Fear of Fangs (Fairy Tail and...

Door fairytailfanfreak

102K 2.8K 477

So from the title this is a Fairy Tail and Vampire Knight Crossover Just to inform yu guys this story is not... Meer

Greatest Fear
The Night Class
Interview with a Mage
Vampire's Lair
Trust Lost
Talking it Out
Worth a thousand words
Back Home
Taking Shots
In Action
Going Home
Chocolates anyone?


4.2K 129 22
Door fairytailfanfreak

A/N: Just to remind you guys again this is not my story. It is by RavenNM from fanfiction.net the link is in the description of the story. Hope you guys support RavenNM.

Zero POV

"So what do you know about this new girl?" Yuuki asked her father, Head Master Cross.

"Not much, I'm afraid. Kaname only told me that her arrival was very abrupt and that she is in need of protection, which this school and the Night Class are prepared to provide for her. He also said that her situation is very unique." Cross said, sitting at his desk.

The whole situation seemed suspicious to me. I hate Kaname, but the monster always followed the protocols that the Head Master had established for the Night Class. Bringing in this girl with hardly any notice and no background was just strange.

"Did either of you see her while the Night Class was on their way here?"

"I saw her," Yuuki said, a thoughtful expression on her face. "She seemed friendly but really nervous and scared. I noticed that Hikaru was staying close to her."

"She didn't seem much like a vampire," I said without really meaning to.

"Why do you say that?" Cross asked me.

I wanted to ignore his question, but I kept talking. "I don't know, there was just something about her that seemed... not like them. It's hard to describe."

When someone knocked on the door, I was actually relieved for once that Kaname had arrived. He entered first, holding the door open for the blonde girl. Now that she was close, I could see her chocolate brown eyes and I nearly gasped in surprise. There was no sheen to them that was common for vampires. And now that she wasn't surrounded by other vampires, I could easily tell that she wasn't one of them.

But what really shocked me was the power I felt pulsing from her. It was strong, almost overpowering and felt as if she was pulling me toward her without meaning to. And her scent... My throat suddenly felt dry and my head ached as my body clamored with need.

Not now, not in front of everyone. Control yourself! After a few deep breaths, I opened my eyes and was shocked to see that the blonde girl was in front of me, concern written all over her face.

"Are you okay? It looked like you were having a panic attack."

Scowling at her, I stepped away to lean against the far wall and crossed my arms over my chest. Her eyes didn't leave me, the entire time.

"Welcome to Cross Academy, I am Head Master Cross."

"Hi, my name is Lucy Heartfilia. It's nice to meet you," she said, giving off that brighter than sunshine smile again.

"Heartfilia... I can't say that I know of any vampire aristocratic families that go by that name. Are you a lost lineage?"

The girl gasped and her face turned red. If I had had any doubts before, they were gone now. Whoever and whatever this girl was, she wasn't a vampire. So what was she doing joining the Night Class?

"I'm not a vampire! I... um... I'm not exactly human either but..." she trailed off.

"I'm confused, if you're not a vampire but not human, what are you?" Cross asked.

"I... well... I'm not from this world. I'm a mage from a place called Fiore. I was sent here by a dark mage in an effort to kill me."

All of us had to wearing identical expressions of confusion. At least everyone except Kaname and Lucy. A mage from another world? That's not possible!

"You expect us to believe that?" I snapped at her, causing her to glare at me.

"It's the truth, and I can prove it too." She quickly reached under the right side of her skirt and grabbed what looked like a key. I felt her power rise around her and drew my gun, but she was faster. "Open, Gate of the Twins, Gemini!"

There was a flash of gold light that forced me to shield my eyes. When I was able to see again, I gasped and nearly dropped my gun in shock. Right there, hovering in the middle of the room, were two small, blue creatures that almost seemed to be dancing.

"Hello, Miss Lucy," they said in unison.

"What can we..." said the one on the left

"Do for you?" the one on the right finished.

Lucy smiled before looking at me and pointing. "He doesn't believe that I'm a mage from Fiore. Let's prove it to him, show him what you can do!"

The two blue creatures flew toward me quickly. They didn't hurt me, but touched my hand before being obscured in a cloud of smoke. When the smoke cleared, I had to lean against the wall to stay upright. I was looking at Ichiru. At least, that's what I thought at first. Then my mind got over the initial shock and I saw my tattoo of the left side on its neck. That's when I realized that it had transformed into me.

The other me, his eyes went wide for a moment before placing a hand on his head, as if it was hurting. When our eyes met each other, I saw sadness and pain, just like I did every time I looked in the mirror. Then he lowered his hand and smiled at me. "Seeing me must be strange, reminds you of when you were a kid, doesn't it? Looking at Ichiru was like looking at a mirror, and it's the same feeling now."

"Shut up!" I yelled as I took aim with my gun, but I didn't fire. There was another cloud of smoke and the other me disappeared. Now there were two Lucy's! They were so identical that it was unnerving.

