke would be able to jump worlds to Magnolia to let them know that I'm still alive and which world I ended up in, but it wasn't possible. Despite his power, Loke can only go to the spirit world and whichever world his key is in. So unless Fairy Tail figures out on their own where I am and how to get me back, I really just might be trapped in this world...

My hand stilled as I felt tears threatening to fall. I really didn't want to admit that I could be trapped here for the rest of my life, I didn't want to loose hope, but I didn't know of anything else I could do. It wasn't that I hated this world or that I was scared of the vampires, I was actually getting past that fear pretty easily now, but this place wasn't my home.

Leaving my unfinished letter on the desk, I went to lay down on my bed. I was in that down time during my day when night classes were finished but there was still time before I went to eat with Yuuki and Zero. Yuuki had noticed that I was starting to get depressed even though I did my best to hide it. I tried to play it off as just being homesick, which I was, but there was so much more than that.

I was starting to get angry at myself for being so comfortable in this world and for making ties. Now, whether I stayed or returned, I would be leaving friends behind and that would break my heart. I wish that I knew what to do, that I had some idea of how to get back, but I don't and that scares me. Curling up into a ball, I touched my keys that were still attached to my belt and mentally told Horologrium to wake me around 11 am. I felt his answering warmth that said that he heard me and would do as I asked before letting myself fall into a fitful sleep.

Zero POV

I saw Lucy coming and knew that something was wrong. She was still smiling, but it wasn't that bright-as-sunlight smile that I had come to look forward to. I decided not to say anything considering that Lucy's fan boys weren't far away either. Plus, I knew that Yuuki would ask her anyway, so I just had to wait and listen.

Her fan club had learned quickly to keep a safe distance from the three of us, especially with me around. Early on, a couple of fan boys had tried to join us, but I had sent them running. Those who didn't run... I don't know how she did it, but Lucy did this sweet smile and eyes thing that had them stuttering and falling over themselves to do exactly what she asked them, which was for them to go get the three of us drinks and to keep everyone else back so she could have a private conversation with Yuuki and me about security. I don't laugh very often, but seeing those boys doing my job to keep everyone else back while not realizing that they didn't get to be with her either, almost had me laughing my head off.

We sat at our usual spot at the fountain as we ate, she really was a great cook, and I watched her to see what was wrong. I still didn't see any bite marks on her neck, wrists, or legs, so I was pretty sure that the vampires weren't feeding for her. I thought that maybe she was just homesick since that would make the most sense, but I didn't want to ask her about that either. I didn't want her to leave. And from the looks I had seen Hanabusa, Takuma and Hikaru giving her, I could tell that they didn't want her to leave either.

"Are you doing okay, Lucy? You seem tired," Yuuki asked her between bites.

The blondes smile faded a bit. "I'm fine, I just thought that I'd be home by now. Loke just told me after patrol last night that he wasn't able to get to Fairy Tail from the Celestial world. That means I can't tell my guild where I am or even that I'm alive. I guess that I'm just trying to deal with the fact that I may never get home."

I shouldn't feel relieved to hear that! I scolded myself as I continued to eat.

"I'm sorry to hear that, but you shouldn't give up yet," Yuuki told her, doing her best to cheer up the blonde. "Like you said, it's only been two weeks and a lot can still happen. If the people at your guild are anything like you've described, they're not going to give up on you. Even if it takes a while, I have a feeling that they will still figure out a way to get you home. So the best thing you can do for yourself and them is to live your life as best as you can here so you will still be the same great person that they love when you get home."

I stuffed another bite of food into my mouth to hide my smile. Yuuki always had a way to make people happy and to help them feel better. I had seen it all the time since I had met her four years ago. If it hadn't been for her, after my family was killed, I don't know what might have happened to me. It was easy to see the Lucy wasn't immune to Yuuki's helpful personality either, the blonde gave her that brighter-than-sunlight smile and started eating her lunch with renewed vigor.

"By the way, are you planning on giving chocolates to anyone for St. Xocolatl Day? It's coming up next week," Yuuki asked Lucy before taking another bite of food.

Lucy stopped mid-bite to stare at both of us. "I didn't know that you even had St. Xocolatl Day here. Is done any differently?"

"Well, how is it done in your world?" Yuuki asked her.

"The girls make chocolates and give them to the guys that they have crushes on. Then, if the guys reciprocate those feeling, they give them something on White Day."

"It's the same here, but because of the Night Class, we have to do it a little differently. It's actually a pretty big deal," Yuuki told her.

"It's a pain is what it is," I grumbled. "If it were up to me, it would be cancelled just to save us the trouble."

"Come on, Zero. It can't be that bad," Lucy said as she smiled at me. "I bet that you get tons of chocolates every year!"

I looked away from her so she wouldn't see me blush. She was half right, I got offered chocolate every year but I never accepted them. The only gift I ever willingly received was Yuuki's, but that wasn't chocolates. Though, if Lucy offered to give me chocolates that day, I might not turn them down.

"What about you, Yuuki? Are you going to give anyone some chocolates?" Lucy asked in a slightly sly voice.

I felt my body tense. I knew who she would give chocolates to, that blood sucker, Kuran.

I saw her blush before she cleared her throat. "Oh no you don't! You never answered my question so I won't answer yours either!"

"So there is someone that you want to give chocolates to!"

"I could say the same thing about you!" Yuuki countered.

The girls continued their little back and forth argument for the rest of it got too annoying, I just got up and walked over to the trees to give them some space. When lunch was finished, Lucy said her goodbyes to Yuuki before walking over to me.

"You have a good day, Zero. And don't forget that both of you are on your own for lunch tomorrow. I have a photo shoot with Senri and Rima," she told me as her eyes went all starry and excited. "I can't believe that I get to be a model in this world too! I wonder where my photos will end up. I don't even know what magazines there are in this world!"