"These are the celestial spirits Gemi and Mini, also known as Gemini. I summoned them from the Celestial Spirit World. They have the ability to change their form into anyone they touch and have access to their thoughts as well," said the first Lucy.

"We are also one of the twelve Zodiac keys, which makes us one of the strongest spirits around. But we're still not as strong as the Leo the Lion, but Miss Lucy has possession of his key too," said the second Lucy.

"So, now do you believe me?" Said the first Lucy.

Still in a bit of shock, I lowered my gun and just stared at them. Yuuki looked seemed amazed as she stepped forward to examine both Lucys more closely. The second Lucy giggled as Yuuki gently poked her cheek, then she did the same to the first Lucy.

"I really can't tell the difference between them. I've never seen anything like this." She said as her sights switched from one blonde to the other.

"I've never heard of any vampire being able to do this, not even a pure blood vampire," Cross said as he watched with wide-eyed fascination.

There was another poof of smoke and the second Lucy turned back into the floating blue creatures. "Thank you, Gemini. You can got back now." The real Lucy smiled at them.

As they faded away in cloud of gold dust, I continued to stare. I could concede that Lucy wasn't a vampire and definitely wasn't a human. But a mage from another world? It didn't seem real, but there really was no other explanation.

"How is this possible?" I muttered.

"Perhaps it would be best if you explained exactly what happened," Cross said as he watched her from his seat behind his desk.

Lucy didn't hesitate to explain what had happened to her. The mage, the portal, waking up in the Moon Dorm surrounded by the Night Class. I admit, I wish I had been there to see her summon the spirit that had taken a shot at Aidou. Kaname also explained how the dorm had been woken up to a great amount of power, when they went to investigate, they had found Lucy unconscious at their front step.

"Miss Heartfilia, I hope you understand just how difficult it is to believe your story," Cross said, his chin resting on his hands. "If you hadn't summoned Gemini right in front of me, I might not have even believed Kaname about you. But it is clear that you are not a vampire or a human, so you must be what you say you are."

"I have no reason to lie, and I apologize if my being here causes any trouble. But I swear that I am only here until my guild figures out a way to bring me back home to my world. That is, if there's even a way to get me back," she said as her face dropped.

"Is there a reason you wish to stay with the Night Class?" Cross asked her.

I was curious about that too. Only vampires were supposed to be in the Night Class and humans were in the Day Class. But then, Lucy wasn't either and her magic could prove to be a problem.

"I was told that it would be safer for me to remain in the Night Class so they could protect me from the Level E vampires. And then there's my magic. Some of my spirits have a tendency to pop in on their own to check on me or protect me if I'm in danger. If I'm in the Day Class and they do that, it would be a little difficult to explain," she told us.

Can't argue with that, I already have problems hiding what I am from Yuuki and everyone else. Plus, her scent and power feel like they're drawing me to her. If I was a Level E vampire, I wouldn't hesitate to drink her blood. But having her live with all those vampires, what's to stop them from sneaking into her room while she's sleeping and bleeding her dry?

"I agree that the Day Class isn't the best option, but neither is the Night Class," I told her, not bothering to hide the glare that I directed at Kaname. "The power you hold is only going to tempt them until they can't hold back any more and they end up killing you. It would be better to take you to the Hunters Association." It didn't escape my notice that she flinched and started shaking when I mentioned her being killed, but her fear was considerably more than I thought it would be and I couldn't help but wonder why.

"Would that really be the best option?" Cross countered. "You know my standing with the Hunter's Association isn't the best, but I know them well enough to know what they would do to her. She may not be a vampire, but she is different from us. If we take her to them, it will go one of two ways. They will either lock her up to examine her and her powers, or they will turn her into a hunter and pair her off with another hunter to become a wife."

Dammit, they would do that. The number of hunters had gone down in recent years but the need for them had not. If someone as powerful as Lucy ended up on their doorstep, they would marry her off to the most powerful hunter they had just to breed more.

"That being the case, and because this situation is not something I ever dreamed of happening, I will follow your recommendation, Kaname," Cross said, his expression surprisingly serious. "Miss Heartfilia will be a Night Class student. However, because she qualifies as human, she will be free to switch dorms if she so chooses as well as walk around during the day. But I do recommend that if she does come out during the day, that either Zero or Yuuki escort her to protect her from any Level E vampires that may attack her."

"Is that alright, Lucy?" Kaname asked her.

The fear that I had seen earlier was gone, replaced by determination. "I'll follow the rules that you've given me. I will also help you whenever I can so long as you treat me and my spirits with respect. But I will not allow myself to be turned over to anyone who wants to use me for their own personal gain or marry me off to the highest bidder. Agreed?"

She's looking all of us directly in the eye without fear, I've never seen anyone do something like that except for Yuuki. To say that I was shocked would be an understatement. I was even more surprised by what she had said about not allowing herself to be used or married off to the highest bidder. It gave me the feeling that she had dealt with something like that before. This girl was someone that would not back down from a fight and I couldn't help but respect her for that. Right then, I knew that I was in trouble. This girl, very well could be the end of me.

General POV

Lucy still felt a little on edge after the meeting with Head Master Cross, Kaname, and the Disciplinary Committee members Yuuki and Zero. Especially Zero, he didn't seem to trust her and it had made her nervous when he had pointed that gun at Gemini. It had taken a lot of restraint not to give him a hard Lucy-Kick to the jaw for threatening her friends. But it wasn't just that, she could sense something about him that wasn't quite normal, especially when he had that panic attack. If she was back in Fiore, she'd think that he was a mage, but that wasn't quite right.

Giving her head a shake, she walked with Kaname to the room the Night Class was using. Kaname had made a point in telling them that Lucy would be speaking about her world and her magic. When the Head Master had gone into a giddy state she had nearly backed out of the room, freaked out by what she had seen. It was a relief to see that Yuuki and Zero seemed just as disturbed by his outburst.

When they entered the room, Hikaru was instantly by her side. She couldn't help but smile at him even though he didn't smile back, that bothered her a little. She knew that there were people who didn't usually smile much and Hikaru was probably one of them, but Lucy was sure that she could wear him down and get him to smile a little.

"How did the meeting go," he asked her as they sat down in a spot that was slightly away from everyone else.

"The Head Master is... interesting and Yuuki seemed really nice."

His eyes bored into hers for a moment, searching. "And Zero? Did he try to hurt you?"

She didn't mean to do it, but her eyes dropped which caused Hikaru to grimace. "He didn't hurt me, but when I used my magic to show them that I was a mage, I think I freaked him out. After that, he wanted to turn me over to the Hunter's Association, Head Master Cross had to convince him that it was a bad idea."

"It's a very bad idea," Aidou said as he join them, sitting on the table Lucy was using. "You are one of a kind in this world and there's no telling what they would do with you."

A dark expression suddenly graced Lucy's features, surprising and scaring Aidou and Hikaru in the process."According to Cross, they probably would have married me off to a hunter, and I can just imagine why." She told them, unable to hold back the venom in her voice. "I already escaped one arranged marriage back home, I refuse to deal with it again in this world."

"Why were you in an arranged marriage?" Aidou asked her. He didn't know a lot about her world yet, but at least here in their world arranged marriages were something aristocrats would do. Did that mean...

She scoffed and looked away from him. "My father wanted to further his business, so he tried to marry me off to a rude, disgusting Duke that I wanted nothing to do with. That was one of the reasons I ran away from home to join a magic guild," Lucy explained, not realizing that everyone in the room was able to hear her.

She's an aristocrat in her world? Wow, I didn't see that coming. But maybe I should have, she carries herself with class and has the beauty of a noble. Maybe it is fate that she ended up here. I can just imagine what would happen if the parents of Night Class found out about her. She might not be a vampire, but she's powerful, and that's what they really pay attention to.

"Lucy, I hate to interrupt, but we're all eager to hear about your world," Takuma said as he approached them. Aidou had to grit his teeth to keep from baring his fangs. He didn't mean to, but he wanted to keep Takuma away from her.

"Of course," she said as she smiled. her smile was enough to make him gasp. She was radiant as the sun when she smiled. Aidou wasn't the only one that was effected by it either. A glance around the showed almost everyone being drawn in by her smile and warm personality.

Lucy got up from her seat and walked down to the front of the room and sat on the teacher's desk rather behind it. Hikaru followed her up and stood off to the side between her and the door. Everyone could tell that he placed himself there in case someone came through the door, he would be able to intercept the person. Kaname was especially pleased with how seriously Hikaru was taking his self-appointed position as Lucy bodyguard.

"First off, hi everyone!" She greeted everyone in the room with that same radiant smile. "My name is Lucy Heartfilia and I am a celestial spirit mage for the world Earthland. I know that you probably have a lot of questions about my world, and lucky for you, I love to read so I actually know a lot about the history of Earthland and magic. But I'm afraid that there's far too much to go over in one night. So what I'm planning is to have all of you choose the subject that you would like me to talk about and I can take it from there."

Kaname was the first to speak. "In that case, tell us about the commonality of magic in your world. Is it something that only a select few have access to, or is it something that everyone has?"

Lucy smiled at him. "That's actually the perfect place to start! In the kingdom of Fiore, magic is very common. It's found in every home, bought and sold in every market place, and is considered a part of everyday life. But for other people, magic is considered an art and they have devoted their lives to its practice. Those people are mages like me. Mages are known for banding together in guilds to finds jobs and achieve fame and fortune. There are guilds all over Fiore and each of them have multiple mages that call those guilds home. And the guild that I call home," her smile grew as she held up her hand, "is Fairy Tail!"

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