I couldn't help but shake my head at her. Then I noticed the way she was looking at me, almost studying me, I couldn't help but scowl at her.

"You know, Zero. I still remember that you smiled at me that night after I won the demonstration against Aidou. You look really handsome when you smile," she told me.

I tried not to let my surprise show and failed. She thinks I'm handsome...

"And something else, if I thought for even a second that you would say 'thank you' if I gave you chocolates on St. Xocolatl Day, I would do it. But I have a feeling that you wouldn't even accept them."

Without another word, she turned away from me and started walking back to the Moon dorm. The Day Class students tried to crowd around her and talk to her, but she hurried past them with the grace of a dancer and the kindness of a saint.

She's right, I wouldn't accept them from her because it would mean that I wanted to keep her, to make her mine. Besides, even if she were to stay, I wouldn't be able to keep her. Not with what I'm starting to become. No matter how much I may want her, Lucy can never be mine.

Takuma POV

It was about four in the afternoon when I woke up to the sounds of someone crying. Not that the person was crying loudly, but the sound was so out of place that I couldn't help but notice it. From the direction and tone, I could tell who it was almost right away and that had me out of my bed and hurrying to Lucy's room before I could even think about what I was doing.

I knocked gently on her door before opening it to peak my head inside. And there she was, sitting on her bed with her face buried in her hands as she tried to quiet her sobs. Loke was there as well, leaning against a wall with his arms drooping at his sides and looking heartbroken and troubled.

I don't know what possessed me to do it, but I found myself walking across the room to sit beside her on the bed. I didn't even have a chance to say anything before she threw her arms around my neck and hugged me to her like I was a life line.

"Lucy... Are you alright? What's happened?"

She didn't answer me, she just kept her face pressed against my chest as she continued to cry. I looked over to Loke for an explaination, but he looked away from me as well. Not knowing what else to do, I wrapped my arms around her and held her to me while she cried. I don't know how long we sat there, but she eventually calmed down, though she didn't talk. After a while, her cries attracted the attention of Senri, Rima, Hikaru and Aidou. None of us knew what to say or what had happened, so we just waited for her to talk. It wasn't until Lord Kaname joined us that she spoke.

"Lucy, please tell us what's wrong," Lord Kaname asked her. Though his voice was full of authority, there was definitely concern as well.

"I had an idea when I got back from lunch with Yuuki and Zero, a way for me to let my friends back home know that I was alive and where they could find me," she told us, her voice muffled as she kept her face pressed to my chest. "You see, even though my spirits can't go back to Earthland, other spirits can since their keys are still there. I asked him to talk to Libra and Pisces since Yukio has their keys, they would be able to relay the message to her and she could tell Fairy Tail."

More tears fell from her eyes. I gave her a squeeze, encouraging her to continue. "Did that not work?"

She laughed, it was the kind of hollow laugh I had heard Level E vampires do right before they were killed. After hearing that, I knew that whatever she said next would not be good.

"Oh, it worked. Libra went to tell Yukio and she went to tell Fairy Tail. But there's one small problem that I forgot to think about, and that's the time difference between worlds."

"What do you mean by 'time difference?'" Aidou asked as he came to sit on the other side of her.

"There's always been time differences between worlds. For instance, one day in the Celestial world equals three months on Earthland. And it turns out that the difference between this world and Earthland has the same kind of thing."

I gasped as I let her go so I could look at her more directly. "So you're saying that because you have been here for two weeks, three and a half years has passed in your world?"

She laughed again as tears fell from her eyes, making her look as if she were loosing her mind. "I wish it were only that. According to the message that Libra gave Loke, it has been 14 years since I disappeared from Earthland. One day here equals one year there. The woman who sent me here died a long time ago. All my friends thought I was dead. Don't get me wrong, they are thrilled that I'm alive. But... I'll never go home..."

As she broke down crying again, I saw Loke slide down the wall and bury his face in his hands. I was in shock. Sure I hadn't wanted Lucy to leave, but I knew how much she wanted to go home to her friends and her guild. Now, it seemed completely lost to her.

I practically jumped off of the bed, my place quickly taken by Hikaru as he and Aidou wrapped her in their arms while she continued to cry. When I looked at the faces in the room, I was surprised to see that Senri and Rima looked ready to cry as well. Kaname looked sad and depressed as he stepped closer to Lucy. He didn't say anything, but I could feel power emanating from him before he placed his hand on her head and causing her to go to sleep. Loke looked upset by that, but I grabbed his arm and forced him to follow me out into the hallway.

"How badly is this going to hurt her?" I asked him, knowing that this spirit knew her better than anyone else.

He thought for a moment before scrubbing his face with his hands. "It's bad. Before she ran away from home, the only friends that she had were her spirits and she was forced to hide them from her father. After she ran away, Natsu was her first friend and Fairy Tail became the family and home that she always wanted. You know from her stories that she's been through a lot with them, so for her to loose all of that so quickly... I don't know what will happen. This isn't the same as last time."

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"There was an incident with a lot of the top members of Fairy Tail, they were attacked by the black dragon, Acnologia, and nearly killed," Loke explained. "A spell was able to protect them, but it left them frozen for seven years. When they came out of it, they hadn't aged and her father had died while she was gone but there were other people to help her through it. This time, it's twice as long and she's the only one."

"What would help her?"

"Her friends, specifically her team, but I can't bring them here," he said, sounding exasperated.

My mind was running at top speeds as I tried to think of a way to bring Lucy closer to her friends, if only for a little while. When the idea finally struck me, I just hoped for Lucy's sake that it was possible. "What about objects? Could you carry those from one world to another?"

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